Liberalism’s Real Appeal

One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

Google is your friend and we have soup kitchens everywhere. Provide proof that I am wrong. You can get a burger for a $1
UIC is a 2nd rate school. You’re an old fool. And yes women cry over it. It is very traumatic you idiot

Don't feed the trolls...

oeys real world = all Jews are evil, miscarriages are no big deal, all poor people are starving and it’s all Trumps fault. LMAO.

Where did I say all Jews are evil.

Hey, pro-tip. I just voted for a Jew to be Governor of my State. (Also, his cousin was my CO when I was in the National Guard.)

9. By now, most know- whether they will admit it or not- that abortion is basically the savage’s method of birth control.

Your opinion. Most abortions are performed outpatient and are less trouble than a colonoscopy.
UIC is a 2nd rate school. You’re an old fool. And yes women cry over it. It is very traumatic you idiot

Don't feed the trolls...

oeys real world = all Jews are evil, miscarriages are no big deal, all poor people are starving and it’s all Trumps fault. LMAO.

Where did I say all Jews are evil.

Hey, pro-tip. I just voted for a Jew to be Governor of my State. (Also, his cousin was my CO when I was in the National Guard.)

9. By now, most know- whether they will admit it or not- that abortion is basically the savage’s method of birth control.

Your opinion. Most abortions are performed outpatient and are less trouble than a colonoscopy.

Want me to find your antisemitic posts Joey? I am no troll and you know that.
Let's cut to the chase.....that "holy book" is the basis for our nation, and referenced in our founding documents.

So what? They also defecated in chamber pots, thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment, and owned other human beings as property. I think we should stop citing them as an authority on much of anything.

So in your quest for government small enough to fit in a lady's who-ha, the real practicality is women will have abortions no matter what the law is. They aren't difficult to perform, and no jury would ever convict a woman of having one.

"...and owned other human beings as property."

I'll post about the Democrats next time.
You mean the southern white supremaciat Democrats who are now all Republicans?

That the best you have, cut and paste Queen?

One of the boilerplate lies Democrats tell.....but takes a certain kind of fool to still believe it.

Have you ever read a book????
Of course not....or you wouldn't be a Liberal

Bulletin: they were Dixiecrats.....not Dixiecans.
  1. Reagan lost or barely won the Goldwater states…but Reagan won among young southern voters- but lost among seniors, those who has voted in ’48 and ’64. That meant that the segregationists never abandoned the Democrats: eventually they died or were outvoted by younger voters. Nope…after Thurmond’s run, the Dixiecrats went right back to voting for Democrats for another half century.

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

BTW.....still voting for the anti-Semite party????

Last edited:
One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

Another Liberal fool checks in.

Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1. "The food desert myth
It's an article of faith that poor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce -- and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a. The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almost no food deserts in New York City except in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year, a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests: Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat. Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiative is well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” just doesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is that supermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor people in the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a. For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is. ...Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkers doing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walk down the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."


No Racism????

You'll parrot anything they tell you.....imbeciles do that sort of thing.

UIC is a 2nd rate school. You’re an old fool. And yes women cry over it. It is very traumatic you idiot

Don't feed the trolls...

oeys real world = all Jews are evil, miscarriages are no big deal, all poor people are starving and it’s all Trumps fault. LMAO.

Where did I say all Jews are evil.

Hey, pro-tip. I just voted for a Jew to be Governor of my State. (Also, his cousin was my CO when I was in the National Guard.)

9. By now, most know- whether they will admit it or not- that abortion is basically the savage’s method of birth control.

Your opinion. Most abortions are performed outpatient and are less trouble than a colonoscopy.

One small problem:
. “Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is ‘safer than giving birth.’ Teen Vogue, a popular online magazine targeted at teenage girls, told their young readers this month, abortion procedures are safer than giving birth.

“Abortion is actually very safe,” the magazine stated in a piece titled 5 Abortion Myths and the Truth About Them. “In fact, it’s a safer procedure than getting a colonoscopy, and it’s safer than giving birth.”

The U.S. based publication also linked young readers to a study which claimed the risk of death associated with childbirth is approximately 14 times higher than that with abortions.

What the article fails to mention is that every successful abortion results in someone’s death.
Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is 'safer than giving birth.' · Caldron Pool've just proven the premise of the thread.
Fetuses aren't babies.. Nobody really considers them babies.

I've known women who've had miscarriages and women who've lost actual babies.

Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal.

Now, would it be nice to have less abortions? Sure it would. It's an unpleasant procedure from what I've heard.

But you don't get there by screaming "Jesus" in people's faces.
Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal?

