Liberal Fascism on Display


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Yesterday, a Liberal fascist actually as much as admitted his desire to restrict speech and thought of those who disagree with Leftist orthodoxy, and posted this:
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
That astounding admission made this OP necessary.......clearly, my work here isn't complete.

Let's begin:

1. There is the term "Islamofascism" applied to the radical Muslims who behave in the manner that we have seen Communists and Nazis act....they murder their own people.
For said groups, slaughter is justified, according to all of these movements, if individuals under their control do not act, think, and speak exactly as the predator demands....
or else they 'bury you for your own good.'

The fact is, Islamofascists have probably slaughtered more Muslims than non-Muslims, just as Stalin slaughtered more Russians than he did Germans.

a. "Over the years, Sunni–Shia relations have been marked by both cooperation and conflict. Sectarian violence persists to this day from Pakistan to Yemen and is a major element of friction throughout the Middle East.[5][6] Tensions between communities have intensified during power struggles, such as the Bahraini uprising, the Iraq War, and most recently the Syrian Civil War[7][8][9]and in the formation of the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and its advancement on Syria and Northern Iraq.

On the Shia side, in early February 2006 militia-dominated government death squads were reportedly "tortur[ing] to death or summarily" executing "hundreds" of Sunnis "every month in Baghdad alone," many arrested at random.[115][116][117]According to the British television Channel 4, from 2005 through early 2006, commandos of the Ministry of the Interior which is controlled by theBadr Organization, and

...who are almost exclusively Shia Muslims — have been implicated in rounding up and killing thousands of ordinary Sunni civilians.[118]

The violence shows little sign of getting opposite sides to back down." Shia–Sunni relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same faith, same Q'ran, same culture....but they murder any who don't toe the exact same line.

This is a very important characteristic of this certain mentality: zero tolerance for any deviation or dissent.
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."

And, it is one more of the consubstantial features shared by all of the following:
Communists, Nazis, Islamofascists, Liberals and Progressives....none of these totalist movements brook any deviation, nor less than 100% agreement.

2. In our society, the same level of intolerance, but not yet to the same level of eradication, is found in Liberalism.
Let me introduce Brandon Ambrosino...
Brandon is a gay journalist, and works for a number of Liberal publications and blogs.

"Brandon Ambrosino is a writer and professional dancer based in Baltimore. He has written forMcSweeney's,The Huffington Post, Gawker,Buzzfeed, andBaltimore Magazine."
Brandon Ambrosino

What could be wrong with Brandon, as far as the Left is concerned?
Simple: his view is a variation of the Left' he must be excoriated, and punished....fired.

No deviation, nor less than 100% agreement, is allowed by the Liberal fascists.
Your posts are always fun to laugh at, you're actually living in fear. U.S. Liberals are going to round up the whites and exterminate them while forcing them to have homosexual mating HURR DURR DURR
Oh my. Just the other day she called me a liar when I said that within a month she would start this same thread over again.

It was closer to within a week.

The Liberal Commitment..... | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Us liberal psychics have done it again.

It's nothing more than the power to make an accurate prediction based on analyzing the data and what statistical probabilities they show for future actions.

In other words, I've seen PoliticalChic's act.
The opening line to all of PC's threads should be

"...Stop me if you've heard this one..."

And stopping of any dissent in thought or speech is your raison d'ê a Liberal fascist.

The admission from one of your own:
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
The Unknown Liberal fascist.
The opening line to all of PC's threads should be

"...Stop me if you've heard this one..."

And stopping of any dissent in thought or speech is your raison d'ê a Liberal fascist.

The admission from one of your own:
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
The Unknown Liberal fascist.

You don't seem to tolerate disagreement very well.
The opening line to all of PC's threads should be

"...Stop me if you've heard this one..."

And stopping of any dissent in thought or speech is your raison d'ê a Liberal fascist.

The admission from one of your own:
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
The Unknown Liberal fascist.

You started a thread Wednesday ranting about Liberal 'intolerance'. If you had more of that to rant about, why didn't you do so in the thread that you'd already started?

Oh, the answer is, because you wanted to run away from all of the posts in that thread that had thoroughly demolished your nonsensical arguments.

That has been your modus operandi for years.
The opening line to all of PC's threads should be

"...Stop me if you've heard this one..."

And stopping of any dissent in thought or speech is your raison d'ê a Liberal fascist.

The admission from one of your own:
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
The Unknown Liberal fascist.

You started a thread Wednesday ranting about Liberal 'intolerance'. If you had more of that to rant about, why didn't you do so in the thread that you'd already started?

Oh, the answer is, because you wanted to run away from all of the posts in that thread that had thoroughly demolished your nonsensical arguments.

That has been your modus operandi for years.

Au contraire.

Your question was answered in the first few lines of the OP.
Read 'em again.

Glad to see the subject sticks in your craw.
I've only just begun.
The opening line to all of PC's threads should be

"...Stop me if you've heard this one..."

And stopping of any dissent in thought or speech is your raison d'ê a Liberal fascist.

The admission from one of your own:
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
The Unknown Liberal fascist.

You don't seem to tolerate disagreement very well.

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

I have no problem with disagreement.
I encourage anyone can see in my chosen threads.

I have a problem with Liberal fascism, which seeks to punish, fire, imprison those who disagree.
Later in the thread I'll teach you how Americans deal with those who disagree and dissent.
Pay attention.

Please....tell me you can't see the distinction.
3. "In 2014, Media Matters spearheaded a campaign to pressure Liberal columnist and editor of the new website, Ezra Klein, into firing journalist Brandon Ambrosino.
Ambrosino's sin? Though gay, he did not hold the 'correct' positions on homosexuality, including the suggestion that gay rights activists should be more tolerant of the opposition,
and find 'a way to condemn evil without condemning the evildoer' like Martin Luther King, Jr."
Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech,"p.143.

Ambrosino writes:

"The current landscape of queer politics is growing increasingly hostile. We no longer prize intellectual conversation, preferring instead to dismiss our opponents in 140-character feats of rhetoric. We routinely scour the private lives and social media accounts of our political opponents in the hopes of demonizing them as archaic, unthinking, and bigoted. Whenever we find an example of queer hatred, we are quick to convince the public that the only proper way to deal with these haters is to hate them."

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The unknown Liberal fascist.

For his 'own good,' Ambrosino must be saith the Liberal fascists.
The opening line to all of PC's threads should be

"...Stop me if you've heard this one..."

And stopping of any dissent in thought or speech is your raison d'ê a Liberal fascist.

The admission from one of your own:
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
The Unknown Liberal fascist.

You don't seem to tolerate disagreement very well.

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

I have no problem with disagreement.
I encourage anyone can see in my chosen threads.

I have a problem with Liberal fascism, which seeks to punish, fire, imprison those who disagree.
Later in the thread I'll teach you how Americans deal with those who disagree and dissent.
Pay attention.

Please....tell me you can't see the distinction.

You scampered away from the last thread without addressing the content of my posts or my concerns about double standards. For instance, you evaded this matter which I brought to your attention. It is a thread started by Tinydancer, who identifies herself as a conservative:

R candidates should bar/ban activists like Ramos:The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce positions' | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Tinydancer complained about Ramos's questioning of Trump, and wrote this in the opening post: "One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow. Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back. It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can."

If we use the same rationale that you use to brand liberals as "fascists", then the above is an example of CONSERVATIVE FASCISM.

Don't you also have a problem with conservative fascism, which seeks to punish?

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