Liberals....Come To The Marketplace

Can y'all just imagine PC's desktop? Full of categorized folders, it has to be.
what a piece of work the stuff she comes up with She could get a job on FOX

1. There is the suggestion that I 'come up with' stuff.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.
Hence...100% accurate, true and correct.
Like I said FOX You're better than Hanitty or O'Reilly and they make about 25 million a year
How about Liz Wheeler at OAN? Tucker Carlson? Always the opposing view is torn apart. The fact is, there is no argument from the left that can be backed up by fact. Taken down every time and filibustering is what happens by the guests. It is fking annoying as hell.

The art of irritation as demonstrated by the left. just talk and talk and talk and talk and babble and babble and babble and talk. fk them all.
lets try an easy one jk how about the denial that russia interfered with our election with 1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans ?
where did that happen at exactly? have you seen any evidence of it? Just asking what you've actually seen.
\ . ./ ONE FOR THE OL'
\ .:";'.:.." / SUGGESTION BOX:
- (/ . . . \ \) - NUKE MECCA
O ((| :. ~ ^ :. .|))
|\\ - (\- | \ / | /) - NOW MORE THAN EVER
| T -\ \ / /-
/ \[_]..........................\ \ / / ALSO MY BALLS ITCH
I already know that democrats hate blacks. they still do.
How do you know they hate blacks? How do you know they still do?
Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, etc, etc, etc.

No way out for the blacks in democities, no school choice. And dems are for choice when they are against it.

Dems like to round up blacks and herd them into buildings so they take themselves out. sad to be sure.
Last edited:
Can y'all just imagine PC's desktop? Full of categorized folders, it has to be.
what a piece of work the stuff she comes up with She could get a job on FOX

1. There is the suggestion that I 'come up with' stuff.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.
Hence...100% accurate, true and correct.
Like I said FOX You're better than Hanitty or O'Reilly and they make about 25 million a year
How about Liz Wheeler at OAN? Tucker Carlson? Always the opposing view is torn apart. The fact is, there is no argument from the left that can be backed up by fact. Taken down every time and filibustering is what happens by the guests. It is fking annoying as hell.

The art of irritation as demonstrated by the left. just talk and talk and talk and talk and babble and babble and babble and talk. fk them all.
lets try an easy one jk how about the denial that russia interfered with our election with 1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans ?

1. Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin wanted a President.
Enter Hillary, stage left.

2. "...1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans "

Au contraire....
Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin didn't want a disruptor....Trump.
Check out Russian Television..RT

"....the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times, who hosts the show On Contact, was consistently anti-Trump in his outlook. Hedges has called Trump “woefully unprepared” for the presidency and said his election could mean the creation of a “draconian police state.”

Stalwart liberal Thom Hartmann, who hosts The Big Picture, has aired programs with names like: “Dictator Trump Threatens Free Speech,” “Why Trump’s Cabinet Is a Basket of Deplorables,” “How Trump Could Bring on the Crash of 2016,” “Does Trump Mean the End of the Internet as We Know It?,” “Why Trump’s Win Is a Koch Coup Against Our Democracy” and “Is Donald Trump the Master of BS?”—to name a few.

Ed Schultz, who hosts News with Ed Schultz, also routinely ran segments that criticized Trump. “Who’s gonna stop Donald Trump!?” pleaded Schultz before a segment on how the GOP was worried about the reality-TV star’s unstoppable rise. Schultz also aired an interview with Bernie Sanders, who lambasted Trump’s bigotry and sexism and called Clinton “far and away the superior candidate”.

Lesser-known names on RT America have also criticized Trump on-air. Lee Camp, who hosts the satirical show Redacted Tonight, has mocked Trump relentlessly, calling one segment on climate change: “Why Donald Trump Is Dangerous For All Humanity.”
RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

A simple look through RT America’s YouTube channel throws up numerous clips in which guests refer to Trump as misogynistic, bigoted, and racist." RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

Wadda ya' say now??????
I already know that democrats hate blacks. they still do.
How do you know they hate blacks? How do you know they still do?
Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, etc, etc, etc.

No way out for the blacks in democities, no school choice. And dems are for choice when they are against it.
I don't know of any modern Dem who wishes ill on Blacks. They may support policies are prove to be ineffective or counter productive but that is rather different.
I already know that democrats hate blacks. they still do.
How do you know they hate blacks? How do you know they still do?
Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, etc, etc, etc.

