Liberal Tries to Attack Memories Pizzeria Using MATH #WeeklyFail №2

Funny how some more idiotic conservatives take the side of the discriminationists just to make hay against the supposed opposition comprised of liberals. Ya know, not everything's a political exercise. Sometimes it's simply a matter of right vs wrong. And unless you're conceeding conservatives are the party that favors discrimination I'd watch whose side you come down on.
Retarded libs wrong, pizzeria right, yep, I am on the right side. Stupid libtards.
Well, i decided to continue my rubric "WeeklyFail" and today we will discuss... Maths!
As TRN has reported, Memories Pizza was ambushed by a liberal reporter who lied and said they refused to serve gays. A national lynch mob ensured, forcing them to close their doors out of safety concerns.
Liberal Tries to Attack Memories Pizzeria Using MATH - Fails MiserablyTop Right News
A GoFundMe page was started for the restaurant and raised $842,592. Thanks to such immense support from every state, Memories Pizza announced they would re-open after all.
I really hope that person who wrote this **** Was joking, because it's simplest things!
I also not surprised that we cannot get a balanced budget. The Democrats cannot do fourth grade math!
Must be able to do 4th grade math with exponentials...bills get paid and debts keep rising from wars funded out of the budget, and the reason why you can't balance the budget is because of paying for wars and natural disasters, yet where was the GOD DAMNED BALANCED BUDGET when the GOP controlled the Congress and the Presidency?
The last time we had a balanced budget was when Republicans and Democrats worked together. As Ronald Reagan once said "You'd be surprised how much we can get done if no one cares who gets the credit".
Where was Ronnies balanced budget?
Ask Tip Oneal.

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