Liberalism has won

Powerman said:
We have conservatives all over the place who are supporting hardcore smoking bans. We have a president who has the most liberal spending policy of anyone I've ever seen. Also a conservative president would never pass CFR. The thing is you guys see an R or a D next to a name and think you know who is running the country.

Liberalism is running rampant right now on capital hill and they've got you all fooled into thinking it isn't


The entire political spectrum in America has, in the past half-century, moved left. Way left.

Self-described liberals or Democrats of 1950 would not have supported open borders, high spending, confiscatory tax rates, the welfare state, affirmative action, "civil rights" beyond ACTUAL equal protection, and so on. They most CERTAINLY would not have supported gay marriage, open homosexuality, high divorce rates, and porn on TV. Basically they supported unions, some progressive taxation... i.e., a break for the working man. Sounds OK to me. These are the Democrats who would have FAINTED to see someone burn an American flag. No, scratch that. These Democrats would have kicked your ass if you did that.

Today's Democrats would CHEER burning the American flag.

As for how liberal Republicans have become, I could go on for days. Mostly it involves sucking up to minority groups. So what's all this say about America? I have my thoughts, but the fact of it can't be denied.
PM s corner man is screaming at him to get up shotuitng advice

RWA interputs the count the referee to push him away

then retstarts his count

WJ pleads for PM to get up....Jab Jab he screams

1-2 .....
Powerman said:
I'm not concerned with what dems would do because they don't control anything. I am concerned about what these "conservatives" are doing. They are acting like liberals. If you can't see that every politician is power hungry and is advocating bigger govt. then you're lost.

Republicans-want big govt.
Dems-want big govt.

True conservatives don't want big govt. Liberals do. Therefor GWB is essentially a liberal fooling you into thinking he is conservative. This applies to almost every "conservative" on the hill.

You should be over at DU getting it through THEIR heads that tax cuts grow the economy. The fact is the republicans can do whatever they want, because the DEMS are SO far out of touch with fiscal reality and the importance of a pro business environment. Go urge the dems to REALLY compete on fiscal matters, cutting spending, cutting taxes. WIll they do that? NO! THEY'RE SOCIALISTS, like william said.
he is up.....

and right back down

RWA chrages past the ref and unleashes a flurry of body blows and a head shot that sparys blood ten rows deep

PM crumpels to his knees looking to his corner for help

RWA dances across the ring arms rasied
manu1959 said:
he is up.....

and right back down

RWA chrages past the ref and unleashes a flurry of body blows and a head shot that sparys blood ten rows deep

PM crumpels to his knees looking to his corner for help

RWA dances across the ring arms rasied


surely he can't get up now

even his corner has gone silent

RWA blows kisses to his fans :thanks:
rtwngAvngr said:
You should be over at DU getting it through THEIR heads that tax cuts grow the economy. The fact is the republicans can do whatever they want, because the DEMS are SO far out of touch with fiscal reality and the importance of a pro business environment. Go urge the dems to REALLY compete on fiscal matters, cutting spending, cutting taxes. WIll they do that? NO! THEY'RE SOCIALISTS, like william said.

So how much better are republicans for spending without raising taxes? A raise in taxes will soon be inevitable at the rate of spending. Republicans need to cut spending.
my god he is up !

i will say this this man has courge

the sting has gone out of his punches he throws a left and a right....

Both conneect...maybe ther is some life in this fight yet
Powerman said:
So how much better are republicans for spending without raising taxes? A raise in taxes will soon be inevitable at the rate of spending. Republicans need to cut spending.

Of course they do, but raising taxes is poison to the economy. It should never be done. It's your lack of firm commitment to that principle that outs you as a lib. I understand that's precisely the fact you're trying to bury, but get over it. You failed again.
Manu we get your joke...

Could you please give us your take on it now...?
sad really....

rwa brushes aside several feeble shots

PM throws a wild left losing his balance falling through the ropes onto the anouncer table right in front of me

he whispers

heeeeeelp me heeeeeeeelp me

i can't watch this any longer

good night fight fans
rtwngAvngr said:
Of course they do, but raising taxes is poison to the economy. It should never be done. It's your lack of firm commitment to that principle that outs you as a lib. I understand that's precisely the fact you're trying to bury, but get over it. You failed again.

What lack of commitment to that principle? I agree with you on that. We should not raise taxes. But liberaling spending policies will make that a necessity eventually. Quit trying to accuse me of being a liberal and grow a set.

It's time to ask yourself. What to you hold a higher allegiance to? Your party or your ideals? I hold my allegiance to my ideals. I'm for fiscally responsible spending. We are not getting that from our govt. so I am criticizing them. Are you so hellbent on party politics that you won't criticize one of your own when they disagree with your ideals?
Powerman said:
What lack of commitment to that principle? I agree with you on that. We should not raise taxes. But liberaling spending policies will make that a necessity eventually. Quit trying to accuse me of being a liberal and grow a set.

It's time to ask yourself. What to you hold a higher allegiance to? Your party or your ideals? I hold my allegiance to my ideals. I'm for fiscally responsible spending. We are not getting that from our govt. so I am criticizing them. Are you so hellbent on party politics that you won't criticize one of your own when they disagree with your ideals?

taxes only become necessary if the economic growth can not support the programs.....

bush belives his economic incentives can support his programs...
Powerman said:
Are you so hellbent on party politics that you won't criticize one of your own when they disagree with your ideals?

Yes. There's always an election coming up. I won't sow your seeds of negativity, nor enable you do it, or allow you to do it unchallenged.

At what point does deficit spending REQUIRE a tax hike? Can you tell us?
Powerman said:
Manu we get your joke...

Could you please give us your take on it now...?
YOU started this... why should Manu have to finish it? :dunno:

I guess this is a 'ref' entry?
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. There's always an election coming up. I won't sow your seeds of negativity, nor enable you do it, or allow you to do it unchallenged.

At what point does deficit spending REQUIRE a tax hike? Can you tell us?

Look there is a finite amount of tax money that taxpayers pay each year. If the spending is too high eventually you'll need to raise taxes or stop spending. If you have been paying any attention lately you souldn't expect the spending to stop. So eventually you'll have higher taxes.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. There's always an election coming up. I won't sow your seeds of negativity, nor enable you do it, or allow you to do it unchallenged.

In other words you will ignore the fact that govt. spending is out of control because you will vote party line no matter what.

Look I'm not trying to sew seeds of negativity. I'm pointing out a problem. This doesn't favor the democrats because they would be doing just as much spending. But that certainly doesn't excuse the spending that is currently taking place. If you are a conservative you should be outraged at the excessive spending. What exactly do you think it means to be a conservative? If you approve of big govt. you are not a conservative.
I'd have to say I'm not at all impressed with the conservatives on this thread. How can someone not criticize something that they are opposed to just because of a party affiliation? That's what I call intellectually dishonest. If you do approve of govt. growth and liberal spending then you do not need to call yourselves conservatives because the term doesn't apply to you.

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