Liberals Can’t Understand Why Mainstream America Views Them as Idiots

Do you have a job and go to work everyday? Are you exposed to other people ever? Are you trying to convince us that the picture above is representative of "mainstream" in your world?

I'm self employed Trumpkin - What about you?

You've now posted 66 times in this thread and said absolutely nothing of substance. :lol:

I don't own a business. I work 2nd shift at a hospital, helping people.

67 now - Times ten and you'll surpass triple-sixes .. Go! :)

So you are actually counting my posts? Holy smokes. Get a life. Lol. :D

You’re the guy who said “If you can’t say anything nice, shut your stupid mouth”. Close to 70 posts and you haven’t said a single nice thing.

Remember when you posted “Nobody cares about your opinions”? That’s how we’re feeling about you.

I’m a fan of Barabara Bush. Love her to bits. She reminds me of my mother. I’m also prepared to cut her some slack on her racism. It’s a generational thing. My mother was also a racist, as are a lot of people in her generation. So I focus on the good she did, and her better qualities.

However the professor who tweeted her opinions is entitled to free speech and should not be fired for her tweet.

The guy? Lol. Obviously I'm not a guy, but maybe you are old and blind. Don't know, don't care. Lol. This is a political message board and I am expressing my opinions on the topic at hand. I have never said anything about being glad that a person died. This is just more evidence of the leftist mental illness and control freakishness.
Do you have a job and go to work everyday? Are you exposed to other people ever? Are you trying to convince us that the picture above is representative of "mainstream" in your world?

I'm self employed Trumpkin - What about you?

You've now posted 66 times in this thread and said absolutely nothing of substance. :lol:

I don't own a business. I work 2nd shift at a hospital, helping people.

67 now - Times ten and you'll surpass triple-sixes .. Go! :)

So you are actually counting my posts? Holy smokes. Get a life. Lol. :D

Took me 30 seconds - Time well spent. Go back and look at the drivel you're spewing this morning.

Maybe time for a nap ;)

I think you probably should take a nap. It's not how long it took, it is the fact that you would bother to search how many times I've posted at all in any thread. It is kind of creepy actually.
They don't know how to act, how to behave, so they just basically throw themselves on the ground and scream until polite people give in and give them what they want. That needs to stop. You don't keep giving in to spoiled children because that just make matters worse.
"women you have to treat them Like shit"...Donald Trump
Roger Stone steps up attacks on Barbara Bush: 'She is descending ...
4 days ago - Trump ally Roger Stone has doubled down on his criticism of Barbara Bush after calling the former first lady "a nasty drunk" following news she had died Tuesday at the age of 92. "She is descending into hell right now. She's not going to heaven. She was a bad person," Stone told controversial website ...
Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone Calls Barbara Bush 'Nasty Drunk ...
4 days ago - Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, responded to the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush by calling her a "nasty drunk" in an Instagram post. “Barbara Bush was a nasty drunk. When it came to drinking she made Betty Ford look like Carrie Nation #blottoBabs,” Stone wrote, hours ...

So your point is that Roger Stone is as much of a lowlife as that libtard professor?

Can’t disagree with that.

The most interesting part of that article is that one can be a drunk and still live to 92. That’s great! Time for my morning scotch!
and milk..

You’re dead to me.
I had a grandad that liked milk and scotch with a cigar....
Trump is known for calling females Fat and ugly because women have to be treated like shit as you have already agreed

Hey, if someone is fat and ugly, then they are fat and ugly. There is no sugar coating that.
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..
The simple fact is most leftists will never be considered mainstream, and you don't want to be a part of mainstream America either, so quit whining when you get all the attention that you ask for. :D
Hey, if someone is fat and ugly, then they are fat and ugly. There is no sugar coating that.
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
I never said a damn thing to you about it assmunch..

Yes you did. You were talking about "my soul" and such, weirdo. Look, you have a problem. I don't know what it is and I don't care. You should probably try discussing topics for a change instead of posters you like or don't like though. You are an old man, not a high school student. :D
Never heard of her before the Right started whining about her. Doesn't sound any whackier than the professors I had at UIC back in the 1980's.

So what is this derangement we have that when someone dies, we have to say nothing but nice things about them? I've kind of held off on saying bad things about Babs because she wasn't as awful as the rest of her family, but if you didn't like someone when they were alive, why do they suddenly become better when they are dead?

Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

A rightwing nut promoting PCness. Good on you.

A right wing nut, eh? I am pro choice, anti death penalty, agnostic, amongst other issues I can agree with on the left. You are just angry whenever someone is able to see reality and is not a part of your partisan bubble and issues that you feel "outraged" over. :dunno:
Hey, I was giving you kudos for your brief moment of normalcy. Who knows where you find anger in that?
It's that black birthday party on her mind..

Yes. Hmm. This certainly adds to the topic of discussion and is not trolling at ALL. Lol. You fucking pudgy little twit. :D
Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

A rightwing nut promoting PCness. Good on you.

A right wing nut, eh? I am pro choice, anti death penalty, agnostic, amongst other issues I can agree with on the left. You are just angry whenever someone is able to see reality and is not a part of your partisan bubble and issues that you feel "outraged" over. :dunno:
Hey, I was giving you kudos for your brief moment of normalcy. Who knows where you find anger in that?
It's that black birthday party on her mind..

Yes. Hmm. This certainly adds to the topic of discussion and is not trolling at ALL. Lol. You fucking pudgy little twit. :D
Mainstream Americans don't vote on issues like gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, racism, etc. Those are issues that the social justice warriors (aka extremists) are concerned with. It is nothing but a passing consideration for a large majority of Americans who are more concerned with job growth, friendly business atmosphere, lower taxes, control on government wasteful spending, illegal immigration (of which you are on the WRONG side - unless you are a leftist extremist or an illegal immigrant), and the health, strength, and prosperity of America.
Trump didn't win the election because of extremist groups. He won the election because of people who are tired of extremism and these issues getting in the way of more important matters to most Americans. Also because of extreme corruption in our government and the way they operate. You can blame Russians if you want to though and just ignore mainstream America. I will say though that there are more and more extremists every day. What will become of us when there are enough of these whacked out folks to try and gain control over our thoughts is something we should consider though.
You can think of it as a message sent if you would like. Some of us would vote for roadkill over an establishment corrupt career politician. We can't trust them, and they prove that to us over and over again.
But then, what can you expect on a forum such as this that is bound to be a magnet to every magnitude of mental case out there. :D

And you continue to provide ample evidence of that.

How so? By stating my opinions that you don't like. Control freaks are people to definitely watch out for and people that you probably don't want to have in your life. :D Just what is it that I've said that you find to be so mean anyways? Am I threatening anyone's rights in any way? Am I trying to suppress your opinions on this matter in any way? Please, be specific. TIA. :)

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