Liberals do you agree or disagree? Rush: Left wanted a powerful state. Here it is

Coulter had a line on the tax angle:

"I mean, the Garner case is almost everything the left falsely said about Mike Brown. He really does seem to be a gentle giant. Oh, he had 31 arrests. Yeah, they're all for selling untaxed cigarettes. Notice that the left wing, you'll never see fascism like a liberal trying to collect taxes... I can prove it's has nothing to do with race. Usually it's Indians the cops are roughing up for selling untaxed cigarettes...

And if we knew -- if instead of selling untaxed cigarettes Eric Garner has been accused or guilty of assault, a rape, well then you wouldn't say that was undue force. What is shocking about that videotape is, are you kidding me? This is for selling untaxed cigarettes? Do not stand between a liberal and his taxes because that's how they pay for their beloved public sector unions and their ridiculous pensions..."

Coulter on Garner Do Not Stand Between A Liberal And His Taxes Video RealClearPolitics

Needless to say Coulter is FOS and lying again!

Garner was selling individual cigarettes to minors.

NYPD No. 3 s order over loose smokes led to Garner chokehold death - NY Daily News
Limbaugh said he no longer believed the Garner case involved a chokehold (“What are you talking about?” Wallace asked) and that the incident would not have occurred were the left not “so eager for tax collection.”

“How many cops descended on that situation for cigarettes?” he said. “How many people smoking marijuana did the cops ignore on the way to Eric Garner?…I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”

Limbaugh on Eric Garner The Left Wanted a Powerful State 8216 Here It Is 8217 Mediaite

This fails as a straw man fallacy, Limbaugh has contrived a lie intended to misrepresent his opponents' position.

In addition, the notion that Garner died as a consequence of 'taxes' fails as a post hoc fallacy, as Garner's death resulted from unwarranted excessive force inconsistent with established police procedures, having nothing to do with 'taxes' or a 'powerful state.'

That Limbaugh's 'argument' fails as a logical fallacy is nothing new, of course, and consistent with that of most other conservatives.
Coulter had a line on the tax angle:

"I mean, the Garner case is almost everything the left falsely said about Mike Brown. He really does seem to be a gentle giant. Oh, he had 31 arrests. Yeah, they're all for selling untaxed cigarettes. Notice that the left wing, you'll never see fascism like a liberal trying to collect taxes... I can prove it's has nothing to do with race. Usually it's Indians the cops are roughing up for selling untaxed cigarettes...

And if we knew -- if instead of selling untaxed cigarettes Eric Garner has been accused or guilty of assault, a rape, well then you wouldn't say that was undue force. What is shocking about that videotape is, are you kidding me? This is for selling untaxed cigarettes? Do not stand between a liberal and his taxes because that's how they pay for their beloved public sector unions and their ridiculous pensions..."

Coulter on Garner Do Not Stand Between A Liberal And His Taxes Video RealClearPolitics

Needless to say Coulter is FOS and lying again!

Garner was selling individual cigarettes to minors.

NYPD No. 3 s order over loose smokes led to Garner chokehold death - NY Daily News



Well he was selling cigarettes to MINORS! Well then he DESERVES to be chocked to death! Who in the HELL does he think HE IS?

I guess I will NEVER TIRE of Coulter being validated by Leftists, who come to contest her point of view.
Limbaugh said he no longer believed the Garner case involved a chokehold (“What are you talking about?” Wallace asked) and that the incident would not have occurred were the left not “so eager for tax collection.”

“How many cops descended on that situation for cigarettes?” he said. “How many people smoking marijuana did the cops ignore on the way to Eric Garner?…I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”

Limbaugh on Eric Garner The Left Wanted a Powerful State 8216 Here It Is 8217 Mediaite

This fails as a straw man fallacy, Limbaugh has contrived a lie intended to misrepresent his opponents' position.

In addition, the notion that Garner died as a consequence of 'taxes' fails as a post hoc fallacy, as Garner's death resulted from unwarranted excessive force inconsistent with established police procedures, having nothing to do with 'taxes' or a 'powerful state.'

That Limbaugh's 'argument' fails as a logical fallacy is nothing new, of course, and consistent with that of most other conservatives.

The hold is not illegal in NYC and the arrest is in perfect adherence with NYC police procedures... the arrest was being executed as a means to enforce NY City and State Tax code.

These are not even debatable points.
I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”
He makes a very good point. Outbreaks of extreme violence tend to happen in this country when government tries to legislate against the will of the people. Prohibition against people taking a drink gave rise to huge black markets in liquor in the 1920s, and the attendant violence by lawbreaking suppliers as gangsters took root in Chicago and othe major cities and "competed" for the artificially-created market in the only way they knew how. Ditto for marijuana, cocaine etc. later, and now it's starting as the government turns against people who simply want a cigarette and those who supply them.

Self-destructive though the particular habit may be, government ALWAYS creates more problems than it solves when it tries to restrict and punish people, not to protec the rights of others, but simply "for their own good".
Yeah, that FDA and EPA keeping your drugs and water safe just sucks. Let's get rid of them and go back to when the drugs would kill you and the rivers caught on fire. Ah, the good old days.

