Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Correct. Conservatism has nothing to do directly with racism. But to be a racist you first have to believe in striated social classes. That's why Liberalism can't dabble in racism. They oppose each other.

You mean liberalism is like supporting Lenin and Chairman Mao because they didn't believe in striated social classes and would never attempt to silence those they feel inferior?

How'd Bernie do towards being the presidential runner in the 2016 campaign?


No stratified society there. Hillary must win!

Already did. it's amusing, if you like violence and smiting and rape and slavery.
I like to think we've moved on though. And I really don't see a point in horror movies or fearmongering.

The last time I checked most of those things were being committed by Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Occupy America, and other organizations, that the liberals and Democratic party proudly support as their base.



Spits the moron who actually posted a photo from a KKK march in Wisconsin and tried to fool the forum into believing it was from the 1924 DNC in New York. :cuckoo:
That doesn't prove your claim, shit stain.
I already gave you a link which showed the origins of that photo.

Meanwhile, you have zero evidence that photo was from the 1924 DNC. You're just fucking crazy. :cuckoo:

Here's a second link to demonstrate what a retard you are...

Dry times were not good times

... want more...?
How does any of that prove racism is conservative, dumbass?

One thing is clear: you lack the ability to commit logic. You haven't got the slightest idea whether any given argument is true or false. That's why you're a snowflake. Anyone who can reason is conservative. Leftwingers are all witless baboons.
Moron, need I remind you, you idiotically posted a photo from Madison, Wisconsin and falsely claimed it was from thd 1924 DNC in New York, held at Madison Square Garden?

You really are retarded enough to confuse Madison, Wisconsin with Madison Square Garden. :cuckoo:

That's old news, asshole. The subject we're discussing now is your claim that racism is conservative. Whenever you're asked to provide some tangible support for your idiocy, you circle back to a previous point where you think you scored a point.
And by "old news," you mean a topic you yourself started only 3 days ago that you ran away from as fast as your walker would allow.

Moron -- that photo IS this thread's topic.

Now answer the question: what is the evidence that racism is "conservative?"
The evidence is the region where racism flourished ... where hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives fighting to keep slavery -- and that region is the conservative south. It was controlled by Democrats then and by Republiklans now. It was conservative then and it's still conservative now.
So the top photograph was mis-sourced, that doesn't change the fact that there's historical records, showing that a large amount of Klan members were at the 1924 convention. It was called the Klanbake for a reason. A little more than half of the convention attendees were KKK and/or KKK supporters, as in that convention, they voted on whether or not to condemn the KKK; 542.85 in favor, 546.15 against. After which, the KKK celebrated by burning crosses and such.

Uh ----nnnnnnnnnnnno. And we already did this about a week ago or whenever it was I discovered this bogus-OP thread.

"Klanbake" was the Klan gathering, without Dodge Challengers oddly enough, in New Jersey across the river from the Democratic convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Inside that convention there was much debate about that denounce-the-Klan platform, with Sen. Oscar Underwood and Gov. Al Smith leading the charge. Underwood was the time's loudest voice denouncing the KKK declaring that it and the US could not co-exist. And Smith was a Catholic, one of the Klan's target groups.

Klan influence was backing William Gibbs McAdoo of California who had not sought, but also did not reject, their support. By locking up nomination votes over and over that convention became the longest one ever in history, a record that still stands, necessitating over 100 votes. Finally the lock was broken with a dark horse candidate that was seen as not offensive to either side, Gov. John Davis of West Virginia. Davis accepted the nomination ---- and promptly denounced the Klan anyway.

The KKK ended up endorsing Calvin Coolidge that fall, the only major candidate that did not publicly denounce the KKK, and Herbert Hoover four years later, running smear campaigns against Al Smith which I have detailed elsewhere, because Smith was still Catholic.

The abject carelessness of the sourced article running an image from Madison Wisconsin and claiming it's a New York political convention taking place on trolley tracks is also undermined by its spelling Oscar Underwood's name as "Forney Johnston". That was a real person but in 1924 he was neither in New York nor in Wisconsin, mainly owing to the fact that he had been dead for a decade.

--- which just underscores that morons like Finger-Boi will run with any fake news they think says what they like, without ever vetting it.

The epilogue to that never-ending convention deadlock drama --- the conservative wing was able to deadlock all those 100+ ballots because the party at the time required a 2/3 majority for nomination. So all you needed to block was 33% plus one. Franklin Roosevelt put an end to that 12 years later when, at the height of his power while running for re-election in 1936, he got the rules changed to a simple majority (50% plus one). That ensured there would be no more 1924s and the next time the South wanted to block the flow, in 1948 the first election after World War Two, they were unable to do so under the new rules, walked out, and ran their own campaign. That was the "Dixiecrats", Strom Thurmond and Fielding Wright.

The next time Thurmond came up for Senate re-election he found himself kicked off the ballot and had to run as a write-in (which he won).
What exactly makes them "The Conservative Wing"?

Racism mostly.
View attachment 144951

You can prove your allegations or is this just a pathetic attempt to win the discussion by throwing out the race card?



