Liberal POS Hero Jimmy Carter Deported Iranians During the 1970s

Yes he did, and they were banned and deported because they were Iranian and not Muslim... Do you understand the difference?

So you're telling me that EVERY Iranian student deported was "OK" because they were Iranian? How racist and Naziesque of you.

Again you are seeming not to understand the difference and trying to use what Jimmy Carter did to justify what Trump is proposing and they're not the same.

As I wrote Jimmy Carter did it against people from a certain nation and not a entire religion, and yet you can not understand this part. Had Jimmy Carter done it against all of Islam then it would have meant more people and not just Iranian's or do you believe Iran is the only nation with Muslim's within their border?

As I have wrote if you want to discuss the banning of visas to those from Pakistan which one came here on a K-1 then let talk but that is not what you want. You want to support the idea that this country would be able to carry out a full ban that would prevent 1.5 billion Muslims from entering this country, and it will not stop them.

So as you dig in deeper and try to spin the reality the fact still remain Carter banned Iranian's and not Muslim's and if you want to ban or vet Syrian's, Iraqis and Pakistan women from entering this country then by all means let discuss it.

What nation is ISIS?

They got passports?

They have to get a visa to come here or to another country like Mexico, and what country was the shooter ( Husband ) from when he went on his mass shooting spree with his wife that was from Pakistan?

He did not need a visa did he?

No, his allegiance however was with ISIS, was it not?

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