Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Not all whites.

Just the asshole variety.

then they can start with you, it doesn't matter what your skin color is...
and you want to see holier than thou...look in a mirror

I don't start race threads, only assholes like yourself do.

I didn't normally, but I got SICK of seeing all the threads on here about, fox new viewers are ignorant, white rage is the problem, posted how people are crackers by elected Democrats, conservatives , tea party, etc I thought lets run this...and sure enough...
and you don't post anything on this board except your holier than thou whine all you want...the study was done it the facts..I didn't make it deal with it...
It is the democrats like in Chicago that target blacks! Cutting funding for education to name one.

Democrats control 90% of black cities in this country....You bastards have blood on your hands!
here's the thing about this info

liberals will think they need to hand more stuff out. Basically doing the wrong thing again, only harder. And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder. And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.And then they will be shocked again when they learn it didn't work, so they do it harder.
Invest in Infrastructure, science, education and tech...

Infrastructure jobs within our inner-cities
More science education and black grants for science programs for blacks
More education. I don't know wtf Chicago is doing to blacks...But it is sad!
More tech. High paid jobs!

Maybe setting up some craftsmen schools within the inner-cities to teach electrical, carpentry and other useful jobs.

This is what the democrats could do within the inner-cities...
Who exactly has claimed they are aghast other than threadstarter?

Maybe ask her for the names of the aghast people and we can get to the bottom of query.

read the article
I did, it just says "Liberals across America are reported to be aghast" yet gives no sources for this aghastness they have measured.

So again, who exactly is aghast?

They probably didn't have the column space to list them all. Kudos to Stephanie for giving us an interesting thread. She didn't coin the "Aghast" phrase though--it is the headline for and included in the opening remarks of her source, and if you google it, you will see it repeated across the interest as these things tend to go viral pretty quickly.

One place you won't find it getting much attention is in the mainstream media or included in the expoundings of civil rights leaders and spokespersons or brought up by Democrats or liberals in Congress. I doubt a single liberal at USMB will offer to bring it up or even acknowledge it as something pretty deplorable in our society.

So far I haven't seen any of our liberal friends even agree that it is a deplorable statistic or care why it exists beyond pointing to conservatives or Republicans or maybe even George Bush as being somehow to blame for it.
90% of blacks live within democrat controlled cities. The democrats don't seem to give a damn about how they're being disadvantaged by people that use them only for votes.

Yet republicans are to blame??? lol
If you want to bring up the Irish, it might be a good comparison to make. When the Irish came here, it was the scum of Ireland. It was the criminals, the miscreants. They came here and immediately organized into gangs to wage war on the people living in the towns and cities. The people fought back in all kinds of ways, they put up signs saying "No IRISH". The Irish were discriminated against in ways that blacks never experienced. Parks had signs saying "Irish keep off the grass". Over time, between intense discrimination and brutal law enforcement the Irish decided to become more peaceful. For the most part, they stopped brutalizing their neighborhoods. The gangs didn't go away but became more defined, like the Westies.

If we are to learn anything from the past, it should be what works and what doesn't. What worked with the Irish?

I remember reading something from history that I found fascinating...a man was inspecting a shipyard where he saw some black slaves throwing heavy sacks into the ships cargo. Irishmen were in the cargo hold catching those very heavy sacks and stacking them. The inspector asked the supervisor why the black slaves were on top and not the Irish and the supervisor said something to the effect of "are you kidding? Those slaves are $1,000 a piece, Irishmen are a dime a dozen."

Not saying slavery was right, but when you own something, most people take care of their property and as expensive as male slaves were back then, most of them were well taken care of, they were too expensive to replace. Meanwhile, the Irish were paid slave like wages and treated like crap because there were always more where they came from.

And before someone asks me for a site, I read it years ago and don't remember where, I sure as heck am not going to go looking for it because you want to call me a liar. Just go ahead and call me a liar and get it out of your system.
Invest in Infrastructure, science, education and tech...

Infrastructure jobs within our inner-cities
More science education and black grants for science programs for blacks
More education. I don't know wtf Chicago is doing to blacks...But it is sad!
More tech. High paid jobs!

Maybe setting up some craftsmen schools within the inner-cities to teach electrical, carpentry and other useful jobs.

This is what the democrats could do within the inner-cities...
Ever notice that every Black thread is started by a holier-than-thou conservative?

Gee, I bet Ravi, Polk, Zona, MarcATL, Tank, ColoradoMtnMan, Luddly Neddite, Pheonixops, Rightwinger and several others of our self described leftwingers will be amazed to know they are in fact holier-than-thou-conservatives.

But at least some of those sometimes make an effort to relate their post to the topic.

The fact is that those neighborhoods are the most dangerous is not because the people in them are black. Those neighborhoods are the most dangerous because a lot of the black people who live in them have chosen to be violent, lawless, and ruthless.

