Liberalism’s Real Appeal


E'erbody run! Itsh a librul! :eek:


^I kid, playtime is a true bleeding heart liberal, at least she's not a Marxist bot and a real thinking American. :11_2_1043:

I don't agree with her on a lot of issues, but that's ok..

we seem to get along pretty well - all things considered, marion.... but although i lean left on most issues, i'm not a bleeding heart. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - i much rather laugh with the 'sinners, then cry with the saints' for sure.
^I kid, playtime is a true bleeding heart liberal, at least she's not a Marxist bot and a real thinking American. :11_2_1043:

I don't agree with her on a lot of issues, but that's ok..

we seem to get along pretty well - all things considered, marion.... but although i lean left on most issues, i'm not a bleeding heart. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - i much rather laugh with the 'sinners, then cry with the saints' for sure.

Who knew playtime was Billy Joel? :eek2:
^I kid, playtime is a true bleeding heart liberal, at least she's not a Marxist bot and a real thinking American. :11_2_1043:

I don't agree with her on a lot of issues, but that's ok..

we seem to get along pretty well - all things considered, marion.... but although i lean left on most issues, i'm not a bleeding heart. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - i much rather laugh with the 'sinners, then cry with the saints' for sure.

Who knew playtime was Billy Joel? :eek2:

we didn't start the fire, neither.
^I kid, playtime is a true bleeding heart liberal, at least she's not a Marxist bot and a real thinking American. :11_2_1043:

I don't agree with her on a lot of issues, but that's ok..

we seem to get along pretty well - all things considered, marion.... but although i lean left on most issues, i'm not a bleeding heart. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - i much rather laugh with the 'sinners, then cry with the saints' for sure.

Who knew playtime was Billy Joel? :eek2:

we didn't start the fire, neither.

Stahp! :yapyapyapf:
So Joey the moron, Palestine do sit in the Kneset and it was not stolen lmao read a history book. Unless of course you believe we stole Cali and TX from Native Americans.

Actually, we did. Conquest is theft.

The Zionists are European colonists exploiting an indigenous people.

Just when I think you couldn't get any stupider...

Just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It's no secret at all.

Yawn, buddy,

A CHILD whines about criticism with 'Why do you hate me?"

An adult looks at criticism and takes stock of it.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

No. Conquest is not theft. It is something taken by military force. There is no “theft” in the definition of conquest. Plus even a dummy like you doesn’t believe we should give TX and CA back to Mexico. I ll tell you what when the Moslems return Constantinople to the Christians we ll give Israel back to the Moslems. LOL. I hope your conversion went well.

Look how much you have learned from me. Firstly, what a phobia is and secondly what conquest means. You’re making progress. Bravo, Joey. Soon you may graduate to 5th grade.
An elephant is eaten one bite at a time.

It seems to me that you would only recognize the good being done if there were no bad left.

What have you done, Joe? Besides criticizing the good that others have done?

Is the good you have done some sort of an exception to your rule?

Oh, little troll, you miss my point. The fact is, I'm indifferent to the good others have done. This is a conversation about whether we need seriously social welfare or just rely on a few rich people throwing out money and giving a pittance to the poor.
No. Conquest is not theft. It is something taken by military force. There is no “theft” in the definition of conquest. Plus even a dummy like you doesn’t believe we should give TX and CA back to Mexico. I ll tell you what when the Moslems return Constantinople to the Christians we ll give Israel back to the Moslems. LOL. I hope your conversion went well.

First, it's Muslims, not Moslems. Learn how to spell.

Second, Mexicans will take back CA and TX, if immigration patterns hold, so no worries there. Hopefully, we will outgrow the stupidity of nationalism by then.

Third, you remind me of when I went to college, and we had this whiny snivelly Jewish liberal who tried to impress all the brothers with how he was down with the struggle in South Africa. (I was pretty conservative back then, before I realized Capitalism is a shit sandwich if you work for a living.) So I asked him how what Israel was doing was any better than what the Apartheid regime did...

"Humananaanananananana" It was fun to watch.
An elephant is eaten one bite at a time.

It seems to me that you would only recognize the good being done if there were no bad left.

What have you done, Joe? Besides criticizing the good that others have done?

Is the good you have done some sort of an exception to your rule?

Oh, little troll, you miss my point. The fact is, I'm indifferent to the good others have done. This is a conversation about whether we need seriously social welfare or just rely on a few rich people throwing out money and giving a pittance to the poor.
It’s not just a few people though. And it isn’t just rich people.

The reality is that throwing money over a fence has never worked.

Are more or less people on government assistance today than ten years ago?
An elephant is eaten one bite at a time.

It seems to me that you would only recognize the good being done if there were no bad left.

What have you done, Joe? Besides criticizing the good that others have done?

Is the good you have done some sort of an exception to your rule?

Oh, little troll, you miss my point. The fact is, I'm indifferent to the good others have done. This is a conversation about whether we need seriously social welfare or just rely on a few rich people throwing out money and giving a pittance to the poor.
And I don’t believe I did miss the point, Joey.

I believe you are a troll.
No. Conquest is not theft. It is something taken by military force. There is no “theft” in the definition of conquest. Plus even a dummy like you doesn’t believe we should give TX and CA back to Mexico. I ll tell you what when the Moslems return Constantinople to the Christians we ll give Israel back to the Moslems. LOL. I hope your conversion went well.

First, it's Muslims, not Moslems. Learn how to spell.

Second, Mexicans will take back CA and TX, if immigration patterns hold, so no worries there. Hopefully, we will outgrow the stupidity of nationalism by then.

