Liberals Can’t Understand Why Mainstream America Views Them as Idiots

But then, what can you expect on a forum such as this that is bound to be a magnet to every magnitude of mental case out there. :D

And you continue to provide ample evidence of that.

How so? By stating my opinions that you don't like. Control freaks are people to definitely watch out for and people that you probably don't want to have in your life. :D Just what is it that I've said that you find to be so mean anyways? Am I threatening anyone's rights in any way? Am I trying to suppress your opinions on this matter in any way? Please, be specific. TIA. :)
The same can be ask of yourself when you posted the original spike...
Hey, if someone is fat and ugly, then they are fat and ugly. There is no sugar coating that.
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)
They don't know how to act, how to behave, so they just basically throw themselves on the ground and scream until polite people give in and give them what they want. That needs to stop. You don't keep giving in to spoiled children because that just make matters worse.

says temper tantrum throwing trumptards. :rofl:
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)

this morning?

why is this day different from all other days?
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)

How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Want to explain that? :D Please.
They don't know how to act, how to behave, so they just basically throw themselves on the ground and scream until polite people give in and give them what they want. That needs to stop. You don't keep giving in to spoiled children because that just make matters worse.

says temper tantrum throwing trumptards. :rofl:

Says someone who calls others "trumptards." :D Okay fat ass.
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)
Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)

How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Want to explain that? :D Please.

Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)

How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Want to explain that? :D Please.

Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Midol overdose..
So, as you can see, the liberals are getting defeated. They result to off topic insults rather than sticking the topic and arguing any points at all. That is why mainstream Americans think they are idiots. Because, well, they are idiots. ROFL. :lol: I've already won this argument (if that is what you would call it) by default according to mainstream America. :D

Why do people resort to personal attacks instead of intelligently debating?
Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)

How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Want to explain that? :D Please.

Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Midol overdose..

Oh, that is quite a sexist comment, eh? This is how mainstream Americans (who are more intelligent than you) can see how you operate and why they disapprove of your projection of your own admissions of bigotry onto others. :)
But then, what can you expect on a forum such as this that is bound to be a magnet to every magnitude of mental case out there. :D

And you continue to provide ample evidence of that.

Are you upset that I said I don't want to control what other people do in the privacy of their own homes? Is that really mean?

You are most definitely trying to control what others say, while claiming the right to speak your mind.

You’re the one who said “If you can’t say anything nice, shit your stupid mouth”. If that isn’t controlling, I don’t know what is.

Throughout this thread, you’ve attacked others for their opinions, attempted to hijack and control this discussion, and spewed venom at those you disagree with, all the while claiming moral superiority over people on the left who you claim are trying to shut you down.

Keep posting and continue to reveal what a crazy hypocrite you truly are.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)

How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Want to explain that? :D Please.

Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Midol overdose..

Oh, that is quite a sexist comment, eh? This is how mainstream Americans (who are more intelligent than you) can see how you operate and why they disapprove of your projection of your own admissions of bigotry onto others. :)
Exactly. You can tell me all day long that a man in a dress is a woman, but I'm not buying it.

Why do you care? If a man wants to call himself a woman why should you or I give a shit?

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I don't care, unless you accuse me of being a "bigot" for not believing this load.

No, but you’ve defined “normal” as being white, Christian only. That could open you up to legitimate charges of bigotry.

Where did I do that? Being mainstream just means being within the "norm" statistically speaking.

I believe you.

But that’s not what you posted.

deviant Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What you posted could have been lifted right off the KKK website, which is why you are getting so much stick in this thread.

Now look up “normal”

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