Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

. Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Which proves what?

Whites are superior to blacks?
N*ggers are dangerous?

No, it proves that the big social experiment of destroying stable nuclear families by paying teenage girls to have out of wedlock babies is an epic failure. Blacks are just further down the family disintegration curve, but the same trend is underway in the lower income strata of other racial demographics as well. that what it proves?

Why have poor urban areas always been high crime areas regardless of the ethnic group?
Huffington Post had some additional thoughts on the topic here:
Most Dangerous Neighborhoods: Detroit Home To 3 Most Violent Areas In America (SLIDESHOW)

But I was listening to a pastor, who happened to be black, this week who was so disappointed in the black leadership participating in tributes to Martin Luther King. The constant theme was racism, blame, accusations, finger pointing, with very little pointing to Dr. King's actual message.

Dr. King wanted black people to be judged on the content of their character instead of by the color of their skin. But until the modern day black leadership starts promoting that character--getting married before having kids, two parents raising the kids, staying in school, educating yourself, learn a trade, stay away from illegal substances and illegal activities, and rise up against the senseless violence and destruction that brands so many predominantly black neighborhoods, etc. - too many black people are going to continue to self destruct and/or victimize others of their own race.

I blame liberalism and political correctness as having far more destructive effect on far too many people who happen to be black than any other factor.
If you want to bring up the Irish, it might be a good comparison to make. When the Irish came here, it was the scum of Ireland. It was the criminals, the miscreants. They came here and immediately organized into gangs to wage war on the people living in the towns and cities. The people fought back in all kinds of ways, they put up signs saying "No IRISH". The Irish were discriminated against in ways that blacks never experienced. Parks had signs saying "Irish keep off the grass". Over time, between intense discrimination and brutal law enforcement the Irish decided to become more peaceful. For the most part, they stopped brutalizing their neighborhoods. The gangs didn't go away but became more defined, like the Westies.

If we are to learn anything from the past, it should be what works and what doesn't. What worked with the Irish?

The first thing that worked with the Irish was they were white. When they lost their brogue they could blend in with America, get jobs, raise families and so forth. They also got into their natural habitat politics. They became the police that did the head knocking.
If you want to bring up the Irish, it might be a good comparison to make. When the Irish came here, it was the scum of Ireland. It was the criminals, the miscreants. They came here and immediately organized into gangs to wage war on the people living in the towns and cities. The people fought back in all kinds of ways, they put up signs saying "No IRISH". The Irish were discriminated against in ways that blacks never experienced. Parks had signs saying "Irish keep off the grass". Over time, between intense discrimination and brutal law enforcement the Irish decided to become more peaceful. For the most part, they stopped brutalizing their neighborhoods. The gangs didn't go away but became more defined, like the Westies.

If we are to learn anything from the past, it should be what works and what doesn't. What worked with the Irish?

The first thing that worked with the Irish was they were white. When they lost their brogue they could blend in with America, get jobs, raise families and so forth. They also got into their natural habitat politics. They became the police that did the head knocking.

As could and have the large majority of black people who chose to live the American dream instead of sitting back and demanding that somebody else provide and do that for them. The entitlement mentality is equally destructive to those with black, white, red, yellow, olive, or brown skin, but our liberal society has chosen to target that destruction at black people more than any other demographic. And the most destructive results of that are seen among the black community proportionately more than any other group.

Despite the much closer proximity to slavery and with segregation in full force throughout much of America, people with black skin were the most rapidly advancing group economically right up to Johnson's Great Society. That is where that progress, as a demographic, slowed, stalled, and went largely into reverse. (Source: the prolific writings of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, Starr Parker, and other great black historians.)

I hope I live long enough to see our leftwing do-gooders wake up and understand how destructive have been the unintended bad consequences of what they expected to be a good thing.
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Then why are liburuls claiming to be "aghast" at the statistics?
Who exactly has claimed they are aghast other than threadstarter?

Maybe ask her for the names of the aghast people and we can get to the bottom of query.

read the article
I did, it just says "Liberals across America are reported to be aghast" yet gives no sources for this aghastness they have measured.

So again, who exactly is aghast?
Who exactly has claimed they are aghast other than threadstarter?

Maybe ask her for the names of the aghast people and we can get to the bottom of query.

read the article
I did, it just says "Liberals across America are reported to be aghast" yet gives no sources for this aghastness they have measured.

So again, who exactly is aghast?

My post above yours is a top 10 most violent list. Supports the case of this thread.
Go back far enough, and most would be Irish.

In the days when the neighborhoods were Irish, the police went in there and cracked heads. They could do that because there was no such thing as sensitivity or brutality. They just cracked heads. If there weren't enough police to crack heads, the militia gave support to crack heads.

The cops were Irish. They knew which heads to crack.
My post above yours is a top 10 most violent list. Supports the case of this thread.
It doesn't support anyone being aghast, as the thread title states.

I don't doubt for one second that the most dangerous neighborhoods are majority black. I just don't understand the extremely suspect finger pointing that accompanies it, I prefer to debate the opinions others state in here not some strawman who is allegedly aghast.
. Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Which proves what?

Whites are superior to blacks?
N*ggers are dangerous?

No, it proves that the big social experiment of destroying stable nuclear families by paying teenage girls to have out of wedlock babies is an epic failure. Blacks are just further down the family disintegration curve, but the same trend is underway in the lower income strata of other racial demographics as well. that what it proves?

Why have poor urban areas always been high crime areas regardless of the ethnic group?

so why should anyone care if that's how you feel about it?
Ever notice that every Black thread is started by a holier-than-thou conservative?

ever notice a black thread is posted you come whining like a child

you can't post anything on this board about blacks without getting this crap..are they special too? or on this board only allowed to dump all OVER WHITES, conservatives and the TEA PARTY?
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Ever notice that every Black thread is started by a holier-than-thou conservative?

ever notice a black thread is posted you come whining like a child

you can't post anything on this board about blacks without getting this crap..are they special too? or you all can only dump all OVER WHITES?

Not all whites.

Just the asshole variety.
Ever notice that every Black thread is started by a holier-than-thou conservative?

ever notice a black thread is posted you come whining like a child

you can't post anything on this board about blacks without getting this crap..are they special too? or you all can only dump all OVER WHITES?

Not all whites.

Just the asshole variety.

then they can start with you, it doesn't matter what your skin color is...
and you want to see holier than thou...look in a mirror
ever notice a black thread is posted you come whining like a child

you can't post anything on this board about blacks without getting this crap..are they special too? or you all can only dump all OVER WHITES?

Not all whites.

Just the asshole variety.

then they can start with you, it doesn't matter what your skin color is...
and you want to see holier than thou...look in a mirror

I don't start race threads, only assholes like yourself do.

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