Liberal Host at MSNBC goes crazy because there is NO EVIDENCE between Trump and Russia.

i would like to see it wo interruptions

They want the interruptions
i would like to see it wo interruptions

You can find anything to agree with your views when it is a break and add your own content piece like this one.
it wouldn't change how i feel. i agree with the guy. the lady is having a rabid fit on this and simply won't accept any answer she doesn't WANT to be the correct answer.

sometimes in life you just don't get your way. period. that isn't to be protested, cried about, return fire cause you are angry now or the like. it is to be understood. then move on.

all the HE WON - GET OVER IT obama stickers crack me up when they refuse to "get over it".

Hannity acts the same way...both of these news people won't let the oppositions speak a word..They get paid to be the extreme

But as far as the bumper sticker.. most people have moved on and are not upset about Trump winning.. We are upset at the Russian cover-ups.. which are under investigation.
i honestly don't listen to too many of the news anchors and their vaunted opinions. while i may agree and understand more of the "hannity" side i don't like 1 sided views. "my side is better than your side" is fucking crap and why we fight so much. if we'd fight 1/2 as hard to understand vs. be understood, a lot of the hate would go away.

in time, i know. things like this move in social cycles. rinse repeat. last hate cycle like this was oddly enough around the original watergate time. what scares me more than "how long will this last" is in the 70s when it did end, we had disco to deal with.

i couldn't go through THAT again.

what i don't get about the cover-ups are how many people need to say nothing is there before you go "ok, we were wrong" or will that time *ever* come? there will always be a section of people who will say regardless of what is decided THEY were right - either side.

but what actions constitute a cover up that can't be easily explained? and when explained, are you dismissing them cause they lack credibility or you don't like it? very hard question to ask when the only thing you want is GUILTY.

i want justice. not mob justice but the kind from the blind lady holding the scales as you walk into a courtroom as she's *supposed* to be blind. but when you see TRUMP - all you see is "guilty".

can the liberals accept it if proven wrong and if so, what *proof* would do it?

17 agencies bullshit is down to 3 who would actually have jack shit to do with such an investigation so why keep saying 17? effect? i'm damn sure the army and coast guard and other branches listed in this 17 have nothing to do with it - so why would their approval matter? did they give it or did the spokesman for the entire 17 agencies say "we do agree" and hillary pounced on it like a bottle of tequila and that was her mantra.

SEVENTEEN!!!! and most won't even look it up just go "wow...17..."

bullshit breaks up when you remove names, and seek the truth on an honest level.

I feel what is fueling the fire is Trump continuing to insult and call the democrats liars,and these news papers feed off of that..Human nature is to prove him

Look into how the drama continues on while congress is sneaking bills by one by one when everyone is distracted..
They pushed one through during the comey testimony..
are they lying? we hsve the media telling us its their job to tell us,what to think. admitting they helped hillary. editing videos to distort a story (we need our weaves!) and the like. not calling trump a saint. not at all.

but if you saw children acting the way trump and the media is acting would you take a childs side, or tell thrm to grow up and go back to adulting?
i would like to see it wo interruptions

They want the interruptions
i would like to see it wo interruptions

You can find anything to agree with your views when it is a break and add your own content piece like this one.
it wouldn't change how i feel. i agree with the guy. the lady is having a rabid fit on this and simply won't accept any answer she doesn't WANT to be the correct answer.

sometimes in life you just don't get your way. period. that isn't to be protested, cried about, return fire cause you are angry now or the like. it is to be understood. then move on.

all the HE WON - GET OVER IT obama stickers crack me up when they refuse to "get over it".
Well, true. With one slight exception. She does not want the CORRECT answer. She wants her answer and the actual Facts contradict HER TRUTH.

What we are witnessing with these pathetic know it all left wing twits is the classic case of cognitive dissonance.

The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the feelings of discomfort that result from holding two conflicting beliefs. When there is a inconsistency between beliefs and behaviors, something must change in order to eliminate or reduce the dissonance.
I already posted this yesterday in a similar thread, but I think it won't hurt if more people will know the other side's opinion.

Just a few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: But all 17 of the United States’ intelligence agencies have concluded the Russians did interfere with our election, Are they all wrong?

Vladimir Putin: Have you read these reports?

Megyn Kelly: I have read the non-classified version.

