Liberal County in NoVa Giving Basic Income to Low-Income Because….Other People Have More Money than they Do

Go where? Hous paid for long ago ..parasite? For working? You lost this debate big time.
Why should I keep an open mind? I am opposed to people being given money for no other reason than “other people have more and we need to make things more equal”. We are already handing out so much free stuff - subsidized or free rent, free meals, food stamps, Medicaid, government support checks, etc. etc. - that people have no incentivize to learn a trade or profession that will enable them to support themselves.
"Why should I keep an open mind?" Well, there it is, folks. :heehee:
UBI or Universal Basic Income is something that a lot of people have pondered over for a long time. Some, like Andrew Yang, have speculated that it could save the country money in the long term as a replacement to food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, etc.

I'm open to seeing whether or not it can work. Nothing wrong with experimentation.
we can always import more haitians and afghans and somalians to do the work
Why will the paper mill be gone? You are against workers making a decent wage? Explain your stance.
It’s the ticking reply button you retarded fuck. The second one from the right at the bottom. Maybe you should take a break from the board and figure that out so we know who the hell you’re taking to.
UBI or Universal Basic Income is something that a lot of people have pondered over for a long time. Some, like Andrew Yang, have speculated that it could save the country money in the long term as a replacement to food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, etc.

I'm open to seeing whether or not it can work. Nothing wrong with experimentation.
Get real. The government never replaces programs. It adds new shit and keeps the old. The idea UBI would replace food stamps and other welfare is a naive pipe dream.
You're an ignorant fuck. There has been no debate. Your trolling is all you've offered, so if you have nothing of substance just run along parasite. What have you offered to society to justify your useless existence?
That guy is a bigtime liar. He's been busted lying and just disappears then shows up with another lie in another thread, like a whack a mole.
There are alit of jobs open. That enables the hardest working people on this earth(Americans) pick the highest paying ones they can find. Workers are gaining a little. That's a great thing. Nobody loses.
Workers making a higher wage, businesses having to compete hard for workers, is a good thing. Everyone wins.
Workers making a higher wage, businesses having to compete hard for workers, is a good thing. Everyone wins.
Business has always competed for "qualified" workers. They have paid people for the value of their work. If you sweep floors for a living, you can't expect the same wage as someone who keeps your car running. A floor sweeper needs to increase his value by improving his skills, otherwise he will remain a low wage worker.
I agree. So if those jobs aren't that valuable then if some of them go unfilled is that such a bad thing?

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