No way out for the blacks in democities, no school choice. And dems are for choice when they are against it.
I don't know of any modern Dem who wishes ill on Blacks. They may support policies are prove to be ineffective or counter productive but that is rather different.

I posted this in the OP:
But...unable to dispute the Right's arguments, the Left has a very effective method of side-stepping the issues.......they lie.

And you've proven it. gone.
I already know that democrats hate blacks. they still do.
How do you know they hate blacks? How do you know they still do?
Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, etc, etc, etc.

No way out for the blacks in democities, no school choice. And dems are for choice when they are against it.
I don't know of any modern Dem who wishes ill on Blacks. They may support policies are prove to be ineffective or counter productive but that is rather different.
Well of course you don't. they don't speak out loud! They are much brighter than you think. No, no, this is all based on how long impoverished blacks remain impoverished under demoloser rule. I'm amazed the blacks keep voting them in. When you get free stuff all the time it takes its toll. Why are the dems against school choice? please, why don't they allow businesses to go in in black neighborhoods? Alderman are always voting them down. Calling the businesses racists. It is the loudest thing they do, is cry rasist all the time, it looks like they have the blacks backs while they are stabbing them in the back instead. saddd.
I already know that democrats hate blacks. they still do.
How do you know they hate blacks? How do you know they still do?
Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, etc, etc, etc.

No way out for the blacks in democities, no school choice. And dems are for choice when they are against it.
I don't know of any modern Dem who wishes ill on Blacks. They may support policies are prove to be ineffective or counter productive but that is rather different.
Well of course you don't. they don't speak out loud! They are much brighter than you think. No, no, this is all based on how long impoverished blacks remain impoverished under demoloser rule. I'm amazed the blacks keep voting them in. When you get free stuff all the time it takes its toll. Why are the dems against school choice? please, why don't they allow businesses to go in in black neighborhoods? Alderman are always voting them down. Calling the businesses racists. It is the loudest thing they do, is cry rasist all the time, it looks like they have the blacks backs while they are stabbing them in the back instead. saddd.

Any who haven't as yet read Star Parker's book...


"Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About It"...

what a piece of work the stuff she comes up with She could get a job on FOX

1. There is the suggestion that I 'come up with' stuff.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.
Hence...100% accurate, true and correct.
Like I said FOX You're better than Hanitty or O'Reilly and they make about 25 million a year
How about Liz Wheeler at OAN? Tucker Carlson? Always the opposing view is torn apart. The fact is, there is no argument from the left that can be backed up by fact. Taken down every time and filibustering is what happens by the guests. It is fking annoying as hell.

The art of irritation as demonstrated by the left. just talk and talk and talk and talk and babble and babble and babble and talk. fk them all.
lets try an easy one jk how about the denial that russia interfered with our election with 1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans ?

1. Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin wanted a President.
Enter Hillary, stage left.

2. "...1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans "

Au contraire....
Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin didn't want a disruptor....Trump.
Check out Russian Television..RT

"....the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times, who hosts the show On Contact, was consistently anti-Trump in his outlook. Hedges has called Trump “woefully unprepared” for the presidency and said his election could mean the creation of a “draconian police state.”

Stalwart liberal Thom Hartmann, who hosts The Big Picture, has aired programs with names like: “Dictator Trump Threatens Free Speech,” “Why Trump’s Cabinet Is a Basket of Deplorables,” “How Trump Could Bring on the Crash of 2016,” “Does Trump Mean the End of the Internet as We Know It?,” “Why Trump’s Win Is a Koch Coup Against Our Democracy” and “Is Donald Trump the Master of BS?”—to name a few.

Ed Schultz, who hosts News with Ed Schultz, also routinely ran segments that criticized Trump. “Who’s gonna stop Donald Trump!?” pleaded Schultz before a segment on how the GOP was worried about the reality-TV star’s unstoppable rise. Schultz also aired an interview with Bernie Sanders, who lambasted Trump’s bigotry and sexism and called Clinton “far and away the superior candidate”.

