Liberals, admit you believe Tara Reade but will vote for Biden anyway.

What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....

The allegations at the time of the alleged attack didn't mention sexual harassment as far as I know.


"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office."

You are a t e r r I b l e reader.
1993 is a long time ago, ok? At times I wish it was yesterday.

This is when this Reade girl allegedly is trying to hang bBiden?

If she lies under oath, should get 20 years for perjury.
Who did Trump rape?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape?

Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Accusations doesn't establish guilt, that can only happen in a trial when the evidence are presented to show that he was indeed the man who did it.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Who accused Biden of RAPE?

Stop playing this word game since the phrase SEXUAL ASSAULT, is enough as it covers a wide variety of unwanted sexual forces on the victim.

Tara Reid, made the accusation of Sexual Assault.

Stop denying it.
Odd how that never came up for decades until he was the nominee.

Come on people, is no else tired of that crap?

I seriously am, I'm over it! Seen it it happen too many times.

You need to have your mother clean the pizza stains of your T Shirt Marion.
I do not believe her, so I guess I'm ok....

I don't believe her latest addition to her story.....that he fingered her in a frequently traveled hallway....

Rubbing shoulder, kissing top of head, sniffing hair... That I could believe but not his hands in her panties in the hallway crapola....
The sniffing hair creepy shit is on camera and undeniable. And indicatively consistent with a persistent predatory pattern of behavior. If Biden does all that right in front of the cameras, in public, WTF does he do to force social dominance upon physically diminutive people such as women and children when the cameras are not there to document the events?
It’s ok, just admit it.

Read must be a Bernie supporter still trying to get Crazy Bernie the job. Look for more of this in the near future. Do I believe what she is saying now? No. Will I vote for Joe? I would vote for a ham sandwich rather than Rump.
That's because you're an idiot.
This moral indignation from those who lavish unconditional adoration upon Trump should be funny, but it's actually ugly.

The Democrats are being blatant hypocrites on this issue, and they've stabbed the Me Too movement directly in the back.

Once again, a pox on both houses. You have no real morals. You're just consumed by your grotesque hatred of the other.
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I do not believe her, so I guess I'm ok....

I don't believe her latest addition to her story.....that he fingered her in a frequently traveled hallway....

Rubbing shoulder, kissing top of head, sniffing hair... That I could believe but not his hands in her panties in the hallway crapola....
From what I understand it happened in gym locker room, a place where she could have been dragged off into more secluded areas had she acquiesced. Biden is a scumbag, like Clinton and you know it. You also know that Trump's "pussy grabbing" comments were lamenting the fact that women would allow themselves to be degraded by rich fuckers to acquire fame and wealth.

Those people who claim to support women's liberation are the worst offenders of women's rights, and you know it.

It’s ok, just admit it.

I think she's lying for reasons stated, mostly that she has yet to tell a consistent story. The details keep changing. Maybe she's convinced herself something happened, but that doesn't mean it did.

Meanwhile, Trump has admitted to grabbing women by the genitals, 25 much more credible women have come out and accused him of sexual assault (including his ex-wife).

The thing is, Trump is a much bigger danger to the country than Biden will ever be.
From what I understand it happened in gym locker room, a place where she could have been dragged off into more secluded areas had she acquiesced. Biden is a scumbag, like Clinton and you know it. You also know that Trump's "pussy grabbing" comments were lamenting the fact that women would allow themselves to be degraded by rich fuckers to acquire fame and wealth.

I've never heard Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates lament that women are throwing themselves at them. Then again, these guys are ACTUAL Billionaires, not pretend billionaires like Trump.

40+ Years in public service, and the only complaint we have on Biden is 27 years old and impossible to verify at this point?

Compared to 25+ Complaints against Trump and him admitting on tape he engages in this kind of behavior.
It’s ok, just admit it.

Read must be a Bernie supporter still trying to get Crazy Bernie the job. Look for more of this in the near future. Do I believe what she is saying now? No. Will I vote for Joe? I would vote for a ham sandwich rather than Rump.

So yes. Biden committed rape and you will vote for him.

No matter what trash you talk, I won't vote for Rump. If a Cheeze Sandwich were running against him I would settle for the sandwich.
It’s ok, just admit it.

Read must be a Bernie supporter still trying to get Crazy Bernie the job. Look for more of this in the near future. Do I believe what she is saying now? No. Will I vote for Joe? I would vote for a ham sandwich rather than Rump.

So yes. Biden committed rape and you will vote for him.

No matter what trash you talk, I won't vote for Rump. If a Cheeze Sandwich were running against him I would settle for the sandwich.

That’s cool. Vote for a rapist.
Why can’t you liberal trash name who Trump raped?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

We can AND WE DID.

13 year old Katie Johnson


Why can’t you liberal trash name who Trump raped?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

We can AND WE DID.

13 year old Katie Johnson


Allegations? Like Ford and like Reade?

Yes moron, just like that, except we are talking about a 13 year old sex slave.

If you say Reade story is good enough for you to convict Biden, then by all accounts Katie Johnson's story should be good enough for you to chant Trump-for-prison.

But of course with Trump we have much more than many women who accused him of sexual assault, we have his full confession ON TAPE talking about how he can't help himself from sexual advancements without consent and how he thinks being a star means he can get away with pussy-grabbing.

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Why can’t you liberal trash name who Trump raped?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

We can AND WE DID.

13 year old Katie Johnson


Allegations? Like Ford and like Reade?

Yes moron, just like that, except we are talking about a 13 year old sex slave.

If you say Reade story is good enough for you to convict Biden, then by all accounts Katie Johnson's story should be good enough for you to chant Trump-for-prison.
You believe Ford, but not Reade, right?

See, I don’t believe either.
Why can’t you liberal trash name who Trump raped?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

We can AND WE DID.

13 year old Katie Johnson


Allegations? Like Ford and like Reade?

Yes moron, just like that, except we are talking about a 13 year old sex slave.

If you say Reade story is good enough for you to convict Biden, then by all accounts Katie Johnson's story should be good enough for you to chant Trump-for-prison.
You believe Ford, but not Reade, right?

See, I don’t believe either.

Belive? I believe facts, not stories people have.

Facts like Trump on tape fully corroborating the many stories of his brazen sexual advances. Facts like Kavanaugh revealing himself to be a partisan, ill-tempered liar during his confirmation hearings.
Liberals will vote for a rapist because they are morally bankrupt.

Liberals are misogynists. So gross.

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