Liberalism’s Real Appeal

Mengele was a doctor. So you'd support his medical decisions?

Rhetorical question. You already do.

Mengele had patients who came to see him? Bad comparison.

You know what's really funny about your contempt for Christians?

You'd never even consider saying the same things to a Muslim.

I don't see Muslims trying to impose their beliefs on the rest of us. They just don't want us invading their countries.

Meanwhile, it's insanely easy to not get pregnant. You know what causes pregnancy, right? Seems like a lot of lefties are unclear on the concept.

I think George Carlin had the best response to people like you on this one.

View attachment 251004

I absolutely guarantee you've never criticized Muslims for killing innocents.

They aren't doing it on my tax dime like the Zionists are doing and getting 1/7th of the world's population pissed off at us in the process.
Just when I think you couldn't get any stupider...

Just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It's no secret at all.

I thought Joey was a Jew?
4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring," fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

5. You can pretend you believe this lie: “It’s her body, she can do what she wishes with it.”

The most elementary biology disproves this excuse for murder:

How can it be 'her body'.....

a. It has a totally different DNA
b. She doesn't have the same fingerprints.
c. She doesn't have four arms and four legs.
d. Half the time, the offspring.....that's what 'fetus' a different sex
e. Usually,the blood type is different.
f. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
g. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person. is Teen Vogue prodding young girls to have abortions.

Lets see, The religious right professes to believe that worshipping a three in one mangod is the way to eternal life.

Some present Jesus as a perfect sacrifice for sin even though the law calls for the ritual sacrifice of a he-goat 'without blemish' for the expiation of sin, not the messiah.

then they eat him.

Lets face it. Theres a lot of crazy going around........

Personally I would prefer that those who call good evil and evil good were not in charge of anything. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and all that. (Genesis 3:14)

If the religious right got something that important wrong, and they did, how could they possibly be right about any other less important issue?

If your own holy book is true, you are all under the condemnation of God. It's on your permanent record.

What other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns you fucking hypocrite.

It looks like you're calling evil good to me. :dunno:

How can you have a moral compass when you're an atheist/Satanist?


There's no reference point for that.

Its very simple. I can accept your premise that the bible is the word of God and foundational standard for morality and the source of the knowledge of the distinction between good and evil, right and wrong and has been for a very long time..

Thats the reference point. Our common ground.

That being said, if idolatry is a violation of the law of God, and it is according to the book, then the worship of another human being is a practice under the condemnation of God under penalty of death.

This is irrefutable. Its a very simple if/then equation.

It follows then that the worship of a trinity or the worship of Jesus as God, or the adoration of a eucharist is not the way to eternal life. It is a violation of the will of God according to the bible, your reference point, under penalty of death.

You are an idolator. You lie about what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong. The bible says so.

You have either been mislead or you have made evil a deliberate choice. If scripture is true you died in the very day you first set aside the law of God and got down on your knees to worship a half naked bloody Jesus on a cross.... decades ago.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid, Pilgrim.
refugees bible do what i want.png
Mengele was a doctor. So you'd support his medical decisions?

Rhetorical question. You already do.

Mengele had patients who came to see him? Bad comparison.

You know what's really funny about your contempt for Christians?

You'd never even consider saying the same things to a Muslim.

I don't see Muslims trying to impose their beliefs on the rest of us. They just don't want us invading their countries.

Meanwhile, it's insanely easy to not get pregnant. You know what causes pregnancy, right? Seems like a lot of lefties are unclear on the concept.

I think George Carlin had the best response to people like you on this one.

View attachment 251004

I absolutely guarantee you've never criticized Muslims for killing innocents.

They aren't doing it on my tax dime like the Zionists are doing and getting 1/7th of the world's population pissed off at us in the process.
Just when I think you couldn't get any stupider...

Just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It's no secret at all.

I thought Joey was a Jew?
White leftists hate white people. This is no different.
Mengele was a doctor. So you'd support his medical decisions?

Rhetorical question. You already do.

Mengele had patients who came to see him? Bad comparison.

You know what's really funny about your contempt for Christians?

You'd never even consider saying the same things to a Muslim.

I don't see Muslims trying to impose their beliefs on the rest of us. They just don't want us invading their countries.

Meanwhile, it's insanely easy to not get pregnant. You know what causes pregnancy, right? Seems like a lot of lefties are unclear on the concept.

I think George Carlin had the best response to people like you on this one.

