Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

You start with number one, you'll never get to number two, there will be a revolution. Our income gap is already way bigger than France's was before their revolution; the only thing preventing one here, is the fact that people aren't hungry.

Sheila - This is how we could fix an individual problem area, like Detroit.

We could accomplish much the same thing on a federal level, but we would have to do it much slower. One way to do this would be to shift he welfare burden from the federal government (were it shouldn't be) to the states (where it STILL shouldn't be). If we did this by slowly decreasing federal funding for welfare.

So you've gone from end it immediately to slowly decrease it. Didn't think your plan through very well, did you?
Well, we could send the Muslims into those neighborhoods and grant them autonomy, complete with Sharia Law, as 'Constitutional Exclusion Zones'...

That would clean-up those cesspools fast enough...
Quote: Originally Posted by hazlnut View Post
IMO - Another race baiting thread from the fringe-right.

How can it be race baiting when it it STUDY... you know that thing YOU hazzienuts and most of the lefties here many time have you posted the study on how Fox news viewers are ignorant?

now you need some cheese? or you can DISH IT but can't TAKE IT? which is typical..
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. Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Which proves what?

Whites are superior to blacks?
N*ggers are dangerous?

No. That liberals bleating that it doesn't exist and calling those out as 'racists' who point out the facts, makes those liberals look stupid.
. Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Which proves what?

Whites are superior to blacks?
N*ggers are dangerous?

No, it proves that the big social experiment of destroying stable nuclear families by paying teenage girls to have out of wedlock babies is an epic failure. Blacks are just further down the family disintegration curve, but the same trend is underway in the lower income strata of other racial demographics as well. that what it proves?

Why have poor urban areas always been high crime areas regardless of the ethnic group?

Do you have an answer?
since you on the left are so fond of studies, here's one you might like..sorry it isn't about Fox news..must be why Obama is wanting to push gun control on LEGAL gun owners

Liberals across America are reported to be aghast at a new survey by real estate website which showed that the nation’s 25 most dangerous neighborhoods all just happen to be in black areas.


“Using exclusive data developed by NeighborhoodScout, and based on FBI data from all 17,000 local law enforcement agencies in America, we here report those specific neighborhoods in America that have the highest predicted rates of violent crime per 1,000 neighborhood residents of all,” that website reported.

“Violent crimes include murder, forcible rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. These neighborhoods are the epicenters of violence in America, where social issues are likely to ignite into violence and spread.”

all of it here
Liberals Aghast as US?s ?25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods? All Happen to be Black | The New Observer

Who is 'aghased'? Being poor sucks. Ghettos suck. I know first hand.
Oh and Stephanie.....simply don't live there. Those shitty does it affect you anyway?
So you've gone from end it immediately to slowly decrease it. Didn't think your plan through very well, did you?

I guess reading isn't your strong point. I will type slowly for you.

We could do it quickly on a local level to deal with a specific problem area, like Detroit. So what if Detroit revolts...much of the city has already revolted against human decency. Furthermore, if we shut off the welfare money pouring into this cesspool it would take a few weeks for the money to eventually filter out of the drug economy and into the mainstream economy. Eventually, as this money dried up, people would start to choose food over drugs.

This wouldn't bring about much of a revolt.

On the federal scale we would have to do it much slower because, as you pointed out, people would revolt.
I'm not saying all black males SHOULD be locked up, I'm only saying that if we did, the bottom line is street crime would drop dramatically.

Of course we don't lock people up for what they MIGHT do, we can only act after a crime has been committed.

I will say though that I would give anything for blacks to see what decades of liberal programs have done. They have ruined the black family unit, and taken away what once was a strong work ethic.

If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.

yeah, and I if we BANNED abortion it would save 3000 LIVES A DAY..

but some how that isn't the first thing you people think about when crowing about wanting to save lives

I am sure that you are not old enough to know that making abortion illegal does not stop, or even lesson abortion. Back in the 1960's, there was a tremendouse demand for D&C proceedures for child bearing age women who suddenly had sever menstral paroblems. Abortion laws do not punish women who get abortions. they just put docs behind bars.
If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.

There is not one shred of evidence this would happen. And plenty of evidence that the murder rate would go higher. Read this( and try to become somewhat educated on what you speak about.

Oh, I am pretty sure, boat, that if every gun owner were locked up, there would not be any gun deaths in the civilian community...unless they go back to what they did in the 1940's, and started making "Zip guns'. I know that you are too young to remember that. Look it up.
If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.

There is not one shred of evidence this would happen. And plenty of evidence that the murder rate would go higher. Read this( and try to become somewhat educated on what you speak about.

Vandalshandle just revealed the ultimate fantasy of every liberal.

