Liberalism has won

rtwngAvngr said:
Don't forget liar and coward. :cool:

Keep it up dumbass. You're the one who doesn't even know that you aren't even a conservative.

And to the prior poster Bush hasn't vetoed any spending bill that I'm aware of. He IS a fiscal liberal in the worst sense of the word.

I've got to go. I'll get back on this later. Hopefully some of you will wake up.
Powerman said:
Keep it up dumbass. You're the one who doesn't even know that you aren't even a conservative.

And to the prior poster Bush hasn't vetoed any spending bill that I'm aware of. He IS a fiscal liberal in the worst sense of the word.

I've got to go. I'll get back on this later. Hopefully some of you will wake up.

Oh what. Is the ADL gonna come assassinate me? EWWWW. Scarey jew boy.
rtwngAvngr said:
Oh what. Is the ADL gonna come assassinate me? EWWWW. Scarey jew boy.

You must have the IQ of a 7 year old retarded girl from the year 1328 to think I'm a Jew.
Does anyone else remember the game show "Jew, Not A Jew" From SNL? IT was great.

Powerman said:
And to the prior poster Bush hasn't vetoed any spending bill that I'm aware of. He IS a fiscal liberal in the worst sense of the word.

That's just so incredibly lame. A real crock and a cop out.

You're aruguement may be provoking, but you know nothing more about it than your liberal Bush bashing rant.

It's obvious why RWA just toys with you.
rtwngAvngr said:
Does anyone else remember the game show "Jew, Not A Jew" From SNL? IT was great.


I might be a bit young for that. But it conjures memories of the spanish inquisition skit from History of the World Part 1
Pale Rider said:
That's just so incredibly lame. A real crock and a cop out.

You're aruguement may be provoking, but you know nothing more about it than your liberal Bush bashing rant.

It's obvious why RWA just toys with you.

It's pretty obvious to me that neither you nor RWA can see the writing on the wall. There WILL be a massive tax increase in the next 10 years. You can partially thank Bush and his liberal spending habbits. Even if spending were reduced immediately we would still have a massive tax increase over the next 10 years.
Powerman said:
I might be a bit young for that. But it conjures memories of the spanish inquisition skit from History of the World Part 1

That's a good one. ,
Powerman said:
It's pretty obvious to me that neither you nor RWA can see the writing on the wall. There WILL be a massive tax increase in the next 10 years. You can partially thank Bush and his liberal spending habbits. Even if spending were reduced immediately we would still have a massive tax increase over the next 10 years.

Did your crystal ball tell you there was going to be a "massive tax increase"?
Pale Rider said:
Did your crystal ball tell you there was going to be a "massive tax increase"?

Did your crystal ball tell you that the sun will come up tomorrow? No, but I'd bet every penny I have that it will.
Powerman said:
Did your crystal ball tell you that the sun will come up tomorrow? No, but I'd bet every penny I have that it will.

I hope you enjoy being broke.
Pale Rider said:
I hope you enjoy being broke.

So you don't think the sun will come up tomorrow? And I know technically it doesn't go up and down as we sit here in the center of the universe. But there will be sunlight tomorrow.
OK I'm convinced that you're all content with ludicrous liberal spending so let's move on to the next topic.

Smoking bans. Luckily for me this issue doesn't involve Bush so you can't accuse me of Bush bashing.

We're seeing smoking bans in different places accross the country. They have a campaign here in Louisiana trying to impose smoking bans everywhere now. This is not conservative politics.

So what do you guys think about smoking bans?
So anyway...

Powerman said:
and will be the downfall of America if things don't change soon.

That's quite a statement, and a very broad one.

If "Liberalism" has won, then why are Liberals from Nancy Pelosi to Ted Kennedy crapping their pants at the eventual confirmation of Judge Alito, simply because it points to the possibility of Roe vs. Wade being overturned.

Same sex marriage gets voted down by huge majorities, people are pushing to be tougher on illegal aliens, and stores were forced to change their policy on the whole holiday/Christmas thing. Yet, you say Liberalism won because of spending. I would say it's quite the opposite. Liberalism has taken some pretty serious blows which are only intensified by the rants and actions of people like Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan, who don't voice an opinion that connects with the average American.

Oh...Smoking bans. I don't know of any Conservative, or anyone leaning that way, that pushes for smoking bans. As far as what I think about them, I can see them where they would obviously make sense, like somewhere that there are a lot of children, but not the city wide bans.
Don't get me wrong. Democrats are out of touch with mainstream america. The problem is that the republicans are becoming liberal. The spending is a BIG problem. It goes against everything that is conservative. And it WILL lead to tax increases regardless of who controls things after the elections.
Powerman said:
The problem is that the republicans are becoming liberal.

I think you're continued usage of that statement is asinine.

If you want to bash President Bush for his spending, then bash President Bush for his spending. But DON'T tell ME that I, as a conservative Republican, am "becoming more liberal", because that sir, is bullshit.
Pale Rider said:
I think you're continued usage of that statement is asinine.

If you want to bash President Bush for his spending, then bash President Bush for his spending. But DON'T tell ME that I, as a conservative Republican, am "becoming more liberal", because that sir, is bullshit.

I'm talking about the actual politicians. I figured that was pretty transparent but I guess not.
Powerman said:
I'm talking about the actual politicians. I figured that was pretty transparent but I guess not.
Well not exactly transparent:
Powerman said:
I'd have to say I'm not at all impressed with the conservatives on this thread. How can someone not criticize something that they are opposed to just because of a party affiliation? That's what I call intellectually dishonest. If you do approve of govt. growth and liberal spending then you do not need to call yourselves conservatives because the term doesn't apply to you.

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