Lesser-known names on RT America have also criticized Trump on-air. Lee Camp, who hosts the satirical show Redacted Tonight, has mocked Trump relentlessly, calling one segment on climate change: “Why Donald Trump Is Dangerous For All Humanity.”
RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

A simple look through RT America’s YouTube channel throws up numerous clips in which guests refer to Trump as misogynistic, bigoted, and racist." RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

Wadda ya' say now??????
Why has Trump bashed everyone from Obama and Hillary to the leaders of the Dem party to the leaders of his own party ,and McCain and Corker?? Even those in his own cabinet have called him a moron
please, why don't they allow businesses to go in in black neighborhoods? Alderman are always voting them down. Calling the businesses racists. It is the loudest thing they do, is cry rasist all the time, it looks like they have the blacks backs while they are stabbing them in the back instead. saddd.
Can you cite an example?
1. There is the suggestion that I 'come up with' stuff.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.
Hence...100% accurate, true and correct.
Like I said FOX You're better than Hanitty or O'Reilly and they make about 25 million a year
How about Liz Wheeler at OAN? Tucker Carlson? Always the opposing view is torn apart. The fact is, there is no argument from the left that can be backed up by fact. Taken down every time and filibustering is what happens by the guests. It is fking annoying as hell.

The art of irritation as demonstrated by the left. just talk and talk and talk and talk and babble and babble and babble and talk. fk them all.
lets try an easy one jk how about the denial that russia interfered with our election with 1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans ?

1. Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin wanted a President.
Enter Hillary, stage left.

2. "...1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans "

Au contraire....
Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin didn't want a disruptor....Trump.
Check out Russian Television..RT

"....the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times, who hosts the show On Contact, was consistently anti-Trump in his outlook. Hedges has called Trump “woefully unprepared” for the presidency and said his election could mean the creation of a “draconian police state.”

Stalwart liberal Thom Hartmann, who hosts The Big Picture, has aired programs with names like: “Dictator Trump Threatens Free Speech,” “Why Trump’s Cabinet Is a Basket of Deplorables,” “How Trump Could Bring on the Crash of 2016,” “Does Trump Mean the End of the Internet as We Know It?,” “Why Trump’s Win Is a Koch Coup Against Our Democracy” and “Is Donald Trump the Master of BS?”—to name a few.

Ed Schultz, who hosts News with Ed Schultz, also routinely ran segments that criticized Trump. “Who’s gonna stop Donald Trump!?” pleaded Schultz before a segment on how the GOP was worried about the reality-TV star’s unstoppable rise. Schultz also aired an interview with Bernie Sanders, who lambasted Trump’s bigotry and sexism and called Clinton “far and away the superior candidate”.

Lesser-known names on RT America have also criticized Trump on-air. Lee Camp, who hosts the satirical show Redacted Tonight, has mocked Trump relentlessly, calling one segment on climate change: “Why Donald Trump Is Dangerous For All Humanity.”
RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

A simple look through RT America’s YouTube channel throws up numerous clips in which guests refer to Trump as misogynistic, bigoted, and racist." RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

Wadda ya' say now??????
Why has Trump bashed everyone from Obama and Hillary to the leaders of the Dem party to the leaders of his own party ,and McCain and Corker?? Even those in his own cabinet have called him a moron

"Why has Trump bashed everyone from...."

The thesis of this thread.....and one which you've helped that the hallmarks, policies and doctrines of the Democrat Party are insupportable.


a. The nation was founded on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Why do Liberals/Democrats support not of these?

b. The most basic of our freedoms is that of free speech.

But, under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech under penalty of loss of tax benefits.

What possible compelling government interest could this, restricting the free speech of religious folks, represent????

c. Democrats are for the Iran Nuclear Weapons Treaty. do you explain the war criminal, Obama, insisting that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism have nuclear weapons....and become the North Korea of the Middle East?

d. ....that there is no systemic racism, nothing more than the fact that some folks may not like you for whatever reasons.....something allowed by the first amendment,....

...Democrat voters can never provide support for the institutional 'racism' claims, with the commensurate policies that single out certain races, and slander others...outside of the totalitarian 'thought crimes' charge.

  1. a stupid person.
Morons, within the context of this thread, are Democrat voters who cannot explain the above, and why they favor same.

Don't you agree?

1. There is the suggestion that I 'come up with' stuff.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.
Hence...100% accurate, true and correct.
Like I said FOX You're better than Hanitty or O'Reilly and they make about 25 million a year
How about Liz Wheeler at OAN? Tucker Carlson? Always the opposing view is torn apart. The fact is, there is no argument from the left that can be backed up by fact. Taken down every time and filibustering is what happens by the guests. It is fking annoying as hell.

