Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

yeah, and I if we BANNED abortion it would save 3000 LIVES A DAY..

but some how that isn't the first thing you people think about when crowing about wanting to save lives

I am sure that you are not old enough to know that making abortion illegal does not stop, or even lesson abortion. Back in the 1960's, there was a tremendouse demand for D&C proceedures for child bearing age women who suddenly had sever menstral paroblems. Abortion laws do not punish women who get abortions. they just put docs behind bars.

The Roe in Roe V Wade did not have an abortion due to the law. She is now against abortions. Strange how that works, isn't it?

Nothing strange about it at all. The majority of people who want to make abortions illegal can not possibly get preganant in the first place.
Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

I'm not aghast, but I did notice that most of the cities on that list are from Republican states. :eusa_whistle:
Didn't you read the original post? You have been reported to be aghast, so be aghast and be done with it.

Otherwise there isn't much here for them to attack you about, so opinions and feelings are required to be attributed to you.

I can sense the aghastness hitting me like a wave. As reported in the article.
since you on the left are so fond of studies, here's one you might like..sorry it isn't about Fox news..must be why Obama is wanting to push gun control on LEGAL gun owners

Liberals across America are reported to be aghast at a new survey by real estate website which showed that the nation’s 25 most dangerous neighborhoods all just happen to be in black areas.


“Using exclusive data developed by NeighborhoodScout, and based on FBI data from all 17,000 local law enforcement agencies in America, we here report those specific neighborhoods in America that have the highest predicted rates of violent crime per 1,000 neighborhood residents of all,” that website reported.

“Violent crimes include murder, forcible rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. These neighborhoods are the epicenters of violence in America, where social issues are likely to ignite into violence and spread.”

all of it here
Liberals Aghast as US?s ?25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods? All Happen to be Black | The New Observer

Who is 'aghased'? Being poor sucks. Ghettos suck. I know first hand.

You know first hand? How so?
Are you implying there is nobility in living in a poor crime infested area?
How about solutions democrats? Most blacks live under you.

Stop defunding black schools for starters.

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? This is my nieces classroom and yes, I already donated.

Ms. Hayes (teacher) |

We should probably look to cut more funds from education...
Why throw more money at the problem when it seems like it's not doing much good...
The kids that are graduating these days aren't very bright.

The Libs are always screaming about money for infrastructure....
Let's redistribute some money from education and move it over to infrastructure.

We've spend hundreds of billions of dollars attempting to improve this or that. The problems have gotten worse.
Now that there are solutions ( vouchers and Charter Schools) which DO work, the libs and the teacher's unions are screaming like they are having limbs removed without the use of anesthesia.
[ame=]TOP 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America List (2013) - YouTube[/ame]
Invest in Infrastructure, science, education and tech...

Infrastructure jobs within our inner-cities
More science education and black grants for science programs for blacks
More education. I don't know wtf Chicago is doing to blacks...But it is sad!
More tech. High paid jobs!

Maybe setting up some craftsmen schools within the inner-cities to teach electrical, carpentry and other useful jobs.

This is what the democrats could do within the inner-cities...

Infrastructure jobs for what? Build highways to nowhere? Build power plants? Nope, can't do that because they pollute. Schools? Chicago and Detroit are getting RID of school districts because of declining populations, which is forcing kids to walk across war zones to get to their new school. More education? Why, so even LESS kids can learn to read?

Here is how you do it.

First - shut off the welfare spigot. Stop giving people free money, free housing, free food, free phones, free vehicles, etc. This will get people hungry. Hungry for food, hungry for heat, hungry for a car....HUNGRY FOR A BETTER LIFE. Being hungry for a better life is a good thing, it makes you WORK for things.

Second - Police the place. Send in the national guard to provide security. Nobody in their right mind wants to open a store in Detroit because you will get robbed. Nobody wants to renovate the $1 houses there because it will be stripped. Some parent's don't want their kids to go to school because it's too dangerous.

Third - After the security is in place, set up soup kitchens to feed the people. Yes, soup nobody starves.

Fourth - get rid of the public education system completely. Instead go to a public voucher system that allows for the few parents who care to put their kids into decent schools.

I can solve the world's problems....just make me king! :cool:

You start with number one, you'll never get to number two, there will be a revolution. Our income gap is already way bigger than France's was before their revolution; the only thing preventing one here, is the fact that people aren't hungry.

Stop sobbing.
A revolution? Yer kidding right?
You obviously have a vested interest in the ability to live off the public tit.
You start with number one, you'll never get to number two, there will be a revolution. Our income gap is already way bigger than France's was before their revolution; the only thing preventing one here, is the fact that people aren't hungry.

Sheila - This is how we could fix an individual problem area, like Detroit.

We could accomplish much the same thing on a federal level, but we would have to do it much slower. One way to do this would be to shift he welfare burden from the federal government (were it shouldn't be) to the states (where it STILL shouldn't be). If we did this by slowly decreasing federal funding for welfare.

