Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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CNN Media Heads and Political DC Operatives Construct More Russian Madness (w/ important video reminder)…
Anatomy of a Modern Media Political Smear
If they didn’t continually use the same playbook (reference Trump’s pre-election manufactured sex assault accusers), these insufferable political media constructs would not be so transparent. There are trillions of dollars at stake.

The framework for the latest narrative begins with a CNN report, constructed by a familiar set of characters (Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Carl Bernstein), all referencing a vague and intensely obtuse claim about Russians attempting to gain some form of opposition research leverage against President-elect Trump.

Some heads are going to roll this time.. You talk about TREASON against an incoming US President.. BAD MOVE.
Wouldn't compiling anything by MI6 be considered as interfering in our elections?

Just curious.

He is a former MI6 agent under the employ of a Washington think tank. They hired him due to his extensive experience and connections within Russia. He brought his months worth of research to an FBI agent in Italy, which later got handed over to John Mccain.
There are A LOT of major news sources reporting on this. I'd find it awfully absurd if all these news agencies would report a story at this point if it was "proven" to be false.

This is being taken very seriously. There were veiled comments about it in Jeff Sessions confirmation today, before CNN launched the story.

This 4chan nobody just gave Trump cultists a convenient way out, but this information was actually compiled by a private investigator and former MI6 agent whose name is currently being kept secret. It's the result of months of research originally started by a Washington think tank.

Wouldn't compiling anything by MI6 be considered as interfering in our elections?

Just curious.

Wow.. A voice of reason asking the RIGHT questions.. YES -- if MI6 "leaked" compromising information on Trump NOW post election -- it would be really hard to justify. And it WOULD open MI-6 to rage over interfering in our politics. The "unnamed source" would be hung out to dry.

And if the Russia Intel groups GAVE UP this valuable intelligence -- it would be very suspicious. Because they would get NOTHING for it.

If an opponent has information like that. It's no good to waste it. You HOLD it as blackmail and leverage in negotiations. That's why every major country DOES it.

Phony as Bruce Jenner. Does not even pass the giggle test.
Why did you start a second thread about the EXACT same subject? Have you lost your mind?

This is her self defense mechanism. Her 4chan argument was bullshit, so she's acting unhinged.

Have you read the 35 page report? Those are extreme accusations that he could get the death penalty for. If I were a Trump cultist, I would be acting crazy too.
Why did you start a second thread about the EXACT same subject? Have you lost your mind?

An incoming US President has been threatened, lied about.. IT'S NEWS. Don't like it, don't post.

America gets to watch, the world gets to watch just how desperate and corrupt the LEFT are.. Instead of having a peaceful transition, the far left extreme nuts have set the entire process upside down.. This is why they have NO POWER LEFT.. Lost over 1900 seats now.. at their lowest power since 1929. Well deserved.
Wow.. A voice of reason asking the RIGHT questions.. YES -- if MI6 "leaked" compromising information on Trump NOW post election -- it would be really hard to justify.

MI6 didn't leak anything. This information was delivered to the FBI months before election day. Are you paying any attention whatsoever?
Wouldn't compiling anything by MI6 be considered as interfering in our elections?

Just curious.

He is a former MI6 agent under the employ of a Washington think tank. They hired him due to his extensive experience and connections within Russia. He brought his months worth of research to an FBI agent in Italy, which later got handed over to John Mccain.

Uhmm, what you've just told me has more red flags than soviet parade on red square.

Summary: former agent, think tank, months of research while not an agent, handed documents to McCain, all that because he loves USA.
An incoming US President has been threatened, lied about.. IT'S NEWS. Don't like it, don't post.

You cannot prove that they are lies. Do you even know the name of the private investigator that gave this information to the FBI?
Why did you start a second thread about the EXACT same subject? Have you lost your mind?

An incoming US President has been threatened, lied about.. IT'S NEWS. Don't like it, don't post.

America gets to watch, the world gets to watch just how desperate and corrupt the LEFT are.. Instead of having a peaceful transition, the far left extreme nuts have set the entire process upside down.. This is why they have NO POWER LEFT.. Lost over 1900 seats now.. at their lowest power since 1929. Well deserved.

You started a second thread about the EXACT same subject... What's the point in doing that?
Why did you start a second thread about the EXACT same subject? Have you lost your mind?

An incoming US President has been threatened, lied about.. IT'S NEWS. Don't like it, don't post.

America gets to watch, the world gets to watch just how desperate and corrupt the LEFT are.. Instead of having a peaceful transition, the far left extreme nuts have set the entire process upside down.. This is why they have NO POWER LEFT.. Lost over 1900 seats now.. at their lowest power since 1929. Well deserved.

You started a second thread about the EXACT same subject... What's the point in doing that?
Iggied for asking the same question.

No incoming President should be threatened by the Intel community and a sitting US Senator.
Uhmm, what you've just told me has more red flags than soviet parade on red square.

Summary: former agent, think tank, months of research while not an agent, handed documents to McCain, all that because he loves USA.

All that because he was paid. Remember, he was a private investigator? He offered names and locations which were expected to be followed up by US agencies.

He handed it over to the FBI, probably because this would be the biggest scandal in modern history. I can't read his mind though.
Today @BuzzFeed became something lower than National Enquirer & @CNN / @Tapper became something lower than prior @BuzzFeed.

What about the Intel Chiefs? They briefed President Obama and Trump on this story. It was included with the 25-page Intelligence Report on Russian hacking. How do you explain that? Were they also duped by 4chan?

