Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement


Our young people DESERVE to be encouraged to challenge their own beliefs, to expose themselves to differing viewpoints at every opportunity, and to sincerely consider views that don't immediately comport with theirs.

It's a goddamn shame that ideology blinds people to this.

For four years the Rugters students HAVE challenged their own beliefs and have exposed themselves to differeing viewpoints. Can't they have one day off? Can't they have a day to celebrate their accomplishments? Can't they choose to listen to someone THEY want to listen to? It is their day and they have a perfect right to ask the university to withdraw the invitation.
I think that Ms. Rice handled the whole thing with class. Personally, I think they missed out on something good. I don't agree with many of the policies the previous Administration enacted , but she is a lady of great achievement and could most likely have delivered an inspirational speech. That said; the students who demonstrated or threatened to demonstrate against had the right to air their opposition to having her there.

The lady rocks. She embodies "class". I love her to death.
.... never mind that she helped push the US into a war based on lies that cost the lives of 4,500 Americans.

Our young people DESERVE to be encouraged to challenge their own beliefs, to expose themselves to differing viewpoints at every opportunity, and to sincerely consider views that don't immediately comport with theirs.

It's a goddamn shame that ideology blinds people to this.

Yes it is, but it's done on all sides these days.
So that makes it okay not to do so?
Nope, but it's not going to change either, not in this country where being a partisan is normal now.

It's stunning that American adults are so willing to support such closed-minded behavior of our young people.

I'd think that any reasonable adult would want young people to be exposed to a wide range of ideas and opinions, to challenge themselves and their own beliefs, to think things through in every situation. Wouldn't such a notion go without saying?

Instead, they're being encouraged to be as bigoted, closed-minded and narcissistic as the adult partisan ideologues who are doing this country so much damage.

Sad to see. The decay continues.


I am sure that thre are conservative faculty members on staff. The students are exposed to a wide range of ideas and opinions.

I think I will research Rice's speaking schedule. Wanna bet she's had plenty of appearances at "lib" universities?

In fact...what is her current job?

You fuckers are just stupid.
I think that Ms. Rice handled the whole thing with class. Personally, I think they missed out on something good. I don't agree with many of the policies the previous Administration enacted , but she is a lady of great achievement and could most likely have delivered an inspirational speech. That said; the students who demonstrated or threatened to demonstrate against had the right to air their opposition to having her there.

The lady rocks. She embodies "class". I love her to death.
.... never mind that she helped push the US into a war based on lies that cost the lives of 4,500 Americans.

I thought that the people who are responsible and have the power for getting us involved in a war would be the President and the Congress.
The lady rocks. She embodies "class". I love her to death.
.... never mind that she helped push the US into a war based on lies that cost the lives of 4,500 Americans.

I thought that the people who are responsible and have the power for getting us involved in a war would be the President and the Congress.
The Congress and the President may have the final decision on whether we go to war or not but before that decision is made it needs to be sold to the American people.
"President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and George Tenet, to name a few leading figures, built support for the war by telling the world that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling chemical weapons, feverishly developing germ warfare devices and racing to build a nuclear bomb. Some of them, notably Mr. Cheney, the administration's doomsayer in chief, said Iraq had conspired with Al Qaeda and implied that Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11.

Last year, the Senate Intelligence Committee did a good bipartisan job of explaining that the intelligence in general was dubious, old and even faked by foreign sources. The panel said the analysts had suffered from groupthink. At the time, the highest-ranking officials in Washington were demanding evidence against Iraq."
You can make all the posts you want about where rice is speaking and if people want to listen to her, GREAT. It is their choice. But along with the right to free speech comes the right not to be forced to listen to someone you do not want to listen to. THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY WHO DID NOT WISH TO LISTEN TO RICE HAD A PERFECT RIGHT TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS KNOWN AND TO ASK THE UNIVERSITY TO WITHDRAW THE INVITATION.
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Our young people DESERVE to be encouraged to challenge their own beliefs, to expose themselves to differing viewpoints at every opportunity, and to sincerely consider views that don't immediately comport with theirs.

It's a goddamn shame that ideology blinds people to this.

Ironically, many of the students and faculty owe their positions there to the school's desire for diversity. Liberal style diversity only.

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