Third, you remind me of when I went to college, and we had this whiny snivelly Jewish liberal who tried to impress all the brothers with how he was down with the struggle in South Africa. (I was pretty conservative back then, before I realized Capitalism is a shit sandwich if you work for a living.) So I asked him how what Israel was doing was any better than what the Apartheid regime did...

"Humananaanananananana" It was fun to watch.

Yes!!! Love it more Jew hate and you may call them Moslems if you so choose and there is a reason I do it. If you didn’t go to a 2nd rate school you would know that. Capitalism is too complex for you to comprehend. I thought you were putting me on ignore? Another lie?
No. Conquest is not theft. It is something taken by military force. There is no “theft” in the definition of conquest. Plus even a dummy like you doesn’t believe we should give TX and CA back to Mexico. I ll tell you what when the Moslems return Constantinople to the Christians we ll give Israel back to the Moslems. LOL. I hope your conversion went well.

First, it's Muslims, not Moslems. Learn how to spell.

Second, Mexicans will take back CA and TX, if immigration patterns hold, so no worries there. Hopefully, we will outgrow the stupidity of nationalism by then.

Third, you remind me of when I went to college, and we had this whiny snivelly Jewish liberal who tried to impress all the brothers with how he was down with the struggle in South Africa. (I was pretty conservative back then, before I realized Capitalism is a shit sandwich if you work for a living.) So I asked him how what Israel was doing was any better than what the Apartheid regime did...

"Humananaanananananana" It was fun to watch.

And in terms of SA. Israel is a separate country keeping the terror groups of Hamas and Farah away. Your 2nd rate education amuses me. Feel free to at least man up and admit you’re an antisemite.
I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

I doubt it because this has something to do with the relaxation of morals and having no accountability. The liberal agenda is to promote Hollywood values -- characterized by public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. One of which you commented on. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death. It's not wonder libs are not happy and outraged much of the time.
So Joey the moron, Palestine do sit in the Kneset and it was not stolen lmao read a history book. Unless of course you believe we stole Cali and TX from Native Americans.

Actually, we did. Conquest is theft.

The Zionists are European colonists exploiting an indigenous people.

Just when I think you couldn't get any stupider...

Just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It's no secret at all.

Yawn, buddy,

A CHILD whines about criticism with 'Why do you hate me?"

An adult looks at criticism and takes stock of it.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
You don't take stock of criticism. You keep pouting and whining.

Lemme guess -- it doesn't apply to you, does it?
What the hell are you talking out your ass again?

FACT: the Vast majority of charity and aid for children globally comes from RIGHT WING, CONSERVATIVE pockets and sources such as the Shriners...There are/were a lot of famous Shriners, including John Wayne and Charlton Heston..NOT Joy Beher...NOT Beyonce.....NOT the Clintons (whose charities raked in millions that only benefited the Clintons)

The Shriners aren't fixing the massive problems of poverty and hunger. They really aren't.

Charities are not a sign of compassion, they are a sign of condescension. We won't fix your awful living condition, but we'll throw a few bucks we won't miss to feel better about ourselves.
You need to explain how the leftist position -- "I'm not going to give you anything personally, but I will vote for people who want to take other people's stuff and give it to you" -- is superior to people giving out of their own pockets.
And how many children had that happen to them?

Too many. Millions of American children go to bed hungry at night.

But when the government forcibly takes money to give it to another it is compassion?

Freely giving money to help those in need is condescension?

What the fuck is your mental malfunction?

Ideal world, everyone makes a living wage and pays their own wage by working a job that provides satisfaction.

We don't live there. Instead we have social programs, but the biggest entitlements are still middle class white people, not poor people of color.

And, no, rich people paying more for a dancing horse than they do to help poor people isn't anything to be proud of.
Poor minorities are so blessed to have white liberals insisting they're not good enough to improve their condition.
It’s not just a few people though. And it isn’t just rich people.

The reality is that throwing money over a fence has never worked.

Are more or less people on government assistance today than ten years ago?

There are more people over all....

Probably less now because Obama got us out of Bush's recession, but let's wait... Trump will fix that soon enough.

Here's what you dipshits don't get. The reason why we are "throwing money" at poverty is because of wealth inequality. 40% of households that use SNAP (what we used to call Food Stamps), have at least one person in the household who has a job. Just not a job that pays enough to put food on the table. The same thing with Section 8 housing or Medicaid.

If the one percent hadn't dismantled the middle class and busted up the unions, we wouldn't have so many people needing help.
You need to explain how the leftist position -- "I'm not going to give you anything personally, but I will vote for people who want to take other people's stuff and give it to you" -- is superior to people giving out of their own pockets.

Because it ACTUALLY WORKS. Charities don't provide enough to take care of all the poor people. Taxing the rich and helping the working class does. The Europeans have ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT. We do it, too, but begrudgingly, because the GOP has gotten very good at convincing stupid white people that welfare mom wants half his cookie. (Which is why some of the poorest counties in the country vote GOP.)
Yes!!! Love it more Jew hate and you may call them Moslems if you so choose and there is a reason I do it. If you didn’t go to a 2nd rate school you would know that. Capitalism is too complex for you to comprehend. I thought you were putting me on ignore? Another lie?

Naw, your Trolling still amuses me, little Troll...

Most of us understand Capitalism just fine.. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Has been this way since the 1970's when they started busting up the unions and dismantling the middle class. Even dumb white people realize this and fail to identify the cause.

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