Liberal Mole at Barney Frank's Town Hall

I'm trying to figure out why the right is so fixated on Barney Frank? Because he's gay, or Jewish, or smart, or because he is a Democrat? They just can't get enough of him.
Barney Frank is the Republicans what Sarah Palin is to the Democrats, but total opposites.

BR.................................... SP
Gay.................................. Breeds like a runaway train
smart ............................. You can see Russia from my house
Jewish............................ Believes in witchcraft
Democrat ...................... Republican
Lives in US ..................... What three countries make up North America
ugly............................... couger
understandable............... huh?
Thoughtful....................... huh?
How ironic, you are trying to belittle the GoPers yet you made a rather hilarious error that a 5th grader could correct.

How many countries in North America Cochise?

Hint: A LOT more then three...:lol:
:eusa_shhh: I think that was the point.

i don't get it. canada, usa, mexico. that's it for north america. then central america starts. that goes till panama, then south america starts. what am i missing?
How ironic, you are trying to belittle the GoPers yet you made a rather hilarious error that a 5th grader could correct.

How many countries in North America Cochise?

Hint: A LOT more then three...:lol:
:eusa_shhh: I think that was the point.

i don't get it. canada, usa, mexico. that's it for north america. then central america starts. that goes till panama, then south america starts. what am i missing?

My thought exactly. Sarah couldn't even name one of those three.
Let's see, hmmm. A lot more than three? Oh, I know.


The Land of Milk and Cookies
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How ironic, you are trying to belittle the GoPers yet you made a rather hilarious error that a 5th grader could correct.

How many countries in North America Cochise?

Hint: A LOT more then three...:lol:
:eusa_shhh: I think that was the point.

i don't get it. canada, usa, mexico. that's it for north america. then central america starts. that goes till panama, then south america starts. what am i missing?
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How ironic, you are trying to belittle the GoPers yet you made a rather hilarious error that a 5th grader could correct.

How many countries in North America Cochise?

Hint: A LOT more then three...:lol:
:eusa_shhh: I think that was the point.

i don't get it. canada, usa, mexico. that's it for north america. then central america starts. that goes till panama, then south america starts. what am i missing?
um, central America is not a continent
its part of North America, and so is Greenland
:eusa_shhh: I think that was the point.

i don't get it. canada, usa, mexico. that's it for north america. then central america starts. that goes till panama, then south america starts. what am i missing?
um, central America is not a continent
its part of North America, and so is Greenland

that is a definition problem. there are also definitions out there that say the americas are ONE continent. or that europe and asia are one continent. why is the ural the border between europe and asia, this is all arbitrary. and i don't think i talked about continents. the regional construct "north america" to me is canada, usa, and mexico. greenland is part of europe as it is part of denmark. islands and central america are, well central america.
i don't get it. canada, usa, mexico. that's it for north america. then central america starts. that goes till panama, then south america starts. what am i missing?
um, central America is not a continent
its part of North America, and so is Greenland

that is a definition problem. there are also definitions out there that say the americas are ONE continent. or that europe and asia are one continent. why is the ural the border between europe and asia, this is all arbitrary. and i don't think i talked about continents. the regional construct "north america" to me is canada, usa, and mexico. greenland is part of europe as it is part of denmark. islands and central america are, well central america.
well, this is true, and most break up the Americas because of them being two different tectonic plates
but yet they dont do it for India
who knows

The world continent map shows the distribution of the continental landmasses on the surface of the Earth. In terms of area, the continental landmasses are concentrated more in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere, as per the statistics of world continents and oceans.

In maps, Asia is by far the largest continent and being adjacent to Europe,

the two are sometimes referred to as a single continent, termed as Eurasia; although there are marked differences between the two continents on varied fields ranging from physical features to culture and socio-economic realities. Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and North and South America form the rest of the continental landforms.

North America: The third largest of the world's continents, most areas of the North American landmass is occupied by two of the world's most developed nations, the United States of America and Canada. The third major country occupying this continent is Mexico. The continent of North America is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the south by the Caribbean Sea. It is connected to the continent of South America by the narrow Isthmus of Panama. Comprising of some of the world's oldest rocks North America is also very rich in mineral and other natural resources. National Parks in this continent contain some of the most spectacular and breath-taking sceneries in the world

---------Did you know that if you started on the southern shore of Greenland and walked along the shore and kept walking, eventually, you would walk in a complete circle and never once touch the United State, or Canada, or Mexico? Isn't that funny?

Actually, if you start on the Yucatan peninsula and started walking, now get this, walked along the shore, you would pass first into the United States of America, then Canada, then Alaska, which, believe it or not is PART of the United States of America then Canada again, then the United States then Mexico all the way down to "Central America", which, of course, isn't considered part of North America, even though, now get this, you could walk there.

Now, if people want to say, that Jamaica is part of North America, or Cuba is part of North America, then good for them. But you can bet, beans to britches, Cuba does NOT consider itself part of North America. Cuba considers itself and I S L A N D. Why? Because it is surrounded by water. Walk along the edge of Cuba until you get to another country and you will never stop walking.

So just because someone writes that the Bahamas are part of North America, all I have to do is get a map and I can say, "See? The Bahamas are an island chain", which means that each and every one is surrounded by water, which means they are NOT part of North America.

This is one of those cases where you believe what you want and I'll believe what I want.

The bottom line, Sarah Palin couldn't name a single country that belongs to "North America". It's bad enough when it was only three. But 23 makes it even worse.
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