We had two miscarriages. Our lost babies are every bit as important to us as our now-grown daughters.

You can eat a big bucket of runny shit. The minute you start thinking for yourself is when you can say what other people think.
One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

Another Liberal fool checks in.

Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1. "The food desert myth
It's an article of faith that poor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce -- and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a. The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almost no food deserts in New York City except in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year, a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests: Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat. Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiative is well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” just doesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is that supermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor people in the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a. For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is. ...Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkers doing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walk down the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."


No Racism????

You'll parrot anything they tell you.....imbeciles do that sort of thing.


Your rambling rant is just that, a foolish effort to malign the poor with a ridiculous scenario lacking relevant facts.

You never change, you troll, attack any response with you favorite ad hominems and claim victory. The image you present is little different than the fat narcissist in the White House, both of you have character flaws which can never be ruled out.

The reader only needs to look through the latest DSM-V and to read the Chapter on Personality Disorders, and pay attention to Cluster A & B. There they will see Trump and PoliticalChic in all of their glory, to wit:
  • Paranoid
  • Schizotypal
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic
One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

Another Liberal fool checks in.

Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1. "The food desert myth
It's an article of faith that poor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce -- and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a. The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almost no food deserts in New York City except in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year, a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests: Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat. Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiative is well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” just doesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is that supermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor people in the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a. For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is. ...Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkers doing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walk down the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."


No Racism????

You'll parrot anything they tell you.....imbeciles do that sort of thing.


Your rambling rant is just that, a foolish effort to malign the poor with a ridiculous scenario lacking relevant facts.

You never change, you troll, attack any response with you favorite ad hominems and claim victory. The image you present is little different than the fat narcissist in the White House, both of you have character flaws which can never be ruled out.

The reader only needs to look through the latest DSM-V and to read the Chapter on Personality Disorders, and pay attention to Cluster A & B. There they will see Trump and PoliticalChic in all of their glory, to wit:
  • Paranoid
  • Schizotypal
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic

What you really mean is that I put a cork in your pie hole......again.

Remember the last time you were right about anything?

Me neither.

Let's do it again....

a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

b. ".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan
Want me to find your antisemitic posts Joey? I am no troll and you know that.

You're the biggest troll on here.. and sorry, Criticizing Zioinism isn't anti-semitism.

FOAD, Troll.

Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal?

We had two miscarriages. Our lost babies are every bit as important to us as our now-grown daughters.

You can eat a big bucket of runny shit. The minute you start thinking for yourself is when you can say what other people think.

Wow, Dave, you should have stayed absent, no one missed you.

Sane people who aren't religious crazies have miscarriages and get on with their lives.

One small problem:
. “Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is ‘safer than giving birth.’ Teen Vogue, a popular online magazine targeted at teenage girls, told their young readers this month, abortion procedures are safer than giving birth.

Yes, you are very good at being a cut and paste monkey, but do you ever think about the stuff you cut and paste. TV did a good job countering any of the religious crazy these girls might have encountered.
One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

Another Liberal fool checks in.

Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1. "The food desert myth
It's an article of faith that poor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce -- and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a. The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almost no food deserts in New York City except in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year, a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests: Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat. Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiative is well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” just doesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is that supermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor people in the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a. For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is. ...Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkers doing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walk down the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."


No Racism????

You'll parrot anything they tell you.....imbeciles do that sort of thing.


Your rambling rant is just that, a foolish effort to malign the poor with a ridiculous scenario lacking relevant facts.

You never change, you troll, attack any response with you favorite ad hominems and claim victory. The image you present is little different than the fat narcissist in the White House, both of you have character flaws which can never be ruled out.

The reader only needs to look through the latest DSM-V and to read the Chapter on Personality Disorders, and pay attention to Cluster A & B. There they will see Trump and PoliticalChic in all of their glory, to wit:
  • Paranoid
  • Schizotypal
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic

What you really mean is that I put a cork in your pie hole......again.

Remember the last time you were right about anything?

Me neither.

Let's do it again....

a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

b. ".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan

"I’ve spoken of the shining city all my
political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace;

"A city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.

This quote is from President Reagan's last national speech. Note the final paragraph, which I put in bold for effect.

It's pretty clear from President Reagan's speech he would toss Trump and PoliticalChic under the bus.
In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

Another Liberal fool checks in.

Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1. "The food desert myth
It's an article of faith that poor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce -- and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a. The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almost no food deserts in New York City except in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year, a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests: Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat. Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiative is well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” just doesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is that supermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor people in the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a. For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is. ...Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkers doing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walk down the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."


No Racism????

You'll parrot anything they tell you.....imbeciles do that sort of thing.


