Liberals, choose Hillary's Opponent!

Who do you most want to see Hillary run against in the General Election

  • Trump

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Bush

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Rubio

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Cristie

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure voters want to hear our efforts on the war on terror show those extremists holding ground. A stalemate battle that ionly shows local forces regaining the same ground that they have previously lost. Where is the progress? Eight years of having a democrat commander-in-chief in charge and Americans don't feel any safer now than when Obama took office? Add the events of San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and Benghazi (to name a few), yet Hillary uses the word "satisfied"? Not the best choice of words, and here I was told the left would have proven themselves wiser then their predecessor who stood under the phrase "Mission Accomplished".
Yet we would later find a gloating president say his efforts have left terrorists "Decimated and on the run"? No, it doesn't look good at all.

GUy, more Americans in the US have been killed by dogs and bees in the last year than have been killed by terrorists in the last 10.

Let's not shit ourselves over the small shit. We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and you guys are whining because 14 of them were caused by Muslims who self-radicalized?

I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
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I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans

i think when you start having to define a "Strong" record of committing our young men and women to ENDLESS war, you guys aren't going to have a very strong selling point.

We've been at war with "Terror" for 15 years now. I think we are all a little tired of it.
I'm not sure voters want to hear our efforts on the war on terror show those extremists holding ground. A stalemate battle that ionly shows local forces regaining the same ground that they have previously lost. Where is the progress? Eight years of having a democrat commander-in-chief in charge and Americans don't feel any safer now than when Obama took office? Add the events of San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and Benghazi (to name a few), yet Hillary uses the word "satisfied"? Not the best choice of words, and here I was told the left would have proven themselves wiser then their predecessor who stood under the phrase "Mission Accomplished".
Yet we would later find a gloating president say his efforts have left terrorists "Decimated and on the run"? No, it doesn't look good at all.

GUy, more Americans in the US have been killed by dogs and bees in the last year than have been killed by terrorists in the last 10.

Let's not shit ourselves over the small shit. We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and you guys are whining because 14 of them were caused by Muslims who self-radicalized?

I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World
I'm not sure voters want to hear our efforts on the war on terror show those extremists holding ground. A stalemate battle that ionly shows local forces regaining the same ground that they have previously lost. Where is the progress? Eight years of having a democrat commander-in-chief in charge and Americans don't feel any safer now than when Obama took office? Add the events of San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and Benghazi (to name a few), yet Hillary uses the word "satisfied"? Not the best choice of words, and here I was told the left would have proven themselves wiser then their predecessor who stood under the phrase "Mission Accomplished".
Yet we would later find a gloating president say his efforts have left terrorists "Decimated and on the run"? No, it doesn't look good at all.

GUy, more Americans in the US have been killed by dogs and bees in the last year than have been killed by terrorists in the last 10.

Let's not shit ourselves over the small shit. We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and you guys are whining because 14 of them were caused by Muslims who self-radicalized?

I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World

President George W Bush did have the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established as a place to hold all those captured terrorist organizers during his 8 year term, before Obama looked to see how many he could have released. Which is a bad judgment on his part, considering how many ended up going right back to plotting against the United States.

As far as the killing of Bin Laden, considering the opposition democrats had at deploying troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, those troops wouldn't be deployed fighting overseas had it not been for the position of the Bush administration. Obama himself has made it no secret to say, like many of his liberal supporters, that he opposes to having boots on the ground in the war against terrorism. President Clinton likewise has shown to be no different in that view. So who else would have allowed them to be fighting in Afghanistan to have allowed such an opportunity?

Let's not even go into the number of terrorist attacks under President Bill Clinton that he did nothing about. So yes both Democrats have been shown to be weak in their positions with regard to the war on terrorism.
I'm not sure voters want to hear our efforts on the war on terror show those extremists holding ground. A stalemate battle that ionly shows local forces regaining the same ground that they have previously lost. Where is the progress? Eight years of having a democrat commander-in-chief in charge and Americans don't feel any safer now than when Obama took office? Add the events of San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and Benghazi (to name a few), yet Hillary uses the word "satisfied"? Not the best choice of words, and here I was told the left would have proven themselves wiser then their predecessor who stood under the phrase "Mission Accomplished".
Yet we would later find a gloating president say his efforts have left terrorists "Decimated and on the run"? No, it doesn't look good at all.

GUy, more Americans in the US have been killed by dogs and bees in the last year than have been killed by terrorists in the last 10.

