Liberals crying.....Trump approval rating hits 50%....

Silly fucked up liar.

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Monday, April 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 50, Disapprove 50 Tie
President Trump Job Approval Pew Research Approve 42, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +10
Direction of Country Rasmussen Reports Right Direction 41, Wrong Track 53 Wrong Track +12
Sunday, April 16
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 41, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +12
Friday, April 14
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Marist Approve 39, Disapprove 49 Disapprove +10
Direction of Country Marist Right Direction 34, Wrong Track 57 Wrong Track +23
Thursday, April 13
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval CNBC Approve 39, Disapprove 48 Disapprove +9

RealClearPolitics - 2017 Latest Polls

Out of the six polls, one has the orange clown at 50% approval, the rest at less, some far less, than that.
Fact: Trump has never and will never break into the 50's if polls truly were bi partisan. He is the most unpopular president in US history and no matter how much his die hard loons support him, the majority of american's find him a nightmarish joke and that will never change.

I don't take any poll these days as an accurate representation of the American people.All the polls saying Hilary would win squashed the credibility of polls. If we say the negative polls aren't accurate then the positive ones can't be either. I don't know how polls will gain back their credibility after the election fiasco but for now they don't hold weight in my opinion.

Also the generalization on both sides isn't right. If you say that trump supporters are all or majority idiots loons whatever insult you pick.. this diminishes your own credibility to be objective or accurate in your statements.

I have seen Hilary supporters and anti trumpers that I think are stupid,racist,ignorant of facts etc.

But I am not going to say all or a majority of the 63 million people that voted for her are these things. 1. There's no way you can backup those claims and instead you end up looking like a brainwashed idiot. (Even if your not )
Both sides need to stop makin these statements it's not getting us anywhere

It's wrong to judge a large group of people by the actions of individuals. Even if you have seen hundreds or thousands of people demonstrate the accusation you are making.. that's not enough to apply it to 60 million people
Lets get something clear, I'm sick and tired of people making excuses for Trump supporters....after the vote.....after the vote. I get the wanting to try something new shit, I get it....but now that you've seen first hand this maniac in action and you still support this lunatic?? You are an idiot, a racist and a clueless cluster other words can describe a moron that finds it okay to continue to support his madness..who the fuck talks about chocolate cake as tho its the second coming of christ???? The man is a fuckin idiot.
You simply have no idea of fucking tired I am of people making excuses for progressives. Period.
Do tell, what damned excuses are liberals making? Its you nuts, who keep defending a clown that has done everything humanly possible to fuck this country right down to his ties with Russia to not releasing his taxes...excuses is all you do for this sir no longer have creds.....your insane like the rest of them
That was so last administration.
Fact: Trump has never and will never break into the 50's if polls truly were bi partisan. He is the most unpopular president in US history and no matter how much his die hard loons support him, the majority of american's find him a nightmarish joke and that will never change.

I don't take any poll these days as an accurate representation of the American people.All the polls saying Hilary would win squashed the credibility of polls. If we say the negative polls aren't accurate then the positive ones can't be either. I don't know how polls will gain back their credibility after the election fiasco but for now they don't hold weight in my opinion.

Also the generalization on both sides isn't right. If you say that trump supporters are all or majority idiots loons whatever insult you pick.. this diminishes your own credibility to be objective or accurate in your statements.

I have seen Hilary supporters and anti trumpers that I think are stupid,racist,ignorant of facts etc.

But I am not going to say all or a majority of the 63 million people that voted for her are these things. 1. There's no way you can backup those claims and instead you end up looking like a brainwashed idiot. (Even if your not )
Both sides need to stop makin these statements it's not getting us anywhere

It's wrong to judge a large group of people by the actions of individuals. Even if you have seen hundreds or thousands of people demonstrate the accusation you are making.. that's not enough to apply it to 60 million people
Lets get something clear, I'm sick and tired of people making excuses for Trump supporters....after the vote.....after the vote. I get the wanting to try something new shit, I get it....but now that you've seen first hand this maniac in action and you still support this lunatic?? You are an idiot, a racist and a clueless cluster other words can describe a moron that finds it okay to continue to support his madness..who the fuck talks about chocolate cake as tho its the second coming of christ???? The man is a fuckin idiot.
You simply have no idea of fucking tired I am of people making excuses for progressives. Period.
Do tell, what damned excuses are liberals making? Its you nuts, who keep defending a clown that has done everything humanly possible to fuck this country right down to his ties with Russia to not releasing his taxes...excuses is all you do for this sir no longer have creds.....your insane like the rest of them
That was so last administration.
Rasmussen is to polls, what Breitbart is to news. Completely fake nonsense.

On its final poll released Nov. 7, the day before Election Day, Rasmussen had Hillary Clinton up 2 points on Donald Trump. Clinton won the popular vote by 1 percentage point, even though Donald Trump beat her on electoral votes.

No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results.

Rasmussen calls itself most accurate pollster of 2016

:oops-28: Drat...liberal talking points foiled again.

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