Liberal war on kids continues. Italian schools force kids to crossdress


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The LGBTP (P for pedophile) movement wants to brainwash YOUR kids to be like them, since these crazies cannot produce kids the normal way.

Italian Families Protest Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren - Breitbart

june 17 2015

In the northern Italian city of Trieste, parents are in uproar over a taxpayer-funded elementary school program that includes dressing little boys as girls and girls as boys to overcome so-called “gender stereotypes.” Schools are calling the exercise “the game of respect,” which purportedly adopts many guidelines from the European standards on sex education, attributed to the World Health Organization.

The so-called “game of respect” consists in a box containing several cards, presenting the figures of different working roles: male and female housewives and husbands, male and female plumbers and firefighters, with the figures represented in exactly the same way to show that males and females are completely interchangeable.

There is also a card with a game called “If he were she and she were he,” where boys and girls are expected to exchange the clothes they are wearing: the boy dresses as a girl and the girl as a boy, and they discuss how they feel in that new “role.”

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