View attachment 251004

I absolutely guarantee you've never criticized Muslims for killing innocents.

They aren't doing it on my tax dime like the Zionists are doing and getting 1/7th of the world's population pissed off at us in the process.
Just when I think you couldn't get any stupider...

Just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It's no secret at all.

I thought Joey was a Jew?
White leftists hate white people. This is no different.

Hey, btw, Welcome Back, daveman, your reputation proceeds you. :rolleyes:

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Mengele was a doctor. So you'd support his medical decisions?

Rhetorical question. You already do.

Mengele had patients who came to see him? Bad comparison.

You know what's really funny about your contempt for Christians?

You'd never even consider saying the same things to a Muslim.

I don't see Muslims trying to impose their beliefs on the rest of us. They just don't want us invading their countries.

Meanwhile, it's insanely easy to not get pregnant. You know what causes pregnancy, right? Seems like a lot of lefties are unclear on the concept.

I think George Carlin had the best response to people like you on this one.

View attachment 251004

I absolutely guarantee you've never criticized Muslims for killing innocents.

They aren't doing it on my tax dime like the Zionists are doing and getting 1/7th of the world's population pissed off at us in the process.
Just when I think you couldn't get any stupider...

Just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It's no secret at all.

I thought Joey was a Jew?
White leftists hate white people. This is no different.

Hey, btw, Welcome Back, daveman, your reputation proceeds you. :rolleyes:

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
:abgg2q.jpg: I remember that thread.
So Joey the moron, Palestine do sit in the Kneset and it was not stolen lmao read a history book. Unless of course you believe we stole Cali and TX from Native Americans.

Actually, we did. Conquest is theft.

The Zionists are European colonists exploiting an indigenous people.

Just when I think you couldn't get any stupider...

Just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It's no secret at all.

Yawn, buddy,

A CHILD whines about criticism with 'Why do you hate me?"

An adult looks at criticism and takes stock of it.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
Do a lot of projection, do you?
Again, you guys on the right care about fetuses, but not actual kids...

What the hell are you talking out your ass again?

FACT: the Vast majority of charity and aid for children globally comes from RIGHT WING, CONSERVATIVE pockets and sources such as the Shriners...There are/were a lot of famous Shriners, including John Wayne and Charlton Heston..NOT Joy Beher...NOT Beyonce.....NOT the Clintons (whose charities raked in millions that only benefited the Clintons)

You Leftist are too self oriented to even leave decent tips at restaurants.

Get off your damn high horse. You're nobody.
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What the hell are you talking out your ass again?

FACT: the Vast majority of charity and aid for children globally comes from RIGHT WING, CONSERVATIVE pockets and sources such as the Shriners...There are/were a lot of famous Shriners, including John Wayne and Charlton Heston..NOT Joy Beher...NOT Beyonce.....NOT the Clintons (whose charities raked in millions that only benefited the Clintons)

The Shriners aren't fixing the massive problems of poverty and hunger. They really aren't.

Charities are not a sign of compassion, they are a sign of condescension. We won't fix your awful living condition, but we'll throw a few bucks we won't miss to feel better about ourselves.
One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

And how many children had that happen to them?
What the hell are you talking out your ass again?

FACT: the Vast majority of charity and aid for children globally comes from RIGHT WING, CONSERVATIVE pockets and sources such as the Shriners...There are/were a lot of famous Shriners, including John Wayne and Charlton Heston..NOT Joy Beher...NOT Beyonce.....NOT the Clintons (whose charities raked in millions that only benefited the Clintons)

The Shriners aren't fixing the massive problems of poverty and hunger. They really aren't.

Charities are not a sign of compassion, they are a sign of condescension. We won't fix your awful living condition, but we'll throw a few bucks we won't miss to feel better about ourselves.

But when the government forcibly takes money to give it to another it is compassion?

Freely giving money to help those in need is condescension?

What the fuck is your mental malfunction?
And how many children had that happen to them?

Too many. Millions of American children go to bed hungry at night.

But when the government forcibly takes money to give it to another it is compassion?

Freely giving money to help those in need is condescension?

What the fuck is your mental malfunction?

Ideal world, everyone makes a living wage and pays their own wage by working a job that provides satisfaction.

We don't live there. Instead we have social programs, but the biggest entitlements are still middle class white people, not poor people of color.

And, no, rich people paying more for a dancing horse than they do to help poor people isn't anything to be proud of.
And how many children had that happen to them?

Too many. Millions of American children go to bed hungry at night.

