Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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Wouldn't compiling anything by MI6 be considered as interfering in our elections?

Just curious.

He is a former MI6 agent under the employ of a Washington think tank. They hired him due to his extensive experience and connections within Russia. He brought his months worth of research to an FBI agent in Italy, which later got handed over to John Mccain.

Uhmm, what you've just told me has more red flags than soviet parade on red square.

Summary: former agent, think tank, months of research while not an agent, handed documents to McCain, all that because he loves USA.

If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow. And with the dates of some of this alleged crap -- it was a long time ago.. Ask Onyx how everyone knows so much about the career of this "unnamed source" ..

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?

This is like a viral middle school rumor..

I hear better rumors in hair salon.

Now lets go to just released NY Times article.

"The appendix summarized opposition research memos prepared mainly by a retired British intelligence operative for a Washington political and corporate research firm. The firm was paid for its work first by Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals and later by supporters of Mrs. Clinton. The Times has checked on a number of the details included in the memos but has been unable to substantiate them."

Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him

In other words, the retired British bloke was Clinton's paid shill.

Trump was right, its total political which hunt.
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You seem to know a WHOLE BUNCH about this anonymous source. His employment history and stuff. Why do you think so much is known about this guy but no name is given? Why is he "unnamed", but pretty well profiled?

CNN says that they are keeping his name secret for his own privacy.

The information on his life isn't really that detailed either. He is a former MI6 agent that worked in Russia. That's about it.

If ANY of that info came from work he did at MI-6, he's in a HEAP of trouble.. That's why....

It's all concerning Donald Trump and his friends in Russia. I doubt they were of hot interest back in Soviet times.
I think the more important question to ask here is why the Mods let the same poster create duplicate threads about the exact same thing...:dance:
All the tabloid press says this guy is ex-MI-6.. Are folks just making up shit now?

The person that revealed the story to CNN says he is ex MI6.

Why are you so hung up about the guy being a former British agent? It sounds pretty reasonable to me.
I think the more important question to ask here is why the Mods let the same poster create duplicate threads about the exact same thing...

The mods would merge an anti-trump thread on this topic. They are heavily biased.
President Trump was targeted by LEFTISTS, the CIA, and the News Media..


They probably manufactured them. Anonymous person gets info from another anonymous person in Russia. And the libs eat it up.

The whining is getting louder by the day with these crybabies. At some point we should start ignoring them and maybe they'll give up and go back to their safe spaces.
I think maybe they are just trying to focus attention on Russia in the hopes that people will forget about all those rotten emails. Lol.
You seem to know a WHOLE BUNCH about this anonymous source. His employment history and stuff. Why do you think so much is known about this guy but no name is given? Why is he "unnamed", but pretty well profiled?

CNN says that they are keeping his name secret for his own privacy.

The information on his life isn't really that detailed either. He is a former MI6 agent that worked in Russia. That's about it.

If ANY of that info came from work he did at MI-6, he's in a HEAP of trouble.. That's why....

It's all concerning Donald Trump and his friends in Russia. I doubt they were of hot interest back in Soviet times.

But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.
Wouldn't compiling anything by MI6 be considered as interfering in our elections?

Just curious.

He is a former MI6 agent under the employ of a Washington think tank. They hired him due to his extensive experience and connections within Russia. He brought his months worth of research to an FBI agent in Italy, which later got handed over to John Mccain.

Uhmm, what you've just told me has more red flags than soviet parade on red square.

Summary: former agent, think tank, months of research while not an agent, handed documents to McCain, all that because he loves USA.

If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow. And with the dates of some of this alleged crap -- it was a long time ago.. Ask Onyx how everyone knows so much about the career of this "unnamed source" ..

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?

This is like a viral middle school rumor..

I hear better rumors in hair salon.

Now lets go to just released NY Times article.

"The appendix summarized opposition research memos prepared mainly by a retired British intelligence operative for a Washington political and corporate research firm. The firm was paid for its work first by Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals and later by supporters of Mrs. Clinton. The Times has checked on a number of the details included in the memos but has been unable to substantiate them."

Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him

In other words, the retired British bloke was Clinton's paid shill.

Trump was right, its total political which hunt.

So NOW we need a list of all the "intel chiefs" that the tabloids say "validated the story" and FIRE their fucking asses if they actually fell for this as evidence.
Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him

In other words, the retired British bloke was Clinton's paid shill.

Trump was right, its total political which hunt.

There is no information connecting the private investigator to Hillary Clinton. No one in the public even knows his name.

Why do you people make shit up?