Let's not shit ourselves over the small shit. We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and you guys are whining because 14 of them were caused by Muslims who self-radicalized?

I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World

President George W Bush did have the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established as a place to hold all those captured terrorist organizers during his 8 year term, before Obama looked to see how many he could have released. Which is a bad judgment on his part, considering how many ended up going right back to plotting against the United States.

As far as the killing of Bin Laden, considering the opposition democrats had at deploying troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, those troops wouldn't be deployed fighting overseas had it not been for the position of the Bush administration. Obama himself has made it no secret to say, like many of his liberal supporters, that he opposes to having boots on the ground in the war against terrorism. President Clinton likewise has shown to be no different in that view. So who else would have allowed them to be fighting in Afghanistan to have allowed such an opportunity?

Let's not even go into the number of terrorist attacks under President Bill Clinton that he did nothing about. So yes both Democrats have been shown to be weak in their positions with regard to the war on terrorism.
Bush screwed the pooch in Gitmo botching any chance to have trials and ensuring basic human rights. His use of torture made it impossible to have trials. He turned what was once an exceptional nation into a nation that engages in torture and holds prisoners indefinitely without trial. Our founding fathers would be ashamed
Bush allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists and then sent another 7000 to their deaths in unnecessary and poorly executed wars
You didn't have it in there but I would love to witness a face off between Warren and Cruz. I really admire her First Nations not withstanding. I'm taking that out of the realm.

She is something though. And dedicated. If I have to give up great ones on the dark side

I have to throw in Heidi. She is the best Democrat I have witnessed in ages. True D like the old days.

I would campaign for her because she holds all the original D platforms and leans a tad to the right.

This is a woman who is gold libs. You hang on to her.
I'm not sure voters want to hear our efforts on the war on terror show those extremists holding ground. A stalemate battle that ionly shows local forces regaining the same ground that they have previously lost. Where is the progress? Eight years of having a democrat commander-in-chief in charge and Americans don't feel any safer now than when Obama took office? Add the events of San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and Benghazi (to name a few), yet Hillary uses the word "satisfied"? Not the best choice of words, and here I was told the left would have proven themselves wiser then their predecessor who stood under the phrase "Mission Accomplished".
Yet we would later find a gloating president say his efforts have left terrorists "Decimated and on the run"? No, it doesn't look good at all.

GUy, more Americans in the US have been killed by dogs and bees in the last year than have been killed by terrorists in the last 10.

Let's not shit ourselves over the small shit. We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and you guys are whining because 14 of them were caused by Muslims who self-radicalized?

I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World

President George W Bush did have the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established as a place to hold all those captured terrorist organizers during his 8 year term, before Obama looked to see how many he could have released. Which is a bad judgment on his part, considering how many ended up going right back to plotting against the United States.

As far as the killing of Bin Laden, considering the opposition democrats had at deploying troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, those troops wouldn't be deployed fighting overseas had it not been for the position of the Bush administration. Obama himself has made it no secret to say, like many of his liberal supporters, that he opposes to having boots on the ground in the war against terrorism. President Clinton likewise has shown to be no different in that view. So who else would have allowed them to be fighting in Afghanistan to have allowed such an opportunity?

Let's not even go into the number of terrorist attacks under President Bill Clinton that he did nothing about. So yes both Democrats have been shown to be weak in their positions with regard to the war on terrorism.
Bush screwed the pooch in Gitmo botching any chance to have trials and ensuring basic human rights. His use of torture made it impossible to have trials. He turned what was once an exceptional nation into a nation that engages in torture and holds prisoners indefinitely without trial. Our founding fathers would be ashamed
Bush allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists and then sent another 7000 to their deaths in unnecessary and poorly executed wars

And you feel about Carter's Operation Cyclone how?
All of you silly fools.

Look up Operation Cyclone and see where Carter has led us.

THEN have the balls to come back in here and debate those of us who actually KNOW OUR FUCKING HISTORY WANKERS.
I wouldn't be so keen to run against Trump, if I were the Democrats.

Yes, we all assure ourselves America would never elect a Reality TV Show Clown as president.

Just like we assured ourselves Californians wouldn't elect a bad action star as governor.

Or Minnesotans wouldn't elect a Professional Wrestler as Governor.

The reality is, America has too many dumb people who don't understand the difference between Keynesian and Supply Side, but they love them some celebrities.