The art of irritation as demonstrated by the left. just talk and talk and talk and talk and babble and babble and babble and talk. fk them all.
lets try an easy one jk how about the denial that russia interfered with our election with 1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans ?

1. Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin wanted a President.
Enter Hillary, stage left.

2. "...1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans "

Au contraire....
Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin didn't want a disruptor....Trump.
Check out Russian Television..RT

"....the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times, who hosts the show On Contact, was consistently anti-Trump in his outlook. Hedges has called Trump “woefully unprepared” for the presidency and said his election could mean the creation of a “draconian police state.”

Stalwart liberal Thom Hartmann, who hosts The Big Picture, has aired programs with names like: “Dictator Trump Threatens Free Speech,” “Why Trump’s Cabinet Is a Basket of Deplorables,” “How Trump Could Bring on the Crash of 2016,” “Does Trump Mean the End of the Internet as We Know It?,” “Why Trump’s Win Is a Koch Coup Against Our Democracy” and “Is Donald Trump the Master of BS?”—to name a few.

Ed Schultz, who hosts News with Ed Schultz, also routinely ran segments that criticized Trump. “Who’s gonna stop Donald Trump!?” pleaded Schultz before a segment on how the GOP was worried about the reality-TV star’s unstoppable rise. Schultz also aired an interview with Bernie Sanders, who lambasted Trump’s bigotry and sexism and called Clinton “far and away the superior candidate”.

Lesser-known names on RT America have also criticized Trump on-air. Lee Camp, who hosts the satirical show Redacted Tonight, has mocked Trump relentlessly, calling one segment on climate change: “Why Donald Trump Is Dangerous For All Humanity.”
RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

A simple look through RT America’s YouTube channel throws up numerous clips in which guests refer to Trump as misogynistic, bigoted, and racist." RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

Wadda ya' say now??????
Why has Trump bashed everyone from Obama and Hillary to the leaders of the Dem party to the leaders of his own party ,and McCain and Corker?? Even those in his own cabinet have called him a moron
they all work together. Trump had that figured out during the elections. He opened up the public's eyes.
Like I said FOX You're better than Hanitty or O'Reilly and they make about 25 million a year
How about Liz Wheeler at OAN? Tucker Carlson? Always the opposing view is torn apart. The fact is, there is no argument from the left that can be backed up by fact. Taken down every time and filibustering is what happens by the guests. It is fking annoying as hell.

The art of irritation as demonstrated by the left. just talk and talk and talk and talk and babble and babble and babble and talk. fk them all.
lets try an easy one jk how about the denial that russia interfered with our election with 1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans ?

1. Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin wanted a President.
Enter Hillary, stage left.

2. "...1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans "

Au contraire....
Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin didn't want a disruptor....Trump.
Check out Russian Television..RT

"....the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times, who hosts the show On Contact, was consistently anti-Trump in his outlook. Hedges has called Trump “woefully unprepared” for the presidency and said his election could mean the creation of a “draconian police state.”

Stalwart liberal Thom Hartmann, who hosts The Big Picture, has aired programs with names like: “Dictator Trump Threatens Free Speech,” “Why Trump’s Cabinet Is a Basket of Deplorables,” “How Trump Could Bring on the Crash of 2016,” “Does Trump Mean the End of the Internet as We Know It?,” “Why Trump’s Win Is a Koch Coup Against Our Democracy” and “Is Donald Trump the Master of BS?”—to name a few.

Ed Schultz, who hosts News with Ed Schultz, also routinely ran segments that criticized Trump. “Who’s gonna stop Donald Trump!?” pleaded Schultz before a segment on how the GOP was worried about the reality-TV star’s unstoppable rise. Schultz also aired an interview with Bernie Sanders, who lambasted Trump’s bigotry and sexism and called Clinton “far and away the superior candidate”.

Lesser-known names on RT America have also criticized Trump on-air. Lee Camp, who hosts the satirical show Redacted Tonight, has mocked Trump relentlessly, calling one segment on climate change: “Why Donald Trump Is Dangerous For All Humanity.”
RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

A simple look through RT America’s YouTube channel throws up numerous clips in which guests refer to Trump as misogynistic, bigoted, and racist." RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

Wadda ya' say now??????
Why has Trump bashed everyone from Obama and Hillary to the leaders of the Dem party to the leaders of his own party ,and McCain and Corker?? Even those in his own cabinet have called him a moron

"Why has Trump bashed everyone from...."