But when the government forcibly takes money to give it to another it is compassion?

Freely giving money to help those in need is condescension?

What the fuck is your mental malfunction?

Ideal world, everyone makes a living wage and pays their own wage by working a job that provides satisfaction.

We don't live there. Instead we have social programs, but the biggest entitlements are still middle class white people, not poor people of color.

And, no, rich people paying more for a dancing horse than they do to help poor people isn't anything to be proud of.
Most adults no there is no such thing as an ideal world.

How much do you want to bet those rich people you hate and envy so much have given more to a plethora of charities and have had a part in helping more needy people than the few cents on the dollar the government takes from you that actually makes it to the people in need?
What the hell are you talking out your ass again?

FACT: the Vast majority of charity and aid for children globally comes from RIGHT WING, CONSERVATIVE pockets and sources such as the Shriners...There are/were a lot of famous Shriners, including John Wayne and Charlton Heston..NOT Joy Beher...NOT Beyonce.....NOT the Clintons (whose charities raked in millions that only benefited the Clintons)

The Shriners aren't fixing the massive problems of poverty and hunger. They really aren't.

Charities are not a sign of compassion, they are a sign of condescension. We won't fix your awful living condition, but we'll throw a few bucks we won't miss to feel better about ourselves.
An elephant is eaten one bite at a time.

It seems to me that you would only recognize the good being done if there were no bad left.

What have you done, Joe? Besides criticizing the good that others have done?

Is the good you have done some sort of an exception to your rule?
4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring," fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

5. You can pretend you believe this lie: “It’s her body, she can do what she wishes with it.”

The most elementary biology disproves this excuse for murder:

How can it be 'her body'.....

a. It has a totally different DNA
b. She doesn't have the same fingerprints.
c. She doesn't have four arms and four legs.
d. Half the time, the offspring.....that's what 'fetus' a different sex
e. Usually,the blood type is different.
f. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
g. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person. is Teen Vogue prodding young girls to have abortions.

Lets see, The religious right professes to believe that worshipping a three in one mangod is the way to eternal life.

Some present Jesus as a perfect sacrifice for sin even though the law calls for the ritual sacrifice of a he-goat 'without blemish' for the expiation of sin, not the messiah.

then they eat him.

Lets face it. Theres a lot of crazy going around........

Personally I would prefer that those who call good evil and evil good were not in charge of anything. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and all that. (Genesis 3:14)

If the religious right got something that important wrong, and they did, how could they possibly be right about any other less important issue?

If your own holy book is true, you are all under the condemnation of God. It's on your permanent record.

What other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns you fucking hypocrite.

It looks like you're calling evil good to me. :dunno:

How can you have a moral compass when you're an atheist/Satanist?


There's no reference point for that.

Its very simple. I can accept your premise that the bible is the word of God and foundational standard for morality and the source of the knowledge of the distinction between good and evil, right and wrong and has been for a very long time..

Thats the reference point. Our common ground.

That being said, if idolatry is a violation of the law of God, and it is according to the book, then the worship of another human being is a practice under the condemnation of God under penalty of death.

This is irrefutable. Its a very simple if/then equation.

It follows then that the worship of a trinity or the worship of Jesus as God, or the adoration of a eucharist is not the way to eternal life. It is a violation of the will of God according to the bible, your reference point, under penalty of death.

You are an idolator. You lie about what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong. The bible says so.

You have either been mislead or you have made evil a deliberate choice. If scripture is true you died in the very day you first set aside the law of God and got down on your knees to worship a half naked bloody Jesus on a cross.... decades ago.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid, Pilgrim.
View attachment 251135

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
Joe's just mad about his plot in life and takes no personal responsibility whatsoever for his own bad decisions.
And how many children had that happen to them?

Too many. Millions of American children go to bed hungry at night.

But when the government forcibly takes money to give it to another it is compassion?

Freely giving money to help those in need is condescension?

What the fuck is your mental malfunction?

Ideal world, everyone makes a living wage and pays their own wage by working a job that provides satisfaction.

We don't live there. Instead we have social programs, but the biggest entitlements are still middle class white people, not poor people of color.

And, no, rich people paying more for a dancing horse than they do to help poor people isn't anything to be proud of.
Please elaborate the biggest entitlements are middle class white people. What entitlements?
^I kid, playtime is a true bleeding heart liberal, at least she's not a Marxist bot and a real thinking American. :11_2_1043:

I don't agree with her on a lot of issues, but that's ok..

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