Liberals, admit you believe Tara Reade but will vote for Biden anyway.

It’s ok, just admit it.

Reade is irrelevant to my decision. Go Joe!
Biden could fall down drunk with puke all over himself and I will still vote for the old dude. Tara is what she is. Not sure exactly what that is or why.

I love it. Just admit it.

Biden could rape your daughter and you would vote for him.

Says a lot about you.
Drumpf molested his daughter yet you voted for him.
You don't believe in God, huh? Just looking to lie, cheat, and steal to win?

No morals. They know it.

Conservatives are supposed to be the morally bankrupt. Now we know Liberals are.
With all the Biden slandering, how it that morally superior? There's no way it can be.

PS: Please do not call these anti American Social Marxists liberals.
Liberals are OK, these pieces of shit are the scum of the earth, literally.

Slandering Biden doesn't put "conservatives" any higher on the scale than they are.
To me it puts them in the "I'm a slandering piece of shit, too." category.

Who did Trump rape?
Who did Biden rape?
You. But you blocked it out as a defense mechanism. Sad.
Liberals will vote for a rapist because they are morally bankrupt.

You are a shameless hypocrite to say that after not being able to refute in any way that by your standard Trump is guilty of raping a 13-year-old and by your own standard you are a morally bankrupt asshole for voting and supporting him.
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Who did Trump rape?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape?

Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Accusations doesn't establish guilt, that can only happen in a trial when the evidence are presented to show that he was indeed the man who did it.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Who accused Biden of RAPE?
Just the OP. Claims she was ass raped by Biden.
Liberals have confirmed they only have conditional support for women just like they have conditional support for Blacks.
I thought she should get out her story, and tell the world! but when she changed her story a few times, is when she lost most of her credibility with me....

And the new info that she says she was fingered by Biden in a hallway used by 100 senators, I find that....incredible.

sniffing hair, rubbing shoulders, kissing head, nice legs comments, could ALL very well be true, it is what Joe was doing with damn near everyone until very recently, when he agreed to change....

but the hallway up against the wall, fingering incident as she is now claiming.... I just do not buy it!

Sounds like a smut novel scene.....
Who did Trump rape?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape?

Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Accusations doesn't establish guilt, that can only happen in a trial when the evidence are presented to show that he was indeed the man who did it.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Who accused Biden of RAPE?

Stop playing this word game since the phrase SEXUAL ASSAULT, is enough as it covers a wide variety of unwanted sexual forces on the victim.

Tara Reid, made the accusation of Sexual Assault.

Stop denying it.
Odd how that never came up for decades until he was the nominee.

Come on people, is no else tired of that crap?

I seriously am, I'm over it! Seen it it happen too many times.

So am I and unfortunately the thread has gone down that road demanding that Biden is guilty when, as of this point, he is not.

The problem is that I am really tired of the asinine double standard that is applied as well. When Kavanaugh was the target the very same idiots where out there demanding that he was guilty. The media narrative was entirely different. Over and over again the 'credible' accusations were played constantly despite the fact they were not even remotely credible. Then it happens to Biden and it is utterly ignored. This is what I have an issue with and the fact we are tired of it is not stopping it from happening over and over again. The instant that a Republican is placed on the other side of this you are going to see the flip again.

The character assasination and the superflious sexual alligations need to stop entirely but there is no indication that they will.
Liberals have confirmed they only have conditional support for women just like they have conditional support for Blacks.
I thought she should get out her story, and tell the world! but when she changed her story a few times, is when she lost most of her credibility with me....

And the new info that she says she was fingered by Biden in a hallway used by 100 senators, I find that....incredible.

sniffing hair, rubbing shoulders, kissing head, nice legs comments, could ALL very well be true, it is what Joe was doing with damn near everyone until very recently, when he agreed to change....

but the hallway up against the wall, fingering incident as she is now claiming.... I just do not buy it!

Sounds like a smut novel scene.....

Still, more specific and detailed vs. Basely-Ford. Tear apart Reade’s story all you want. What is on display is how Liberals were slow on Basely - Ford to let her develop her story yet quick to dismiss Reade. Liberals also took the Basely Ford case to wag their finger that all women should be believed. Clearly, that’s bullshit.

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