Liberal Strategy to Delegitimize Trump Started Days After Hillary Defeat

Aw sorry. I thought your sig was what you look like. Anyways about the debt. It is clear boomers are responsible for a large chunk so 10% social security decrease? That should be pretty fair considering the massive interest they have wrung up with their short sighted tax cuts.
Social Security is a joke, it should be cut off. I don’t ever expect anything out of it so I’m playing with losing what I have put in.
Boomers get 0% social security, now were cookin! They may actually almost pay off their debt.
Social Security is bankrupt so who gives a shit anymore? LOL
Social Security is in no jeopardy of going bankrupt. There are multiple uncomplicated ways to prevent it from going bankrupt.
In addition, the large voter block of seniors and those close to retirement age will lobby and vore to continue the program.
Less people are putting less in… More people are taking more out.
How is that not bankrupt? Did Al Gore teach you some fuzzy math?
The process has already begun. Age of retirement has been increased to address the "More people taking out" issue. Look for efforts to disqualify folks with very large independent incomes and wealth.
Be realistic, you dumb little fucker. Slashing taxes with high debt is irresponsible, period.
Well, the well is dry... there is nothing there left to tax.
Stopping spending this only option
Then put a cap on spending across the board except emergencies. No more tax cuts until the debt decreases. Gotta pay for it. Reagan started it. Time to pay up. Add a small boomer tax so the people who have enjoyed low tax with debt can pass a bit less to my generation.

Reagan started it???? LMAO! You have no idea how the government works, do you? If anyone started it, Tip O'Neill and the Democratic majorities in the House started it.
Fine either way exploding debts started in the 80s. Time for the boomers to pay up!
Na, The spending more than what we have started in the 40s or before. Get your shit straight

lol, you posted a chart that proves you wrong. Good move!
Social Security is bankrupt so who gives a shit anymore? LOL
Exactly. They need to be cut off now since they are draining it to zero anyways
All socialist entitlement programs have a diminishing return at best...

What works better than public education?
Make it voluntary, Public schools should be paid for by people that use them and only the people that use them. Homeschooled family’s should be responsible for their own education which they are same with private schools.

You think it would be better if those who cannot afford school had to simply go without.

You are the kind of 'honest' conservative that really shows us how dangerous conservatism is.
Private organizations are there to help, the federal government is far too inefficient could be of any good. “In The collective” is no way to live...
The collective has never known what’s best for the individual... In fact the collectives job is to destroy the individual and the freedoms that go with it.
Oh wow I guess it will all work out then. We need to cancel everything today and leave it to charities and stuff. And taking the road to work for $39.99. Wait what? Thats only one road!
Well, the well is dry... there is nothing there left to tax.
Stopping spending this only option
Then put a cap on spending across the board except emergencies. No more tax cuts until the debt decreases. Gotta pay for it. Reagan started it. Time to pay up. Add a small boomer tax so the people who have enjoyed low tax with debt can pass a bit less to my generation.

Reagan started it???? LMAO! You have no idea how the government works, do you? If anyone started it, Tip O'Neill and the Democratic majorities in the House started it.
Fine either way exploding debts started in the 80s. Time for the boomers to pay up!
Na, The spending more than what we have started in the 40s or before. Get your shit straight

lol, you posted a chart that proves you wrong. Good move!
How so?
The federal government has been in the red since the late 30s… Fact
Then put a cap on spending across the board except emergencies. No more tax cuts until the debt decreases. Gotta pay for it. Reagan started it. Time to pay up. Add a small boomer tax so the people who have enjoyed low tax with debt can pass a bit less to my generation.

Reagan started it???? LMAO! You have no idea how the government works, do you? If anyone started it, Tip O'Neill and the Democratic majorities in the House started it.
Fine either way exploding debts started in the 80s. Time for the boomers to pay up!
Na, The spending more than what we have started in the 40s or before. Get your shit straight

lol, you posted a chart that proves you wrong. Good move!
How so?
The federal government has been in the red since the late 30s… Fact

The other poster referenced 'exploding debt'. Your chart doesn't show any such explosion until the eighties.
So whats the plan without them. What do we do with poor old people, or disabled younger that need help
Private organizations, why not? But Socialism has proven that it does not work, it has been tried countless times and has a 100% fail rate.

