

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
In essence they are followers of Satan....the father of all lies.

"Modern liberalism, so called, is nothing more and nothing less than the categorical rejection of truth. It is not scared or slowed or dissuaded by any form of untruth, because it is inherently, down to its very essence, in every fiber of its hideous being, a lie. It is an enemy of truth and an ally of anything that undermines it. I recently made the argument that the liberal transgender superstition completed the final step into total, full blown anti-truth lunacy. Once they have perverted the very definition of being, there is nowhere else to go. This is it. Whatever faint glimmer of reality still shone from its dying core has now been extinguished. That was my theory, and it took less than two weeks to be proven correct".

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In essence they are followers of Satan....the father of all lies.

"Modern liberalism, so called, is nothing more and nothing less than the categorical rejection of truth. It is not scared or slowed or dissuaded by any form of untruth, because it is inherently, down to its very essence, in every fiber of its hideous being, a lie. It is an enemy of truth and an ally of anything that undermines it. I recently made the argument that the liberal transgender superstition completed the final step into total, full blown anti-truth lunacy. Once they have perverted the very definition of being, there is nowhere else to go. This is it. Whatever faint glimmer of reality still shone from its dying core has now been extinguished. That was my theory, and it took less than two weeks to be proven correct".

They have one more step. To make Pedophiles a "Protected" Minority. And they will.
In essence they are followers of Satan....the father of all lies.

"Modern liberalism, so called, is nothing more and nothing less than the categorical rejection of truth. It is not scared or slowed or dissuaded by any form of untruth, because it is inherently, down to its very essence, in every fiber of its hideous being, a lie. It is an enemy of truth and an ally of anything that undermines it. I recently made the argument that the liberal transgender superstition completed the final step into total, full blown anti-truth lunacy. Once they have perverted the very definition of being, there is nowhere else to go. This is it. Whatever faint glimmer of reality still shone from its dying core has now been extinguished. That was my theory, and it took less than two weeks to be proven correct".

Yep. You caught us. We are all Satanists. Now back off on the bullshit, or we'll have you spitting up Anderson's pea soup with a little oatmeal and your head spinning around like a top.
Liberals fought and died in a thousand battles against fascism. If you hate them that much it's not hard to imagine what kind of nation you want to live in.
In essence they are followers of Satan....the father of all lies.

"Modern liberalism, so called, is nothing more and nothing less than the categorical rejection of truth. It is not scared or slowed or dissuaded by any form of untruth, because it is inherently, down to its very essence, in every fiber of its hideous being, a lie. It is an enemy of truth and an ally of anything that undermines it. I recently made the argument that the liberal transgender superstition completed the final step into total, full blown anti-truth lunacy. Once they have perverted the very definition of being, there is nowhere else to go. This is it. Whatever faint glimmer of reality still shone from its dying core has now been extinguished. That was my theory, and it took less than two weeks to be proven correct".

They have one more step. To make Pedophiles a "Protected" Minority. And they will.
Why else are all those children being allowed across the border without their parents? Hmmm.....
Liberals fought and died in a thousand battles against fascism. If you hate them that much it's not hard to imagine what kind of nation you want to live in.
but I though libs were anti war...that was a lie too according to you
Liberals certainly went to war, especially before the draft was abolished, but I am talking about every right you have that didn't exist before someone confronted the powers that be and demanded them.
In essence they are followers of Satan....the father of all lies.

When I saw the title, I knew before reading that the OP would be a mass of weepy sore-loser butthurt, and that the thread would be a Trump cult circle-jerk of sore-loser butthurt.

I was correct.
When I saw the title, I knew before reading that the responses from lefties would be a mass of weepy sore-loser butthurt.
Liberals fought and died in a thousand battles against fascism. If you hate them that much it's not hard to imagine what kind of nation you want to live in.
That’s a unique description of Stalinism and Mao’s revolution.
In essence they are followers of Satan....the father of all lies.

When I saw the title, I knew before reading that the OP would be a mass of weepy sore-loser butthurt, and that the thread would be a Trump cult circle-jerk of sore-loser butthurt.

I was correct.
When I saw the title, I knew before reading that the responses from lefties would be a mass of weepy sore-loser butthurt.

CORRECTION !! Trump and his crazy supporters are the losers here. Biden is president. Your side lost.
Liberals fought and died in a thousand battles against fascism. If you hate them that much it's not hard to imagine what kind of nation you want to live in.
That’s a unique description of Stalinism and Mao’s revolution.
Every "traditional" value you treasure was once a radical concept and liberals fought for it against people just like you. Liberals have had to drag conservatives every step mankind has made away from the caves. Since long before there were words for the concepts of liberalism and conservatism there were always people who would kill to keep things the same no matter how shitty that might be.
Looks like somebody who doesn't know what liberalism is started a thread about liberalism and all sorts of self-declared liberals have responded despite the fact that they don't know what liberalism is, either, while being anything but liberal, themselves.

At least everybody is in the dark, here.
In essence they are followers of Satan....the father of all lies.

"Modern liberalism, so called, is nothing more and nothing less than the categorical rejection of truth. It is not scared or slowed or dissuaded by any form of untruth, because it is inherently, down to its very essence, in every fiber of its hideous being, a lie. It is an enemy of truth and an ally of anything that undermines it. I recently made the argument that the liberal transgender superstition completed the final step into total, full blown anti-truth lunacy. Once they have perverted the very definition of being, there is nowhere else to go. This is it. Whatever faint glimmer of reality still shone from its dying core has now been extinguished. That was my theory, and it took less than two weeks to be proven correct".

They have one more step. To make Pedophiles a "Protected" Minority. And they will.
Why else are all those children being allowed across the border without their parents? Hmmm.....
Because Hollywood Libs need slaves.
Liberals fought and died in a thousand battles against fascism. If you hate them that much it's not hard to imagine what kind of nation you want to live in.
That’s a unique description of Stalinism and Mao’s revolution.
Every "traditional" value you treasure was once a radical concept and liberals fought for it against people just like you. Liberals have had to drag conservatives every step mankind has made away from the caves. Since long before there were words for the concepts of liberalism and conservatism there were always people who would kill to keep things the same no matter how shitty that might be.
Keep telling that to yourself Corky. :itsok:

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