Not at all. My ultimate fantasy is 3 seriously stacked and well built women, naked in bed with me at the same time.....

The purpose of my post is to point out the absurdity of the premise of the OP.
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If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.

There is not one shred of evidence this would happen. And plenty of evidence that the murder rate would go higher. Read this( and try to become somewhat educated on what you speak about.

Oh, I am pretty sure, boat, that if every gun owner were locked up, there would not be any gun deaths in the civilian community...unless they go back to what they did in the 1940's, and started making "Zip guns'. I know that you are too young to remember that. Look it up.

Yes, too young to remember many zip guns, but I know what they are. Of course the newer alternative to the zip gun will be the "printed" gun.

Yes, if we were to be able to magically find everyone in America with a gun (both the criminals AND the law abiding citizens), lock them up, and take away their guns, then yes, we would have a significant drop in the fire-arm death rate.

However, in exchange for locking up millions of law abiding citizens, the overall murder/suicide rate would most likely not change at all. Look at what has happened in the past to the murder/suicide rate in developed nations who confiscated weapons from law abiding citizens. From

"In 2004, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences released its evaluation from a review of 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government
publications, and some original empirical research. It failed to identify any gun control that had reduced violent crime, suicide,
or gun accidents.15 The same conclusion was reached in 2003 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s review of then extant

Stringent gun controls were not adopted in England and Western Europe until after World War I. Consistent with the
outcomes of the recent American studies just mentioned, these strict controls did not stem the general trend of ever‐growing
violent crime throughout the post‐WWII industrialized world including the United States and Russia.....In the late 1990s, England
moved from stringent controls to a complete ban of all handguns and many types of long guns.
Hundreds of thousands of guns were confiscated from those owners law‐abiding enough to turn them in to authorities.
Without suggesting this caused violence, the ban’s ineffectiveness was such that by the year 2000 violent crime had so increased
that England and Wales had Europe’s highest violent crime rate, far surpassing even the United States."

Become educated on the ACTUAL political science on the subject. All your liberal ideas on gun control have been tried and they have failed to stem the tide of violence.
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Then why are liburuls claiming to be "aghast" at the statistics?
Who exactly has claimed they are aghast other than threadstarter?

Maybe ask her for the names of the aghast people and we can get to the bottom of query.

read the article

the article does not really report who are aghast.

Typical of right wing trash-talk, the opening clause of the article is a BEGGED QUESTION....

As in

Liberals across America are reported to be aghast at a new survey by real estate website which showed that the nation’s 25 most dangerous neighborhoods all just happen to be in black areas.

Are reported by whom?

The article does not say.

Want to know why?

Because the very first line was the BIG LIE....

Actually advancing that BIG LIE was probably the whole point of the article....
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It is true that if we lock up all the women, we could prevent abortion entirely.

If we lock up all gun owners, yep. No gun crime at all.

If we lock up all people who might drive an automobile, we save 30,000 to 40,000 lives every single year.

If we lock up all the rich people and confiscate their wealth, we could eliminate wealth disparities, at least for a few days or weeks.

If we lock up all the poor people, welfare and charity of any kind will be eliminated.

If we lock up all the black people, crimes committed by black people drop to zero.

If we lock up all people who break or might break the law in any way, crime statistics cease to exist.

If we lock up every person who exceeds his/her carbon credits or pollutes in any way, we would have the most utopian green country that has ever existed.

But will there be anybody left to feed the prisoners and empty the trash in the prisons? Or anywhere else?

Or, if we choose to be realistic, and admit that government policy and warped attitudes and values in our society have created a society that nobody ever wanted. And the ONLY cure for that is for enough people to reject this 'new society' and re-assimilate and promote positive values and wholesome attitudes that such again becomes the norm in America. That means we are no longer politically correct.

But political correctness is what got us into this mess in the first place.
If we locked up all gun owners, It would save the lives of 30,000 US ciitizens per year.

yeah, and I if we BANNED abortion it would save 3000 LIVES A DAY..

but some how that isn't the first thing you people think about when crowing about wanting to save lives

I am sure that you are not old enough to know that making abortion illegal does not stop, or even lesson abortion. Back in the 1960's, there was a tremendouse demand for D&C proceedures for child bearing age women who suddenly had sever menstral paroblems. Abortion laws do not punish women who get abortions. they just put docs behind bars.

The Roe in Roe V Wade did not have an abortion due to the law. She is now against abortions. Strange how that works, isn't it?
Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

I'm not aghast, but I did notice that most of the cities on that list are from Republican states. :eusa_whistle:

11 of the cities on the list of 25 are from The Republican Strongholds of Illinois and Michigan.

Liberals rarely care about facts, only FEELINGS. Facts often make their head hurt because they are asynchronous with the way they have been taught to feel.

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