It is funny to see these racist apologists at work. It has been known for DECADES that the kkk walked hand in hand with Democrat Party. Over 50% of the Party at the 1924 DNC refused to include a condemnation of the KKK in their Party Platform. One of the TWO leading candidates was the son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson - a racist of the most vile sorts -and a DEMOCRAT. That son-in-law was the KKK backed candidate. FDR was a vile racist - and the leftist spin that 'well blacks started moving to the Democrat party' after FDR holds no water. Blacks continually re-elected Wallace to be governor. Getting votes from the blacks in no way proves that the person is not an avowed racist.

Those of us that LIVED through the MLK days are very well aware of the strong NATIONAL TIES of the DEMOCRATS to overt racism and the kkk.

The revisionists at the NYT and WaPo are very active (including pogo and his ilk) at rewriting that history, attempting to call it 'inaccurate' and 'untrue'.

For those that LIVED the history, we know the TRUTH.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower who FORCIBLY REMOVED racist segregation from the public school systems - after a Supreme Court decision overturned a decades old DEMOCRAT SUPREME COURT decision that held that 'segregation was Constitutional'. It was not. Never was.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower and other REPUBLICANS that started the end of segregation, fought it at every turn, weeded it out at every turn in the United States Military.

The revisionists love to state 'It was LBJ that signed the Civil Rights Act'. LBJ FOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT TOOTH AND NAIL - we students of the past know EXACTLY why LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

IT WAS REPUBLICANS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that originated,fought for, and passed the Civil Right Act - in both the House and Senate.

IT WAS DEMOCRATS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that fought against,attempted to fillibuster, to undermine, to KILL the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.

The Goldwater vote against the Civil Rights Act was due to CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS of two sections that instituted even MORE RACISM into our society - problems that exist to this day.

Goldwater was no racist - LBJ WAS ONE OF THE MOST RACIST PRESIDENTS THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN. Those of us who were there, especially those of that lived, grew up, and worked in TEXAS know the REAL truth about that piece of scum. Just mention DCRC or simply DUVAL COUNTY to those that were there, and we can tell you precisely what that POS did.

So, my advise, Damaged Eagle - don't reply to pogo - he is a disruptor, revisionist, and a liar. Already demonstrated aptly through many previous posts. Reply's only feed his ego, disrupt, and give him a further platform.

BTW: As predicted, the disruptor quickly stooped to ad hominen and labeled me as being a "kkklown". So damned predictable - he is nothing but a Saul Alinsky disciple - well skilled in the art of the schmear.

My posts prove otherwise - quite clearly.

The ability of scum to generate to lies, half-truths, and attacks far exceed the ability of any to rebut. That is also in the "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky - phrased differently, but lying to them is an acceptable and useful tactic. They employ it fully and non-stop.

So don't even attempt to rebut - simply post the TRUTH, as you have been doing.

One final note: Ask Jesse Owens about FDR and HITLER. That shows the REAL TRUTH.
Last edited:
Uh ----nnnnnnnnnnnno. And we already did this about a week ago or whenever it was I discovered this bogus-OP thread.

"Klanbake" was the Klan gathering, without Dodge Challengers oddly enough, in New Jersey across the river from the Democratic convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Inside that convention there was much debate about that denounce-the-Klan platform, with Sen. Oscar Underwood and Gov. Al Smith leading the charge. Underwood was the time's loudest voice denouncing the KKK declaring that it and the US could not co-exist. And Smith was a Catholic, one of the Klan's target groups.

Klan influence was backing William Gibbs McAdoo of California who had not sought, but also did not reject, their support. By locking up nomination votes over and over that convention became the longest one ever in history, a record that still stands, necessitating over 100 votes. Finally the lock was broken with a dark horse candidate that was seen as not offensive to either side, Gov. John Davis of West Virginia. Davis accepted the nomination ---- and promptly denounced the Klan anyway.

The KKK ended up endorsing Calvin Coolidge that fall, the only major candidate that did not publicly denounce the KKK, and Herbert Hoover four years later, running smear campaigns against Al Smith which I have detailed elsewhere, because Smith was still Catholic.

The abject carelessness of the sourced article running an image from Madison Wisconsin and claiming it's a New York political convention taking place on trolley tracks is also undermined by its spelling Oscar Underwood's name as "Forney Johnston". That was a real person but in 1924 he was neither in New York nor in Wisconsin, mainly owing to the fact that he had been dead for a decade.

--- which just underscores that morons like Finger-Boi will run with any fake news they think says what they like, without ever vetting it.

The epilogue to that never-ending convention deadlock drama --- the conservative wing was able to deadlock all those 100+ ballots because the party at the time required a 2/3 majority for nomination. So all you needed to block was 33% plus one. Franklin Roosevelt put an end to that 12 years later when, at the height of his power while running for re-election in 1936, he got the rules changed to a simple majority (50% plus one). That ensured there would be no more 1924s and the next time the South wanted to block the flow, in 1948 the first election after World War Two, they were unable to do so under the new rules, walked out, and ran their own campaign. That was the "Dixiecrats", Strom Thurmond and Fielding Wright.

The next time Thurmond came up for Senate re-election he found himself kicked off the ballot and had to run as a write-in (which he won).
What exactly makes them "The Conservative Wing"?

