Liberal NC mayor attends funeral of dead felon and not of the cop he killed

CaféAuLait;8942521 said:
Did the mayor refuse to attend the funeral of the fallen police officer, like the non-OP inferred?

The mayor canceled the planned vigil for the officer which had been planned by city, coincidentally, it turns out the killers funeral was the same day. He said his aldermen had "accidentally" invited the killers family to the vigil for the murdered cop and this might create tension. The community is saying he cancelled the ceremony to attend the funeral not some BS story that his aldermen has accidentally invited the killers family.

True, they could have spoke to the family and said not to go. It seems like this mayor is not thinking correctly and making some dumb choices.

No, that's not right.

Social media, email chains and mass text messages have been making rounds through New Bern, seeming to further separate people on either side of each man who died in the incident.

An unconfirmed but widely circulated report alleges that the initial 7 p.m. vigil at Union Point Park for Thalmann was canceled after Alderman Johnnie Ray Kinsey requested the vigil be held for both Thalmann and Stallings.

An email that circulated through the River Bend community read, “An urgent request has been made by Board of Alderman member Johnnie Ray Kinsey to attend a prayer vigil on Wednesday evening, April 2 at 7 p.m. at Union Point Park. This has been called to gather the faith community in concern and compassion for the families and the situation that brought about the deaths of Police Officer Alexander E. Thalmann and Bryan Augustus Stallings. It is imperative that we all come together as a community in this time of crisis as a voice of reason and compassion to counteract rising anger and voices calling for retribution.”

Several hours after the planned evening vigil was announced, it was canceled, moved and changed to a Wreath Ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday outside the New Bern Police Department, where Thalmann’s car, draped in black, had become a memorial to the young officer.

Outlaw said he heard rumors about why the memorial was changed from Union Point Park to the police station, but he said the decision was made by the Board of Aldermen who thought it was the best way to honor Thalmann.

Funeral held for gunman in police shootings - Local - Sun Journal
CaféAuLait;8942474 said:
I'm not getting this.

Aren't you wingnuts saying that we all need guns to protect ourselves from an "oppressive government"?

THis is kind of what that looks like, guy. It means gun nuts shooting police officers.

Wasn't this what you were all hoping was going to happen in Nevada for some cows?

Don't try to derail the thread, take your "cow shit" back to where it belongs.

He made a salient point. Don't be all mad because you don't like where it points TO.
CaféAuLait;8942474 said:
I'm not getting this.

Aren't you wingnuts saying that we all need guns to protect ourselves from an "oppressive government"?

THis is kind of what that looks like, guy. It means gun nuts shooting police officers.

Wasn't this what you were all hoping was going to happen in Nevada for some cows?

Don't try to derail the thread, take your "cow shit" back to where it belongs.

Not at all.

Whenever we hear the Gun Nuts talk about why they need to have them some guns, it's usualy to protect themselves against an oppressive government.

Well, it strikes me that this guy wasn't committing a crime, as near as we can tell, at the time the police officer stopped him. But his go-to solution was to start shooting at a cop.

You know. A government employee.
CaféAuLait;8942521 said:
The mayor canceled the planned vigil for the officer which had been planned by city, coincidentally, it turns out the killers funeral was the same day. He said his aldermen had "accidentally" invited the killers family to the vigil for the murdered cop and this might create tension. The community is saying he cancelled the ceremony to attend the funeral not some BS story that his aldermen has accidentally invited the killers family.

True, they could have spoke to the family and said not to go. It seems like this mayor is not thinking correctly and making some dumb choices.

No, that's not right.

Social media, email chains and mass text messages have been making rounds through New Bern, seeming to further separate people on either side of each man who died in the incident.

An unconfirmed but widely circulated report alleges that the initial 7 p.m. vigil at Union Point Park for Thalmann was canceled after Alderman Johnnie Ray Kinsey requested the vigil be held for both Thalmann and Stallings.

An email that circulated through the River Bend community read, “An urgent request has been made by Board of Alderman member Johnnie Ray Kinsey to attend a prayer vigil on Wednesday evening, April 2 at 7 p.m. at Union Point Park. This has been called to gather the faith community in concern and compassion for the families and the situation that brought about the deaths of Police Officer Alexander E. Thalmann and Bryan Augustus Stallings. It is imperative that we all come together as a community in this time of crisis as a voice of reason and compassion to counteract rising anger and voices calling for retribution.”

Several hours after the planned evening vigil was announced, it was canceled, moved and changed to a Wreath Ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday outside the New Bern Police Department, where Thalmann’s car, draped in black, had become a memorial to the young officer.

