Liberals, admit you believe Tara Reade but will vote for Biden anyway.

It’s cool, liberals. You will vote for a rapist.

Joe Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape? Name a name?
Who did Trump rape?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape?

Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Accusations doesn't establish guilt, that can only happen in a trial when the evidence are presented to show that he was indeed the man who did it.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Who accused Biden of RAPE?

Stop playing this word game since the phrase SEXUAL ASSAULT, is enough as it covers a wide variety of unwanted sexual forces on the victim.

Tara Reid, made the accusation of Sexual Assault.

Stop denying it.
Sorry you're the liar and playing games... Biden RAPED no one..... words have meaning... And fingering is not rape.... You for some odd reason, think it is? Or you're just playing politics....? Whatever it is, it's weird.....

It is clear you are a terrible reader, I posted TWO links that strongly supported my position. Fingering would be considered sexual assault on the woman, surely you going to ignore the LEGAL definition of Sexual Assault?

DOJ states:

The term “sexual assault” means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.


I never stated Biden raped anyone, in fact I have repeatedly stated that Biden remains INNOCENT, because Tara has not filed a lawsuit against him, therefore he doesn't have to say shit about HER allegations.

Try reading better.
What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....
Who did Trump rape?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape?

Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Accusations doesn't establish guilt, that can only happen in a trial when the evidence are presented to show that he was indeed the man who did it.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Who accused Biden of RAPE?

Stop playing this word game since the phrase SEXUAL ASSAULT, is enough as it covers a wide variety of unwanted sexual forces on the victim.

Tara Reid, made the accusation of Sexual Assault.

Stop denying it.
Sorry you're the liar and playing games... Biden RAPED no one..... words have meaning... And fingering is not rape.... You for some odd reason, think it is? Or you're just playing politics....? Whatever it is, it's weird.....

It is clear you are a terrible reader, I posted TWO links that strongly supported my position. Fingering would be considered sexual assault on the woman, surely you going to ignore the LEGAL definition of Sexual Assault?

DOJ states:

The term “sexual assault” means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.


I never stated Biden raped anyone, in fact I have repeatedly stated that Biden remains INNOCENT, because Tara has not filed a lawsuit against him, therefore he doesn't have to say shit about HER allegations.

Try reading better.

Finger penetration without consent is rape.

I believe Tara because it’s a job interview.

No due process.

Mazie said so. We should stay consistent.

Liberals aren’t lying sacks of shit are they? I know they will apply the same standards they did with Kavanaugh.
What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....

The allegations at the time of the alleged attack didn't mention sexual harassment as far as I know.
What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....

The allegations at the time of the alleged attack didn't mention sexual harassment as far as I know.


"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office."

You are a t e r r I b l e reader.
Who did Trump rape?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape?

Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Accusations doesn't establish guilt, that can only happen in a trial when the evidence are presented to show that he was indeed the man who did it.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Who accused Biden of RAPE?

Stop playing this word game since the phrase SEXUAL ASSAULT, is enough as it covers a wide variety of unwanted sexual forces on the victim.

Tara Reid, made the accusation of Sexual Assault.

Stop denying it.
Sorry you're the liar and playing games... Biden RAPED no one..... words have meaning... And fingering is not rape.... You for some odd reason, think it is? Or you're just playing politics....? Whatever it is, it's weird.....

Biden raped Tara Reade.

You will be voting for a rapist.

Congrats. What if Tara Reade was your daughter?
What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....

The allegations at the time of the alleged attack didn't mention sexual harassment as far as I know.


"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office."

You are a t e r r I b l e reader.

If you don't call something assault 27 years ago, it doesn't become assault 27 years later. Sorry.
Trump has raped and whored and bragged about both of those more than any President in all of American history. That's not a topic that Trump sheep should be harping on about.

Yet you can't pony up the non existent lawsuits that supports their unproven allegations...……, yet YOU believed in Dr. Ford who was full of inconsistencies and lies.

Trump himself stepped in to halt the FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh. I would fully back the FBI starting/re-starting and finishing investigations into both.
Trump has raped and whored and bragged about both of those more than any President in all of American history. That's not a topic that Trump sheep should be harping on about.

Yet you can't pony up the non existent lawsuits that supports their unproven allegations...……, yet YOU believed in Dr. Ford who was full of inconsistencies and lies.

Trump himself stepped in to halt the FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh. I would fully back the FBI starting/re-starting and finishing investigations into both.

Dr. Ford NEVER produced evidence to back up her claims with, the lying shit REFUSED to give the FBI the evidence as requested by then Chairman Grassley. She also refused to give her Lie detector evidence to the FBI as well.

How come you are freaking ignorant?
Trump has raped and whored and bragged about both of those more than any President in all of American history. That's not a topic that Trump sheep should be harping on about.

Yet you can't pony up the non existent lawsuits that supports their unproven allegations...……, yet YOU believed in Dr. Ford who was full of inconsistencies and lies.

