Liberal Strategy to Delegitimize Trump Started Days After Hillary Defeat

Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

You mean twenty five years of fruitless investigation?
Well...if the Clinton’s would not violate the law every year then the investigations would stop.

Yet after 25 years of trying, Republicans could not even get an injunction
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

Mueller will drag this thing out until 2020 election.
Doesn't have to if Trump will just disclose what he was talking to the Russians about

We were talking about adoption does not cut it
. Otherwise don't say it was about the grandkids and birthday parties like Bill and Loretta Lynch were discussing on the tarmack eh ? Got it... We'll make sure he gets the memo. LOL
Loretta Lynch is not an enemy agent
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

Mueller will drag this thing out until 2020 election.
Doesn't have to if Trump will just disclose what he was talking to the Russians about

We were talking about adoption does not cut it
Kinda like Lynch and Slick Willie we’re talking about grandkids on a tarmac at LAX during an election year when Hillary was the target of an investigation? Hmmmmm. Comey seemed to have a change of heart shortly thereafter.
. Quit reading my mind.. lol
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

Mueller will drag this thing out until 2020 election.
Doesn't have to if Trump will just disclose what he was talking to the Russians about

We were talking about adoption does not cut it
. Otherwise don't say it was about the grandkids and birthday parties like Bill and Loretta Lynch were discussing on the tarmack eh ? Got it... We'll make sure he gets the memo. LOL
Loretta Lynch is not an enemy agent
. No but she may have become a criminal at that junction.
It was in play while O was still president. They were already hatching and acting on their illegal wiretaps, spying on opposition, paying for fake dossier etc.
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

It wasn't just a strategy to delegitimize Trump - It's a Coup Attempt. Mueller is a tool of the Coup Conspirators.
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
. Yep we called it right... I remember writing some OP's on it right afterwards and commenting heavily on other OPs during.

The problem with this view is you can't get blood from a stone. If Trump wasn't colluding with russians, there wouldn't have been meetings, emails, and cooperation with russians. The Trump campaign was infiltrated by choice by chance, or by outside influence. It wasn't that Trump advisers were turned into Russian agents, but that Russian agents were turned into Trump advisers.
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
. Yep we called it right... I remember writing some OP's on it right afterwards and commenting heavily on other OPs during.

The problem with this view is you can't get blood from a stone. If Trump wasn't colluding with russians, there wouldn't have been meetings, emails, and cooperation with russians. The Trump campaign was infiltrated by choice by chance, or by outside influence. It wasn't that Trump advisers were turned into Russian agents, but that Russian agents were turned into Trump advisers.
You progressives are pissing in each other’s mouths and calling it Kool-Aid...
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
. Yep we called it right... I remember writing some OP's on it right afterwards and commenting heavily on other OPs during.

The problem with this view is you can't get blood from a stone. If Trump wasn't colluding with russians, there wouldn't have been meetings, emails, and cooperation with russians. The Trump campaign was infiltrated by choice by chance, or by outside influence. It wasn't that Trump advisers were turned into Russian agents, but that Russian agents were turned into Trump advisers.
. No, you have to go back to the history of it all, and that includes the actions of Obama over the years leading up to it, and then Hillary being the DNC pick. The picture is quite clear really.
The Trump campaign was infiltrated by choice by chance, or by outside influence. It wasn't that Trump advisers were turned into Russian agents, but that Russian agents were turned into Trump advisers.
. No, you have to go back to the history of it all, and that includes the actions of Obama over the years leading up to it, and then Hillary being the DNC pick. The picture is quite clear really.
Are you saying HIllary forced Trump to hire foreign agents as campaign staff?

Flynn, Manafort, Page, et al.
The Trump campaign was infiltrated by choice by chance, or by outside influence. It wasn't that Trump advisers were turned into Russian agents, but that Russian agents were turned into Trump advisers.
. No, you have to go back to the history of it all, and that includes the actions of Obama over the years leading up to it, and then Hillary being the DNC pick. The picture is quite clear really.
Are you saying HIllary forced Trump to hire foreign agents as campaign staff?

Flynn, Manafort, Page, et al.


Oh....of have none.
Trump to hire foreign agents as campaign staff?

Flynn, Manafort, Page, et al.


Oh....of have none.

Russia Investigation Suspect Paul Manafort Just Followed Michael Flynn and Registered as a Foreign Agent. What Does That Mean? By Conor Gaffey On 6/28/17 at 8:03 AM.

Manafort and Flynn registered as foreign agents.

That's pretty much evidence they were foreign agents.
Last edited:
Are you saying HIllary forced Trump to hire foreign agents as campaign staff?

Flynn, Manafort, Page, et al.


Oh....of have none.

Manafort was indicted, Page publicly admitted it, and Flynn was convicted. You want more evidence than criminal convictions?

Find links that prove those individuals were indicted, or charged as 'foreign agents,' or admit you're a lying low-life oaf.
Manafort and Flynn registered as foreign agents.

That's pretty much evidence they were foreign agents.

Russia Investigation Suspect Paul Manafort Just Followed Michael Flynn and Registered as a Foreign Agent. What Does That Mean? By Conor Gaffey On 6/28/17 at 8:03 AM.

"The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS
I love it when the RWnuts proclaim the Democrats evil because they won't vote for the Republican agenda.
Why would black democrats look so glum when told black unemployment is at an all-time low?
Because they have been told or made to believe that excepting anything from the Republicans, is like taking hand outs from their old slave masters.
The hilarious thing about that piece of truth is none of them has ever been a slave or even known a slave, except for the democrat plantations in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans, Baltimore, Washington DC, etc.
I love it when the RWnuts proclaim the Democrats evil because they won't vote for the Republican agenda.
Why would black democrats look so glum when told black unemployment is at an all-time low?
Because they have been told or made to believe that excepting anything from the Republicans, is like taking hand outs from their old slave masters.
The hilarious thing about that piece of truth is none of them has ever been a slave or even known a slave, except for the democrat plantations in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans, Baltimore, Washington DC, etc.

But, having picked cotton, they empathize.....

....well, the cotton was out of an aspirin bottle...but, still.....
Find links that prove those individuals were indicted, or charged as 'foreign agents,' or admit you're a lying low-life oaf.

You wanted evidence they were foreign agents.

I bitch slapped you so hard you changed the subject.

Russia Investigation Suspect Paul Manafort Just Followed Michael Flynn and Registered as a Foreign Agent. What Does That Mean? By Conor Gaffey On 6/28/17 at 8:03 AM.

Registering as a foreign agent is evidence, of being a foreign agent.

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