Liberal Elites Can't Understand "Real Guy" DJT

President of the United States Donald J. Trump is so misunderstood by liberal media and liberal elites.
What's fascinating about this is the fact that they consider The Media to be Sacrosanct, Beyond Reproach, and Above Criticism Of Any Kind.

Then comes along this guy who just laughs in their face.

It would be one thing if the public agreed with the elites that the media is special. But they simply do not. In fact, their approvals are even below those of Trump.

Just as the Democrats have STILL not figured out that THEIR BEHAVIORS played a role in getting Trump elected, the media still hasn't figured out that few people take them as seriously as they take themselves.

Coincidence? Probably not.
Yes! The media and left believe that they themselves can establish the parameters of what is, and isn't "Presidential"; and from that they craft their attacks, and arguments. Then along comes Trump, who says things plainly, talks straight over the heads of the media, and directly to the people...
Thus leaving the left, and the media completely befuddled.
President of the United States Donald J. Trump is so misunderstood by liberal media and liberal elites. Average Americans understand him completely and laugh their asses off when he slams them and exposes them for the phony people that they are. He is the modern Andrew Jackson! Man of the people.
Trump blasts ‘out of control’ media, defends agenda at heated press conference

Andrew Jackson? isn't he the jerk that invited the mob into the whitehouse
for a CHEESE PARTY-------and the cleaning crew has been scraping cheese
out of the carpets since?
We understand Trump very well. He's a megalomaniac who by the equivalent of a 100 year flood of political rarity, unpredictability, and calamity,

happened to get elected to a job he has no business in.
President of the United States Donald J. Trump is so misunderstood by liberal media and liberal elites. Average Americans understand him completely and laugh their asses off when he slams them and exposes them for the phony people that they are. He is the modern Andrew Jackson! Man of the people.
Trump blasts ‘out of control’ media, defends agenda at heated press conference

Your high praise for Trump is to compare him to a Southern Democrat?

That's rather odd in the context of all the other stuff that gets tossed around by RWnuts here regarding southern Democrats of the past.
So Trump is like Andrew Jackson!?!

I never knew Trump was a great Military Mind that defended the nation from the British invasion...

Also when did Trump become Democratic!?!

Will Trump leave the country debtless like Jackson did and no other President before or after him have yet to replicate!?!

No, Trump has nothing in common with Andrew Jackson including racism and genocide which Jackson is known for.

Trump is another Nixon!
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The media has become sacrosanct and their protection has been abused by people with a given agenda.

In other words all the whining sounds like just another version of the race card, or the gender card, or whatever, and a lot of people are sick of the manipulation and abuse of all of these things.

Get back to reporting the news instead of spreading propaganda and maybe people will actually give half a shit again.
We shouldn't blame Trump. It was the fact that the two party dictatorship offered the binary minded American voters such ridiculous choices. The result; Donald stumbled in. The rest of the world cannot understand it.
President of the United States Donald J. Trump is so misunderstood by liberal media and liberal elites. Average Americans understand him completely and laugh their asses off when he slams them and exposes them for the phony people that they are. He is the modern Andrew Jackson! Man of the people.
Trump blasts ‘out of control’ media, defends agenda at heated press conference

Andrew Jackson? isn't he the jerk that invited the mob into the whitehouse
for a CHEESE PARTY-------and the cleaning crew has been scraping cheese
out of the carpets since?
He was the peoples President.
We shouldn't blame Trump. It was the fact that the two party dictatorship offered the binary minded American voters such ridiculous choices. The result; Donald stumbled in. The rest of the world cannot understand it.
You still sitting on that unicorn statue?
So Trump is like Andrew Jackson!?!

I never knew Trump was a great Military Mind that defended the nation from the British invasion...

Also when did Trump become Democratic!?!

Will Trump leave the country debtless like Jackson did and no other President before or after him have yet to replicate!?!

No, Trump has nothing in common with Andrew Jackson including racism and genocide which Jackson is known for.

Trump is another Nixon!
Nixon was a good President as well.
President of the United States Donald J. Trump is so misunderstood by liberal media and liberal elites. Average Americans understand him completely and laugh their asses off when he slams them and exposes them for the phony people that they are. He is the modern Andrew Jackson! Man of the people.
Trump blasts ‘out of control’ media, defends agenda at heated press conference
He is an out of control petulant child, who idiots adore.
Says the crybaby.
Donald Trump isn't a "real guy." He wouldn't have beer with you. He doesn't want to sit on the couch in your shitty double wide and watch sports with you. He doesn't even like you people.

Do you know how we know this? Don't pay attention to his words, watch his actions.