Racism mostly.
View attachment 144951

You can prove your allegations or is this just a pathetic attempt to win the discussion by throwing out the race card?



It is funny to see these racist apologists at work. It has been known for DECADES that the kkk walked hand in hand with Democrat Party. Over 50% of the Party at the 1924 DNC refused to include a condemnation of the KKK in their Party Platform. One of the TWO leading candidates was the son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson - a racist of the most vile sorts -and a DEMOCRAT. That son-in-law was the KKK backed candidate. FDR was a vile racist - and the leftist spin that 'well blacks started moving to the Democrat party' after FDR holds no water. Blacks continually re-elected Wallace to be governor. Getting votes from the blacks in no way proves that the person is not an avowed racist.

Those of us that LIVED through the MLK days are very well aware of the strong NATIONAL TIES of the DEMOCRATS to overt racism and the kkk.

The revisionists at the NYT and WaPo are very active (including pogo and his ilk) at rewriting that history, attempting to call it 'inaccurate' and 'untrue'.

For those that LIVED the history, we know the TRUTH.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower who FORCIBLY REMOVED racist segregation from the public school systems - after a Supreme Court decision overturned a decades old DEMOCRAT SUPREME COURT decision that held that 'segregation was Constitutional'. It was not. Never was.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower and other REPUBLICANS that started the end of segregation, fought it at every turn, weeded it out at every turn in the United States Military.

The revisionists love to state 'It was LBJ that signed the Civil Rights Act'. LBJ FOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT TOOTH AND NAIL - we students of the past know EXACTLY why LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

IT WAS REPUBLICANS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that originated,fought for, and passed the Civil Right Act - in both the House and Senate.

IT WAS DEMOCRATS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that fought against,attempted to fillibuster, to undermine, to KILL the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.

The Goldwater vote against the Civil Rights Act was due to CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS of two sections that instituted even MORE RACISM into our society - problems that exist to this day.

Goldwater was no racist - LBJ WAS ONE OF THE MOST RACIST PRESIDENTS THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN. Those of us who were there, especially those of that lived, grew up, and worked in TEXAS know the REAL truth about that piece of scum. Just mention DCRC or simply DUVAL COUNTY to those that were there, and we can tell you precisely what that POS did.

So, my advise, Damaged Eagle - don't reply to pogo - he is a disruptor, revisionist, and a liar. Already demonstrated aptly through many previous posts. Reply's only feed his ego, disrupt, and give him a further platform.

BTW: As predicted, the disruptor quickly stooped to ad hominen and labeled me as being a "kkklown". So damned predictable - he is nothing but a Saul Alinsky disciple - well skilled in the art of the schmear.

My posts prove otherwise - quite clearly.

The ability of scum to generate to lies, half-truths, and attacks far exceed the ability of any to rebut. That is also in the "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky - phrased differently, but lying to them is an acceptable and useful tactic. They employ it fully and non-stop.

So don't even attempt to rebut - simply post the TRUTH, as you have been doing.


Pogo is easy to handle.


The epilogue to that never-ending convention deadlock drama --- the conservative wing was able to deadlock all those 100+ ballots because the party at the time required a 2/3 majority for nomination. So all you needed to block was 33% plus one. Franklin Roosevelt put an end to that 12 years later when, at the height of his power while running for re-election in 1936, he got the rules changed to a simple majority (50% plus one). That ensured there would be no more 1924s and the next time the South wanted to block the flow, in 1948 the first election after World War Two, they were unable to do so under the new rules, walked out, and ran their own campaign. That was the "Dixiecrats", Strom Thurmond and Fielding Wright.

The next time Thurmond came up for Senate re-election he found himself kicked off the ballot and had to run as a write-in (which he won).
What exactly makes them "The Conservative Wing"?

Racism mostly.
View attachment 144951

You can prove your allegations or is this just a pathetic attempt to win the discussion by throwing out the race card?



It is funny to see these racist apologists at work. It has been known for DECADES that the kkk walked hand in hand with Democrat Party. Over 50% of the Party at the 1924 DNC refused to include a condemnation of the KKK in their Party Platform. One of the TWO leading candidates was the son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson - a racist of the most vile sorts -and a DEMOCRAT. That son-in-law was the KKK backed candidate. FDR was a vile racist - and the leftist spin that 'well blacks started moving to the Democrat party' after FDR holds no water. Blacks continually re-elected Wallace to be governor. Getting votes from the blacks in no way proves that the person is not an avowed racist.

Those of us that LIVED through the MLK days are very well aware of the strong NATIONAL TIES of the DEMOCRATS to overt racism and the kkk.

The revisionists at the NYT and WaPo are very active (including pogo and his ilk) at rewriting that history, attempting to call it 'inaccurate' and 'untrue'.

For those that LIVED the history, we know the TRUTH.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower who FORCIBLY REMOVED racist segregation from the public school systems - after a Supreme Court decision overturned a decades old DEMOCRAT SUPREME COURT decision that held that 'segregation was Constitutional'. It was not. Never was.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower and other REPUBLICANS that started the end of segregation, fought it at every turn, weeded it out at every turn in the United States Military.

