Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Cutting education = worse. This entire fucking nation would collapse into the third world.

the problem is - what you consider education in those public schools is ANYTHING BUT education.

stop parroting slogans and finally put some thinking into what you are preaching.

Obviously the way education has been funded is not working.
Washington DC spends over $20k per student and has low graduation rates.
Kansas City....That school district spent over $ 1 billion on new schools, labs, sports facilities, etc. The result was falling graduation rates, lower SAT scores and the continued exodus of people to the suburbs. Out of reach of the grubby paws of tax happy politicians.
Who exactly has claimed they are aghast other than threadstarter?

Maybe ask her for the names of the aghast people and we can get to the bottom of query.

read the article

the article does not really report who are aghast.

Typical of right wing trash-talk, the opening clause of the article is a BEGGED QUESTION....

As in

Liberals across America are reported to be aghast at a new survey by real estate website which showed that the nation’s 25 most dangerous neighborhoods all just happen to be in black areas.

Are reported by whom?

The article does not say.

Want to know why?

Because the very first line was the BIG LIE....

Actually advancing that BIG LIE was probably the whole point of the article....

So inner cities populated by mainly minority people are NOT crime infested? Ok....Problem solved.
[ame=]South Park: Cartman says... How do I reach these kids - YouTube[/ame]
I am sure that you are not old enough to know that making abortion illegal does not stop, or even lesson abortion. Back in the 1960's, there was a tremendouse demand for D&C proceedures for child bearing age women who suddenly had sever menstral paroblems. Abortion laws do not punish women who get abortions. they just put docs behind bars.

The Roe in Roe V Wade did not have an abortion due to the law. She is now against abortions. Strange how that works, isn't it?

Nothing strange about it at all. The majority of people who want to make abortions illegal can not possibly get preganant in the first place.

Yawn Yawn.
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? This is my nieces classroom and yes, I already donated.

Ms. Hayes (teacher) |

Oh, the peanut gallery sounds off.
Who cares about your problems.

But you SHOULD care. It's a charter school and they are trying to do something good.
I assume teachers unions are screaming there like nowhere else, but that is Oakland, CA - so the unions have their say.

Still I don't see the need to ridicule a good effort by good people.

At least they are DOING something.

I support the concept of Charter Schools.
The problem is not only do the teacher's unions oppose them, in many cases parents who fear "brain drain" oppose them as well.

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