His actions: he's a billionaire who has supplemented his income by screwing real guys who did work for him: electricians, carpenters, plumbers, heating & air conditioning guys. Those are real guys. He could have paid these guys what he owed them, but he preferred to put their small businesses out of business so he could make an extra $20k on a billion dollar property.

This is not a person who likes regular guys. He's faking it so you will keep supporting him so he can do what he wants, and make even more money in the future.

You know who's a real guy? My dad, who installed heating & air conditioning systems for over 30 years to support our family. That's a real guy. He paid his subcontractors what he owed them, and always paid his employees fairly, and made sure that they had health insurance. That's a real guy.

And, for the record, you don't get to claim you're resisting the elites when you just elected a billionaire who then stuffed his cabinet full of other billionaires.

Donald Trump is as fake as Kim Kardashian's ass.

And you should buy a fucking dictionary.
President of the United States Donald J. Trump is so misunderstood by liberal media and liberal elites. Average Americans understand him completely and laugh their asses off when he slams them and exposes them for the phony people that they are. He is the modern Andrew Jackson! Man of the people.
Trump blasts ‘out of control’ media, defends agenda at heated press conference

Andrew Jackson? isn't he the jerk that invited the mob into the whitehouse
for a CHEESE PARTY-------and the cleaning crew has been scraping cheese
out of the carpets since?
He was the peoples President.

yes------and other than that?
The left bragged that they had the election in the bag, then surprise Trump kicked their ass in the biggest upset in a century. Naturally the left are completely unhinged. Its one thing to lose an election but to lose an election to an amateur politician with bad hair who had never run for office before? Ouch! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Donald Trump isn't a "real guy." He wouldn't have beer with you. He doesn't want to sit on the couch in your shitty double wide and watch sports with you. He doesn't even like you people.

Do you know how we know this? Don't pay attention to his words, watch his actions.

His actions: he's a billionaire who has supplemented his income by screwing real guys who did work for him: electricians, carpenters, plumbers, heating & air conditioning guys. Those are real guys. He could have paid these guys what he owed them, but he preferred to put their small businesses out of business so he could make an extra $20k on a billion dollar property.

This is not a person who likes regular guys. He's faking it so you will keep supporting him so he can do what he wants, and make even more money in the future.

You know who's a real guy? My dad, who installed heating & air conditioning systems for over 30 years to support our family. That's a real guy. He paid his subcontractors what he owed them, and always paid his employees fairly, and made sure that they had health insurance. That's a real guy.

And, for the record, you don't get to claim you're resisting the elites when you just elected a billionaire who then stuffed his cabinet full of other billionaires.

Donald Trump is as fake as Kim Kardashian's ass.

And you should buy a fucking dictionary.
He is no pussified Democrat.
President of the United States Donald J. Trump is so misunderstood by liberal media and liberal elites. Average Americans understand him completely and laugh their asses off when he slams them and exposes them for the phony people that they are. He is the modern Andrew Jackson! Man of the people.
Trump blasts ‘out of control’ media, defends agenda at heated press conference

Andrew Jackson? isn't he the jerk that invited the mob into the whitehouse
for a CHEESE PARTY-------and the cleaning crew has been scraping cheese
out of the carpets since?
He was the peoples President.

yes------and other than that?
He was awesome.
Donald Trump isn't a "real guy." He wouldn't have beer with you. He doesn't want to sit on the couch in your shitty double wide and watch sports with you. He doesn't even like you people.

Do you know how we know this? Don't pay attention to his words, watch his actions.

His actions: he's a billionaire who has supplemented his income by screwing real guys who did work for him: electricians, carpenters, plumbers, heating & air conditioning guys. Those are real guys. He could have paid these guys what he owed them, but he preferred to put their small businesses out of business so he could make an extra $20k on a billion dollar property.

This is not a person who likes regular guys. He's faking it so you will keep supporting him so he can do what he wants, and make even more money in the future.

You know who's a real guy? My dad, who installed heating & air conditioning systems for over 30 years to support our family. That's a real guy. He paid his subcontractors what he owed them, and always paid his employees fairly, and made sure that they had health insurance. That's a real guy.

And, for the record, you don't get to claim you're resisting the elites when you just elected a billionaire who then stuffed his cabinet full of other billionaires.

Donald Trump is as fake as Kim Kardashian's ass.

And you should buy a fucking dictionary.
He is no pussified Democrat.

My dad is not a democrat. He's a republican. But he abhors the classless Donald Trump. My dad is old school. He is a real guy who did business on a handshake, keeps his promises, and treats people like gold.

Donald Trump is NOTHING like that.

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