The revisionists love to state 'It was LBJ that signed the Civil Rights Act'. LBJ FOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT TOOTH AND NAIL - we students of the past know EXACTLY why LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

IT WAS REPUBLICANS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that originated,fought for, and passed the Civil Right Act - in both the House and Senate.

IT WAS DEMOCRATS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that fought against,attempted to fillibuster, to undermine, to KILL the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.

The Goldwater vote against the Civil Rights Act was due to CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS of two sections that instituted even MORE RACISM into our society - problems that exist to this day.

Goldwater was no racist - LBJ WAS ONE OF THE MOST RACIST PRESIDENTS THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN. Those of us who were there, especially those of that lived, grew up, and worked in TEXAS know the REAL truth about that piece of scum. Just mention DCRC or simply DUVAL COUNTY to those that were there, and we can tell you precisely what that POS did.

So, my advise, Damaged Eagle - don't reply to pogo - he is a disruptor, revisionist, and a liar. Already demonstrated aptly through many previous posts. Reply's only feed his ego, disrupt, and give him a further platform.

BTW: As predicted, the disruptor quickly stooped to ad hominen and labeled me as being a "kkklown". So damned predictable - he is nothing but a Saul Alinsky disciple - well skilled in the art of the schmear.

My posts prove otherwise - quite clearly.

The ability of scum to generate to lies, half-truths, and attacks far exceed the ability of any to rebut. That is also in the "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky - phrased differently, but lying to them is an acceptable and useful tactic. They employ it fully and non-stop.

So don't even attempt to rebut - simply post the TRUTH, as you have been doing.

View attachment 145000

Pogo is easy to handle.



Yes, he is. I managed to pull his chain from square one - and you are doing it routinely. You are better equipped than I in dealing with such as him. My tolerance threshold for propagandists and liars is extremely low.

Just looked up two documents that speak to the heart of what has gone on with the democrats, one from Jackie Robinson to DDE and the other gracious reply from DDE.

That shows the good and true heart of real 'conservativism'.


Eloquence from both men. Jackie's letter so poignantly exposing the very real pain of life for 17 million Negroes - and DDE's reply to Jackie. It may not have helped Jackie much, but I would hope that he may have seen some rays of hope in it. MLK picked up the ball, the call to action of Jackie and DDE and succeeded.
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


Yes there's so many blacks and other minorities that have been put in positions of power by the Democratic party since 1964 that that must hold true today.

Maybe people like Condolleezza Rice, Bobby Jindal, and a few others, are mistakenly taken for Republicans.


"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

View attachment 145008

Yes there's so many blacks and other minorities that have been put in positions of power by the Democratic party since 1964 that that must hold true today.

Maybe people like Condolleezza Rice, Bobby Jindal, and a few others, are mistakenly taken for Republicans.



Seriously, you wanna go there...?

Currently, there's a record 52 blacks serving in Congress... 94% of them are Democrats...
The epilogue to that never-ending convention deadlock drama --- the conservative wing was able to deadlock all those 100+ ballots because the party at the time required a 2/3 majority for nomination. So all you needed to block was 33% plus one. Franklin Roosevelt put an end to that 12 years later when, at the height of his power while running for re-election in 1936, he got the rules changed to a simple majority (50% plus one). That ensured there would be no more 1924s and the next time the South wanted to block the flow, in 1948 the first election after World War Two, they were unable to do so under the new rules, walked out, and ran their own campaign. That was the "Dixiecrats", Strom Thurmond and Fielding Wright.

The next time Thurmond came up for Senate re-election he found himself kicked off the ballot and had to run as a write-in (which he won).
What exactly makes them "The Conservative Wing"?

Racism mostly.
View attachment 144951

You can prove your allegations or is this just a pathetic attempt to win the discussion by throwing out the race card?



It is funny to see these racist apologists at work. It has been known for DECADES that the kkk walked hand in hand with Democrat Party. Over 50% of the Party at the 1924 DNC refused to include a condemnation of the KKK in their Party Platform. One of the TWO leading candidates was the son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson - a racist of the most vile sorts -and a DEMOCRAT. That son-in-law was the KKK backed candidate. FDR was a vile racist - and the leftist spin that 'well blacks started moving to the Democrat party' after FDR holds no water. Blacks continually re-elected Wallace to be governor. Getting votes from the blacks in no way proves that the person is not an avowed racist.

Those of us that LIVED through the MLK days are very well aware of the strong NATIONAL TIES of the DEMOCRATS to overt racism and the kkk.

The revisionists at the NYT and WaPo are very active (including pogo and his ilk) at rewriting that history, attempting to call it 'inaccurate' and 'untrue'.

For those that LIVED the history, we know the TRUTH.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower who FORCIBLY REMOVED racist segregation from the public school systems - after a Supreme Court decision overturned a decades old DEMOCRAT SUPREME COURT decision that held that 'segregation was Constitutional'. It was not. Never was.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower and other REPUBLICANS that started the end of segregation, fought it at every turn, weeded it out at every turn in the United States Military.