Where in Europe has socialized medicine failed?
I don’t give a shit about Europe, I know they are unhappy with their overwhelming debt because of their socialist quality's...
European socialism will never work over here, anyway it’s not like it’s working in Europe. LOL
There is a reason why you ancestors with them fuckers… Control freaks everyone of them
Oh wow I guess it will all work out then. We need to cancel everything today and leave it to charities and stuff. And taking the road to work for $39.99. Wait what? Thats only one road!
Most roads are built by the states, by the way.
Anyway they are already built and maintained by the states. 90% of the roads I drive on are gravel.
Reagan started it???? LMAO! You have no idea how the government works, do you? If anyone started it, Tip O'Neill and the Democratic majorities in the House started it.
Fine either way exploding debts started in the 80s. Time for the boomers to pay up!
Na, The spending more than what we have started in the 40s or before. Get your shit straight

lol, you posted a chart that proves you wrong. Good move!
How so?
The federal government has been in the red since the late 30s… Fact

The other poster referenced 'exploding debt'. Your chart doesn't show any such explosion until the eighties.
All debt is the same, it’s still debt. Debt should be unacceptable, I have been out of debt for 20+ years... I can’t even imagine what is a life of being in debt must feel like.
The easiest thing in the world to do is spend less than what you have
Exactly. They need to be cut off now since they are draining it to zero anyways
All socialist entitlement programs have a diminishing return at best...

What works better than public education?
Make it voluntary, Public schools should be paid for by people that use them and only the people that use them. Homeschooled family’s should be responsible for their own education which they are same with private schools.

You think it would be better if those who cannot afford school had to simply go without.

You are the kind of 'honest' conservative that really shows us how dangerous conservatism is.
Private organizations are there to help, the federal government is far too inefficient could be of any good. “In The collective” is no way to live...
The collective has never known what’s best for the individual... In fact the collectives job is to destroy the individual and the freedoms that go with it.
You are arguing that pure socialism as a form of government does not and never has worked and never will work. No one is arguing with you. Pure capitalism does not, never has worked and never will work. In the last century, the world decided that combinations of systems worked best and all of them included some programs of socialistic design.
What if we have a county wide fund for those in need and the county govt. is efficient is it still evil
All socialist entitlement programs have a diminishing return at best...

What works better than public education?
Make it voluntary, Public schools should be paid for by people that use them and only the people that use them. Homeschooled family’s should be responsible for their own education which they are same with private schools.

You think it would be better if those who cannot afford school had to simply go without.

You are the kind of 'honest' conservative that really shows us how dangerous conservatism is.
Private organizations are there to help, the federal government is far too inefficient could be of any good. “In The collective” is no way to live...
The collective has never known what’s best for the individual... In fact the collectives job is to destroy the individual and the freedoms that go with it.
You are arguing that pure socialism as a form of government does not and never has worked and never will work. No one is arguing with you. Pure capitalism does not, never has worked and never will work. In the last century, the world decided that combinations of systems worked best and all of them included some programs of socialistic design.
Socialism cannot be good in any form if it has to be forced, that much is obvious.
The incubation of dictatorships is solely socialism. Fact
Lies are thrown by both sides during campaigns and Trump certainly had no shortage..He admitted to it that it is part of the process..They certainly did try to oust him by delegitimizing his citizenship.
Well questioning something is one thing, but what was done with this dossier was totally unexceptable. It was crimes being committed, where as questioning a birth certificate was totally legal.
A sitting US president has many enemies what makes you think Trump is any different? He is treated poorly but that is how politics and the US populace has turned over the last generation.....Clearly there is frustration of the populace, there is concern with corporate control of our govt. also....All the while little battles occur over issues, issues which are not monumental just not settled...In politics one must watch what one says it is the art of the operation...Trump has a severe lacking because he's literally a noob and he's getting his fair share of shit on by the upper class..Even from member of his own party.. Not that different from the "Obama has no real experience" we heard from the gop....The gang of 6 headed by 3 dems and 3 repubs built the basics of Oblamacare for legislation....

To me all the in fighting merely saps attentions and strengths way from solving other issues and getting on with life...
Yes, Trump has enemies in his own party. They are comprised of a few statists like McCain, Graham, and others. However, Trump has the American people with more jumping on board every day as he proves himself. When you have the people, you have all you need.
Trump has the whole deep state as his enemy, along with career politicians.
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Yes, the Federal government needs to be gutted. It's a corrupt behemoth. Return power to the states where it's closer to the people. That's another reason the left is so angry. A big bloated Federal Government helps them keep power.
. Not so much about the bloat, but rather who controls the power residing over that bloat is the biggest problem.. Government isn't the enemy, but if run by those who become an enemy, then Houston we have a huge problem, and we've had a huge problem.
I love it when the RWnuts proclaim the Democrats evil because they won't vote for the Republican agenda.
Why would black democrats look so glum when told black unemployment is at an all-time low?
Because they have been told or made to believe that excepting anything from the Republicans, is like taking hand outs from their old slave masters.
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Now imagine if these lawless lying filth Dem's obtain long term control of congress and the White House, with a complicit liberal media broadcasting the propaganda, imagine then how corrupt our government would become.
. It already happened, and that is what the fallout from it all is now.
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

Mueller will drag this thing out until 2020 election.
Doesn't have to if Trump will just disclose what he was talking to the Russians about

We were talking about adoption does not cut it
. Otherwise don't say it was about the grandkids and birthday parties like Bill and Loretta Lynch were discussing on the tarmack eh ? Got it... We'll make sure he gets the memo. LOL

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