"Liberal" Media treats white militants better than black activists


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Donna Edwards: Media treats white militants better than black activists

“I am deeply troubled by the media portrayal of the events in Oregon and the armed takeover of a federal wildlife refuge,” Edwards said in a statement. “Since the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement, activists . . . have been referred to variously as ‘thugs,’ ‘criminals,’ and ‘drug users.’ To the contrary, most of these protests and protesters have been peaceful, and organizers have sought and obtained permission to peaceably assemble in exercise of their Constitutional rights. But in Oregon, a group of armed men illegally occupying a federal building have been referred to as an ‘armed militia,’ or simply ‘occupiers,’ as though that behavior is acceptable in a nation of laws. What is happening in Oregon is not protest sanctioned by the Constitution, it is lawbreaking.”


She also argued that a nonwhite group would never be allowed to seize control of government property in this way. “One could not imagine a group of armed black men taking over an unoccupied federal building in one of our nation’s cities as they have in Oregon,” she said. “It is time to tell that tough truth.”

Asked for specific examples of media bias, Edwards spokesman Benjamin Gerdes cited a comment by CNN’s Don Lemon during Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, Mo., that “obviously there is the smell of marijuana in the air.” He also described Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly comparing Black Lives Matter activists to Nazis and remarks by otherFox News hosts who called the protesters “criminal” and “a hate group.”

Gerdes also referred to the repeated use of the word “thug” to describe rioters in Baltimore after the death in police custody of 25-year-old Freddie Gray last spring. The mayor of Baltimore used the word, although she later apologized. In addition, Gerdes pointed to news stories by a variety of outlets that connected a rise in murder rates in several cities with Black Lives Matter protests.
Here dude..

Even picked a pink one for ya, cupcake
I'll try to address this fairly.

1. We have all respected the PEACEFUL BLM protests. You know....ones that don't involve riots, arson or threats to kill cops.

2. There is a huge TACTICAL difference in the "what if" scenario of a building being taken in an URBAN center rather than an isolated area in a vast open mountain range. If these militia members took over a federal building in the middle of downtown Portland...it would be handled VERY different. Just like if BLM took over an unoccupied building in the middle of nowhere it would be handled much the same. Stand off....wait em out.

So there you have it. If these armed militia member criminals (they are) took over a building in downtown Portland it would be handled far different. It would HAVE to be. Without explaining in depth....the tactical considerations are vastly different.
I'll try to address this fairly.

1. We have all respected the PEACEFUL BLM protests. You know....ones that don't involve riots, arson or threats to kill cops.

2. There is a huge TACTICAL difference in the "what if" scenario of a building being taken in an URBAN center rather than an isolated area in a vast open mountain range. If these militia members took over a federal building in the middle of downtown Portland...it would be handled VERY different. Just like if BLM took over an unoccupied building in the middle of nowhere it would be handled much the same. Stand off....wait em out.

So there you have it. If these armed militia member criminals (they are) took over a building in downtown Portland it would be handled far different. It would HAVE to be. Without explaining in depth....the tactical considerations are vastly different.

So, let me get this right. Keep everything the same except change the guys from white to black and you're saying they'd be treated the same? Thats a knee slapper
I'll try to address this fairly.

1. We have all respected the PEACEFUL BLM protests. You know....ones that don't involve riots, arson or threats to kill cops.

2. There is a huge TACTICAL difference in the "what if" scenario of a building being taken in an URBAN center rather than an isolated area in a vast open mountain range. If these militia members took over a federal building in the middle of downtown Portland...it would be handled VERY different. Just like if BLM took over an unoccupied building in the middle of nowhere it would be handled much the same. Stand off....wait em out.

So there you have it. If these armed militia member criminals (they are) took over a building in downtown Portland it would be handled far different. It would HAVE to be. Without explaining in depth....the tactical considerations are vastly different.

So, let me get this right. Keep everything the same except change the guys from white to black and you're saying they'd be treated the same? Thats a knee slapper

In rural Oregon? For the exact same cause? Yes.

If the Hells Angels took over an ATF building in downtown Dallas or Miami.....they would have 1,000 SWAT guys and 10 MRAPs surrounding it and launching gas in.