The revisionists love to state 'It was LBJ that signed the Civil Rights Act'. LBJ FOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT TOOTH AND NAIL - we students of the past know EXACTLY why LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

IT WAS REPUBLICANS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that originated,fought for, and passed the Civil Right Act - in both the House and Senate.

IT WAS DEMOCRATS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that fought against,attempted to fillibuster, to undermine, to KILL the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.

The Goldwater vote against the Civil Rights Act was due to CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS of two sections that instituted even MORE RACISM into our society - problems that exist to this day.

Goldwater was no racist - LBJ WAS ONE OF THE MOST RACIST PRESIDENTS THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN. Those of us who were there, especially those of that lived, grew up, and worked in TEXAS know the REAL truth about that piece of scum. Just mention DCRC or simply DUVAL COUNTY to those that were there, and we can tell you precisely what that POS did.

So, my advise, Damaged Eagle - don't reply to pogo - he is a disruptor, revisionist, and a liar. Already demonstrated aptly through many previous posts. Reply's only feed his ego, disrupt, and give him a further platform.

BTW: As predicted, the disruptor quickly stooped to ad hominen and labeled me as being a "kkklown". So damned predictable - he is nothing but a Saul Alinsky disciple - well skilled in the art of the schmear.

My posts prove otherwise - quite clearly.

The ability of scum to generate to lies, half-truths, and attacks far exceed the ability of any to rebut. That is also in the "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky - phrased differently, but lying to them is an acceptable and useful tactic. They employ it fully and non-stop.

So don't even attempt to rebut - simply post the TRUTH, as you have been doing.

View attachment 145000

Pogo is easy to handle.



>> Pogo is easy to handle.

... and the latest half-truther .... paperview .... post #448

Was Martin Luther King, Jr. A Republican?
Many have testified that Martin Luther King, Jr. made a point to hold no concrete political affiliation. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses…And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Arguments For King As A Republican
First and foremost, the word of King’s family states that he was, indeed, a Republican. In A Covenant With Life: Reclaiming MLK’s Legacy, Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., states, “My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., or ‘Daddy King’, was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican.” During King’s time, most African Americans were, indeed, Republicans. This is because the Republican Party was the party fighting against racism, while the Democratic Party contained groups such as the KKK, trying to undermine civil rights movements in any way possible. For this reason, it is highly probable that King was more supportive of the Republican Party than the Democratic Party.

The fact that the political ideals of the Republican Party were more closely aligned with King’s than those of the Democrats is supported by the politicians of Georgia during King’s time. Fletcher Thompson, who represented the Atlanta area in Congress from 1966-72, explained, “Most of the blacks in the late 1950s and at least up to 1960 were Republican. Our party was sympathetic to them and the Democrats were the ones enforcing ‘Jim Crow’ laws and segregation.” Others have noted that King seemed to support the creation of new voters for the Republican Party. New York Times political reporter Tom Wicker noted that, as the 1960 election approached, “the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. had volunteered to lead a voter registration drive among blacks, which King thought would produce many new Republican voters.” Much of the media at the time speculated on this issue as well, with The Reporter Magazine stating “It is open secret among many Negroes that the Rev. Martin Luther King, if he were to speak out on the subject, would probably indicate a preference for [Republican Richard] Nixon over [Democratic nominee John] Kennedy,” in October 1960. However, this claim would later be challenged by the author of King’s biography.

Arguments For King As A Democrat
While the political platforms of the time suggest that King could have been a Republican, there is evidence to the contrary as well. Democrats have family testimony to back their story as well. King’s son, Martin Luther King III, has stated, “It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican.” Many who have researched King extensively agree with this statement. David Garrow, who wrote a Pulitzer Prize winning biography of King, stated “It’s simply incorrect to call Dr. King a Republican.” Garrow stated that King absolutely held some Republicans, including Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller, in high regard, and was incredibly critical of Lyndon Johnson. However, Garrow also stated that he has little doubt that King voted for Kennedy in 1960 and Johnson in 1964.

In his autobiography, King speaks out against the 1964 Republican National Convention. He states, “The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.”

While this does suggest that King was dismayed at the direction of the Republican Party, his statements seem shocked and dismayed. Therefore, it is possible that King was a believer in Republican ideals up until this point, where the ‘64 convention and Senator Goldwater showed him a new, extreme, and different side to the Republican Party.

end excerpt;

Now, THAT is called a balanced presentation of history. Excerpted from:
Martin Luther King, Jr. And The Republican Party | Republican Views

Unlike the half-truth and out of context misology of paperview. As stated previously:

Ability to lie, twist, defame, and half-truth it outweighs time in the universe for rebuttal. *s*

Others view Goldwater quite differently - what is important to note is any analysis of King's views of LBJ - whom (as briefly stated) King opposed.
It is interesting to review Jackie Robinson's interactions with the Republican party during this time- several site's have very good coverage and discussion of that - a black conservative site I found was particularly good at covering that. Can't remember the site name - it's been a few weeks or so.

And in conclusion, a telegram to DDE after Arkansas ....
The last time I checked most of those things were being committed by Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Occupy America, and other organizations, that the liberals and Democratic party proudly support as their base.

And it must be just a coincidence that all above have been sponsored by the same person: Soros.