Except the majority of people were for that.
The majority are against over excessive high cigarette taxes.
You just ignored the ("to legislate against the will of the people")
I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”
He makes a very good point. Outbreaks of extreme violence tend to happen in this country when government tries to legislate against the will of the people. Prohibition against people taking a drink gave rise to huge black markets in liquor in the 1920s, and the attendant violence by lawbreaking suppliers as gangsters took root in Chicago and othe major cities and "competed" for the artificially-created market in the only way they knew how. Ditto for marijuana, cocaine etc. later, and now it's starting as the government turns against people who simply want a cigarette and those who supply them.

Self-destructive though the particular habit may be, government ALWAYS creates more problems than it solves when it tries to restrict and punish people, not to protec the rights of others, but simply "for their own good".
Yeah, that FDA and EPA keeping your drugs and water safe just sucks. Let's get rid of them and go back to when the drugs would kill you and the rivers caught on fire. Ah, the good old days.

Except the majority of people were for that.
The majority are against over excessive high cigarette taxes.
You just ignored the ("to legislate against the will of the people")
They are? Prove it. Love to see you try.
The majority are against over excessive high cigarette taxes.


About 18% of the population smoke.

Why would the 82% majority who don't smoke care what the tax rate is on cigarettes?
They wouldn't, or they'd like it so high that no one smoked!

Smoking is a lot like playing the lottery, basically a tax on idiots who can't do the math.

Even if you don't get cancer you still end up with emphysema which ruins the quality of your life and can kill you with a heart attack. You stink, your clothes, home, car, etc all stink. Your addiction forces you to stand outside in all kinds of bad weather and you have to constantly be buying more cigarettes at ever increasing prices.

Then there is the loss of your sense of smell and taste. The discoloration of your fingers, the aging of your skin, the inability to do anything physical which might otherwise be enjoyable like playing football with your kids or grandkids.

So yes, there are some seriously stupid people out there and you can't stop stupidity.
I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”

Self-destructive though the particular habit may be, government ALWAYS creates more problems than it solves when it tries to restrict and punish people, not to protect the rights of others, but simply "for their own good".
I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”
He makes a very good point. Outbreaks of extreme violence tend to happen in this country when government tries to legislate against the will of the people. Prohibition against people taking a drink gave rise to huge black markets in liquor in the 1920s, and the attendant violence by lawbreaking suppliers as gangsters took root in Chicago and other major cities and "competed" for the artificially-created market in the only way they knew how. Ditto for marijuana, cocaine etc. later, and now it's starting as the government turns against people who simply want a cigarette and those who supply them.

Self-destructive though the particular habit may be, government ALWAYS creates more problems than it solves when it tries to restrict and punish people, not to protect the rights of others, but simply "for their own good".
I think the real outrage here is an American died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes! It’s absurd. People talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is.”
He makes a very good point. Outbreaks of extreme violence tend to happen in this country when government tries to legislate against the will of the people. Prohibition against people taking a drink gave rise to huge black markets in liquor in the 1920s, and the attendant violence by lawbreaking suppliers as gangsters took root in Chicago and othe major cities and "competed" for the artificially-created market in the only way they knew how. Ditto for marijuana, cocaine etc. later, and now it's starting as the government turns against people who simply want a cigarette and those who supply them.

Self-destructive though the particular habit may be, government ALWAYS creates more problems than it solves when it tries to restrict and punish people, not to protec the rights of others, but simply "for their own good".
Yeah, that FDA and EPA keeping your drugs and water safe just sucks. Let's get rid of them and go back to when the drugs would kill you and the rivers caught on fire. Ah, the good old days.

Except the majority of people were for that.
The majority are against over excessive high cigarette taxes.
You just ignored the ("to legislate against the will of the people")
They are? Prove it. Love to see you try.

Depends on who you ask the smokers or non smokers.
When Are Cigarette Taxes Too High - TIME

Way back in 2008 - The effect will be "the creation of a black market for a legal product," says Robert Levy, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. He was right.
until proven otherwise, Lush is full of crap. He makes his living wallowing, and stirring shit. The profession suits him well.

But in fact every pathetic attempt of the Left to duplicate Rush Limbaugh's success on AM radio, even with the aid of tax money, has failed dramatically. It's easy to throw popcorn at people who succeed. It just cements your legacy as a loser.

If I was given the choice between being a homeless bum or have a job like Limbaugh's I would pick the former because it would mean that I would get to keep my self respect and sense of decency.
Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.
until proven otherwise, Lush is full of crap. He makes his living wallowing, and stirring shit. The profession suits him well.

But in fact every pathetic attempt of the Left to duplicate Rush Limbaugh's success on AM radio, even with the aid of tax money, has failed dramatically. It's easy to throw popcorn at people who succeed. It just cements your legacy as a loser.

If I was given the choice between being a homeless bum or have a job like Limbaugh's I would pick the former because it would mean that I would get to keep my self respect and sense of decency.
Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

you could never be Rush Limbaugh

A sound reason for eternal gratitude!
Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News
Ha, as if you had more than one choice in that scenario. You can always be a homeless bum, but you could never be Rush Limbaugh.

A 1%er drug addict with a book to sell? Is that the new aspiration for the RWN's?

He's not a drug addict, dumbass.

He was addicted to oxycontin.

Prosecutors' three-year investigation of Limbaugh began after he publicly acknowledged being addicted to pain medication and entered a rehabilitation program. They accused Limbaugh of "doctor shopping," or illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions, after learning that he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News

He suffered a temporary paid killer addiction, something that happens to millions of Americans. Holding that over his head forever is just crappy. But you Leftists are despicable people who would do just that. May you be judged just as harshly for your past mistakes.

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