Liberals and unions at their finest

I am Republican to the bone, but unfortunately there is a significant group on our far right that hate workers.

bullshit. being opposed to unions is not hating workers. We have laws on the books that protect workers from the abuses that unions claim to protect them from.

Unions exist today to suck money out of working people and give it to the democrats so that the democrats will pass laws that benefit the union bosses---------------but OOPs, the unions do not want obamacare, they want to be exempt, so does congress. :cuckoo:
I am Republican to the bone, but unfortunately there is a significant group on our far right that hate workers.

If I was you I would re think my party affiliation, anti unionism and frankly anti worker is a prime Republican stand.

Not for clearly thinking GOP. I identified the group who opposes workers as on our far right.

give me an example of something done by the GOP that opposes workers.
I am Republican to the bone, but unfortunately there is a significant group on our far right that hate workers.

being opposed to unions is not hating workers. We have laws on the books that protect workers from the abuses that unions claim to protect them from.

And how well has that worked.

Every time I think you have bottomed out, you set a new low. Give me an example our GOP has done to improve worker rights.
Come on, Redfish, give me an example of how our GOP has helped workers' rights.
I am Republican to the bone, but unfortunately there is a significant group on our far right that hate workers.

bullshit. being opposed to unions is not hating workers. We have laws on the books that protect workers from the abuses that unions claim to protect them from.

Unions exist today to suck money out of working people and give it to the democrats so that the democrats will pass laws that benefit the union bosses---------------but OOPs, the unions do not want obamacare, they want to be exempt, so does congress. :cuckoo:

Pretty much any union job in states other than the so called "right to work" states has workers making much more in pay and benefits than non union counterparts make, collective bargaining is a great tool for the American worker and the Republican party opposes it as the fat cats seek cheap labor to do the work.
I am Republican to the bone, but unfortunately there is a significant group on our far right that hate workers.

being opposed to unions is not hating workers. We have laws on the books that protect workers from the abuses that unions claim to protect them from.

And how well has that worked.

Every time I think you have bottomed out, you set a new low. Give me an example our GOP has done to improve worker rights.

Being opposed to obamacare for one thing, advocating for lower taxes for another.

Ask the non-union blue collar guys working in the car factories in the south---BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes. They are making good wages, have good benefits, good working conditions---------and no union dues to pay.

Unlike the UAW guys in Detroit, You know, the union that almost destroyed GM and Chrysler and coupled with democrat mayors, did destroy the once great city of Detroit.
I am Republican to the bone, but unfortunately there is a significant group on our far right that hate workers.

If I was you I would re think my party affiliation, anti unionism and frankly anti worker is a prime Republican stand.

anti working people----No

but you do get credit for parroting the dem/lib lie.

If you are anti union you are anti worker, labor unions lift all boats, without them there would be no 40 hour work week, paid vacations, sick days, overtime pay, safety regulations, etc.
I am Republican to the bone, but unfortunately there is a significant group on our far right that hate workers.

bullshit. being opposed to unions is not hating workers. We have laws on the books that protect workers from the abuses that unions claim to protect them from.

Unions exist today to suck money out of working people and give it to the democrats so that the democrats will pass laws that benefit the union bosses---------------but OOPs, the unions do not want obamacare, they want to be exempt, so does congress. :cuckoo:

Pretty much any union job in states other than the so called "right to work" states has workers making much more in pay and benefits than non union counterparts make, collective bargaining is a great tool for the American worker and the Republican party opposes it as the fat cats seek cheap labor to do the work.

That is simply not true. What good is it to make a higher hourly rate and then have to give it to the union? What good is it to make a little more and have to live in a hellhole like Detroit or Chicago?

The GOP is not opposed to unions, it is opposed to corrupt union bosses who bribe politicians so they can retain their high paid, do-nothing jobs.
If I was you I would re think my party affiliation, anti unionism and frankly anti worker is a prime Republican stand.

anti working people----No

but you do get credit for parroting the dem/lib lie.

If you are anti union you are anti worker, labor unions lift all boats, without them there would be no 40 hour work week, paid vacations, sick days, overtime pay, safety regulations, etc.

in the 1920's and 1930's that was true. Today we have laws on all of those things.
bullshit. being opposed to unions is not hating workers. We have laws on the books that protect workers from the abuses that unions claim to protect them from.

Unions exist today to suck money out of working people and give it to the democrats so that the democrats will pass laws that benefit the union bosses---------------but OOPs, the unions do not want obamacare, they want to be exempt, so does congress. :cuckoo:

Pretty much any union job in states other than the so called "right to work" states has workers making much more in pay and benefits than non union counterparts make, collective bargaining is a great tool for the American worker and the Republican party opposes it as the fat cats seek cheap labor to do the work.

That is simply not true. What good is it to make a higher hourly rate and then have to give it to the union? What good is it to make a little more and have to live in a hellhole like Detroit or Chicago?

The GOP is not opposed to unions, it is opposed to corrupt union bosses who bribe politicians so they can retain their high paid, do-nothing jobs.

How much do you think union dues is? I gladly pay $20 a week to make $200 more a week with benefits than non union workers doing similar work.
anti working people----No

but you do get credit for parroting the dem/lib lie.

If you are anti union you are anti worker, labor unions lift all boats, without them there would be no 40 hour work week, paid vacations, sick days, overtime pay, safety regulations, etc.

in the 1920's and 1930's that was true. Today we have laws on all of those things.

So you trust the government to stay on top of labor laws?
If you are anti union you are anti worker, labor unions lift all boats, without them there would be no 40 hour work week, paid vacations, sick days, overtime pay, safety regulations, etc.

in the 1920's and 1930's that was true. Today we have laws on all of those things.

So you trust the government to stay on top of labor laws?

Yes, and if they do not we could see a resurgence of the union movement. Today unions are not needed, all they are is collection agencies for the democrat party.

Are you happy having your dues sent to political candidates that you might not support?
OK, if anyone wants to see what unions and liberals can do to a city, take a look at Detroit. That once great city has been destroyed by greedy union bosses and corrupt liberal politicians.

Is that what you liberals want for the entire country?
How much a CEO gets paid is between the CEO and the shareholders. How much a union boss gets paid is between the union boss and the union members. If the union members don't want their dues being used to pay this guy to come in for two hours and sleep they can do something about it.

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