Also Soros has been sponsoring basically all the presidential candidates but Trump, hoping that whoever would have won the Presidency remained his pocket person.

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 - Breitbart

The billionaire has already spent or pledged $13 million to help Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this year.

I hesitate to say the same about Sanders, but when I remember how Soros paid his supporters to go and attack Trump supporters during his rallies, I start wondering...
Unexpectedly for Soros Trump won and noway wanted to be Soros controlled president as Obama has been. That's why Soros has declared an all-out war on Trump because he understands: if he doesn't remove Trump from the office, Trump will destroy him and his dirty plans about controlling USA and the whole world.
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

View attachment 145008

Yes there's so many blacks and other minorities that have been put in positions of power by the Democratic party since 1964 that that must hold true today.

Maybe people like Condolleezza Rice, Bobby Jindal, and a few others, are mistakenly taken for Republicans.



Seriously, you wanna go there...?

Currently, there's a record 52 blacks serving in Congress... 94% of them are Democrats...

Yes, and historically...

Electing them to power. Where it's at.

There were seven African Americans in Congress 1900 -1965
Oscar Stanton De Priest Republican Illinois 1929-1935
Arthur W. Mitchell Democrat Illinois 1935-1943
William L. Dawson Democrat Illinois 1943-1970
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Democrat New York 1945-1967, 1967-1971
Charles Diggs Democrat Michigan 1955-1980
Robert N.C. Nix, Sr. Democrat Pennsylvania 1958-1979
John Conyers Democrat Michigan 1965-present

All but one: Democrat. The Republican party as a whole used to be more liberal (take a look at party platforms before 1965)

We know since the about the mid sixties, the ideology shifted more and more Conservative - as a whole.

So how has that shaken out when it comes to which party elects blacks to positions of Power?

1965, to the present:

Edward Brooke Republican -Mass. 1967-1979
Bill Clay Democrat Missouri 1969-2001
Louis Stokes Democrat Ohio 1969-1999
Shirley Chisholm Democrat New York 1969-1983
George W. Collins Democrat Illinois 1970-1972
Ron Dellums Democrat California 1971-1998
Ralph Metcalfe Democrat Illinois 1971-1978
Parren Mitchell Democrat Maryland 1971-1987
Charles B. Rangel Democrat New York 1971-present
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke Democrat California 1973-1979
Cardiss Collins Democrat Illinois 1973-1997
Barbara Jordan Democrat Texas 1973-1979
Andrew Young Democrat Georgia 1973-1977
Harold Ford, Sr. Democrat Tennessee 1975-1997
Julian C. Dixon Democrat California 1979-2000
William H. Gray, III Democrat Pennsylvania 1979-1991
Mickey Leland Democrat Texas 1979-1989
Bennett M. Stewart Democrat Illinois 1979-1981
George W. Crockett, Jr. Democrat Michigan 1980-1991
Mervyn M. Dymally Democrat California 1981-1993
Gus Savage Democrat Illinois 1981-1993
Harold Washington Democrat Illinois 1981-1983
Katie Hall Democrat Indiana 1982-1985
Major Owens Democrat New York 1983-2007
Ed Towns Democrat New York 1983-present
Alan Wheat Democrat Missouri 1983-1995
Charles Hayes Democrat Illinois 1983-1993
Alton R. Waldon, Jr. Democrat New York 1986-1987
Mike Espy Democrat Mississippi 1987-1993
Floyd H. Flake Democrat New York 1987-1998
John Lewis Democrat Georgia 1987-present
Kweisi Mfume Democrat Maryland 1987-1996
Donald M. Payne Democrat New Jersey 1989-present
Craig Anthony Washington Democrat Texas 1989-1995
Barbara-Rose Collins Democrat Michigan 1991-1997
Gary Franks Republican Connecticut 1991-1997
William J. Jefferson Democrat Louisiana 1991-2009
Maxine Waters Democrat California 1991-present
Lucien E. Blackwell Democrat Pennsylvania 1991-1995
Eva M. Clayton Democrat North Carolina 1992-2003
Sanford Bishop Democrat Georgia 1993-presen
Carol Mosely Braun Democrat Illinois 1993-1999
Corrine Brown Democrat Florida 1993-present
Jim Clyburn Democrat South Carolina 1993-present
Cleo Fields Democrat Louisiana 1993-1997
Alcee Hastings Democrat Florida 1993-present
Earl Hilliard Democrat Alabama 1993-2003
Eddie Bernice Johnson Democrat Texas 1993-present
Cynthia McKinney Democrat Georgia 1993-2003, 2005-2007
Carrie P. Meek Democrat Florida 1993-2003
Mel Reynolds Democrat Illinois 1993-1995
Bobby Rush Democrat Illinois 1993-present
Robert C. Scott Democrat Virginia 1993-present
Walter Tucker Democrat California 1993-1995
Mel Watt Democrat North Carolina 1993-present
Albert Wynn Democrat Maryland 1993-2008
Bennie Thompson Democrat Mississippi 1993-present
Chaka Fattah Democrat Pennsylvania 1995-present
Sheila Jackson-Lee Democrat Texas 1995-present
J. C. Watts Republican Oklahoma 1995-2003
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Democrat Illinois 1995-present
Juanita Millender-McDonald Democrat California 1996-2007
Elijah Cummings Democrat Maryland 1996-present
Julia Carson Democrat Indiana 1997-2007
Danny K. Davis Democrat Illinois 1997-present
Harold Ford, Jr. Democrat Tennessee 1997-2007
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Democrat Michigan 1997-present
Gregory W. Meeks Democrat New York 1998-present
Barbara Lee Democrat California 1998-present
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Democrat Ohio 1999-2008
William Lacy Clay, Jr. Democrat Missouri 2001-present
Diane Watson Democrat California 2001-present
Frank Ballance Democrat North Carolina 2003-2004
Artur Davis Democrat Alabama 2003-present
Denise Majette Democrat Georgia 2003-2005
Kendrick Meek Democrat Florida 2003-present
David Scott Democrat Georgia 2003-present
G. K. Butterfield Democrat North Carolina 2004-present
Emanuel Cleaver Democrat Missouri 2005-present
Al Green Democrat Texas 2005-present
Gwen Moore Democrat Wisconsin 2005-present
Barack Obama Democrat -Illinois 2005-2008
Yvette D. Clarke Democrat New York 2007-present
Keith Ellison Democrat Minnesota 2007-present
Hank Johnson Democrat Georgia 2007-present
Laura Richardson Democrat California 2007-present
André Carson Democrat Indiana 2008-present
Donna Edwards Democrat Maryland 2008-present
Marcia Fudge Democrat Ohio 2008-present
Roland Burris Democrat -Illinois 2009-2010
Allen West Republican Florida 2011–2013
Hansen Clarke Democrat Michigan 2011–2013
Tim Scott Republican South Carolina 2011–2013, 2014-present
Cedric Richmond Democrat Louisiana 2011–present
Frederica Wilson Democrat Florida 2011–present
Karen Bass Democrat California 2011–present
Terri Sewell Democrat Alabama 2011–present
Donald Payne, Jr. Democrat New Jersey 2012–present
Hakeem Jeffries Democrat New York 2013–present
Joyce Beatty Democrat Ohio 2013–present
Steven Horsford Democrat Nevada 2013–2015
Robin Kelly Democrat Illinois 2013–present
Alma Adams Democrat North Carolina 2013–present
Will Hurd Republican Texas 2015–present
Brenda Lawrence Democrat Michigan 2015–present
Mia Love Republican Utah 2015–present
Bonnie Watson Coleman Democrat New Jersey 2015–present