Or as they said to Howard Beale "You're on Television, Dummy!"
Reagan and Ventura weren't campaigning on hatred of entire segments of the U.S. population :thup:

false accusation. Secondly they also were not billionaires who funded own campaign. "Times are changing". We need to keep illegals OUT more than ever.
I wouldn't be so keen to run against Trump, if I were the Democrats.

Yes, we all assure ourselves America would never elect a Reality TV Show Clown as president.

Just like we assured ourselves Californians wouldn't elect a bad action star as governor.

Or Minnesotans wouldn't elect a Professional Wrestler as Governor.

The reality is, America has too many dumb people who don't understand the difference between Keynesian and Supply Side, but they love them some celebrities.

Or as they said to Howard Beale "You're on Television, Dummy!"
Reagan and Ventura weren't campaigning on hatred of entire segments of the U.S. population :thup:

false accusation. Secondly they also were not billionaires who funded own campaign. "Times are changing". We need to keep illegals OUT more than ever.
Honk if you think Trump is not asking for donations
I'm not sure voters want to hear our efforts on the war on terror show those extremists holding ground. A stalemate battle that ionly shows local forces regaining the same ground that they have previously lost. Where is the progress? Eight years of having a democrat commander-in-chief in charge and Americans don't feel any safer now than when Obama took office? Add the events of San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and Benghazi (to name a few), yet Hillary uses the word "satisfied"? Not the best choice of words, and here I was told the left would have proven themselves wiser then their predecessor who stood under the phrase "Mission Accomplished".
Yet we would later find a gloating president say his efforts have left terrorists "Decimated and on the run"? No, it doesn't look good at all.

GUy, more Americans in the US have been killed by dogs and bees in the last year than have been killed by terrorists in the last 10.

Let's not shit ourselves over the small shit. We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and you guys are whining because 14 of them were caused by Muslims who self-radicalized?

I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World

President George W Bush did have the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established as a place to hold all those captured terrorist organizers during his 8 year term, before Obama looked to see how many he could have released. Which is a bad judgment on his part, considering how many ended up going right back to plotting against the United States.

As far as the killing of Bin Laden, considering the opposition democrats had at deploying troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, those troops wouldn't be deployed fighting overseas had it not been for the position of the Bush administration. Obama himself has made it no secret to say, like many of his liberal supporters, that he opposes to having boots on the ground in the war against terrorism. President Clinton likewise has shown to be no different in that view. So who else would have allowed them to be fighting in Afghanistan to have allowed such an opportunity?

Let's not even go into the number of terrorist attacks under President Bill Clinton that he did nothing about. So yes both Democrats have been shown to be weak in their positions with regard to the war on terrorism.
Bush screwed the pooch in Gitmo botching any chance to have trials and ensuring basic human rights. His use of torture made it impossible to have trials. He turned what was once an exceptional nation into a nation that engages in torture and holds prisoners indefinitely without trial. Our founding fathers would be ashamed
Bush allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists and then sent another 7000 to their deaths in unnecessary and poorly executed wars

Military combatants captured overseas do not get a trial, they are not given any Constitutional rights because the constitution does not apply to overseas during a time of war. that is why they are referred to as military combatants. How many Germans or Japanese forces captured during World War II saw their day in court? Did we stop the war to make sure we had enough attorneys available before we made our landing at Normandy?These terrorist extremists did not have a traffic violation for slamming into the twin towers, they deliberately attacked the United States through the use of an airliner as a missile. These extremists have every intention of killing Americans because they believe they are in a holy WAR with us. If we were talking about "human rights" and the right to a trial, then President Obama has sure eliminated each and every one of them through each cruise missile attack, as he declare himself jury and executioner. Now why didn't this President simply arrest them, as you would have it, instead of having their basic human rights violated? The treatment of Enemy Combatants is under the Geneva Convention NOT the United States Constitution, and the defining conclusion of who is a military combatant or what defines a military target is under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). That and the Geneva Code are your only two points of reference that are used when we are under a time of war. It's because the left doesn't know the difference between a war and a traffic violation, that's why we find new policies enacted to which polled Americans DON'T feel safe in this country from the threat of terrorists.
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Reagan and Ventura weren't campaigning on hatred of entire segments of the U.S. population :thup:

Oh, sheesh, and neither is Trump. Why do you guys keep LYING about this? Trump has never expressed "hatred" of "entire segments of the U.S. population." Speaking out against illegal aliens who commit violent crimes is not "hatred." Calling for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until we can do a much better job of screening them is not "hatred." Etc., etc., etc.
GUy, more Americans in the US have been killed by dogs and bees in the last year than have been killed by terrorists in the last 10.