You obviously ignoring the obvious, that media, superpacks, Hollywood, and mass of organisations were all shilling for Hillary. They may not be on her payroll, but they're all Clinton's paid shills.

Sure, "nobody" knows his name.

Nobody here know my name neither. But I am in possession of the document that states DJT has big penis. He fucked lot of women and has a Bible autographed by Scott Stapp of Creed (say Russian report). This is super secret info. Trump also have a garage full of cars from 2 Fast 2 Furious, the super secret Russian report says. There is another part of report so secret that cant even be in the secret report. I got that one too.
If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow.

He wasn't with MI6. He investigated privately, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?
This is like a viral middle school rumor..

He wasn't working at a washington think tank. He was hired by a washington think tank. He used to be a secret agent that operated within the former Soviet Union after all. He probably got paid a good sum of money to do it.

This information was supposed to be shared only among ten people, and I don't know how it got out. Whatever the case, these are serious accusations and are going to be investigated further.

All the tabloid press says this guy is ex-MI-6.. Are folks just making up shit now?

It wouldn't be surprising, the MSM pulls so much out of their asses now.

But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?


Look, I don't get your confusion. This was a private investigator (with no affiliations) and he turned over evidence that he was paid to collect.

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.

Nobody in the public knows anything about this ex-MI6 agent, besides that that he was hired to investigate Donald Trump's activity in Russia.

You are throwing out accusations without evidence. You are the one spinning yard.
You obviously ignoring the obvious, that media, superpacks, Hollywood, and mass of organisations were all shilling for Hillary. They may not be on her payroll, but they're all Clinton's paid shills.

So logically that means this unindentified former MI6 agent is also a Hillary shill? Simply because everyone else was?

Why not just shut up and wait for more information to emerge? I know you guys want to defend Dumbass Donald, but doing it without more information just makes you look stupid.
So NOW we need a list of all the "intel chiefs" that the tabloids say "validated the story" and FIRE their fucking asses if they actually fell for this as evidence.

The intel chiefs didn't make any assertions. They claimed absolutely nothing.

All they did was deliver the findings of an MI6 agent whom they believe is a credible source. I haven't heard any of them declare this report as factual.
But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?


Look, I don't get your confusion. This was a private investigator (with no affiliations) and he turned over evidence that he was paid to collect.

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.

Nobody in the public knows anything about this ex-MI6 agent, besides that that he was hired to investigate Donald Trump's activity in Russia.

You are throwing out accusations without evidence. You are the one spinning yard.

"This was a private investigator (with no affiliations) and he turned over evidence that he was paid to collect."

And they've had that evidence, whatever it is, for several months, pre-November Election day, so why didn't they use it then, why now?

That's right because it's a Political Witch Hunt by hacks who have taken the unprecedented step to attempt to destroy an American President BEFORE he takes office. Because The Donald won and the Leftist bedwetters didn't want him to win and the Cuckservatives who are financed and have their strings pulled by the same vampires who finance and pull the strings of the Democrats.

The Donald needs to not only drain this Spook Swamp, he needs to throw kerosene on it and incinerate it.

These people are very near being American Traitors at this point and that includes the mentally unhinged psychopath John McCain and that pathetic faggot Miss Lindsay Graham, I wonder what blackmail material they have on Miss Lindsay, who's buttfucking him and who's dick is he gobbling on.
And they've had that evidence, whatever it is, for several months, pre-November Election day, so why didn't they use it then, why now?

Ask James Comey. He had no problem revealing Hillary Clinton's emails to the public, but suspiciously kept this under wraps.

I wonder why?

That's right because it's a Political Witch Hunt by hacks who have taken the unprecedented step to attempt to destroy an American President BEFORE he takes office.

If that were the case, then they would of released this information months ago like you said. Back then, the FBI was the only agency with any information on this. Today, there were 4 agencies that compiled these allegations.
But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?


Look, I don't get your confusion. This was a private investigator (with no affiliations) and he turned over evidence that he was paid to collect.

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.

Nobody in the public knows anything about this ex-MI6 agent, besides that that he was hired to investigate Donald Trump's activity in Russia.

You are throwing out accusations without evidence. You are the one spinning yard.

So basically incompetent government stooges, incompetent journalists, and Rick Wilson created a feedback loop where they're all relying on heresay but because of the "credibility" of their source they believe it and pass it on to someone else who will believe them? And every single leftist garbage jumps on it right away. They're all saying it can't be verified, but nonetheless still talking about it as it's verified and confirmed 100%, because hey, guy is former spook with "credibility". So, what exactly he was paid for?
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