Liberals: Be Not Offended!

Being offended is covered under the first amendment
You simply provided a bogus post in your failed attempt to provide cover for Leftist fascists?

Eh, fascists are right wing

It's evil commies that are left wing


Actually, no.

Fascists, communists, Nazis, Liberals, Progrssives, all have the belief in big government and the collective.

None of the above stand for the individual and freedom.
I am sorry you feel that whey about Reagan, he increased the size of the govt...And the collective called the military...

What a dumb post.

But....clearly, the best you can do.
And he supported Social Security.....

Actually, he saved the policy.

He was a superior politician....and knew when to bend.

Saved the economy from Carter, and the world from communism.

Watta guy!
Fascists, communists, Nazis, Liberals, Progrssives, all have the belief in big government and the collective.

None of the above stand for the individual and freedom.
The right believes in the biggest government of all, the monarchy.
Did I miss this part of the Constitution..."Be Not Offended"?

i missed it too, that libertard who displays the bill of rights as an avatar needs to come here and show and tell us where we can find the "Be Not Offended" part in the Constitution. :up:

Nah...he simply stamps ever disagreement with 'straw man fallacy...lie..."

...and wanders off.
Clearly an example of what Coulter said about Liberals.
I remember my Granddad telling the story about this woman who wanted to be "treated equally" and how they laughed so much they cried. Saying women are temperamental and really wanted to be home and get piped all day. Can you believe that chick had the GALL to say she was offended and didnt want to get dicked all day? "WHAT ARE YOU A LESBIAN?" his co-worker said

When you finish the dishes what else are you gonna do?
Can you imagine....Americans have turned over the political environs to a bunch who actually believe that it is government's obligation....not to mention protect citizens from having their feelings hurt???

Did I miss this part of the Constitution..."Be Not Offended"?

1. Yet, the dominant political party/worldview promises to do just that. 'Your widdle feeling hurt? Or might be hurt? Well....we'll put in place rules, regulations, speech codes, 'trigger warnings,' ....and, don't forget the mantra that the Democrats provided during the Clarence Thomas nomination, that the accusation of criminal wrongdoing , namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill....even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.'s what mattered:
"The nature of the evidence is irrelevant. It's the seriousness of the charge."

2. For conservatives, traditionalists, the lesson is very different.
My fav radio host, Dennis Prager explained a valuable lesson in life he learned early in his high school career. His Jewish school taught Hebrew subjects in the first half of the day, and the public school curriculum later. In the middle, the boys were required to participate in prayers.

On one day, young Dennis approached the Rabbi, and said something that the Rabbi had never, in his long life, heard:
"Rabbi," Prager said, "I'm not in the mood for prayers today."

The Rabbi stroked his long beard, and said two words, that Prager professed, changed his life.

The religious leader said: "So what?"
And that is the lesson. Your mood, the way you feel, even if you are 'offended.' has no effect on the rest of the world, or how you go about your day.

And that is the view that our Liberal pals should incorporate.
The world need not heed your being offended.
Deal with it.

3. "On campuses there are speech codes, ...."free speech zones," and a host of "anti-discrimination" policies that discriminate against people who dissent from lefty groupthink. Christian and conservative groups have been denied official university status by student government organizations for holding views not in line with liberal dogma.

The illiberal left's attempts to control the public debate are frequently buttressed by a parade of childish grievances. They portray life's vagaries as violations of their basic human rights and demand the world stop traumatizing them..."
Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech"

By this weakening of the American character.....crushed by words.....they have taken the 'can do generation,' and produced the 'pajama boy generation.'

Woe is us.

Liberals want to be offended
Eh, fascists are right wing

It's evil commies that are left wing


Actually, no.

Fascists, communists, Nazis, Liberals, Progrssives, all have the belief in big government and the collective.

None of the above stand for the individual and freedom.
I am sorry you feel that whey about Reagan, he increased the size of the govt...And the collective called the military...

What a dumb post.

But....clearly, the best you can do.
And he supported Social Security.....

Actually, he saved the policy.

He was a superior politician....and knew when to bend.

Saved the economy from Carter, and the world from communism.

Watta guy!
Yeah, Tito never did tell Stalin to stuff it...
I remember my Granddad telling the story about this woman who wanted to be "treated equally" and how they laughed so much they cried. Saying women are temperamental and really wanted to be home and get piped all day. Can you believe that chick had the GALL to say she was offended and didnt want to get dicked all day? "WHAT ARE YOU A LESBIAN?" his co-worker said

When you finish the dishes what else are you gonna do?

Thanksgivings in the Caption home must be such charming affairs
Being offended is covered under the first amendment

explain please.

Fascists, communists, Nazis, Liberals, Progrssives, all have the belief in big government and the collective.

None of the above stand for the individual and freedom.
The right believes in the biggest government of all, the monarchy.

Another dumb Leftist bumper-sticker.

The Founders endorsed a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Me, too.

How come you don't?
I searched you post for examples that support same.... seem to have forgotten to include any.

You seem very, very offended. If I say I'm sorry, will that make it better?

My point there is that it's very easy to pretend someone else is offended. Hence, it's a conservative staple tactic.
I remember my Granddad telling the story about this woman who wanted to be "treated equally" and how they laughed so much they cried. Saying women are temperamental and really wanted to be home and get piped all day. Can you believe that chick had the GALL to say she was offended and didnt want to get dicked all day? "WHAT ARE YOU A LESBIAN?" his co-worker said

When you finish the dishes what else are you gonna do?

Thanksgivings in the Caption home must be such charming affairs

Bet he doesn't know that it was Republicans that got women the right to vote, and Democrats who filibustered against it.
I remember my Granddad telling the story about this woman who wanted to be "treated equally" and how they laughed so much they cried. Saying women are temperamental and really wanted to be home and get piped all day. Can you believe that chick had the GALL to say she was offended and didnt want to get dicked all day? "WHAT ARE YOU A LESBIAN?" his co-worker said

When you finish the dishes what else are you gonna do?

Thanksgivings in the Caption home must be such charming affairs

Yes we all laugh at women who were offended like Get over it! HAR HAR HAR!
I searched you post for examples that support same.... seem to have forgotten to include any.

You seem very, very offended. If I say I'm sorry, will that make it better?

My point there is that it's very easy to pretend someone else is offended. Hence, it's a conservative staple tactic.


Especially by the fact that I got you to post again with no examples.

C'mon...jump through another hoop!

Doggie treat?
Liberals actually set policies to restrict religious and conservative dissidents.


Those liberals were the Founding Fathers and that policy is called the 1st Amendment.

You should ask one of your teachers to explain it to you one day.

Especially the part about freedom FROM religion.

Freedom FROM Religion?

Which copy of the Bill of Rights is that in?

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