Liberals Can’t Understand Why Mainstream America Views Them as Idiots

But then, what can you expect on a forum such as this that is bound to be a magnet to every magnitude of mental case out there. :D

And you continue to provide ample evidence of that.

Are you upset that I said I don't want to control what other people do in the privacy of their own homes? Is that really mean?

You are most definitely trying to control what others say, while claiming the right to speak your mind.

You’re the one who said “If you can’t say anything nice, shit your stupid mouth”. If that isn’t controlling, I don’t know what is.

Throughout this thread, you’ve attacked others for their opinions, attempted to hijack and control this discussion, and spewed venom at those you disagree with, all the while claiming moral superiority over people on the left who you claim are trying to shut you down.

Keep posting and continue to reveal what a crazy hypocrite you truly are.

I've done no such thing. I simply stated my opinions. Here is what I said, I don't have a problem with what people do in their private lives. I don't have to accept it as mainstream though. If you have a problem with my comment, by all means, let's hear you out!
This thread was corrupted long ago and the mods are mad that their power grab was again denied...

Why is that? Maybe you should go to page 3 or 4 where it got off topic. :D There are certainly SOME posters who can't seem to argue a point or stay on topic (you). Lol.
I only perv on the creepy threads...I couldn't see how anyone(even DarkFury ) could perv on yous..
Chris is very angry and busy busy this morning ;-)

How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Want to explain that? :D Please.

Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Midol overdose..

Oh, that is quite a sexist comment, eh? This is how mainstream Americans (who are more intelligent than you) can see how you operate and why they disapprove of your projection of your own admissions of bigotry onto others. :)

Hey, your bigotry is something for you to work on to improve yourself as a person. You don't like women, and that is your problem, not anyone else's problem.
How does this relate to the topic of the thread? Want to explain that? :D Please.

Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Midol overdose..

Oh, that is quite a sexist comment, eh? This is how mainstream Americans (who are more intelligent than you) can see how you operate and why they disapprove of your projection of your own admissions of bigotry onto others. :)

Hey, your bigotry is something for you to work on to improve yourself as a person. You don't like women, and that is your problem, not anyone else's problem.

I like women just not bitches..
This thread was corrupted long ago and the mods are mad that their power grab was again denied...

Why is that? Maybe you should go to page 3 or 4 where it got off topic. :D There are certainly SOME posters who can't seem to argue a point or stay on topic (you). Lol.
I only perv on the creepy threads...I couldn't see how anyone(even DarkFury ) could perv on yous..

What in the hell are you going on about now? Your posts are getting weirder and weirder and just reveal your obsessions. Stick to the topic like a normal person.
Of course, Dear Donald never condemned the Nazis, Klansmen & White Nationalists who supported him.

Don't think many USMB righties did either - Many fine people you know! :)

Not many Nazis klansmen or white nationalists can say “I’ve got tenure Nya Nya and your kids will have to listen to me”
Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Midol overdose..

Oh, that is quite a sexist comment, eh? This is how mainstream Americans (who are more intelligent than you) can see how you operate and why they disapprove of your projection of your own admissions of bigotry onto others. :)

Hey, your bigotry is something for you to work on to improve yourself as a person. You don't like women, and that is your problem, not anyone else's problem.

I like women just not bitches..

Who cares though? This is a political discussion board, not a dating site. I'm not trying to get a date with you if that's what you think. ROFL! Hilarious.
Minimally half (35 or so) of your posts in this thread are off topic.
Midol overdose..

Oh, that is quite a sexist comment, eh? This is how mainstream Americans (who are more intelligent than you) can see how you operate and why they disapprove of your projection of your own admissions of bigotry onto others. :)

Hey, your bigotry is something for you to work on to improve yourself as a person. You don't like women, and that is your problem, not anyone else's problem.

I like women just not bitches..

What does this have to do with the topic of discussion? Nobody cares if you don't like me or whatever it is that you are babbling and whining about. It is irrelevant, off topic and has no consequences.
Sure they are -- at least 30% of Trump's base fall into the Deplorables category.

That’s a huge segment of America then. Shouldn’t they have representation?

Yes of course - guys like this are their leaders.

15% of America should not have representation in the Oval Office.

The simple fact is most leftists will never be considered mainstream, and you don't want to be a part of mainstream America either, so quit whining when you get all the attention that you ask for. :D
Great, finally, a rightard confesses the mainstream media isn’t Liberal.

The simple fact is most leftists will never be considered mainstream, and you don't want to be a part of mainstream America either, so quit whining when you get all the attention that you ask for. :D
Great, finally, a rightard confesses the mainstream media isn’t Liberal.

to say mainstream media is NOT liberal is just about the poster child definition of stupid.
The simple fact is most leftists will never be considered mainstream, and you don't want to be a part of mainstream America either, so quit whining when you get all the attention that you ask for. :D
Great, finally, a rightard confesses the mainstream media isn’t Liberal.

to say mainstream media is NOT liberal is just about the poster child definition of stupid.
Take your beef up with ChrisL, she’s the one saying main stream media isn’t Liberal.

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