It's tactics. Not race. In rural areas with no hostages....no one is in danger. In an urban center....bystanders and infrastructure are at risk, plus a large surrounding population is likely to have sympathizers begin to assimilate and escalate the situation. That's why it must be quickly and strongly contained and isolated.

See? Has nothing to do with race.

If the Hammond and Bundy militia go take over the federal building in downtown Portland....you'll see the SWAT and National Guard folks responding quickly.

But for now....those redneck criminals have taken over a glorified vacant boy scout camp in the middle of the woods.
In rural Oregon? For the exact same cause? Yes.


Ah. Well....I tried to discuss this rationally with you. Apparently you cant.

You're being funny thats why. Armed whites and armed blacks are treated the same you say? I mean, how can we even move on to other topics with you doing your comedy routine in the middle of it?

I mean HYPOTHETICALLY anything is possible...REALISTICALLY you're being facetious
In rural Oregon? For the exact same cause? Yes.


Ah. Well....I tried to discuss this rationally with you. Apparently you cant.

You're being funny thats why. Armed whites and armed blacks are treated the same you say? I mean, how can we even move on to other topics with you doing your comedy routine in the middle of it?

I mean HYPOTHETICALLY anything is possible...REALISTICALLY you're being facetious

You ever see how white biker gangs are treated when ATF or SWAT does a takedown? Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge? You know cops shoot more whites than any other race? Remember how Boston SWAT sent a small Army after the white terrorists?

You don't WANT them treated the same because then you'd lose your gripe. But they are....when all other factors are genrally same.

Fact is....tactics for human conflict in a vast rural area vs a dense urban area are very very different. Anyone who has been in the military or police knows this.

It just so happens that urban centers and vast rural areas happen to have very different racial makeups.
Yes I remember instances of police being rough but pointing at those instances as being the stat quo and that means that whites and blacks are treated the same is laughable according to any statistic you can find anywhere
Yes I remember instances of police being rough but pointing at those instances as being the stat quo and that means that whites and blacks are treated the same is laughable according to any statistic you can find anywhere

I can show LOTS.

How about the white anarchists in Seattle with the G8 summit? Seattle PD put the beat down on those thugs.

I can keep pointing out more examples....and you'll keep saying "yeah well except for those...."

Tactics depend on a few things:
1. Risk to innocent bystanders or hostages
2. Risk to police
3. Risk to infrastructure
4. Risk to property
5. Time sensitivity (will more waiting amplify the risks above)
6. Location (fortified, open, rural, urban, weather, media, etc)

Sorry....but race isn't one. Police commanders and SWAT teams factor all those in. They have been to training led by former military. It's how it's done.

I'm not naive to say politics isn't a factor. Baltimore PD backed down because the mayor ordered it. And I'm sure if a Senators son was barricaded with a gun in a bank...it would probably be affected politically, where if Jerome Jenkins or Bubba Hicks could do it and no one would care.

But you're just wrong on this. And I'm trying to discuss this rationally with you.
Of course you can, thats why I said isolated incidents dont mean a thing. The stats show the picture. So yes, police do get rowdy with white people. No one has ever said they dont.

I said you cant claim that whites and blacks are treated the same in our system using any stats, facts or history.
Of course blacks and whites are treated the same. Therein lies the problem. Liberals believe that blacks are inferior and therefore incapable of meeting the same civilized standard as whites. Its the same as lowering test standards and dumbing down educational programs.
Yes I remember instances of police being rough but pointing at those instances as being the stat quo and that means that whites and blacks are treated the same is laughable according to any statistic you can find anywhere
Blacks don't ACT the same as whites, therefore they are treated accordingly. When you throw bottles and rocks at the police, you should expect bad things to happen to you. When are you people going to learn how to behave?
Hammonds start a controlled 'burn' that gets out of control on BLM lands and get convicted on 'domestic terrorism' related charges (coincidentally, Hammonds refused to sell some of their land to the BLM, previously)......hmmmmm.

So, if any black activists start a fire, they, too, should be charged with 'domestic terrorism'.........but!!!, liberal media has not made that point...........so logically, black militants still are treated better, by far..............

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