Liberal news outlets work overtime to hide a huge Democratic scandal and more crazy media misses thi


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Another example of the audacity of some and why they are simply out of touch with America and the American voter. Of course it won't be covered by the media because it is an actually scandal with plenty of evidence.

No wonder the trust in media is at an all time low.

Liberal news outlets work overtime to hide a huge Democratic scandal and more crazy media misses this week

Watching news outlets go out of their way to hide a potentially huge Democratic scandal is almost funny. So-called journalists are too busy covering presidential tweets to report on a topic that might embarrass their friends.

Welcome to the Imran Awan-Debbie Wasserman Schultz scandal or Compugrab, as I like to call it.

Awan was the top IT aide to Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The FBI reportedly “seized smashed computer hard drives” from his home. He was “arrested trying to flee to Pakistan after wiring almost $300,000 to the country,” according to The Daily Caller, which has owned the story because it does actual news reporting.

Here’s an amazing paragraph from the Caller: “Awan and members of his family received $4 million from the Democratic congressmen they were working for since 2010. Wasserman Schultz has been especially uncooperative with the probe into her staffers and even threatened the Capitol Police chief for gathering evidence. She refused to fire Awan until after he was arrested, even though Capitol Police had already revoked Awans’ access to the congressional IT system in February in relation to a major security breach.” ($4 million, and you wonder where your tax dollars go.)

The traditional media has barely even acknowledged this story exists. In the 24 hours after his arrest, only “CBS This Morning” reported on it – for 37 seconds. And co-host Gayle King made a point of ending the story with the claim by Awan’s attorney that charges are due to “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Newspapers have been almost as bad. The Washington Post wasn’t just slow to the party. Legal reporter Spencer Hsu didn’t mention Awan's ties to Hill Democrats until the seventh paragraph. Imagine the Post writing like that about Hill Republicans. A headline on an Associated Press story was especially entertaining: “Florida lawmaker fires IT staffer; Anti-Muslim bigotry is cause of client's arrest, lawyer says.”

This is why so many Americans no longer trust the traditional media. It’s because we can’t. They’d rather write snarky stories about the president’s Twitter comments than do actual reporting. Hats off to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Luke Rosiak for remembering what journalism really means.
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