By my count - 114 African Americans in Congress since 1900.

--> Eight republicans. The balance: 106 Democrats.
What exactly makes them "The Conservative Wing"?

Racism mostly.
View attachment 144951

You can prove your allegations or is this just a pathetic attempt to win the discussion by throwing out the race card?



It is funny to see these racist apologists at work. It has been known for DECADES that the kkk walked hand in hand with Democrat Party. Over 50% of the Party at the 1924 DNC refused to include a condemnation of the KKK in their Party Platform. One of the TWO leading candidates was the son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson - a racist of the most vile sorts -and a DEMOCRAT. That son-in-law was the KKK backed candidate. FDR was a vile racist - and the leftist spin that 'well blacks started moving to the Democrat party' after FDR holds no water. Blacks continually re-elected Wallace to be governor. Getting votes from the blacks in no way proves that the person is not an avowed racist.

Those of us that LIVED through the MLK days are very well aware of the strong NATIONAL TIES of the DEMOCRATS to overt racism and the kkk.

The revisionists at the NYT and WaPo are very active (including pogo and his ilk) at rewriting that history, attempting to call it 'inaccurate' and 'untrue'.

For those that LIVED the history, we know the TRUTH.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower who FORCIBLY REMOVED racist segregation from the public school systems - after a Supreme Court decision overturned a decades old DEMOCRAT SUPREME COURT decision that held that 'segregation was Constitutional'. It was not. Never was.

It was Dwight David Eisenhower and other REPUBLICANS that started the end of segregation, fought it at every turn, weeded it out at every turn in the United States Military.

The revisionists love to state 'It was LBJ that signed the Civil Rights Act'. LBJ FOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT TOOTH AND NAIL - we students of the past know EXACTLY why LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.

IT WAS REPUBLICANS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that originated,fought for, and passed the Civil Right Act - in both the House and Senate.

IT WAS DEMOCRATS - BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - that fought against,attempted to fillibuster, to undermine, to KILL the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.

The Goldwater vote against the Civil Rights Act was due to CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS of two sections that instituted even MORE RACISM into our society - problems that exist to this day.

Goldwater was no racist - LBJ WAS ONE OF THE MOST RACIST PRESIDENTS THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN. Those of us who were there, especially those of that lived, grew up, and worked in TEXAS know the REAL truth about that piece of scum. Just mention DCRC or simply DUVAL COUNTY to those that were there, and we can tell you precisely what that POS did.

So, my advise, Damaged Eagle - don't reply to pogo - he is a disruptor, revisionist, and a liar. Already demonstrated aptly through many previous posts. Reply's only feed his ego, disrupt, and give him a further platform.

