Liberal Values vs Conservative Values: A Comparison


Less than one month after she used the term "tar baby" on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) says the notion that Matthew Shepard murder was a hate crime was a "hoax"


What a "fox".

Mathew Shepard was killed over drugs.....
Liberals at least give lip service to the middle class. Conservatives just basically come out and show their hatred for the middle class. Yes, its all about class.
Conservatives talk about nothing but reproductive organs. Abortion, Contraception, the plumbing doesn't fit and so on. You can't keep conservatives out of your bedroom. They just refuse to leave.

Unless you need them to pay for your birth control, then it's okay to let them through the door, right? That is the very embodiment of what I said earlier, " In my observation the values of conservatives and liberals are easily offset by their hypocrisies."
Republicans don't care about the "born". Only the "unborn". For all they care, the born could starve to death.
What you have posted is talking points and not even new or original talking points just your bland everyday paint by the numbers talking points we have seen for years.
I don't think it counts as trolling if you are, in fact, correct.
But if you are not correct (as you flagrantly are not here), then it is in fact pure trolling.
I'm just stating the basic differences between the two dominant worldviews.
No, you are reciting tired, long-debunked leftist lies and other talking points and trying to unjustly build up leftists, while smearing and lying about conservatives.

In other words, you are merely trolling.
Liberals at least give lip service to the middle class. Conservatives just basically come out and show their hatred for the middle class. Yes, its all about class.

How do they do that?
They refuse to extend government bennies to middle class people and instead try to have policies that foster independence and wealth creation, the bastards.
They refuse to extend government bennies to middle class people and instead try to have policies that foster independence and wealth creation, the bastards.
Because "government bennies" are only deserved by the poor rich CEOs and their widdle corporations. I just think it's a sick view to believe that a company is a person deserving of welfare but a poor person is merely an animal to be starved and used by the company as the CEO sees fit. It's backwards, selfish, and just plain evil.
They refuse to extend government bennies to middle class people and instead try to have policies that foster independence and wealth creation, the bastards.
Because "government bennies" are only deserved by the poor rich CEOs and their widdle corporations. I just think it's a sick view to believe that a company is a person deserving of welfare but a poor person is merely an animal to be starved and used by the company as the CEO sees fit. It's backwards, selfish, and just plain evil.

Democrats are responsible for most of the corporate welfare passed by Congress. Go ahead and repeal it all. Repeal the ethanol mandate. Repeal subsidies to "green energy" companies. Repeal bailouts to the UAW.
Liberal values include things like:
Belief in the equality of all humans

Yes, this is true. Well, except whites, whites are racists, all of them. And men, they are sexist. Oh, and racists too. And Christians suck, a bunch of racists if you ask me. Remember Christians defended slavery. Oh, don't forget the rich. Racist bastards. And capitalists, that's just racism. And Republicans, they are so bigoted, they think everyone is the same. They are all like that. And wow, they are racists.

Yes, I just feel the tolerance from the left like a warm glow.
35140830001_3833583313001_Bill-Clinton-Rally-6pm-vs.jpg IMG_20141104_2104025631-1024x576.jpg

The Democratic rally included men and women of multiple races and classes. The GOP rally included exactly one African-American gentleman, a couple of white women, and nobody who wasn't filthy fucking rich. You're right. Those descriptions of the GOP as racist, sexist, and classist aren't true at all.
A life in the day of a Joe smoe liberal

Wake up and Bitch that his neighbors grass is greener

Go to work at McDonalds, do as little as possible, take endless breaks, fuck up as many orders as possible ,gossip about who makes what

Rides his big wheel back home and bitchs to his mom he is underpaid and over worked

The end :)
View attachment 35596 View attachment 35597

The Democratic rally included men and women of multiple races and classes. The GOP rally included exactly one African-American gentleman, a couple of white women, and nobody who wasn't filthy fucking rich. You're right. Those descriptions of the GOP as racist, sexist, and classist aren't true at all.