Let's not shit ourselves over the small shit. We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and you guys are whining because 14 of them were caused by Muslims who self-radicalized?

I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World

President George W Bush did have the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established as a place to hold all those captured terrorist organizers during his 8 year term, before Obama looked to see how many he could have released. Which is a bad judgment on his part, considering how many ended up going right back to plotting against the United States.

As far as the killing of Bin Laden, considering the opposition democrats had at deploying troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, those troops wouldn't be deployed fighting overseas had it not been for the position of the Bush administration. Obama himself has made it no secret to say, like many of his liberal supporters, that he opposes to having boots on the ground in the war against terrorism. President Clinton likewise has shown to be no different in that view. So who else would have allowed them to be fighting in Afghanistan to have allowed such an opportunity?

Let's not even go into the number of terrorist attacks under President Bill Clinton that he did nothing about. So yes both Democrats have been shown to be weak in their positions with regard to the war on terrorism.
Bush screwed the pooch in Gitmo botching any chance to have trials and ensuring basic human rights. His use of torture made it impossible to have trials. He turned what was once an exceptional nation into a nation that engages in torture and holds prisoners indefinitely without trial. Our founding fathers would be ashamed
Bush allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists and then sent another 7000 to their deaths in unnecessary and poorly executed wars

Military combatants captured overseas do not get a trial, they are not given any Constitutional rights because the constitution does not apply to overseas during a time of war. that is why they are referred to as military combatants. How many Germans or Japanese forces captured during World War II saw their day in court? Did we stop the war to make sure we had enough attorneys available before we made our landing at Normandy?These terrorist extremists did not have a traffic violation for slamming into the twin towers, they deliberately attacked the United States through the use of an airliner as a missile. These extremists have every intention of killing Americans because they believe they are in a holy WAR with us. If we were talking about "human rights" and the right to a trial, then President Obama has sure eliminated each and every one of them through each cruise missile attack, as he declare himself jury and executioner. Now why didn't this President simply arrest them, as you would have it, instead of having their basic human rights violated? The treatment of Enemy Combatants is under the Geneva Convention NOT the United States Constitution, and the defining conclusion of who is a military combatant or what defines a military target is under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). That and the Geneva Code are your only two points of reference that are used when we are under a time of war. It's because the left doesn't know the difference between a war and a traffic violation, that's why we find new policies enacted to which polled Americans DON'T feel safe in this country from the threat of terrorists.

Well ...which is it?

Criminals or military combatants?

Are you prepared to give them their rights as military combatants?
I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World

President George W Bush did have the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established as a place to hold all those captured terrorist organizers during his 8 year term, before Obama looked to see how many he could have released. Which is a bad judgment on his part, considering how many ended up going right back to plotting against the United States.

As far as the killing of Bin Laden, considering the opposition democrats had at deploying troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, those troops wouldn't be deployed fighting overseas had it not been for the position of the Bush administration. Obama himself has made it no secret to say, like many of his liberal supporters, that he opposes to having boots on the ground in the war against terrorism. President Clinton likewise has shown to be no different in that view. So who else would have allowed them to be fighting in Afghanistan to have allowed such an opportunity?

Let's not even go into the number of terrorist attacks under President Bill Clinton that he did nothing about. So yes both Democrats have been shown to be weak in their positions with regard to the war on terrorism.
Bush screwed the pooch in Gitmo botching any chance to have trials and ensuring basic human rights. His use of torture made it impossible to have trials. He turned what was once an exceptional nation into a nation that engages in torture and holds prisoners indefinitely without trial. Our founding fathers would be ashamed
Bush allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists and then sent another 7000 to their deaths in unnecessary and poorly executed wars

Military combatants captured overseas do not get a trial, they are not given any Constitutional rights because the constitution does not apply to overseas during a time of war. that is why they are referred to as military combatants. How many Germans or Japanese forces captured during World War II saw their day in court? Did we stop the war to make sure we had enough attorneys available before we made our landing at Normandy?These terrorist extremists did not have a traffic violation for slamming into the twin towers, they deliberately attacked the United States through the use of an airliner as a missile. These extremists have every intention of killing Americans because they believe they are in a holy WAR with us. If we were talking about "human rights" and the right to a trial, then President Obama has sure eliminated each and every one of them through each cruise missile attack, as he declare himself jury and executioner. Now why didn't this President simply arrest them, as you would have it, instead of having their basic human rights violated? The treatment of Enemy Combatants is under the Geneva Convention NOT the United States Constitution, and the defining conclusion of who is a military combatant or what defines a military target is under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). That and the Geneva Code are your only two points of reference that are used when we are under a time of war. It's because the left doesn't know the difference between a war and a traffic violation, that's why we find new policies enacted to which polled Americans DON'T feel safe in this country from the threat of terrorists.

