Liberal County in NoVa Giving Basic Income to Low-Income Because….Other People Have More Money than they Do

UBI or Universal Basic Income is something that a lot of people have pondered over for a long time. Some, like Andrew Yang, have speculated that it could save the country money in the long term as a replacement to food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, etc.

I'm open to seeing whether or not it can work. Nothing wrong with experimentation.

Fairfax County is not the federal government, so of course they aren't removing the other benefits. How can they?

The welfare state isn't going away. Once it's here, it's here. May as well find a way to make it less costly if possible. If UBI does that then good. If it doesn't, then it doesn't.
LefTard Logic:
“I have a great idea; let’s incentivize our lowest grade bottom feeders to run their baby factories because we know their children will turn out to be such fine human beings.”
Yang was/is the only one of the presidential candidates who has a reasonable grasp of where the macro nature of the economy is headed.

He's also the only one of the presidential candidates who knows that we have to change our electoral system before it kills us.

LefTard Logic:
“I have a great idea; let’s incentivize our lowest grade bottom feeders to run their baby factories because we know their children will turn out to be such fine human beings.”
I think your numbers are a bit high--I figure after the deductions you listed the numbers would be more like 30K to 35K--if they budget.
Yes, that’s probably closer. The Dems are creating a country where nobody will be willing to take a job paying $60,000 or less - which is half the country.

So not only will we have half the country not paying income taxes, as we do now, this same half will refuse to work at all and become government welfare cases.
No employee in America works to this point who is not a farm worker. American workers are spoiled.
Yup - today at least. My grandparents worked in sweatshops - no air conditioning - 10 hours a day and a half-day Saturday. They had no rent subsidies, food stamps, free lunch for their son (my dad), free health care, etc, etc.

And they didn’t complain. Their attitude was that you did what you had to do to get by. That was back in the day when Americans had a backbone.
Good grief. Low-income people didn’t have to to pay rent for a year, are now getting a $300 per child per month government support check, Medicaid for the whole family, free school lunches, and now…..a “basic additional handout.”

Lol, hate to scare the holy loving shit out of ya but life as we know it is going to radically change over the next fifty years. There is a good reason they are experimenting with basic income.

This is over the next 8 years. The trend will only speed up
So why are you recruiting wetbacks by the millions if that’s what the future holds for America?
Lol, we aren't. The rate at which humans are losing jobs to machines is going to increase. The immigrants are a piss in the ocean compared to the real problem just around the corner. Better pay attention to the real problem. It's coming.
This is not the first time a UBI experiment has been run in the US. Stockton, California started on in 2018, and the results have been positive.

A high-profile universal basic income experiment in Stockton, Calif., which gave randomly selected residents $500 per month for two years with no strings attached, measurably improved participants' job prospects, financial stability and overall well-being, according to a newly released study of the program's first year.

You can read all about UBI experiments around the world here: Everywhere basic income has been tried, in one map

Contrary to your preconceived biases, these experiments do not turn the recipients into fat, lazy, good-for-nothings. It has had positive outcomes.

That's neat. Your link doesn't provide any positives, 1-2 simple pipedreams with NO POSITIVE RESULTS.
That's neat. Your link doesn't provide any positives, 1-2 simple pipedreams with NO POSITIVE RESULTS.
Agree. The idea that handing people even more money, no strings attached, “improved their job prospects” is ridiculous.

If anything, the monthly $500 given out (in addition to all the welfare these people are already getting) should have been allocated directly to a job training program, among a list of approved trades. Taxpayers would then be spending money only on low-income people who actively participate in improving their earning ability, Instead of people who are free to spend it however they want - including on cigarettes and alcohol.
It’s crazy how in just the last few years society as a whole is expected to adjust to the lowest common denominator.

A few people Not working at all should be paid enough to live comfortably. Society has to make that happen.

A handful of freaks think men can be women and society has to accommodate them.

It’s ridiculous.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What is really funny is how many people believe that government is somehow qualified to redistribute wealth and dictate how money is spent but never ask to see the results of government spending. In all other situations people give money for products or services and they insist and even demand some type of assurance that their purchase will deliver on the promised results.

Government has never been held to that standard - it spends without accountability or responsibility towards the taxpayer.

Our government spends money in search of votes - nothing more - and that's a lousy investment.

Agree. The idea that handing people even more money, no strings attached, “improved their job prospects” is ridiculous.

If anything, the monthly $500 given out (in addition to all the welfare these people are already getting) should have been allocated directly to a job training program, among a list of approved trades. Taxpayers would then be spending money only on low-income people who actively participate in improving their earning ability, Instead of people who are free to spend it however they want - including on cigarettes and alcohol.
And fentanyl.
to run their baby factories because we know their children will turn out to be such fine human beings.”

They couldn't turn out any worse than YOU. And there are no "baby factories," fool. Fertility rates are plummeting.
They couldn't turn out any worse than YOU. And there are no "baby factories," fool. Fertility rates are plummeting.
Hahaha…come on Humberto…Your brown cockroaches don’t know how to shut down the baby factory….that’s why they have to break into neighboring nations and force whitey to feed their silver tooth filth for them.
They couldn't turn out any worse than YOU. And there are no "baby factories," fool. Fertility rates are plummeting.
Overall they are - for the middle class who have to support their children and thus limit themselves to two. The low income, with their rent subsidies, government child support checks, food stamps, free health care, etc., etc., are continuing to pump them out, at least here in DC.

The women who are completely welfare dependent - with incomes below $10,000 - have the highest rate.

Well, what about me? My doctor has more money than I do so I should get more. And what about people who make more than him? And more than them?

If you don't have much money (aside from very rare instances) then that's your fault. My grandma grew up using boiled dandelion stems as filler for meals and made her own panties and bra out of used feed sacks hand she didn't graduate the 10th grade. But now she lives in a nice 250,000 dollar condo at the age of 93 and has a 2020 Ford fusion both paid for and she is happy. Why? Because she worked smart and saved money.

Not everyone can be rich, but almost everyone can be comfortable if they chose to be.

The problem is we coddle people with no ambition.
Overall they are - for the middle class who have to support their children and thus limit themselves to two. The low income, with their rent subsidies, government child support checks, food stamps, free health care, etc., etc., are continuing to pump them out, at least here in DC.

The women who are completely welfare dependent - with incomes below $10,000 - have the highest rate.

Look at the bright side, maybe fentanyl ODs will increase.
Let's see how it works out.

Gonna keep an open mind about it OP?
Even assuming Fairfax is correct in saying they have generational poverty, as opposed to people falling and getting up, and other falling and getting up ....., how will giving people money further their drive to better their lives?
Overall they are - for the middle class who have to support their children and thus limit themselves to two. The low income, with their rent subsidies, government child support checks, food stamps, free health care, etc., etc., are continuing to pump them out, .....

"In the United States, fertility rates have fallen since 1990 among all major racial/ethnic groups, declining fastest among African Americans and Latinas."
Look at the bright side, maybe fentanyl ODs will increase.
I don’t want anyone to O.D. I would like to see young women in their 20s, already with multiple children being supported with other people’s money, refrain from having a fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth. They give no thought to whether or not they can afford them, since they know leftists will take from retired elderly or whomever to cover their expenses.

"The birth rate for women across the board is down, but the sharpest decline is among Hispanic women."


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