Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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The media has lost their freaking minds. I'm going to invest in a company that makes straight jackets and electro shock therapy equipment.


I'll be RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So basically incompetent government stooges, incompetent journalists, and Rick Wilson created a feedback loop where they're all relying on heresay but because of the "credibility" of their source they believe it and pass it on to someone else who will believe them? And every single leftist garbage jumps on it right away. They're all saying it can't be verified, but nonetheless still talking about it as it's verified and confirmed 100%, because hey, guy is former spook with "credibility". So, what exactly he was paid for?

Your beef is with them. Not me.

I am not declaring that this is verified. The report lists followups that would need to be conducted in a later investigation. The FBI launched an investigation into the validity of the findings. Stay tuned for more details.
But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?


Look, I don't get your confusion. This was a private investigator (with no affiliations) and he turned over evidence that he was paid to collect.

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.

Nobody in the public knows anything about this ex-MI6 agent, besides that that he was hired to investigate Donald Trump's activity in Russia.

You are throwing out accusations without evidence. You are the one spinning yard.

First you fuss about my observation of him being ex Brit Intel. Then you insist he's just "unaffiliated". And then YOU refer to him as ex-MI6. ?? Who's confused here really. You claim that nobody "KNOWS" anything about him, but we know who PAID him for collecting the oppos. research, and we know he worked for a DC "think tank". And we know he's ex-MI6.. How ANONYMOUS does that make him?

You don't understand the reality irony of russian intel guys simply spilling state secrets to this Dem prankster.

The accusations were advertised as having been harvested from "officials in Russian INTELLIGENCE". That was the original tabloid link I got from Lahkota. And you KNOW -- Lahkota FULLY VETS everything he posts at USMB. :lmao: :rofl: :lmao:

So WHY was "russian intelligence" giving away state secrets for NOTHING in return to some washed up political hackery writer? If any agents or ex-agents are CAUGHT doing that -- it's called espionage. This fairy tale wouldn't make it on a cheap TV series..
I think that we all know, if it's something bad about Trump, the media will run with it. Journalism has really gone to hell.

I'm glad that this story was reported. The weight of these allegations outweigh every presidential scandal combined. Why are you so pissed that the media is doing its job?
I think that we all know, if it's something bad about Trump, the media will run with it. Journalism has really gone to hell.

I'm glad that this story was reported. The weight of these allegations outweigh every presidential scandal combined. Why are you so pissed that the media is doing its job?

It's a fake story! You know, fake news?
So NOW we need a list of all the "intel chiefs" that the tabloids say "validated the story" and FIRE their fucking asses if they actually fell for this as evidence.

The intel chiefs didn't make any assertions. They claimed absolutely nothing.

All they did was deliver the findings of an MI6 agent whom they believe is a credible source. I haven't heard any of them declare this report as factual.

Let me correct that. Former MI6 agent.

They can "believe" he's credible.

Should journalist report the stories that are unverified?

We do know that CNN is paid by US government to publish or not publish certain stories, so how reliable are journalists? We've all seen what they were doing during whole election cycle, and we're suppose to believe them?

You know what, I don't believe word they say until they have that guy on air, live with original tape of the hotel orgy and goldenshower.
First you fuss about my observation of him being ex Brit Intel. Then you insist he's just "unaffiliated". And then YOU refer to him as ex-MI6. ?? Who's confused here really.

Your still confused. Thanks for asking.

He is both ex british intelligence and ex M16. Did you know M16 is a British intelligence agency? And he is unafilliated, hence why I put the word ex before M16.
You claim that nobody "KNOWS" anything about him, but we know who PAID him for collecting the oppos. research, and we know he worked for a DC "think tank". And we know he's ex-MI6.. How ANONYMOUS does that make him?

You don't understand the reality irony of russian intel guys simply spilling state secrets to this Dem prankster.

Accuse him of being Democrat. Zero evidence.

Spinning yard.

So WHY was "russian intelligence" giving away state secrets for NOTHING in return to some washed up political hackery writer? If any agents or ex-agents are CAUGHT doing that -- it's called espionage. This fairy tale wouldn't make it on a cheap TV series..

You should really educate yourself on this story. Did you even read the report?

The report speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump. It never says that Russian agents turned over information. That is confusion on your part.
But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?


Look, I don't get your confusion. This was a private investigator (with no affiliations) and he turned over evidence that he was paid to collect.

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.

Nobody in the public knows anything about this ex-MI6 agent, besides that that he was hired to investigate Donald Trump's activity in Russia.

You are throwing out accusations without evidence. You are the one spinning yard.

"This was a private investigator (with no affiliations) and he turned over evidence that he was paid to collect."

And they've had that evidence, whatever it is, for several months, pre-November Election day, so why didn't they use it then, why now?

That's right because it's a Political Witch Hunt by hacks who have taken the unprecedented step to attempt to destroy an American President BEFORE he takes office. Because The Donald won and the Leftist bedwetters didn't want him to win and the Cuckservatives who are financed and have their strings pulled by the same vampires who finance and pull the strings of the Democrats.

The Donald needs to not only drain this Spook Swamp, he needs to throw kerosene on it and incinerate it.

These people are very near being American Traitors at this point and that includes the mentally unhinged psychopath John McCain and that pathetic faggot Miss Lindsay Graham, I wonder what blackmail material they have on Miss Lindsay, who's buttfucking him and who's dick is he gobbling on.

Wow. I thought I held the top post of absolutely HATING Lindsey Graham. Not popular over in EuroDisney either huh?
Let me correct that. Former MI6 agent.

They can "believe" he's credible.

Should journalist report the stories that are unverified?

CNN didn't share ANY detail of the documents because it was unverified. All they said was that it was compiled by the chiefs of four intelligence agencies, and contained information that speculated the Russians were blackmailing Donald Trump.

Buzzfeed leaked the actual document. CNN was keeping it private.
Accuse him of being Democrat. Zero evidence.

Spinning yard.

Who's the one not following along here. DID YOU READ Americano's NYTimes quote? He was PAID to produce this whole documentation as opposition research by American anti-Trump groups and the CLINTON CAMPAIGN.

We KNOW that apparently, because the NYTimes probably has his NAME by now. He's a hired PRANKSTER. THat's what the new Oppo research people do.. I'm not accusing him of BEING a Democrat. I'm stating the fact that his JOB was to produce SLIME for Hillary Clinton..
Who's the one not following along here. DID YOU READ Americano's NYTimes quote? He was PAID to produce this whole documentation as opposition research by American anti-Trump groups and the CLINTON CAMPAIGN.

The exclusive with CNN only said that it was an opposition research group (with no further details). Everything else is lies or misconception.

At any rate, they are doing a government investigation into the validity of the report. I never claimed the report was valid. I criticized you for dismissing it without evidence.
You seem to know a WHOLE BUNCH about this anonymous source. His employment history and stuff. Why do you think so much is known about this guy but no name is given? Why is he "unnamed", but pretty well profiled?

CNN says that they are keeping his name secret for his own privacy.

The information on his life isn't really that detailed either. He is a former MI6 agent that worked in Russia. That's about it.

If ANY of that info came from work he did at MI-6, he's in a HEAP of trouble.. That's why....

It's all concerning Donald Trump and his friends in Russia. I doubt they were of hot interest back in Soviet times.

But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.
But WHY do you even THINK the info came from his MI6 days??? Did you read somewhere, anywhere, that it did?
According to whom? You?

According to reality. LGS doesn't understand the background of how this intel came to light. She thinks it was a hoax perpetuated by a 4chan user. She is an easily duped moron.
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