Your rambling rant is just that, a foolish effort to malign the poor with a ridiculous scenario lacking relevant facts.

You never change, you troll, attack any response with you favorite ad hominems and claim victory. The image you present is little different than the fat narcissist in the White House, both of you have character flaws which can never be ruled out.

The reader only needs to look through the latest DSM-V and to read the Chapter on Personality Disorders, and pay attention to Cluster A & B. There they will see Trump and PoliticalChic in all of their glory, to wit:
  • Paranoid
  • Schizotypal
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic

What you really mean is that I put a cork in your pie hole......again.

Remember the last time you were right about anything?

Me neither.

Let's do it again....

a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

b. ".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan

"I’ve spoken of the shining city all my
political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace;

"A city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.

This quote is from President Reagan's last national speech. Note the final paragraph, which I put in bold for effect.

It's pretty clear from President Reagan's speech he would toss Trump and PoliticalChic under the bus.

Kinda like this....


Try again?

I love smashing custard pies in your kisser.
Want me to find your antisemitic posts Joey? I am no troll and you know that.

You're the biggest troll on here.. and sorry, Criticizing Zioinism isn't anti-semitism.

FOAD, Troll.

Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal?

We had two miscarriages. Our lost babies are every bit as important to us as our now-grown daughters.

You can eat a big bucket of runny shit. The minute you start thinking for yourself is when you can say what other people think.

Wow, Dave, you should have stayed absent, no one missed you.

Sane people who aren't religious crazies have miscarriages and get on with their lives.

One small problem:
. “Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is ‘safer than giving birth.’ Teen Vogue, a popular online magazine targeted at teenage girls, told their young readers this month, abortion procedures are safer than giving birth.

Yes, you are very good at being a cut and paste monkey, but do you ever think about the stuff you cut and paste. TV did a good job countering any of the religious crazy these girls might have encountered.

The gyre I cause in Liberals is really fun.
Want me to find your antisemitic posts Joey? I am no troll and you know that.

You're the biggest troll on here.. and sorry, Criticizing Zioinism isn't anti-semitism.

FOAD, Troll.

Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal?

We had two miscarriages. Our lost babies are every bit as important to us as our now-grown daughters.

You can eat a big bucket of runny shit. The minute you start thinking for yourself is when you can say what other people think.

Wow, Dave, you should have stayed absent, no one missed you.

Sane people who aren't religious crazies have miscarriages and get on with their lives.

One small problem:
. “Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is ‘safer than giving birth.’ Teen Vogue, a popular online magazine targeted at teenage girls, told their young readers this month, abortion procedures are safer than giving birth.

Yes, you are very good at being a cut and paste monkey, but do you ever think about the stuff you cut and paste. TV did a good job countering any of the religious crazy these girls might have encountered.

LMaO you then went on an anti Jew tirade. And yes it is and lastly the Illini suck
Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

Another Liberal fool checks in.

Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1. "The food desert myth
It's an article of faith that poor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce -- and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a. The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almost no food deserts in New York City except in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year, a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests: Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat. Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiative is well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” just doesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is that supermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor people in the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a. For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is. ...Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkers doing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walk down the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."


No Racism????

You'll parrot anything they tell you.....imbeciles do that sort of thing.


Your rambling rant is just that, a foolish effort to malign the poor with a ridiculous scenario lacking relevant facts.

You never change, you troll, attack any response with you favorite ad hominems and claim victory. The image you present is little different than the fat narcissist in the White House, both of you have character flaws which can never be ruled out.

The reader only needs to look through the latest DSM-V and to read the Chapter on Personality Disorders, and pay attention to Cluster A & B. There they will see Trump and PoliticalChic in all of their glory, to wit:
  • Paranoid
  • Schizotypal
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic

What you really mean is that I put a cork in your pie hole......again.

Remember the last time you were right about anything?

Me neither.

Let's do it again....

a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

b. ".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan

"I’ve spoken of the shining city all my
political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace;

"A city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.

This quote is from President Reagan's last national speech. Note the final paragraph, which I put in bold for effect.

It's pretty clear from President Reagan's speech he would toss Trump and PoliticalChic under the bus.

Kinda like this....


Try again?

I love smashing custard pies in your kisser.

Your lies have no effect on me, the doors are shut tight by Trump's policies; policies which allow hundreds to sit and wait outside our border, when trump wants billions to build walls and not funds to hire the necessary Administrative Judges and court staff to expedite the wait of those who, "have the will and heart to get" to the border crossing.

That's the other thing you and trump have in common, a callous disregard for other's health, welfare and liberty.
Another Liberal fool checks in.

Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1. "The food desert myth
It's an article of faith that poor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce -- and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a. The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almost no food deserts in New York City except in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year, a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests: Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat. Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiative is well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” just doesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is that supermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor people in the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a. For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is. ...Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkers doing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walk down the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."


No Racism????

You'll parrot anything they tell you.....imbeciles do that sort of thing.


Your rambling rant is just that, a foolish effort to malign the poor with a ridiculous scenario lacking relevant facts.

You never change, you troll, attack any response with you favorite ad hominems and claim victory. The image you present is little different than the fat narcissist in the White House, both of you have character flaws which can never be ruled out.

The reader only needs to look through the latest DSM-V and to read the Chapter on Personality Disorders, and pay attention to Cluster A & B. There they will see Trump and PoliticalChic in all of their glory, to wit:
  • Paranoid
  • Schizotypal
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic

What you really mean is that I put a cork in your pie hole......again.

Remember the last time you were right about anything?

Me neither.

Let's do it again....

a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

b. ".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan

"I’ve spoken of the shining city all my
political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace;

"A city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.

This quote is from President Reagan's last national speech. Note the final paragraph, which I put in bold for effect.

It's pretty clear from President Reagan's speech he would toss Trump and PoliticalChic under the bus.

Kinda like this....


Try again?

I love smashing custard pies in your kisser.

Your lies have no effect on me, the doors are shut tight by Trump's policies; policies which allow hundreds to sit and wait outside our border, when trump wants billions to build walls and not funds to hire the necessary Administrative Judges and court staff to expedite the wait of those who, "have the will and heart to get" to the border crossing.

That's the other thing you and trump have in common, a callous disregard for other's health, welfare and liberty.

I never lie.

You that slander. And the slander of Trump, too.

It is Hussein, our Muslim President, who prevented immigration courts from doing what they were intended to do. me totally eviscerate you with facts and knowledge:

Between 2008 and 2011, the number of unaccompanied minors who landed in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, fluctuated between 6,000 and 7,500 per year. That number shot up to 13,625 in 2012 and surged even more — to 24,668 — this year (2013)."
Judge: US government assisting child smuggling

"Instead of arresting (the child's mother) for instigating the conspiracy to violate our border security laws.."

Picture Hussein Obama in an orange jump suit.......

No one can doubt the facts.
. If you voted for Obama, this is what you voted for:

a. flooding the country with illegal aliens

b. no border control or knowledge of who enters the country

c. illegals voting in our elections

d. the end of any value to US citizenship

e. you've endorsed the most radical, Far Left elements in the political sphere

"200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama
....."administratively closed" without action, a move that left tens of thousands of illegal immigrants free to roam America, sometimes indefinitely, according to a new report.

When added to those cases still pending court action, it brings the backlog of cases to about 800,000, far more than previously known.

In his report, he said the exact number isn't known. "I believe that the Obama administration's use of the practice may have ‘cooked the books' as it relates to the true number of cases that are pending adjudication before the immigration courts."

The Trump administration has taken action to reverse the practice of letting authorities close the cases and is working to reschedule them, he added."
200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama

"Last week the Supreme Court of the United States voted that President Obama exceeded his authority when he granted exemptions from the immigration laws passed by Congress."
Thomas Sowell - The Fraud Goes On

I destroyed you yet again. And always will.

I know that, secretly, you are amazed and astounded at how much more than you I know.
LMaO you then went on an anti Jew tirade. And yes it is and lastly the Illini suck

Wouldn't know. The Illini are the team of UI-Urbana-Champaign.

University of Illinois at Chicago's team is known as the Flames.

See, this is the problem, you don't grasp basis info.
Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal?

We had two miscarriages. Our lost babies are every bit as important to us as our now-grown daughters.

You can eat a big bucket of runny shit. The minute you start thinking for yourself is when you can say what other people think.

Wow, Dave, you should have stayed absent, no one missed you.

Sane people who aren't religious crazies have miscarriages and get on with their lives.
Oh, wait, that's right -- you're part of the group who wants to be able to legally kill freshly-born babies.

It's funny the way you pretend to hold the moral high ground, being a member of a death cult and all.

But then, all throughout history, the left's "solution" to the problem of inconvenient people is to kill them. A hundred million wasn't enough for you? By the way, when are you going to man up and take some out yourself? Because, you know, whining impotently on the internet isn't really getting you closer to your desired end state.

Me, I think you're topped out. You lack the courage of your convictions; being a whiner on the internet puts you up to redline.

OH -- speaking of getting on with your lives, Hillary is never, ever, ever going to be President. Normal people think that's a grand idea.

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