Liberal NC mayor attends funeral of dead felon and not of the cop he killed

The liberal faggots making excuses for the mayor are saying "but but there are sad mourning relatives of the killer, so it's okay to go!"

Liberals are the most hiv postiive, fucking retards on the planet.

So if a neo nazi killed black people and the cops killed him, because the neo nazi has mourning relatives, it woudl be fine for the mayor to go to the funderal?

Does these faggots have connected neurons?
Like when Reagan went and pissed off the Jews when he laid a wreath at a cemetary sprinkled with Nazi dead bodies...
I can't believe he did this. If he did indeed attend the funeral of the deceased felon who shot and killed officer Thalmann, then he has no respect for the slain officer, nor for the rest of the police force. This act was completely unacceptable. His concern should have been for the comfort and well being of officer Thalmann's surviving family members and of officer Wester, who was wounded in the same shootout that killed his partner.
Wow, not only did the mayor and two aldermen attend this felons funeral they also cancelled the candle light vigil for the officer that died! AND the Mayor or his aldermen could not be bothered to visit the dying officer or his partner in the hospital WTF?

The officer killed was a former Marine with two tours in Afghanistan.

The felon who started firing at the two cops shooting both of them had a long record.

He was a registered sex offender, he beat the hell out of an on duty firefighter and wrongfully imprisoned him. Committed felony battery. Was sentenced to 10 years in Florida for another felony battery. Had a litany of other charges, AND was wanted in Florida when he shot these two cops killing one.

New Bern shooting suspect had long criminal history - WNCT

Dem Mayor Cancels Memorial for Killed Police Officer, Attends Funeral of the Cop?s Killer

And this fuckstick of a mayor and his aldermen went to this cop killers funeral? Wow.

The mayors "eulogy"

What happened, happened,” said Mayor Dana Outlaw, New Bern. “We don't know why it happened. But we know one thing. That if you believe, whatever your belief is. My belief is that there's a better place that we can all be."

No joke that is what the mayor said^
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Steve, that's NOT an OP - a link don't cut it. Please add an actual OP for discussion, thanks.

The article seems very slanted, has anyone checked to see if the mayor actually attended the killers funeral?

I know I'm not Steve, but Yes, the Mayor did. I checked because it seemed so outrageous. If you check my post 13 there is a link to the felons past crimes as well.

Here is a news piece:

Several citizens chastise city leaders, call for mayor to resign - Local - Sun Journal

Mayor Dana Outlaw criticized over handling of double fatal shooting | Latest News - Home

And if you google the officers (and former marine) name, a ton more stories come up which speak about the other officer shot too.
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For his part, Outlaw said he went to Stallings’ funeral Thursday because he had known the family a long time.

“When somebody dies, there is a loss to the family, it doesn’t matter to me if it was cancer, a heart attack or someone getting run over by a train, dying a violent death,” he said. “I don’t focus on the death. I focus on the family. ...My thought was I have a dear friend and if that friend needs me I’m there for them. That in no way distracts my admiration and mourning for officer Alexander Thalmann. I don’t control why people die. I just know that I’m going to be there for the family.”

Outlaw also said he was aware there were a lot of people on social media attacking him for his decision to attend both funerals.

“I’m sorry that people tend to see it in a different way,” he said. “When death occurs, it is not a good time to try to make a mountain out of a molehill. Regardless of the situation, there are two mothers who lost two sons. It is a terrible tragedy. I’d like to think as a New Bern resident I was trying to be there for both mothers and the extended families. I mourn and grieve the mothers’ loss.”

Outlaw said many people don’t understand the Stallings family has long been established in New Bern.

“These are trying times on all of us and there has been a lot of anger over this,” he said.

Outlaw defends handling of shooting aftermath - Local - Sun Journal
CaféAuLait;8942443 said:

Steve, that's NOT an OP - a link don't cut it. Please add an actual OP for discussion, thanks.

The article seems very slanted, has anyone checked to see if the mayor actually attended the killers funeral?

I know I'm not Steve, but Yes, the Mayor did. I checked because it seemed so outrageous. If you check my post 13 there is a link to the felons past crimes as well.

Here is a news piece:

Several citizens chastise city leaders, call for mayor to resign - Local - Sun Journal

Mayor Dana Outlaw criticized over handling of double fatal shooting | Latest News - Home

And if you google the officers (and former marine) name, a ton more stories come up which speak about the other officer shot too.

Thank you for taking the time to look into this.

Others would do well to follow your example.
I'm not getting this.

Aren't you wingnuts saying that we all need guns to protect ourselves from an "oppressive government"?

THis is kind of what that looks like, guy. It means gun nuts shooting police officers.

Wasn't this what you were all hoping was going to happen in Nevada for some cows?
For his part, Outlaw said he went to Stallings’ funeral Thursday because he had known the family a long time.

“When somebody dies, there is a loss to the family, it doesn’t matter to me if it was cancer, a heart attack or someone getting run over by a train, dying a violent death,” he said. “I don’t focus on the death. I focus on the family. ...My thought was I have a dear friend and if that friend needs me I’m there for them. That in no way distracts my admiration and mourning for officer Alexander Thalmann. I don’t control why people die. I just know that I’m going to be there for the family.”

Outlaw also said he was aware there were a lot of people on social media attacking him for his decision to attend both funerals.

“I’m sorry that people tend to see it in a different way,” he said. “When death occurs, it is not a good time to try to make a mountain out of a molehill. Regardless of the situation, there are two mothers who lost two sons. It is a terrible tragedy. I’d like to think as a New Bern resident I was trying to be there for both mothers and the extended families. I mourn and grieve the mothers’ loss.”

Outlaw said many people don’t understand the Stallings family has long been established in New Bern.

“These are trying times on all of us and there has been a lot of anger over this,” he said.

Outlaw defends handling of shooting aftermath - Local - Sun Journal

He could have visited the family in private. A funeral remembers the deceased and honors them- a cold blooded killer, sex offender and kidnapper who was wanted in the state of Florida at the time of the killing. He had served time in FL after being sentenced for a brutal attack on a fireman and in the prison as well as bringing drugs into the prison. Plus a plethora of other crimes.

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