So you've gone from end it immediately to slowly decrease it. Didn't think your plan through very well, did you?

Nice knee jerk response.
The OP never stated cut off welfare immediately.
You simply read that into the OP's statement. Your error.
Life on the dole has become too comfortable and too available.
The systems are a quagmire of fraud caused by people gaming the system and incompetent federal enforcement costing taxpayers billions.
Yet people like you think we should keep pouring money into abject failure.
If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.

yeah, and I if we BANNED abortion it would save 3000 LIVES A DAY..

but some how that isn't the first thing you people think about when crowing about wanting to save lives

I am sure that you are not old enough to know that making abortion illegal does not stop, or even lesson abortion. Back in the 1960's, there was a tremendouse demand for D&C proceedures for child bearing age women who suddenly had sever menstral paroblems. Abortion laws do not punish women who get abortions. they just put docs behind bars.
And I bet that rationalization you just posted above was better for you than the last time you got laid.
Cut the crap..
Making abortion illegal would no more stop the procedure than outlawing guns would go to stopping murders and other crimes.
We once had laws banning the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. How's that work out?
We have laws banning the use of certain narcotics and other drugs..How's that working out?
If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.

There is not one shred of evidence this would happen. And plenty of evidence that the murder rate would go higher. Read this( and try to become somewhat educated on what you speak about.

Oh, I am pretty sure, boat, that if every gun owner were locked up, there would not be any gun deaths in the civilian community...unless they go back to what they did in the 1940's, and started making "Zip guns'. I know that you are too young to remember that. Look it up.

First off, it's never going to happen. And wishing for such a thing to happen makes you a fool.
And just what the hell do you think is going to happen when the law abiding people turn in their guns and the crooks do not?
Are you really deluded to the notion that the cops will be there to protect you?
Come on...Nobody is THAT stupid.
Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

I'm not aghast, but I did notice that most of the cities on that list are from Republican states. :eusa_whistle:

Hey genius....There are no republican voters living in these cities.
Remember how not one Precinct in Philadelphia had more than ONE PERCENT of the vote go to Romney?
And you people on the left cheered.....
Look, if you're going to participate in the discussion, have something of reasonable import to add.
Cutting education = worse. This entire fucking nation would collapse into the third world.

the problem is - what you consider education in those public schools is ANYTHING BUT education.

stop parroting slogans and finally put some thinking into what you are preaching.
How about solutions democrats? Most blacks live under you.

Stop defunding black schools for starters.

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? This is my nieces classroom and yes, I already donated.

Ms. Hayes (teacher) |

Oh, the peanut gallery sounds off.
Who cares about your problems.

But you SHOULD care. It's a charter school and they are trying to do something good.
I assume teachers unions are screaming there like nowhere else, but that is Oakland, CA - so the unions have their say.

Still I don't see the need to ridicule a good effort by good people.

At least they are DOING something.
How about solutions democrats? Most blacks live under you.

Stop defunding black schools for starters.

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? This is my nieces classroom and yes, I already donated.

Ms. Hayes (teacher) |

Oh, the peanut gallery sounds off.
Who cares about your problems.

Mathew whined about not having enough money for black schools. I posted a link where he can personally donate money to a classroom that is mostly black. Basically, I called for him to put his money where is mouth is. I get real tired of hearing people say that we need to put more money here or more money there but they aren't willing to give up any of THEIR money, no, they want to take OUR money. I've already given to the classroom. I think it would be great if my friends at USMB could make that document camera happen for my niece's class. I thank anybody who gives but I will not apologize for saying that people who cry for more money for black schools should themselves be donating to black classrooms.
Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

I'm not aghast, but I did notice that most of the cities on that list are from Republican states. :eusa_whistle:

Hey genius....There are no republican voters living in these cities.
Remember how not one Precinct in Philadelphia had more than ONE PERCENT of the vote go to Romney?
And you people on the left cheered.....
Look, if you're going to participate in the discussion, have something of reasonable import to add.

You should get more informed if you are going to make a claim like that. There were some precincts in Philadelphia without any Romney votes but there were many precincts where Romney received well over one percent of the vote.
I don't want my nephew in law locked up. He's a free lance graphics design artist and he also does a lot to help the disadvantaged, even starting a program to help poor blacks get into college. He's not part of the problem, he's part of the solution. Locking him up would only make the problem worse. Blaming all blacks for the actions of some is like blaming all whites for the actions of some, or blaming all Christians for the actions of the WBC.

I'm not saying all black males SHOULD be locked up, I'm only saying that if we did, the bottom line is street crime would drop dramatically.

Of course we don't lock people up for what they MIGHT do, we can only act after a crime has been committed.

I will say though that I would give anything for blacks to see what decades of liberal programs have done. They have ruined the black family unit, and taken away what once was a strong work ethic.

If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.
Fix the black family and you will fix the black problem. First of all, they have to stop reproducing.

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