Vladimir Putin: A non-classified version means no version. Now you also say, “a non-classified version.” I have read these reports. There is nothing specific in these reports. There is only supposition and inference in those reports. That is it. To reiterate, this is bringing domestic political squabbles in the US out into the world arena. It is an attempt to address a domestic political issues with foreign policy tools.

Megyn Kelly: They say it is the forensics, it’s the digital fingerprints, it’s the IP addresses, the malware, the encryption keys, the specific pieces of code – that all of them, all of them, point to Russia and none of them points to anyone other than Russia.

Vladimir Putin: What fingerprints? IP addresses can be simply made up. Do you know how many such specialists there are? They will organise everything to look like it was your three-year old daughter who carried out the attack. There are such IT specialists in the world today and they can arrange anything and then blame it on whoever.

This is no proof. It is an attempt to lay the blame at someone else’s door. This is not our problem. The problem is in US politics.
St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting
Megyn Kelly: President Putin, you have repeatedly and passionately denied that Russia was behind the interference with our American presidential election. But the consensus view in the United States is that you did. That's what the 17 intelligence agencies have said. Are they all lying?

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: I have not once seen any direct proof of Russia's interference in the presidential election in the USA. Today's technology is such that the final address can be masked and camouflaged to an extent that no one will be able to understand the origin of that address. And, vice versa, it is possible to set up any entity or any individual that everyone will think that they are the exact source of that attack.
Interview to NBC (full version, Kremlin site)

Putin accuses America of 'political schizophrenia' (+a video)
They want the interruptions
You can find anything to agree with your views when it is a break and add your own content piece like this one.
it wouldn't change how i feel. i agree with the guy. the lady is having a rabid fit on this and simply won't accept any answer she doesn't WANT to be the correct answer.

sometimes in life you just don't get your way. period. that isn't to be protested, cried about, return fire cause you are angry now or the like. it is to be understood. then move on.

all the HE WON - GET OVER IT obama stickers crack me up when they refuse to "get over it".

Hannity acts the same way...both of these news people won't let the oppositions speak a word..They get paid to be the extreme

But as far as the bumper sticker.. most people have moved on and are not upset about Trump winning.. We are upset at the Russian cover-ups.. which are under investigation.
i honestly don't listen to too many of the news anchors and their vaunted opinions. while i may agree and understand more of the "hannity" side i don't like 1 sided views. "my side is better than your side" is fucking crap and why we fight so much. if we'd fight 1/2 as hard to understand vs. be understood, a lot of the hate would go away.

in time, i know. things like this move in social cycles. rinse repeat. last hate cycle like this was oddly enough around the original watergate time. what scares me more than "how long will this last" is in the 70s when it did end, we had disco to deal with.

i couldn't go through THAT again.

what i don't get about the cover-ups are how many people need to say nothing is there before you go "ok, we were wrong" or will that time *ever* come? there will always be a section of people who will say regardless of what is decided THEY were right - either side.

but what actions constitute a cover up that can't be easily explained? and when explained, are you dismissing them cause they lack credibility or you don't like it? very hard question to ask when the only thing you want is GUILTY.

i want justice. not mob justice but the kind from the blind lady holding the scales as you walk into a courtroom as she's *supposed* to be blind. but when you see TRUMP - all you see is "guilty".

can the liberals accept it if proven wrong and if so, what *proof* would do it?

17 agencies bullshit is down to 3 who would actually have jack shit to do with such an investigation so why keep saying 17? effect? i'm damn sure the army and coast guard and other branches listed in this 17 have nothing to do with it - so why would their approval matter? did they give it or did the spokesman for the entire 17 agencies say "we do agree" and hillary pounced on it like a bottle of tequila and that was her mantra.

SEVENTEEN!!!! and most won't even look it up just go "wow...17..."

bullshit breaks up when you remove names, and seek the truth on an honest level.

I feel what is fueling the fire is Trump continuing to insult and call the democrats liars,and these news papers feed off of that..Human nature is to prove him

Look into how the drama continues on while congress is sneaking bills by one by one when everyone is distracted..
They pushed one through during the comey testimony..
are they lying? we hsve the media telling us its their job to tell us,what to think. admitting they helped hillary. editing videos to distort a story (we need our weaves!) and the like. not calling trump a saint. not at all.

but if you saw children acting the way trump and the media is acting would you take a childs side, or tell thrm to grow up and go back to adulting?

If my children acted like they were hiding something as important as this, I would be all over it ... Fortunately I never had to do that with my boys.

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