Trump himself stepped in to halt the FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh. I would fully back the FBI starting/re-starting and finishing investigations into both.

Agreed. I'm sure there was something that went on in both Kav and Biden's cases. But the accusers do not enjoy protections of the law decades later if they didn't avail themselves of the process decades before. The accused has rights as well.
What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....

The allegations at the time of the alleged attack didn't mention sexual harassment as far as I know.

Here is the FEDERAL LAW on this:

29 CFR § 1604.11 - Sexual harassment.

§ 1604.11 Sexual harassment.

(a) Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of section 703 of title VII. 1 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

1 The principles involved here continue to apply to race, color, religion or national origin.


Indeed Sexual Assault can be considered part of Sexual Harassment.

The City I used to work for instituted Sexual Harassments seminars, for the entire work force, where it was learned that it is called harassment when it pertains to keeping a job or a response to blackmail with those to are foring sexual activities on the intended victim.
Here is the FEDERAL LAW on this:

29 CFR § 1604.11 - Sexual harassment.

§ 1604.11 Sexual harassment.

(a) Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of section 703 of title VII. 1 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

1 The principles involved here continue to apply to race, color, religion or national origin.


Indeed Sexual Assault can be considered part of Sexual Harassment.

The City I used to work for instituted Sexual Harassments seminars, for the entire work force, where it was learned that it is called harassment when it pertains to keeping a job or a response to blackmail with those to are foring sexual activities on the intended victim.

Did she allege sexual assault in the 1990's? A simple yes or no please.
Trump has raped and whored and bragged about both of those more than any President in all of American history. That's not a topic that Trump sheep should be harping on about.

Yet you can't pony up the non existent lawsuits that supports their unproven allegations...……, yet YOU believed in Dr. Ford who was full of inconsistencies and lies.

Trump himself stepped in to halt the FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh. I would fully back the FBI starting/re-starting and finishing investigations into both.

Dr. Ford NEVER produced evidence to back up her claims with, the lying shit REFUSED to give the FBI the evidence as requested by then Chairman Grassley. She also refused to give her Lie detector evidence to the FBI as well.

How come you are freaking ignorant?
You invent nonsense because you are an idiot. Let the FBI finish investigations against both, pussy.
Who did Trump rape?

Biden raped Tara Reade.

Who did Trump rape?

Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Accusations doesn't establish guilt, that can only happen in a trial when the evidence are presented to show that he was indeed the man who did it.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Who accused Biden of RAPE?

Stop playing this word game since the phrase SEXUAL ASSAULT, is enough as it covers a wide variety of unwanted sexual forces on the victim.

Tara Reid, made the accusation of Sexual Assault.

Stop denying it.
Sorry you're the liar and playing games... Biden RAPED no one..... words have meaning... And fingering is not rape.... You for some odd reason, think it is? Or you're just playing politics....? Whatever it is, it's weird.....

It is clear you are a terrible reader, I posted TWO links that strongly supported my position. Fingering would be considered sexual assault on the woman, surely you going to ignore the LEGAL definition of Sexual Assault?

DOJ states:

The term “sexual assault” means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.


I never stated Biden raped anyone, in fact I have repeatedly stated that Biden remains INNOCENT, because Tara has not filed a lawsuit against him, therefore he doesn't have to say shit about HER allegations.

Try reading better.
Biden was Accused of rape, sexual assault but since no lawsuit was filed, he is still innocent.

Those were your words.....
who accused Biden of RAPE?

No one that I'm aware of...? ColonelAngus in this thread, doesn't count....

Yet you said he was accused of RAPE?
What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....

The allegations at the time of the alleged attack didn't mention sexual harassment as far as I know.

Vote for the rapist. Just admit you are trash.
What is Reade alleging?

You still don't know?


The allegations I've seen back in the 1990's haven't mentioned sexual assault but sexual harassment.

No she claims Sexual ASSAULT:

"In March 2020, Tara Reade alleged that Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, had sexually assaulted Reade in spring 1993, in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. Reade had previously alleged to reporters in April 2019 that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders in ways that made her feel uncomfortable. She did not make any allegation of assault at that time.

In April 2020, she said she told Biden's Senate staff in 1993 about harassment. The former staff members named by Reade said that they did not receive a complaint from her. On May 1, 2020, Biden addressed Reade's claims and said "they aren't true",[1] and he requested the Secretary of the United States Senate to search for and release any documents pertaining to the complaint Reade said she filed in 1993.[2] Biden's request was rejected."

bolding mine


You are a very slow thinker.....

The allegations at the time of the alleged attack didn't mention sexual harassment as far as I know.

Vote for the rapist. Just admit you are trash.

Again, when the allegations were made, what was Ms. Reade alleging? You don't seem to have a clue of what you're talking about and are just spitting "rape" out every other syllable as if this is a lighthearted subject to you.

You're proving that you are trash. Not that this is news to any of us. You've been garbage since day one.

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