The thesis of this thread.....and one which you've helped that the hallmarks, policies and doctrines of the Democrat Party are insupportable.


a. The nation was founded on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Why do Liberals/Democrats support not of these?

b. The most basic of our freedoms is that of free speech.

But, under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech under penalty of loss of tax benefits.

What possible compelling government interest could this, restricting the free speech of religious folks, represent????

c. Democrats are for the Iran Nuclear Weapons Treaty. do you explain the war criminal, Obama, insisting that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism have nuclear weapons....and become the North Korea of the Middle East?

d. ....that there is no systemic racism, nothing more than the fact that some folks may not like you for whatever reasons.....something allowed by the first amendment,....

...Democrat voters can never provide support for the institutional 'racism' claims, with the commensurate policies that single out certain races, and slander others...outside of the totalitarian 'thought crimes' charge.


    • a stupid person.
Morons, within the context of this thread, are Democrat voters who cannot explain the above, and why they favor same.

Don't you agree?
When his own people say he is ,who am I to disagree ? And the WH,,a daycare center?? The big question is are you and Trump tired of winning yet?......and an aside to old, I'm trying to punctuate.
please, why don't they allow businesses to go in in black neighborhoods? Alderman are always voting them down. Calling the businesses racists. It is the loudest thing they do, is cry rasist all the time, it looks like they have the blacks backs while they are stabbing them in the back instead. saddd.
Can you cite an example?
sure, they wanted to open a walmart.

Crain's Chicago Business

"News of Target's plan to open a store in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood brought back memories of Walmart's debut in the North Side enclave.

Righteous anger echoed through Lakeview when Bentonville, Arkansas-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said it was coming to the neighborhood back in 2011. Target's impending arrival appears to have sparked no such opposition, according to Bennett Lawson, chief of staff to Ald. Tom Tunney of Lakeview's 44th Ward.

As my colleague Micah Maidenberg reported on Nov. 12, Target Corp. plans to open a TargetExpress store at Belmont and Ashland avenues, on the western edge of Lakeview. TargetExpress is a smaller version of the big-box stores the Minneapolis-based discount retailer operates in suburban locations. The format is roughly comparable to that of the WalMart Neighborhood Market."
How about Liz Wheeler at OAN? Tucker Carlson? Always the opposing view is torn apart. The fact is, there is no argument from the left that can be backed up by fact. Taken down every time and filibustering is what happens by the guests. It is fking annoying as hell.

The art of irritation as demonstrated by the left. just talk and talk and talk and talk and babble and babble and babble and talk. fk them all.
lets try an easy one jk how about the denial that russia interfered with our election with 1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans ?

1. Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin wanted a President.
Enter Hillary, stage left.

2. "...1000's of posts to twitter and fb working to bs republicans "

Au contraire....
Let's get this straight, .....the Kremlin didn't want a disruptor....Trump.
Check out Russian Television..RT

"....the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times, who hosts the show On Contact, was consistently anti-Trump in his outlook. Hedges has called Trump “woefully unprepared” for the presidency and said his election could mean the creation of a “draconian police state.”

Stalwart liberal Thom Hartmann, who hosts The Big Picture, has aired programs with names like: “Dictator Trump Threatens Free Speech,” “Why Trump’s Cabinet Is a Basket of Deplorables,” “How Trump Could Bring on the Crash of 2016,” “Does Trump Mean the End of the Internet as We Know It?,” “Why Trump’s Win Is a Koch Coup Against Our Democracy” and “Is Donald Trump the Master of BS?”—to name a few.

Ed Schultz, who hosts News with Ed Schultz, also routinely ran segments that criticized Trump. “Who’s gonna stop Donald Trump!?” pleaded Schultz before a segment on how the GOP was worried about the reality-TV star’s unstoppable rise. Schultz also aired an interview with Bernie Sanders, who lambasted Trump’s bigotry and sexism and called Clinton “far and away the superior candidate”.