People like you are why politics is just a mud brawl in this country at this point. You must be very proud of your contribution.
A life in the day of a Joe smoe liberal

Wake up and Bitch that his neighbors grass is greener

Go to work at McDonalds, do as little as possible, take endless breaks, fuck up as many orders as possible ,gossip about who makes what

Rides his big wheel back home and bitchs to his mom he is underpaid and over worked

The end :)
The neighbor's grass is greener because he's a rich executive who inherited his money and position from his father and can afford to own Mexicans to take care of his lawn.
He works at McDonald's because that rich white neighbor won't hire him since he's black and Mr. Executive thinks black people are lazy and incompetent.
He rides his Big Wheel back home because he actually gives a fuck about the environment.
He bitches that he's underpaid and overworked because he is.
Liberal values are that there are two types of people, those to be exploited, and those to blame their problems on.
Liberal values are that there are two types of people, those to be exploited, and those to blame their problems on.
There are two types of people: the oppressor and the oppressed.
Yes, this is true. Well, except whites, whites are racists, all of them. And men, they are sexist. Oh, and racists too. And Christians suck, a bunch of racists if you ask me. Remember Christians defended slavery. Oh, don't forget the rich. Racist bastards. And capitalists, that's just racism. And Republicans, they are so bigoted, they think everyone is the same. They are all like that. And wow, they are racists.

Liberal values are that there are two types of people, those to be exploited, and those to blame their problems on.

Does it make you feel good when you project your beliefs about others on others? Just curious.
And what a fucked up set of beliefs you got there. Seek help.
Wow, irony on steroids here.
A troll thread from Billy Three-Zip, whose name represents all he knows.
Hey, Billy. Remind us how government spending creates a mulitplier but spending by private companies doesn.t
I can't believe I have to explain this to you again. Stimuluating supply doesn't do jack shit do stimuluate demand which is how our economy works. The economy thrives on consumer spending. Stimulating supply would make sense if demand was stimulated just as much but republicans don't do that. They are morons like you.

The unemployed have no money to spend over time. Benefits gives them money. Consumer spending creates economic growth. Every dollar spent on businesses gives them profit. This isn't hard to figure out. This is capitalism 101.

Also, every dollar lost in revenue is replaced by 1.64 in growth. Bush's tax cuts only created .59 cents in growth for every dollar lost in revenue
Let me remind you how it was the oil and natural gas industries that saved this economy from the fucking shitter. Industries dominated by Republican voters, top to bottom. Industries who, on their own, developed and perfected the process of high volume high pressure hydraulic fracturing. The result? Just look at North Dakota and it's insanely low unemployment. These are middle-class shlubs with no secondary education making six figure incomes. Folks with that kind of money buy shit- houses, cars, whores. Whores! You see? They are why YOU have a job! :slap:

Cheap plentiful natural gas is rejuvenating domestic industries and drawing factories back into the U.S. Factories that employ Americans who make money and buy shit.

Oversupplies of domestic crude have driven down prices and put billions back into the pockets of all Americans. That money BUYS shit and keeps whores like you employed.,d.aWw&cad=rja

The annual cost of federal regulations in the United States increased to more than $1.75 trillion in 2008. Had every U.S. household paid an equal share of the federal regulatory burden, each would have owed $15,586 in 2008. By comparison, the federal regulatory burden exceeds by 50 percent private spending on health care, which equaled $10,500 per household in 2008. While all citizens and businesses pay some portion of these costs, the distribution of the burden of regulations is quite uneven. The portion of regulatory costs that falls initially on businesses was $8,086 per employee in 2008. Small businesses, defined as firms employing fewer than 20 employees, bear the largest burden of federal regulations. As of 2008, small businesses face an annual regulatory cost of $10,585 per employee, which is 36 percent higher than the regulatory cost facing large firms (defined as firms with 500 or more employees).

A life in the day of a Joe smoe liberal

Wake up and Bitch that his neighbors grass is greener

Go to work at McDonalds, do as little as possible, take endless breaks, fuck up as many orders as possible ,gossip about who makes what

Rides his big wheel back home and bitchs to his mom he is underpaid and over worked

The end :)
The neighbor's grass is greener because he's a rich executive who inherited his money and position from his father and can afford to own Mexicans to take care of his lawn.
He works at McDonald's because that rich white neighbor won't hire him since he's black and Mr. Executive thinks black people are lazy and incompetent.
He rides his Big Wheel back home because he actually gives a fuck about the environment.
He bitches that he's underpaid and overworked because he is.
Where do you live the north? Down here in the south we hire blacks all the time at my company and give them a chance to move up.

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