Liberals do you agree or disagree? Rush: Left wanted a powerful state. Here it is

Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.
He's a fat, loudmouth, doctor-shopping junkie who can't get it up without more pills. Just let it go Chief Sellout.
If the left is so powerful, how come the Republicans are still able to fuck up the country?
Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

Assumes facts not in evidence. He was an addict long enough to lose his hearing. What is even worse is that he is a hypocrite. He condemned others for being addicts while he was one himself. He has never apologized for that. Anyone who trusts Limbaugh is a fool in my opinion.
Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

Assumes facts not in evidence. He was an addict long enough to lose his hearing. What is even worse is that he is a hypocrite. He condemned others for being addicts while he was one himself. He has never apologized for that. Anyone who trusts Limbaugh is a fool in my opinion.

How about you getting some facts.
He lost his hearing because of a autoimmune inner ear disease not because he was addicted to pain killers. That operation is what caused him to become addicted to pain killers.
A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

Assumes facts not in evidence. He was an addict long enough to lose his hearing. What is even worse is that he is a hypocrite. He condemned others for being addicts while he was one himself. He has never apologized for that. Anyone who trusts Limbaugh is a fool in my opinion.

How about you getting some facts.
He lost his hearing because of a autoimmune inner ear disease not because he was addicted to pain killers. That operation is what caused him to become addicted to pain killers.

The gullibility of Limbaugh's audience is a given.
Limbaugh said he no longer believed the Garner case involved a chokehold (“What are you talking about?” Wallace asked) and that the incident would not have occurred were the left not “so eager for tax collection.”

“How many cops descended on that situation for cigarettes?” he said. “How many people smoking marijuana did the cops ignore on the way to Eric Garner?…I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”

Limbaugh on Eric Garner The Left Wanted a Powerful State 8216 Here It Is 8217 Mediaite


How many cops beat up Rodney King in 1991? And why?
How many cops beat up and shot Oscar Grant through the top of his head at Fruitvale Station in 2009? And why?
How many cops shot Sean Bell in New York on his wedding day in 2006, and why?
Tax collection, my ass.
This is Rush Limbaugh at his slimiest.
He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

Assumes facts not in evidence. He was an addict long enough to lose his hearing. What is even worse is that he is a hypocrite. He condemned others for being addicts while he was one himself. He has never apologized for that. Anyone who trusts Limbaugh is a fool in my opinion.

How about you getting some facts.
He lost his hearing because of a autoimmune inner ear disease not because he was addicted to pain killers. That operation is what caused him to become addicted to pain killers.

The gullibility of Limbaugh's audience is a given.

The sheer stupidity is astounding.
He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

Oh sorry.....Recovering drug addict.

I think that thing on the side of his head is actually a saline-based drug pump, so that he gets his oxycodone in short, pulsating spurts....Kind of like his brain is having sex, since he's too fucking fat to have it with his wife.

Limbaugh said he no longer believed the Garner case involved a chokehold (“What are you talking about?” Wallace asked) and that the incident would not have occurred were the left not “so eager for tax collection.”

“How many cops descended on that situation for cigarettes?” he said. “How many people smoking marijuana did the cops ignore on the way to Eric Garner?…I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”

Limbaugh on Eric Garner The Left Wanted a Powerful State 8216 Here It Is 8217 Mediaite

Lol what the fuck? Are you kidding me? Man Rush's nuttiness never ceases to amaze me.
A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

Assumes facts not in evidence. He was an addict long enough to lose his hearing. What is even worse is that he is a hypocrite. He condemned others for being addicts while he was one himself. He has never apologized for that. Anyone who trusts Limbaugh is a fool in my opinion.

How about you getting some facts.
He lost his hearing because of a autoimmune inner ear disease not because he was addicted to pain killers. That operation is what caused him to become addicted to pain killers.

At least that's his explanation....

You really think Limpballs would want his redneck, rightie, uber-conservative audience to know he was/is a very big patron of the phony pain docs in south Florida?

I posted this on another thread.....Remember when Bush got this shiner from "choking on a pretzel"? Somebody clocked him. I'm wondering if it wasn't Laura after she caught him drinking....again.

Honey, come here real close and let me whisper in your naive little ear....Powerful people lie too. More than ordinary folks because they HAVE MORE TO LOSE if the truth comes out. Shhhhh....Just our little secret.

Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

He was addicted to "paid killers"?? I don't think that happens to many people.
He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

I count at least four felony's.
Last words of Starkey and PaintMyHouse right before the police gathers him up, "But, but but but but I thought if I sucked up to you guys I would be immune from the police state, I thought you only went after Reactionaries"
Useful idiots get it first.
Limbaugh said he no longer believed the Garner case involved a chokehold (“What are you talking about?” Wallace asked) and that the incident would not have occurred were the left not “so eager for tax collection.”

“How many cops descended on that situation for cigarettes?” he said. “How many people smoking marijuana did the cops ignore on the way to Eric Garner?…I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”

Limbaugh on Eric Garner The Left Wanted a Powerful State 8216 Here It Is 8217 Mediaite

This fails as a straw man fallacy, Limbaugh has contrived a lie intended to misrepresent his opponents' position.

In addition, the notion that Garner died as a consequence of 'taxes' fails as a post hoc fallacy, as Garner's death resulted from unwarranted excessive force inconsistent with established police procedures, having nothing to do with 'taxes' or a 'powerful state.'

That Limbaugh's 'argument' fails as a logical fallacy is nothing new, of course, and consistent with that of most other conservatives.

The hold is not illegal in NYC and the arrest is in perfect adherence with NYC police procedures... the arrest was being executed as a means to enforce NY City and State Tax code.

These are not even debatable points.
He was evading taxes meant to care for the poor, the sick and the homeless.

That is not debatable either.

Another case of tough shit.
Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.
Not like he was a Kennedy, and killed a girl while DUI, or crashed a plane while coked out.

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