BTW: As predicted, the disruptor quickly stooped to ad hominen and labeled me as being a "kkklown". So damned predictable - he is nothing but a Saul Alinsky disciple - well skilled in the art of the schmear.

My posts prove otherwise - quite clearly.

The ability of scum to generate to lies, half-truths, and attacks far exceed the ability of any to rebut. That is also in the "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky - phrased differently, but lying to them is an acceptable and useful tactic. They employ it fully and non-stop.

So don't even attempt to rebut - simply post the TRUTH, as you have been doing.

View attachment 145000

Pogo is easy to handle.



>> Pogo is easy to handle.

... and the latest half-truther .... paperview .... post #448

Was Martin Luther King, Jr. A Republican?

Give it up, knucklefuck.

MLK, Jr. was not a republican and even his hairbrained niece has ceded the point he wasn't.

Live with it.

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

View attachment 145008

Yes there's so many blacks and other minorities that have been put in positions of power by the Democratic party since 1964 that that must hold true today.

Maybe people like Condolleezza Rice, Bobby Jindal, and a few others, are mistakenly taken for Republicans.



Seriously, you wanna go there...?

Currently, there's a record 52 blacks serving in Congress... 94% of them are Democrats...


And a fine job those Democrats are doing supporting every group that wants to riot, burn down cities, dishonor all veterans, shoot law enforcement officials, and all sorts of other mayhem.

Without them to lead a us to a civilized society what would we do?


Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

those are your voters now,.

there is no one who "doesn't like it".

we know we dumped them and you love you some kkk now. they've been yours since the passage of the civil rights act.

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

View attachment 145008

Yes there's so many blacks and other minorities that have been put in positions of power by the Democratic party since 1964 that that must hold true today.

Maybe people like Condolleezza Rice, Bobby Jindal, and a few others, are mistakenly taken for Republicans.



Seriously, you wanna go there...?

Currently, there's a record 52 blacks serving in Congress... 94% of them are Democrats...

View attachment 145020

And a fine job those Democrats are doing supporting every group that wants to riot, burn down cities, dishonor all veterans, shoot law enforcement officials, and all sorts of other mayhem.

Without them to lead a us to a civilized society what would we do?



so funny from nazi supporters. :cuckoo:
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

those are your voters now,.

there is no one who "doesn't like it".

we know we dumped them and you love you some kkk now. they've been yours since the passage of the civil rights act.


Did you know back in the 50's and 60's the KKK also roughed up white folk?

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

View attachment 145008

Yes there's so many blacks and other minorities that have been put in positions of power by the Democratic party since 1964 that that must hold true today.

Maybe people like Condolleezza Rice, Bobby Jindal, and a few others, are mistakenly taken for Republicans.



Seriously, you wanna go there...?

Currently, there's a record 52 blacks serving in Congress... 94% of them are Democrats...

View attachment 145020

And a fine job those Democrats are doing supporting every group that wants to riot, burn down cities, dishonor all veterans, shoot law enforcement officials, and all sorts of other mayhem.

Without them to lead a us to a civilized society what would we do?



so funny from nazi supporters. :cuckoo:


I find the Nazi tactics employed by the progressives anything but funny.


Arguments For King As A Republican
First and foremost, the word of King’s family states that he was, indeed, a Republican. In A Covenant With Life: Reclaiming MLK’s Legacy, Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., states, “My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., or ‘Daddy King’, was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican.”
Well there goes that argument. So much for the nonsense that MLK Jr. was a Republican.

"I have few regrets in my life. At the top of the list is the demise of two children in my womb, and one miscarriage. Next to that, I regret having said to a group of peers that my Uncle M. L. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a Republican. I said that without having all the facts. My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a registered Republican. Uncle M. L. was an independent, who in his own words tended to vote Democrat. I assumed that since granddaddy was a Republican, Uncle M. L. was too. After all, before the election of President John F. Kennedy, the majority of African-American voters were Republicans.

Granddaddy convinced a large block of blacks to vote for President John Kennedy after he helped to get my uncle out of jail during those turbulent days. Uncle M. L. tended to vote Democrat, but remained independent because he found weaknesses in both parties." ~ Alveda King
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.
All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

View attachment 145008

Yes there's so many blacks and other minorities that have been put in positions of power by the Democratic party since 1964 that that must hold true today.

Maybe people like Condolleezza Rice, Bobby Jindal, and a few others, are mistakenly taken for Republicans.



Seriously, you wanna go there...?

Currently, there's a record 52 blacks serving in Congress... 94% of them are Democrats...

View attachment 145020

And a fine job those Democrats are doing supporting every group that wants to riot, burn down cities, dishonor all veterans, shoot law enforcement officials, and all sorts of other mayhem.

Without them to lead a us to a civilized society what would we do?



Democrats are doing supporting every group that wants to riot, burn down cities, dishonor all veterans, shoot law enforcement officials, and all sorts of other mayhem.

That is absolutely correct and not only inside the USA but in the foreign countries as well. Looks like somebody needs chaos just about everywhere because Caesar's "Divide and Rule!" remains the best guidance for those who are thirsty for the world wide power.

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