Well ...which is it?

Criminals or military combatants?

Are you prepared to give them their rights as military combatants?

They fall under the UCMJ not the civilian criminal justice system.
I'm stating a fact that the Obama administration is shown by voters to be weak on their position of terrorism. The Clinton administration also has a weak record. If the vast majority of Americans have stated this as their position, that makes it a great concern among a majority of Americans
Obama has killed more terrorists than any leader on earth
I do remember him getting that bin Laden guy......don't you?

So Clinton and Obama were weak on terrorism....but W Bush who allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists "kept us safe"

Republican Bizarro World

President George W Bush did have the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established as a place to hold all those captured terrorist organizers during his 8 year term, before Obama looked to see how many he could have released. Which is a bad judgment on his part, considering how many ended up going right back to plotting against the United States.

As far as the killing of Bin Laden, considering the opposition democrats had at deploying troops in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, those troops wouldn't be deployed fighting overseas had it not been for the position of the Bush administration. Obama himself has made it no secret to say, like many of his liberal supporters, that he opposes to having boots on the ground in the war against terrorism. President Clinton likewise has shown to be no different in that view. So who else would have allowed them to be fighting in Afghanistan to have allowed such an opportunity?

Let's not even go into the number of terrorist attacks under President Bill Clinton that he did nothing about. So yes both Democrats have been shown to be weak in their positions with regard to the war on terrorism.
Bush screwed the pooch in Gitmo botching any chance to have trials and ensuring basic human rights. His use of torture made it impossible to have trials. He turned what was once an exceptional nation into a nation that engages in torture and holds prisoners indefinitely without trial. Our founding fathers would be ashamed
Bush allowed 3000 Americans to be killed by terrorists and then sent another 7000 to their deaths in unnecessary and poorly executed wars

Military combatants captured overseas do not get a trial, they are not given any Constitutional rights because the constitution does not apply to overseas during a time of war. that is why they are referred to as military combatants. How many Germans or Japanese forces captured during World War II saw their day in court? Did we stop the war to make sure we had enough attorneys available before we made our landing at Normandy?These terrorist extremists did not have a traffic violation for slamming into the twin towers, they deliberately attacked the United States through the use of an airliner as a missile. These extremists have every intention of killing Americans because they believe they are in a holy WAR with us. If we were talking about "human rights" and the right to a trial, then President Obama has sure eliminated each and every one of them through each cruise missile attack, as he declare himself jury and executioner. Now why didn't this President simply arrest them, as you would have it, instead of having their basic human rights violated? The treatment of Enemy Combatants is under the Geneva Convention NOT the United States Constitution, and the defining conclusion of who is a military combatant or what defines a military target is under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). That and the Geneva Code are your only two points of reference that are used when we are under a time of war. It's because the left doesn't know the difference between a war and a traffic violation, that's why we find new policies enacted to which polled Americans DON'T feel safe in this country from the threat of terrorists.

Well ...which is it?

Criminals or military combatants?

Are you prepared to give them their rights as military combatants?

According to the UCMJ

Classification of Persons on the

are defined as those who are lawfully entitled to engage in hostilities. These include:
* Members of the armed forces.
* Members of a regular militia or volunteer units.
* Members of guerrilla units.
* Levee en Masse (members of a non-occupied 
nation who take up arms against an enemy). Characteristics of a combatant include:
* Wearing of a fixed and distinct uniform.
* Open carriage of arms.
* Acting under the command of a responsible leader.
* Obeying the Law of War. 
Combatants are protected under the Law of War. 

Terrorists, Insurgents, Saboteurs, Partisans:

Whether it is an individual terrorist initiating a car bomb in the West Bank or a cell of insurgents operating within Iraq, these groups are not protected by the Law of War. The only exception to this rule is if the parties act in line with the definition of a protected combatant, they must:
* Wear a distinguishable or distinct uniform.
* Openly carry arms.
* Act under a distinguishable leader while they 
themselves operate under the Law of War. Law of War and Rules Of Engagement.pdf

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