Liberal fascism

Fascism is mostly a right wing phenomenon: jingoistic, nationalistic, racialistic, xeonophobic, culturally immature, anti-democracy, anti-educational, anti-intellectualism.

Lets see.......liberals are often associated by right wingers with socialistic/communistic policies.....

The eternal enemy of socialism/communism is fascism......

So, the idiot that wrote the blog and the fellow right wing idiots that re-post it have NO fucking idea of what the terms mean, but it sounds "good" to them to spew such nonsense because............well,because they're IGNORANT IDIOTS......LOL

ROFL! The eternal enemy of communism is other communist states. China fights Russia. Vietnam fights China. Cambodia fights Vietnam. so according to your theory communism isn't communism.

All liberal theories about why Fascism is rightwing are equally stupid and as easily disproven.
Every time I think baghdad bripat reaches the bottom, he lowers the bar.

Fascism, communism, libertarianism, anarchism, militarism . . . they are all antiAmerican values.

How ironic.
Boy this is exciting. I can't wait to see what fascist committee on definitions decides fascism really means. Will it be something good or bad?
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Boy this is exciting. I can't wait to see what fascist committee on definitions decides fascism really means. Will it be something good or bad?
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.
Boy this is exciting. I can't wait to see what fascist committee on definitions decides fascism really means. Will it be something good or bad?
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.
Boy this is exciting. I can't wait to see what fascist committee on definitions decides fascism really means. Will it be something good or bad?
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

True, except it's obvious that the definition is based entirely on the prejudices of the person who wrote it. Leftwing imbeciles like you claim fascism is rightwing because the dictionary says so. What proof does the dictionary offer about it's definition? Blankout.

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.

The left/right spectrum is all about the economic structure, moron.
Boy this is exciting. I can't wait to see what fascist committee on definitions decides fascism really means. Will it be something good or bad?
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

True, except it's obvious that the definition is based entirely on the prejudices of the person who wrote it. Leftwing imbeciles like you claim fascism is rightwing because the dictionary says so. What proof does the dictionary offer about it's definition? Blankout.

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.

The left/right spectrum is all about the economic structure, moron.
The definition is based on history. The actions, words, and ideals of historical fascists. Tell me what you're claim that it's left-winged comes from.

The left-right spectrum is not just economics. That's a part of it, but the left-right spectrum also includes foreign and domestic policy, and military.
Boy this is exciting. I can't wait to see what fascist committee on definitions decides fascism really means. Will it be something good or bad?
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

True, except it's obvious that the definition is based entirely on the prejudices of the person who wrote it. Leftwing imbeciles like you claim fascism is rightwing because the dictionary says so. What proof does the dictionary offer about it's definition? Blankout.

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.

The left/right spectrum is all about the economic structure, moron.

Fingerboy thinks the dictionary is left-wing biased now.
The English language is out go get me! Yaaah!

Classic. :lmao:
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

True, except it's obvious that the definition is based entirely on the prejudices of the person who wrote it. Leftwing imbeciles like you claim fascism is rightwing because the dictionary says so. What proof does the dictionary offer about it's definition? Blankout.

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.

The left/right spectrum is all about the economic structure, moron.
The definition is based on history. The actions, words, and ideals of historical fascists. Tell me what you're claim that it's left-winged comes from.

All that evidence proves that fascists are left-wingers.

The left-right spectrum is not just economics. That's a part of it, but the left-right spectrum also includes foreign and domestic policy, and military.

Horseshit. There's nothing that distinguishes fascist foreign policy from communist foreign policy. There's also nothing that distinguishes their militaries. Economics is domestic policy.
I just read this article about liberal fascism, and it seemed like something that belongs on a political discussion board.

Sorry, But Our Fight Against Liberal Fascism Has Only Just Begun - Kurt Schlichter

The guy who wrote this article gets it! This is totally how I think about lefties. It felt like I wrote the article myself, only it was better. I would love to hear what some of you think of this article. Comments?
You're article is full of shit and I will explain specifically why?

Statement from your article:
[liberals] can’t – pause to reflect on how they should stop being such insufferable jerks and live with us normals in peace and mutual respect.
You gotta be shitting me! Was there anything normal, or peaceful, or mutually respectful of the way you treated Barack Obama for the past 8 years?

Statement from your article:
...they are doubling down on their gambit for unrestrained power over every aspect of our lives...

You say this in spite of the fact that Trump is about to sign a bill that would allow everyone's private information on the internet to be sold to the highest bidder? Your social security number, your browsing history, everything you've said at websites like this one, all to be public knowledge once this bill is signed. And you have the gall to talk about us wanting power over every aspect of your lives? Psychologists call this "projection".

Statement from your article:
[liberals] fueled by a hatred for Donald Trump that is, in reality, a hatred for us.
You don't even explain that comment. You don't even say what that is based on. You just say it and leave it at that. That's pretty irresponsible. Liberals hate what Trump is doing and we hate the fact that you voted this prick into office, but to say we hate YOU, is bullshit. I believe you say that, because you want us to hate you.

Statement from your article:
Remember, they really do hate us. Just ask them.
Nobody has asked me.

Statement from your article:
They will side with the hoaxer even though every single “Trump-inspired hate crime” – and almost all others – turns out to be a hoax. Every. Single. One.

This is a hoax?

867 cases were all hoaxes?

The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 867 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation in the United States in the 10 days after the November 8 election.

Now this crap...