The fact that so many black people are choosing to be violent, lawless, and ruthless should be the concern. Correct that situation and their neighborhoods won't be any more dangerous than any other neighborhoods are dangerous.

It's the nearly 70% illegitimacy rate that's the cause, imo. I watched 20/20 once where they had followed a 4th grade class in New York and went to find them all again when they were 20. Some of them were in jail, some were jobless, most of the girls had kids out of wedlock. Two of the kids were successful. When asked what they thought made those two the most successful out of the whole class the answer overwhelmingly, was "Two parents in the house." Even the idiot girls who had kids out of wedlock said having a father in the home made all the difference, yet look what they did to their own kids.
. Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Which proves what?

Whites are superior to blacks?
N*ggers are dangerous?

No, it proves that the big social experiment of destroying stable nuclear families by paying teenage girls to have out of wedlock babies is an epic failure. Blacks are just further down the family disintegration curve, but the same trend is underway in the lower income strata of other racial demographics as well.

. Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black

Which proves what?

Whites are superior to blacks?
N*ggers are dangerous?

No, it proves that the big social experiment of destroying stable nuclear families by paying teenage girls to have out of wedlock babies is an epic failure. Blacks are just further down the family disintegration curve, but the same trend is underway in the lower income strata of other racial demographics as well. that what it proves?

Why have poor urban areas always been high crime areas regardless of the ethnic group?

Because that's where they've had the highest rate of illegitimacy and single parent households. Next question....
Since you "liberals" are so "fond" of "studies"?????????????



Well, you got me there. Liberals are fond of "studies". And "data". And "facts". All the mortal enemy of the Right Wing.

Look at me Stephanie when I tell you that. With one eye looking at me and the other eye looking for me, I can never tell if you're paying attention.
then they can start with you, it doesn't matter what your skin color is...
and you want to see holier than thou...look in a mirror

I don't start race threads, only assholes like yourself do.

I didn't normally, but I got SICK of seeing all the threads on here about, fox new viewers are ignorant, white rage is the problem, posted how people are crackers by elected Democrats, conservatives , tea party, etc I thought lets run this...and sure enough...
and you don't post anything on this board except your holier than thou whine all you want...the study was done it the facts..I didn't make it deal with it...

Speaking of crackers, you know what made me aghast? When Trayvon's girlfriend/friend said Trayvon called Zimmerman a "creepy ass cracker" and then, when the defense attorney said "So this was racist?" She said, "Yes sir" and he said "Trayvon made it racist" she said, "no sir, that would be retarded, sir". I'm all like "okay, so I'm walking down the street and there's a black guy following me and I call him a "creepy a&& n word, and that makes HIM a racist?"
No, it proves that the big social experiment of destroying stable nuclear families by paying teenage girls to have out of wedlock babies is an epic failure. Blacks are just further down the family disintegration curve, but the same trend is underway in the lower income strata of other racial demographics as well. that what it proves?

Why have poor urban areas always been high crime areas regardless of the ethnic group?

Because that's where they've had the highest rate of illegitimacy and single parent households. Next question....

No, it's because that's where you have the highest concentration of people living in close proximity to each other.
90% of blacks live within democrat controlled cities. The democrats don't seem to give a damn about how they're being disadvantaged by people that use them only for votes.

Yet republicans are to blame??? lol



Nothing like good old country Rednecks who know how to work hard, play rough and I'm sure don't get Government "handouts". And the fuckers can build a palace out of anything.

'cept for these guys. They must get Government handouts. Why else would they be so clean?

How about solutions democrats? Most blacks live under you.

Stop defunding black schools for starters.
Invest in Infrastructure, science, education and tech...

Infrastructure jobs within our inner-cities
More science education and black grants for science programs for blacks
More education. I don't know wtf Chicago is doing to blacks...But it is sad!
More tech. High paid jobs!

Maybe setting up some craftsmen schools within the inner-cities to teach electrical, carpentry and other useful jobs.

This is what the democrats could do within the inner-cities...

I agree we need more well paying jobs but I think the major underlying cause is broken families. We were poor growing up but we never would have caused the crime some people cause today, our parents would have had our hides.

Perhaps we also need to go back to allowing corporal punishment for kids, even in schools.

In no way should a teacher be charged for grabbing a student and pulling his sun glasses off after she told him 3 times to take them off while in the class, unless of course the student is blind which was not the case here. that what it proves?

Why have poor urban areas always been high crime areas regardless of the ethnic group?

Because that's where they've had the highest rate of illegitimacy and single parent households. Next question....

No, it's because that's where you have the highest concentration of people living in close proximity to each other.

That too. but you will find that kids growing up in single parent households have a distinct disadvantage. that what it proves?

Why have poor urban areas always been high crime areas regardless of the ethnic group?

Because that's where they've had the highest rate of illegitimacy and single parent households. Next question....

No, it's because that's where you have the highest concentration of people living in close proximity to each other.
Ever been to Hong Kong? Really, really digging for an excuse, eh?

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