"What about the Intel Chiefs?"

They said that Saddam had WMD, they said that if Iraq wasn't carpet-bombed that Saddam could launch a weapon that within 45 minutes would wipe the city of London off the map. They said ISIS wasn't a threat, they say Russia is more of a threat than ISIS :rolleyes-41:

Yes, they have a good track record of being accurate and not pulling things out of their buttocks.
This is perfect. Just perfect.

For the past 13 years, whenever or wherever chemical weapons were used, the pseudocons claimed the offender got them from Saddam Hussein. They have steadfastly INSISTED Saddam had WMDs. I can point to umpteen topics on this forum where they insisted he had WMDs.

But just as I have predicted, Donald Trump is slowly leading the pseudocons to the far left camp, and this is a perfect example.

In true Orwellian fashion, they are now saying the "intel chiefs" got the Iraq WMDs wrong! Trump has the pseudocon tards rogering up to the liberal cry, "BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED!"

Amazing. :lol:

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
Today @BuzzFeed became something lower than National Enquirer & @CNN / @Tapper became something lower than prior @BuzzFeed.

What about the Intel Chiefs? They briefed President Obama and Trump on this story. It was included with the 25-page Intelligence Report on Russian hacking. How do you explain that? Were they also duped by 4chan?

"What about the Intel Chiefs?"

They said that Saddam had WMD, they said that if Iraq wasn't carpet-bombed that Saddam could launch a weapon that within 45 minutes would wipe the city of London off the map. They said ISIS wasn't a threat, they say Russia is more of a threat than ISIS :rolleyes-41:

Yes, they have a good track record of being accurate and not pulling things out of their buttocks.
This is perfect. Just perfect.

For the past 13 years, whenever or wherever chemical weapons were used, the pseudocons claimed the offender got them from Saddam Hussein. They have steadfastly INSISTED Saddam had WMDs. I can point to umpteen topics on this forum where they insisted he had WMDs.

But just as I have predicted, Donald Trump is slowly leading the pseudocons to the far left camp, and this is a perfect example. I have been seeing quite a few pseudocons parroting the same line you just did.

In true Orwellian fashion, they are now saying the "intel chiefs" got the Iraq WMDs wrong! Trump has the pseudocon tards rogering up to the liberal cry, "BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED!"

Amazing. :lol:

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

The Bush neocons are pieces of shit....9/11/01 was a false flag and used as an excuse to invade M.E countries and de-stablize them. So what was that you were saying? I am about the truth regardless of how ugly it is. You? You are "leftard" all the way....a partisan "knows-nothing" dullard.
Why did you start a second thread about the EXACT same subject? Have you lost your mind?

An incoming US President has been threatened, lied about.. IT'S NEWS. Don't like it, don't post.

America gets to watch, the world gets to watch just how desperate and corrupt the LEFT are.. Instead of having a peaceful transition, the far left extreme nuts have set the entire process upside down.. This is why they have NO POWER LEFT.. Lost over 1900 seats now.. at their lowest power since 1929. Well deserved.

You started a second thread about the EXACT same subject... What's the point in doing that?

You started a second thread about the EXACT same subject... What's the point in doing that?
Wouldn't compiling anything by MI6 be considered as interfering in our elections?

Just curious.

He is a former MI6 agent under the employ of a Washington think tank. They hired him due to his extensive experience and connections within Russia. He brought his months worth of research to an FBI agent in Italy, which later got handed over to John Mccain.

Uhmm, what you've just told me has more red flags than soviet parade on red square.

Summary: former agent, think tank, months of research while not an agent, handed documents to McCain, all that because he loves USA.

If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow. And with the dates of some of this alleged crap -- it was a long time ago.. Ask Onyx how everyone knows so much about the career of this "unnamed source" ..

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?

This is like a viral middle school rumor..
If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow.

He wasn't with MI6. He investigated privately, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?
This is like a viral middle school rumor..

He wasn't working at a washington think tank. He was hired by a washington think tank. He used to be a secret agent that operated within the former Soviet Union after all. He probably got paid a good sum of money to do it.

This information was supposed to be shared only among ten people, and I don't know how it got out. Whatever the case, these are serious accusations and are going to be investigated further.
Wow.. A voice of reason asking the RIGHT questions.. YES -- if MI6 "leaked" compromising information on Trump NOW post election -- it would be really hard to justify.

MI6 didn't leak anything. This information was delivered to the FBI months before election day. Are you paying any attention whatsoever?

You seem to know a WHOLE BUNCH about this anonymous source. His employment history and stuff. Why do you think so much is known about this guy but no name is given? Why is he "unnamed", but pretty well profiled?

If ANY of that info came from work he did at MI-6, he's in a HEAP of trouble.. That's why....
If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow.

He wasn't with MI6. He investigated privately, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?
This is like a viral middle school rumor..

He wasn't working at a washington think tank. He was hired by a washington think tank. He used to be a secret agent that operated within the former Soviet Union after all. He probably got paid a good sum of money to do it.

This information was supposed to be shared only among ten people, and I don't know how it got out. Whatever the case, these are serious accusations and are going to be investigated further.

All the tabloid press says this guy is ex-MI-6.. Are folks just making up shit now?
Considering that Wikileaks has an anonymous drop box, how can Julian claim he knows it wasn't the Ruskies that gave him the leaked info?
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