Liberal Hypocrite Watch! Harry Reid in '93 against illegal immigration!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - Video Re-Exposes Sen. Reid's Hypocrisy On Illegal Immigration[/ame]

Well this is interestesting! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The same guy who is ALL for illegal immigration now, was against it in '93!!!!!!

I wonder what changed??????

Could it be, it's because Democrats know they have lost most of the populace and they need an infusion of ILLEGAL VOTES to stay in power?????

You be the judge. ;)
Reid's a douche and all but do you have anything beyond the Shirley Sherrod version of that speech?
Reid's a douche and all but do you have anything beyond the Shirley Sherrod version of that speech?


That was pathetic.

At least you got the first part right. And here is another nail in his hopefullly (Lord Willing) soon to come, unemployment.

Reid's a douche and all but do you have anything beyond the Shirley Sherrod version of that speech?


That was pathetic.

At least you got the first part right. And here is another nail in his hopefullly (Lord Willing) soon to come, unemployment.



You have put up nothing but a snippit. If that is such a damning sound byte surely you have no reason not to post the entire speech. I despise Reid and have no problem attacking him but you are the very same person who posted Breitbart's Sherrod hatchet job and a known propagandist. Fool me once.
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Reid's a douche and all but do you have anything beyond the Shirley Sherrod version of that speech?


That was pathetic.

At least you got the first part right. And here is another nail in his hopefullly (Lord Willing) soon to come, unemployment.



You have put up nothing but a snippit. If that is such a damning sound byte surely you have no reason not to post the entire speech. I despise Reid and have no problem attacking him but you are the very same person who posted Breitbart's Sherrod hatchet job and a known propagandist. Fool me once.

Oh please if you can prove ANYTHING was taken out of context, be my guest.

It's pretty obvious what Reid is saying on this video, and it's pretty obvious it's a 180 from his position of TODAY.

Why don't you stop desperately trying to cast doubt and address WHY Reid would change his position so completely?


That was pathetic.

At least you got the first part right. And here is another nail in his hopefullly (Lord Willing) soon to come, unemployment.



You have put up nothing but a snippit. If that is such a damning sound byte surely you have no reason not to post the entire speech. I despise Reid and have no problem attacking him but you are the very same person who posted Breitbart's Sherrod hatchet job and a known propagandist. Fool me once.

Oh please if you can prove ANYTHING was taken out of context, be my guest.

It's pretty obvious what Reid is saying on this video, and it's pretty obvious it's a 180 from his position of TODAY.

Why don't you stop desperately trying to cast doubt and address WHY Reid would change his position so completely?


I'm not trying to cast doubt, I just want to know everything he said and I certainly can't prove anything was taken out of context as you won't provide it.


You have put up nothing but a snippit. If that is such a damning sound byte surely you have no reason not to post the entire speech. I despise Reid and have no problem attacking him but you are the very same person who posted Breitbart's Sherrod hatchet job and a known propagandist. Fool me once.

Oh please if you can prove ANYTHING was taken out of context, be my guest.

It's pretty obvious what Reid is saying on this video, and it's pretty obvious it's a 180 from his position of TODAY.

Why don't you stop desperately trying to cast doubt and address WHY Reid would change his position so completely?


I'm not trying to cast doubt, I just want to know everything he said and I certainly can't prove anything was taken out of context as you won't provide it.


Oh BS, you are desperately trying to cast doubt.

It's all you have. You know damn well you can't address the obvious 180 of the issue of illegal immigration Ried has taken here.

Like I said, when you can prove it's taken out of context, let me know.

Oh please if you can prove ANYTHING was taken out of context, be my guest.

It's pretty obvious what Reid is saying on this video, and it's pretty obvious it's a 180 from his position of TODAY.

Why don't you stop desperately trying to cast doubt and address WHY Reid would change his position so completely?


I'm not trying to cast doubt, I just want to know everything he said and I certainly can't prove anything was taken out of context as you won't provide it.


Oh BS, you are desperately trying to cast doubt.

It's all you have. You know damn well you can't address the obvious 180 of the issue of illegal immigration Ried has taken here.

Like I said, when you can prove it's taken out of context, let me know.


You are pretty silly if you think I am going to accept your premise based on nothing but a 45 second clip of a speech of unknown length as Gospel. I remind you again that you have zero credibility so I have no reason whatsoever to give you the benefit of that doubt that the 45 seconds you show are indicative of what Reid's overall message was in that speech. Sorry, but that's what happens when you get caught spreading lies with edited or snipped video.

Now, when you provide a video of his entire speech we can talk again.
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Reid is a perfect example of a corrupt career politician who needs to be shown the door. Time for him to go. Make 2010 count people.
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i believe reid apologized for those remarks in 1998 or 1999.

he's a douche, but not the only politician to change positions

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