Outlaw said he heard rumors about why the memorial was changed from Union Point Park to the police station, but he said the decision was made by the Board of Aldermen who thought it was the best way to honor Thalmann.

Funeral held for gunman in police shootings - Local - Sun Journal

The decision was made because they Mayors office thought there would be violence since the killers family was invited when they should not have been for the man he killed.

Once the information went viral about including Stallings’ family and friends in the service, the location and timing had to be changed, Schaible said.

“Let us not look to who sent the information out, the point is that it was there and nothing we could say or do would take it back,” she said. “Union Point Park is a public park.”

Schaible said an officer with the New Bern Police Department sent her a personal note that expressed it better than she could, so she quoted it: “The danger presented to innocent citizens of this community by combining the presence of two factions could have resulted in more physical harm to innocent persons and there was no choice but to move the vigil.”

That statement caused a rumble through the room. But Schaible continued, saying she received a call the previous Saturday from an officer in the Craven County Sheriff’s Office who fully supported the aldermen’s decision to change the vigil because he understood it became a public safety issue.

The vigil had been planned before the Wednesday it was supposed to happen.

Several citizens chastise city leaders, call for mayor to resign - Local - Sun Journal
Does the penis up your asshole not allow you to see the second post I made?

Naw, Steve, I can only really tolerate a limited number of your Tranny-infested posts a day.

Any word on whether the guy was wearing a dress, we all know that makes you nuts.

Dear pole smoking liberal:

If you hate tranny posts so much, why do you try to turn every non tranny post I make into a tranny post? Do this, get the cock out of your ass, and stop replying to my posts. If you do chose to respond to my posts, at least read them, then stop trying to change the topic. Okay?

If you can't do this, I can only assume you are severely mentally disturbed and cannot control yourself and I would hope the moderators can do for you what you are incapable of doing yourself.

TrannySteve is also obsessed with cocks. The guy is a latent homosexual for sure. Come on and admit it for crying out loud!

I figured the guy must have known the family or else I would agree his brain was not functioning correctly.
CaféAuLait;8942474 said:
I'm not getting this.

Aren't you wingnuts saying that we all need guns to protect ourselves from an "oppressive government"?

THis is kind of what that looks like, guy. It means gun nuts shooting police officers.

Wasn't this what you were all hoping was going to happen in Nevada for some cows?

Don't try to derail the thread, take your "cow shit" back to where it belongs.

Not at all.

Whenever we hear the Gun Nuts talk about why they need to have them some guns, it's usualy to protect themselves against an oppressive government.

Well, it strikes me that this guy wasn't committing a crime, as near as we can tell, at the time the police officer stopped him. But his go-to solution was to start shooting at a cop.

You know. A government employee.


It was supposed to be a joke about the 1,700 cow threads, but I guess it came off harsh and for that I apologize. I don't know why anyone would want something bad to happen at Bundy's ranch, it seems counterintuitive. Anyway, the cows threads seem to be one every second by both sides to prove some point and they are getting a bit ridiculous. I would hate to see this turn into yet another "cow shit "thread ( because those threads are mainly about cows shitting where they are not supposed to and eating grass where they are not supposed to).
Last edited:
Like when Reagan went and pissed off the Jews when he laid a wreath at a cemetary sprinkled with Nazi dead bodies...

W@hat the fuck does Reagan have to do with this?
I swear, you libs live in this world of "yeah but your guy did this...!"
You people take responsibility for nothing. You live for excuses and rationalizations. You have no soul.
I know of no decent person who would attend the funeral of a career criminal instead of the police officer's which the criminal killed..
That mayor should be subject to a recall election.
He is a criminal sympathizer.
If I were the police chief, I would secretly instruct my officers to target him for the slightest of traffic violations.
What goes around comes around.
Like when Reagan went and pissed off the Jews when he laid a wreath at a cemetary sprinkled with Nazi dead bodies...

Not all Germans were nazis. Moron.

Says the moron who paints all liberals with the same brush.

Liberals are generally all in for each other.
While conservatives have marginalized their lunatic fringe, libs will circle the wagons around the most radical of lefties.
For his part, Outlaw said he went to Stallings’ funeral Thursday because he had known the family a long time.

“When somebody dies, there is a loss to the family, it doesn’t matter to me if it was cancer, a heart attack or someone getting run over by a train, dying a violent death,” he said. “I don’t focus on the death. I focus on the family. ...My thought was I have a dear friend and if that friend needs me I’m there for them. That in no way distracts my admiration and mourning for officer Alexander Thalmann. I don’t control why people die. I just know that I’m going to be there for the family.”

