Liberal fascism

When your only defense against a claim is saying the dictionary is biased and can't be trusted, you should rethink your standpoint a little bit.
Wrong. The dictionary is biased. They are all written by a gang of liberals.

What you are doing here is called the appeal to authority. It's a logical fallacy.
In that most are educated people, instead of ignorant like you.
Yeah, that's a hoax. The SPLC is a communist propaganda organ. They classified the IEW has a hate organization. Nothing they claim can be believed.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

That's hyperbole, moron.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit.
That shit is something Hitler would say.
One of the aspects of fascism is one-party rule. Ironically, these idiots are advocating exactly that even as they project fascism upon the left.

That's also an aspect of communism/socialism.

You haven't proven jack shit.
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.


The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit.
That shit is something Hitler would say.
One of the aspects of fascism is one-party rule. Ironically, these idiots are advocating exactly that even as they project fascism upon the left.

That's also an aspect of communism/socialism.

You haven't proven jack shit.
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
You get your word definitions from an Austrian Instistute website, comprised of articles that can be and probably are influenced by bias?

So you think the Dictionary isn't affected by bias?
When your only defense against a claim is saying the dictionary is biased and can't be trusted, you should rethink your standpoint a little bit.
Wrong. The dictionary is biased. They are all written by a gang of liberals.

What you are doing here is called the appeal to authority. It's a logical fallacy.
In that most are educated people, instead of ignorant like you.
Instead that you think some kind of super human who isn't affected by bias and prejudice writes Dictionaries.

And you call me ignorant?
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.


The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit.
That shit is something Hitler would say.
One of the aspects of fascism is one-party rule. Ironically, these idiots are advocating exactly that even as they project fascism upon the left.

That's also an aspect of communism/socialism.

You haven't proven jack shit.
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
One of the aspects of fascism is one-party rule. Ironically, these idiots are advocating exactly that even as they project fascism upon the left.
I read something funny today. It basically raised the point maybe Trump and the Gang are not good enough to create a fascist, authoritarian government.

Hitler was able to parlay his minority into implacable power because he organized a rigid, disciplined crew of sociopaths on a mission. Trump has the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.

To have an authoritarian state, you have to possess
not just the impulse to authoritarianism but the talent for it...

If Trump isn’t a fascist, or at least a successful one, he is something nearly as bad: Donald Trump is a solipsistic anarchist.
A what? I had to look that word up. Apparently, a solipsistic, is someone who believes in the theory that only the self exists. Now I'm not saying this is the reality we are facing, but it is an interesting perspective on The Donald and his "Our Gang" of Republicans.

In any case, we've gone from being a super-power, to a super-joke.

What Hitler had is a crew of people who were utterly ruthless and willing to murder people to achieve their ends. That sounds a lot more like Hillary and the Democrats than Trump.
I just read this article about liberal fascism, and it seemed like something that belongs on a political discussion board.

Sorry, But Our Fight Against Liberal Fascism Has Only Just Begun - Kurt Schlichter

The guy who wrote this article gets it! This is totally how I think about lefties. It felt like I wrote the article myself, only it was better. I would love to hear what some of you think of this article. Comments?

Your article speaks in nothing but Platitude. No substance other than the typical reich wing ranting rhetoric, and physcobabble.

You have elected a Ass Clown with no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.

On the contrary--you could not keep up in a knowledgable political debate if your life depended on it. You people really should not be voting.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a grasp of what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution


You couldn't have given Democrats a more fabulous gift than electing Donald Trump. You're going to pay dearly for it in 2018--2020--and beyond.
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One of the aspects of fascism is one-party rule. Ironically, these idiots are advocating exactly that even as they project fascism upon the left.

That's also an aspect of communism/socialism.

You haven't proven jack shit.
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
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That's also an aspect of communism/socialism.

You haven't proven jack shit.
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.

You just elected a fascist.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.

You just elected a fascist.

Despite the sooo compelling comic , people that support trump do not think this is true we believe another set of facts and logic then you do
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.
Since you don't know Left from Right, I won't ask who they were.
Yeah, that's a hoax. The SPLC is a communist propaganda organ. They classified the IEW has a hate organization. Nothing they claim can be believed.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

That's hyperbole, moron.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit.
That shit is something Hitler would say.
One of the aspects of fascism is one-party rule. Ironically, these idiots are advocating exactly that even as they project fascism upon the left.

That's also an aspect of communism/socialism.

You haven't proven jack shit.
You poor dumbfuck. Benito Mussolini proved it.

Your ignorance aside, I note, you still haven't said where your definition of fascism comes from since it obviously does not come from Fascist Italy.

I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said

Out of this, therefore, might be said to grow the idea for the exclusive party, limited in membership and exercising a determining influence on the social structure and the government, while according the masses a share in the power through the elected Chamber. In fact, however, the Fascist Party did not grow out of any such theory. The theory instead is a rationalization to provide the Fascist Party with an ethical basis. The party is a pure instrument of absolute power. But the idea invoked to defend it is not without its appeal to great numbers of people.

Show where Liberalism seeks "absolute power"... continues...

In which the government acknowledges no restraint upon its powers — totalitarianism

Show where Liberalism acknowledges they are not bound by the U.S. Constitution....

In which this unrestrained government is managed by a dictator — the leadership principle

Show where Liberalism seeks or promotes a dictatorship...

In which militarism is used as a conscious mechanism of government spending

Show where Liberalism promotes such spending...
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I just read this article about liberal fascism, and it seemed like something that belongs on a political discussion board.

Sorry, But Our Fight Against Liberal Fascism Has Only Just Begun - Kurt Schlichter

The guy who wrote this article gets it! This is totally how I think about lefties. It felt like I wrote the article myself, only it was better. I would love to hear what some of you think of this article. Comments?
You're article is full of shit and I will explain specifically why?