Lesser-known names on RT America have also criticized Trump on-air. Lee Camp, who hosts the satirical show Redacted Tonight, has mocked Trump relentlessly, calling one segment on climate change: “Why Donald Trump Is Dangerous For All Humanity.”
RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

A simple look through RT America’s YouTube channel throws up numerous clips in which guests refer to Trump as misogynistic, bigoted, and racist." RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

Wadda ya' say now??????
Why has Trump bashed everyone from Obama and Hillary to the leaders of the Dem party to the leaders of his own party ,and McCain and Corker?? Even those in his own cabinet have called him a moron

"Why has Trump bashed everyone from...."

The thesis of this thread.....and one which you've helped that the hallmarks, policies and doctrines of the Democrat Party are insupportable.


a. The nation was founded on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Why do Liberals/Democrats support not of these?

b. The most basic of our freedoms is that of free speech.

But, under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech under penalty of loss of tax benefits.

What possible compelling government interest could this, restricting the free speech of religious folks, represent????

c. Democrats are for the Iran Nuclear Weapons Treaty. do you explain the war criminal, Obama, insisting that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism have nuclear weapons....and become the North Korea of the Middle East?

d. ....that there is no systemic racism, nothing more than the fact that some folks may not like you for whatever reasons.....something allowed by the first amendment,....

...Democrat voters can never provide support for the institutional 'racism' claims, with the commensurate policies that single out certain races, and slander others...outside of the totalitarian 'thought crimes' charge.


    • a stupid person.
Morons, within the context of this thread, are Democrat voters who cannot explain the above, and why they favor same.

Don't you agree?
When his own people say he is ,who am I to disagree ? And the WH,,a daycare center?? The big question is are you and Trump tired of winning yet?......and an aside to old, I'm trying to punctuate.

That's because you still don't understand what happened.
As long as you imagine that it was the man who won, rather than the'll never get it.
That's why I'm teach you.

Alfred E. Neuman could have run and's not the candidate, it's the revulsion of the public at the government policies.... insurance....


.....special rights for certain groups


....spitting in the face of the attitudes and values that made America coin a phrase.

Trump voters were simply fed up.
please, why don't they allow businesses to go in in black neighborhoods? Alderman are always voting them down. Calling the businesses racists. It is the loudest thing they do, is cry rasist all the time, it looks like they have the blacks backs while they are stabbing them in the back instead. saddd.
Can you cite an example?
sure, they wanted to open a walmart.

Crain's Chicago Business

"News of Target's plan to open a store in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood brought back memories of Walmart's debut in the North Side enclave.

Righteous anger echoed through Lakeview when Bentonville, Arkansas-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said it was coming to the neighborhood back in 2011. Target's impending arrival appears to have sparked no such opposition, according to Bennett Lawson, chief of staff to Ald. Tom Tunney of Lakeview's 44th Ward.

As my colleague Micah Maidenberg reported on Nov. 12, Target Corp. plans to open a TargetExpress store at Belmont and Ashland avenues, on the western edge of Lakeview. TargetExpress is a smaller version of the big-box stores the Minneapolis-based discount retailer operates in suburban locations. The format is roughly comparable to that of the WalMart Neighborhood Market."
BTW, it will be for the same reason that the demolosers won't vote for tax relief and more job opportunity for middle class across the country with the tax vote. Impoverishment is the left's rule! the more there are the more votes for them, that's their motto. It's also why they are for immigration, keep the blacks down.
please, why don't they allow businesses to go in in black neighborhoods? Alderman are always voting them down. Calling the businesses racists. It is the loudest thing they do, is cry rasist all the time, it looks like they have the blacks backs while they are stabbing them in the back instead. saddd.
Can you cite an example?
sure, they wanted to open a walmart.

Crain's Chicago Business

"News of Target's plan to open a store in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood brought back memories of Walmart's debut in the North Side enclave.

Righteous anger echoed through Lakeview when Bentonville, Arkansas-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said it was coming to the neighborhood back in 2011. Target's impending arrival appears to have sparked no such opposition, according to Bennett Lawson, chief of staff to Ald. Tom Tunney of Lakeview's 44th Ward.

As my colleague Micah Maidenberg reported on Nov. 12, Target Corp. plans to open a TargetExpress store at Belmont and Ashland avenues, on the western edge of Lakeview. TargetExpress is a smaller version of the big-box stores the Minneapolis-based discount retailer operates in suburban locations. The format is roughly comparable to that of the WalMart Neighborhood Market."
The links you supplied didn't support your assertions at all. Also, aren't many political posts in Chicago held by Blacks? Seems like they would have objected even if they were Democrats.

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