Outlaw also said he was aware there were a lot of people on social media attacking him for his decision to attend both funerals.

“I’m sorry that people tend to see it in a different way,” he said. “When death occurs, it is not a good time to try to make a mountain out of a molehill. Regardless of the situation, there are two mothers who lost two sons. It is a terrible tragedy. I’d like to think as a New Bern resident I was trying to be there for both mothers and the extended families. I mourn and grieve the mothers’ loss.”

Outlaw said many people don’t understand the Stallings family has long been established in New Bern.

“These are trying times on all of us and there has been a lot of anger over this,” he said.

Outlaw defends handling of shooting aftermath - Local - Sun Journal
That is a politically correct cop out. The mayor's behavior is at best inappropriate for the office he holds. At worst it is insulting to ALL law enforcement and sinful.
The mayor should be shamed out of office.
CaféAuLait;8942464 said:

He could have visited the family in private. A funeral remembers the deceased and honors them- a cold blooded killer, sex offender and kidnapper who was wanted in the state of Florida at the time of the killing. He had served time in FL after being sentenced for a brutal attack on a fireman and in the prison as well as bringing drugs into the prison. Plus a plethora of other crimes.

Funerals are to bring comfort to the families, not for the dead.

I'm sure that this guy's family is horrified that this guy turned out so bad.

IT does sound like this city has some serious issues between the police and the community, though, if a lot of the community was questioning whether this was a good shoot or not.
A lot of the community? Says who?
CaféAuLait;8942478 said:
Funerals are to bring comfort to the families, not for the dead.

I'm sure that this guy's family is horrified that this guy turned out so bad.

IT does sound like this city has some serious issues between the police and the community, though, if a lot of the community was questioning whether this was a good shoot or not.

I was not aware they were questioning the two cops being shot by the felon and one cop dying.. Do you have a link? And funerals are to honor and remember the dead just as much to comfort the family.

I think one of the articles said the incident was under investigation, and two alderman have questioned it.

In NC, All police involved shootings where there is a fatality are subject to SBI investigation.
It is standard operating procedure.
It's already been established that the Mayor attended the police officer's funeral, unlike what you said, TrannySteve.

What the guy did prior to his shooting was irrelevent. The only question is, was it a good shoot or not. Who fired first. Did the police have probable cause when they approached this guy, or was it another case of "Driving While Black".

And I'll admit, I don't know these things. Most of the links to this story aren't going into details, because, hey, random speculation is a lot easier.

Does the penis up your asshole not allow you to see the second post I made?

Naw, Steve, I can only really tolerate a limited number of your Tranny-infested posts a day.

Any word on whether the guy was wearing a dress, we all know that makes you nuts.
You are a grabastic piece of amphibian shit.
CaféAuLait;8942474 said:
I'm not getting this.

Aren't you wingnuts saying that we all need guns to protect ourselves from an "oppressive government"?

THis is kind of what that looks like, guy. It means gun nuts shooting police officers.

Wasn't this what you were all hoping was going to happen in Nevada for some cows?

Don't try to derail the thread, take your "cow shit" back to where it belongs.

He made a salient point. Don't be all mad because you don't like where it points TO.

Another criminal sympathizer.....
CaféAuLait;8942474 said:
I'm not getting this.

Aren't you wingnuts saying that we all need guns to protect ourselves from an "oppressive government"?

THis is kind of what that looks like, guy. It means gun nuts shooting police officers.

Wasn't this what you were all hoping was going to happen in Nevada for some cows?

Don't try to derail the thread, take your "cow shit" back to where it belongs.

Not at all.

Whenever we hear the Gun Nuts talk about why they need to have them some guns, it's usualy to protect themselves against an oppressive government.

Well, it strikes me that this guy wasn't committing a crime, as near as we can tell, at the time the police officer stopped him. But his go-to solution was to start shooting at a cop.

You know. A government employee.
This thread was relatively civil....Until you got here. What's that tell ya?
CaféAuLait;8942474 said:
Don't try to derail the thread, take your "cow shit" back to where it belongs.

Not at all.

Whenever we hear the Gun Nuts talk about why they need to have them some guns, it's usualy to protect themselves against an oppressive government.

Well, it strikes me that this guy wasn't committing a crime, as near as we can tell, at the time the police officer stopped him. But his go-to solution was to start shooting at a cop.

You know. A government employee.
This thread was relatively civil....Until you got here. What's that tell ya?

Read Tranny-Steve's first couple of posts, you have a funny idea about "Civil".

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