Statement from your article:
[liberals] can’t – pause to reflect on how they should stop being such insufferable jerks and live with us normals in peace and mutual respect.
You gotta be shitting me! Was there anything normal, or peaceful, or mutually respectful of the way you treated Barack Obama for the past 8 years?

Statement from your article:
...they are doubling down on their gambit for unrestrained power over every aspect of our lives...

You say this in spite of the fact that Trump is about to sign a bill that would allow everyone's private information on the internet to be sold to the highest bidder? Your social security number, your browsing history, everything you've said at websites like this one, all to be public knowledge once this bill is signed. And you have the gall to talk about us wanting power over every aspect of your lives? Psychologists call this "projection".

Statement from your article:
[liberals] fueled by a hatred for Donald Trump that is, in reality, a hatred for us.
You don't even explain that comment. You don't even say what that is based on. You just say it and leave it at that. That's pretty irresponsible. Liberals hate what Trump is doing and we hate the fact that you voted this prick into office, but to say we hate YOU, is bullshit. I believe you say that, because you want us to hate you.

Statement from your article:
Remember, they really do hate us. Just ask them.

Nobody has asked me.

Statement from your article:
They will side with the hoaxer even though every single “Trump-inspired hate crime” – and almost all others – turns out to be a hoax. Every. Single. One.

This is a hoax?

867 cases were all hoaxes?

The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 867 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation in the United States in the 10 days after the November 8 election.

Now this crap...

Statement from your article:
We must keep fighting. We must never give an inch, never back down, never give up. We must respond to every attack upon us, large or small, with overwhelming firepower. But defense is not enough – we must go on offense, seize the initiative, and aggressively destroy anything that will aid liberals in their long-term goal of rendering us silenced and subservient.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit. right out of Mein Kampf.
You're article is full of shit and I will explain specifically why?

Statement from your article:
[liberals] can’t – pause to reflect on how they should stop being such insufferable jerks and live with us normals in peace and mutual respect.
You gotta be shitting me! Was there anything normal, or peaceful, or mutually respectful of the way you treated Barack Obama for the past 8 years?

It is a pleasure to see a lefty drop in here and actually challenge the merits of the article. Most lefties want to discredit the article merely because of who published it, as if the publisher had anything to do with the content of the article. You have stepped up to the plate by going to the article instead of shooting the messenger.

On that note, it looks like you have brought up how I treated Obama during the last 8 years. By asking this, you have validated the part of the article that you quoted, by suggesting via your question that I have acted the same way, which basically acknowledges that lefties are indeed insufferable jerks who do not live with us normals in peace and mutual respect.

Statement from your article:
...they are doubling down on their gambit for unrestrained power over every aspect of our lives...

You say this in spite of the fact that Trump is about to sign a bill that would allow everyone's private information on the internet to be sold to the highest bidder? Your social security number, your browsing history, everything you've said at websites like this one, all to be public knowledge once this bill is signed. And you have the gall to talk about us wanting power over every aspect of your lives? Psychologists call this "projection".

I am not actually the one who wrote the article. I just read it and recognized a masterpiece.

Again, you have not denied that lefties are "doubling down on their gambit for unrestrained power over every aspect of our lives."
to. You introduced a bunch of lefty talking points, but have not denied the content of the article that you are supposed to be disputing. It would appear that you are instead trying to justify the truth that the article is presenting. You have not undone the part of the article that you tried to challenge, that lefties are "doubling down on their gambit for unrestrained power over every aspect of our lives."

Statement from your article:
[liberals] fueled by a hatred for Donald Trump that is, in reality, a hatred for us.
You don't even explain that comment. You don't even say what that is based on. You just say it and leave it at that. That's pretty irresponsible. Liberals hate what Trump is doing and we hate the fact that you voted this prick into office, but to say we hate YOU, is bullshit. I believe you say that, because you want us to hate you.

Again, I did not write the article, so don't hate me. I am only the messenger. Here is the deal. Lefties hate us.

Statement from your article:
Remember, they really do hate us. Just ask them.

Nobody has asked me.

Do you hate us?
I've already posted my definition of fascism. It comes from, and, no, Mussolini proved exactly what I said
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.

You just elected a fascist.

Almost every politician in Washington is a fascist, moron. You voted for a corrupt criminal
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.

You just elected a fascist.

Almost every politician in Washington is a fascist, moron. You voted for a corrupt criminal
How is every politician a fascist? If that were true we would be a fascist country.
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.

You just elected a fascist.

Almost every politician in Washington is a fascist, moron. You voted for a corrupt criminal
How is every politician a fascist? If that were true we would be a fascist country.
That one's not playin' with a full deck, if ya know what I mean.
Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist Party. He later founded Fascism..Far Right.
Why Leftists Go Right
He was kicked out for supporting the Italian entry into WW I. That hardly makes him "Far Right."

As always, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
Reagan went from Liberal Democrat to Far Right, it happens
That doesn't mean it happened to Mussolini. There is nothing about Mussolini's economic plans that screams "right wing." In fact, leftwingers at the time all raved about his economic policies.

You just elected a fascist.

Almost every politician in Washington is a fascist, moron. You voted for a corrupt criminal

Yeah Right--LOL As far as the criminal portion of your statement. Within two months of being in office we have 3 ongoing investigations. The House, the Senate, and the FBI all investigating Trump and his surrogates---whom appear to have colluded with Vladimir Putin another Facist dictator to interfere into an American Election--which is TREASON.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. And you'll probably learn a lot more about that Emoluments clause in the Constitution also.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution


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