Liberal panic on MSNBC last 2 days has just been too pathetic to watch

But to balance out their coverage, MSNBC is going to add Al Sharpton to their team so that they can cover the entire political spectrum from Frothing Leftist Moonbat Fringe to Black Frothing Leftist Moonbat Fringe.

They cover it all
I can't wait for Al Sharpton to bring up the issue of much higher unemployment caused by Obama and how it's going to cost him the election in 2012 (oh wait,,,the 9.3% is all Bush's and Reagan's Fault)
And here with his political insight on how 16% minority unemployment under Obama is Bush's Fault, please welcome MSNBC latest commentator Al Sharpton
I've taken the task of watching some MSNBC the last couple days, and if I didn't know better I swear I'd think that was nothing but a 24 hour President Obama 2012 campaign channel. Rachael Madcow basically spent the first 30 minutes of her show yesterday running political ads against Mitt Romney that Kennedy used in the 90's. Her "hosting" was basically like this: "Hey, watch this ad..........(ad over) and now this ad..........(ad over) ....Mtt Romneys bad, mmmkay?"

And Lawrence O'Donnell? Jesus Christ. Is he a robot? He's OBVIOUSLY reading the teleprompter line for line, but he doesn't seem like he's done it much. He's monotone, and makes awkward hesitations and pauses throughout the sentences. Almost gave me a headache just trying to listen to the moron speak. But he literally spent today's show explaining to liberals how Obama was STILL LIBERAL, but just campaigning.

He explained "Don't worry, ALL politicians, no matter how sincere, don't ALWAYS mean what they say" and he went on to explain that even though the left is pissed at Obama's words, not to worry because he's just campaigning. Hahaha!!! "Settle down guys, he's still one of us, he's just campaigning!! He doesn't mean what he's saying, I promise!!!"

The delusional left just keeps getting more and more pathetic by the week. Lawrence kept explaining that even though Obama didn't get what he wants, he did it on purpose to appear like he was reasonable, not firm in his beliefs, BUT liberals shouldn't hold that against him because he STILL believes in liberal ideals, but is just acting like he doesn't because he wants to win in 2012.

Good God, I swear liberals are on the verge of suicide.

Sounds like a repeat of the Fox Channel on the other cable station.
But to balance out their coverage, MSNBC is going to add Al Sharpton to their team so that they can cover the entire political spectrum from Frothing Leftist Moonbat Fringe to Black Frothing Leftist Moonbat Fringe.

They cover it all

As opposed to those "fair & balanced" commentators on FOX, like Bush's former speech writer (can't remember his name right now), the blond hottie who was the head of the Christian GOP in college and Karl Rove...

FOX is not balanced and it is nowhere near fair. Neither is MSNBC though. Yin & Yang.
IL, I don't appreciate your comparing FOX to msnbc. msnbc does lean to the left, that's true and they state as much, however FOX just makes shat up. Moreover, they pretend to be some "fair and balanced" news network.

Their is mountains of evidence that shows FOX PURPOSEFULLY lies to steer the viewer into RW propoganda.

You won't find that on msnbc. msnbc CORRECT's themselves whenever they've discovered they are in err.


Clearly you see this, clearly. That is if you are, in fact, as independent as you claim.
IL, I don't appreciate your comparing FOX to msnbc. msnbc does lean to the left, that's true and they state as much, however FOX just makes shat up. Moreover, they pretend to be some "fair and balanced" news network.

Their is mountains of evidence that shows FOX PURPOSEFULLY lies to steer the viewer into RW propoganda.

You won't find that on msnbc. msnbc CORRECT's themselves whenever they've discovered they are in err.


Clearly you see this, clearly. That is if you are, in fact, as independent as you claim.

LOL - Oh boy here we go again. I have been called both a Closet Conservative and a Secret Liberal here so many times already - and I'm new!

Nope. Sorry. I'm not with you. MSNBC is not a Democratic shell - it's a LIBERAL shell. Yes, they have criticized Obama - every time he hasn't been Liberal enough. Look at the videos posted. Keeping Git-Mo open? Obama not paying attention to what kind of anger? Liberal anger. That's their agenda and it's obvious.
That being said, I have caught FOX in a couple outright lies and definitely seen some doctored photographs on their shows. Oops.
They are 100% Conservative shell. That's their agenda and it's equally obvious.
what makes MSNBC so amusing,is that all viewers are able to catch them in a lie,either that,they all wonder why MSNBC will not listen to a conservative view of very urgent issues, like when they talk to someone like Bernie Sanders who believes we need to tax the rich to pay back at least the 4 trillion Obama pissed off,and never had any real plan to pay it back. They always make it sound like their ideas to solve our ecominic issues will work! well if so,,why are we so worse off now than in January 2009?

and right about some of the cable personalites on MSNBC who come off as "Robots" the three evening robots of MSNBC are Czenk(however u spell it) Maddcow and O'Donnell, after watching them, you may as well replace them with Robots. MSNBC has lost it's better personalities over the years. Even CNN has lost its best anchormen(Lou Dobbs&Rich Standchez to name 2 of them) Thank God for Ed Schultz and Chrissy!!!! who doesn't enjoy watching them lie while rubbing their thighs and their guests thighs? !!!!
Maddow is the funnest commentator on TV with Bill O following a close second. I love when they punish the idjits on their own sides of the aisle. I can image Bill running into the studio, yelling, "What has the mad cow from Minnesota done now and can I use it?" referring to Michelle B.
IL, I don't appreciate your comparing FOX to msnbc. msnbc does lean to the left, that's true and they state as much, however FOX just makes shat up. Moreover, they pretend to be some "fair and balanced" news network.

Their is mountains of evidence that shows FOX PURPOSEFULLY lies to steer the viewer into RW propoganda.

You won't find that on msnbc. msnbc CORRECT's themselves whenever they've discovered they are in err.


Clearly you see this, clearly. That is if you are, in fact, as independent as you claim.

LOL - Oh boy here we go again. I have been called both a Closet Conservative and a Secret Liberal here so many times already - and I'm new!

Nope. Sorry. I'm not with you. MSNBC is not a Democratic shell - it's a LIBERAL shell. Yes, they have criticized Obama - every time he hasn't been Liberal enough. Look at the videos posted. Keeping Git-Mo open? Obama not paying attention to what kind of anger? Liberal anger. That's their agenda and it's obvious.
That being said, I have caught FOX in a couple outright lies and definitely seen some doctored photographs on their shows. Oops.
They are 100% Conservative shell. That's their agenda and it's equally obvious.
I noticed 2 things in your statement. 1.) You agreed that FOX has, in fact, lied outright.
2.) That you have not presented any evidence of msnbc doing the same, only that they get mad at Obama in what you call "liberal anger"

Yet you claim that they are both equal.

Thanks! :cool:
If one were to apply the same rules that RWrs have done to those saying negative things about would think that there's a lot of posters here who fear MSNBC. If one were to use the same rules, that is.
MSNBC criticizes Obama all the time. Republicans assume MSNBC is just like FOX. Why? Because it's a "gut feeling" and it's "common sense". Forget facts.

They do criticize him all the time... for giving in to the rightwingnut loons.
I couldn't even tell you where MSNBC is on my cable box.

I guess I'm not a fan like Buc. :thup:
well, after taking a second look at Maddow,I have come to the conclusion that he is 1/2 Man, 1/2 Gefelte Fish and 1/2 ReComposted Cow Manure.
Were MSNBC a person it would be searching out a doctor accepting of Medicaid in a quest to have its right hand and right foot amputated.

But not if they had to pay for it themselves.

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