Statement from your article:
We must keep fighting. We must never give an inch, never back down, never give up. We must respond to every attack upon us, large or small, with overwhelming firepower. But defense is not enough – we must go on offense, seize the initiative, and aggressively destroy anything that will aid liberals in their long-term goal of rendering us silenced and subservient.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit. right out of Mein Kampf.
It's so cute the way leftwingers believe they get to decide what words mean.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

True, except it's obvious that the definition is based entirely on the prejudices of the person who wrote it. Leftwing imbeciles like you claim fascism is rightwing because the dictionary says so. What proof does the dictionary offer about it's definition? Blankout.

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.

The left/right spectrum is all about the economic structure, moron.

Fingerboy thinks the dictionary is left-wing biased now.
The English language is out go get me! Yaaah!

Classic. :lmao:

So you think English majors are right wingers? You know everyone in this forum would laugh at that idea.
Leftwingers aren't deciding it. Look up the official definition of fascism and it will tel you it is a righ-winged system of government.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

True, except it's obvious that the definition is based entirely on the prejudices of the person who wrote it. Leftwing imbeciles like you claim fascism is rightwing because the dictionary says so. What proof does the dictionary offer about it's definition? Blankout.

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.

The left/right spectrum is all about the economic structure, moron.

Fingerboy thinks the dictionary is left-wing biased now.
The English language is out go get me! Yaaah!

Classic. :lmao:

So you think English majors are right wingers? You know everyone in this forum would laugh at that idea.
You don't get your own definition, you don't get your own facts, but you do get to show how much of an Alt Right propagandist are you.
Statement from your article:
They will side with the hoaxer even though every single “Trump-inspired hate crime” – and almost all others – turns out to be a hoax. Every. Single. One.

This is a hoax?

867 cases were all hoaxes?

The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 867 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation in the United States in the 10 days after the November 8 election.

Yeah, that's a hoax. The SPLC is a communist propaganda organ. They classified the IEW has a hate organization. Nothing they claim can be believed.

Now this crap...

Statement from your article:
We must keep fighting. We must never give an inch, never back down, never give up. We must respond to every attack upon us, large or small, with overwhelming firepower. But defense is not enough – we must go on offense, seize the initiative, and aggressively destroy anything that will aid liberals in their long-term goal of rendering us silenced and subservient.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit. right out of Mein Kampf.

That's hyperbole, moron.
It was written by a left-winger. Economists will tell you that fascism is a form of socialism - leftwing, in other words.

A) Even if by some magic you knew the poilitical views of the exact person that worded that definition, it wouldn't have any affect on the definition itself

True, except it's obvious that the definition is based entirely on the prejudices of the person who wrote it. Leftwing imbeciles like you claim fascism is rightwing because the dictionary says so. What proof does the dictionary offer about it's definition? Blankout.

B) If an economist tells you that, than it isn't about the ideology, it's the economic structure.

The left/right spectrum is all about the economic structure, moron.

Fingerboy thinks the dictionary is left-wing biased now.
The English language is out go get me! Yaaah!

Classic. :lmao:

So you think English majors are right wingers? You know everyone in this forum would laugh at that idea.
You don't get your own definition, you don't get your own facts, but you do get to show how much of an Alt Right propagandist are you.

You should refrain from posting during the terminal phase of your Alzheimer's, Fakey. You're going to take all the other snowflakes down with you.
Yeah, that's a hoax. The SPLC is a communist propaganda organ. They classified the IEW has a hate organization. Nothing they claim can be believed.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

That's hyperbole, moron.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit.
That shit is something Hitler would say.
When your only defense against a claim is saying the dictionary is biased and can't be trusted, you should rethink your standpoint a little bit.
When your only defense against a claim is saying the dictionary is biased and can't be trusted, you should rethink your standpoint a little bit.
Wrong. The dictionary is biased. They are all written by a gang of liberals.

What you are doing here is called the appeal to authority. It's a logical fallacy.
Ad homs are all the baghdad bripat's have.

You don't get to make up definitions, kid, that is already done.

Sorry that real definitions and facts make you unhappy, but that will be your life.
When your only defense against a claim is saying the dictionary is biased and can't be trusted, you should rethink your standpoint a little bit.
Wrong. The dictionary is biased. They are all written by a gang of liberals.

What you are doing here is called the appeal to authority. It's a logical fallacy.
Prove it. If the dictionary is so obviously biased, then prove it. It apparently should be easy.

You don't get to decide when a fact is true or not. There's no such thing as an "alternative fact." If a consensus of historians with a degree and experience have decided that fascists are right-winged, then that's what they are. Unless you have a degree in historical analysis, you can't do anything about it.
Statement from your article:
They will side with the hoaxer even though every single “Trump-inspired hate crime” – and almost all others – turns out to be a hoax. Every. Single. One.

This is a hoax?

867 cases were all hoaxes?

The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 867 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation in the United States in the 10 days after the November 8 election.
Yeah, that's a hoax. The SPLC is a communist propaganda organ. They classified the IEW has a hate organization. Nothing they claim can be believed.

Now this crap...

Statement from your article:
We must keep fighting. We must never give an inch, never back down, never give up. We must respond to every attack upon us, large or small, with overwhelming firepower. But defense is not enough – we must go on offense, seize the initiative, and aggressively destroy anything that will aid liberals in their long-term goal of rendering us silenced and subservient.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit. right out of Mein Kampf.

That's hyperbole, moron.

the SPLC also classified White Lives Matter as a hate group but refused to classify Black Lives Matter as one......

the spcl is a leftist hate group that of course will not label a leftist hate group as a hate group....splc is about as bad as the aclu...

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