Liberals = Eisenhower-era Republicans?

We will prove our good faith by:

Appointing qualified persons, without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the Government.

Federal action toward the elimination of lynching.

Those darn pesky radical Christians must be stopped!
We recommend to Congress the submission of a Constitutional Amendment providing equal rights for men and women.

We favor legislation assuring equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.

Hey! How'd that get in there? Did Maddow put that in there?
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.

An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.

America spent 2-3 times on infrastructure, science and r&d during the 40's, 50's and 60's compared to today. Social spending on welfare is one thing but things that create jobs is quite another. China, India and nearly every major society spends on themselves if they want to advance and we see this today.

The private sector plays a important hand in the economy but to say that the public doesn't? Is changing history.
On to 1956, after four years of Ike in office:

We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs—expansion of social securitybroadened coverage in unemployment insurance —improved housing—and better health protection for all our people.

Just for a start, you won't find many GOPers big on this:

"Civil Rights

We condemn bigots who inject class, racial and religious prejudice into public and political matters. Bigotry is un-American and a danger to the Republic.

We deplore the duplicity and insincerity of the Party in power in racial and religious matters. Although they have been in office as a Majority Party for many years, they have not kept nor do they intend to keep their promises.

The Republican Party will not mislead, exploit or attempt to confuse minority groups for political purposes. All American citizens are entitled to full, impartial enforcement of Federal laws relating to their civil rights.

We believe that it is the primary responsibility of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions, and this power, reserved to the states, is essential to the maintenance of our Federal Republic. However, we believe that the Federal Government should take supplemental action within its constitutional jurisdiction to oppose discrimination against race, religion or national origin.

We will prove our good faith by:

Appointing qualified persons, without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the Government.

Federal action toward the elimination of lynching.

Federal action toward the elimination of poll taxes as a prerequisite to voting.

Appropriate action to end segregation in the District of Columbia.

Enacting Federal legislation to further just and equitable treatment in the area of discriminatory employment practices. Federal action should not duplicate state efforts to end such practices; should not set up another huge bureaucracy.

We pledge not to infringe by censorship or gag-order the right of a free people to know what their Government is doing.

Equal Rights
We recommend to Congress the submission of a Constitutional Amendment providing equal rights for men and women.

We favor legislation assuring equal pay for equal work regardless of sex."

Under Eisenhower, we had major investment in infrastructure and the middle class flourished.
Today's Right doesn't support either.

Like the 1.8 billion dollars given to Baltimore under obama.....yeah...that was money well spent....did they use it to buy matches and gasoline......?
Social Security has been extended to an additional 10 million workers and the benefits raised for 6 1/2 million.

All workers have gained and unions have grown in strength and responsibility, and have increased their membership by 2 millions.

Ike's destroying Merka!
1956 GOP Platform:
Continue and further perfect its programs of assistance to the millions of workers with special employment problems, such as older workers, handicapped workers, members of minority groups, and migratory workers


Job stealing immigrants!?!
Just for a start, you won't find many GOPers big on this:

"Civil Rights

We condemn bigots who inject class, racial and religious prejudice into public and political matters. Bigotry is un-American and a danger to the Republic.

We deplore the duplicity and insincerity of the Party in power in racial and religious matters. Although they have been in office as a Majority Party for many years, they have not kept nor do they intend to keep their promises.

The Republican Party will not mislead, exploit or attempt to confuse minority groups for political purposes. All American citizens are entitled to full, impartial enforcement of Federal laws relating to their civil rights.

We believe that it is the primary responsibility of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions, and this power, reserved to the states, is essential to the maintenance of our Federal Republic. However, we believe that the Federal Government should take supplemental action within its constitutional jurisdiction to oppose discrimination against race, religion or national origin.

We will prove our good faith by:

Appointing qualified persons, without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the Government.

Federal action toward the elimination of lynching.

Federal action toward the elimination of poll taxes as a prerequisite to voting.

Appropriate action to end segregation in the District of Columbia.

Enacting Federal legislation to further just and equitable treatment in the area of discriminatory employment practices. Federal action should not duplicate state efforts to end such practices; should not set up another huge bureaucracy.

We pledge not to infringe by censorship or gag-order the right of a free people to know what their Government is doing.

Equal Rights
We recommend to Congress the submission of a Constitutional Amendment providing equal rights for men and women.

We favor legislation assuring equal pay for equal work regardless of sex."

Under Eisenhower, we had major investment in infrastructure and the middle class flourished.
Today's Right doesn't support either.

Like the 1.8 billion dollars given to Baltimore under obama.....yeah...that was money well spent....did they use it to buy matches and gasoline......?

If it didn't go to police, infrastructure, education and r&d jobs maybe not. The problem with Balitmore is the culture of bad leadership and never ending circling poverty. Most people in the 50's had enough sense along with our leaders to invest in things that helped this country move forward. Investment isn't the enemy! Idiocy is.
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)
Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is this true?
Are today's liberals in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform?
Slick bemoaned after HillaryCare went down to defeat that "Great, we'll govern like Eisenhower Republicans." Worked out pretty good too. Maddow's a talking head, but probably the candidate that can get the middle will be the next potus.
Just for a start, you won't find many GOPers big on this:

"Civil Rights

We condemn bigots who inject class, racial and religious prejudice into public and political matters. Bigotry is un-American and a danger to the Republic.

We deplore the duplicity and insincerity of the Party in power in racial and religious matters. Although they have been in office as a Majority Party for many years, they have not kept nor do they intend to keep their promises.

The Republican Party will not mislead, exploit or attempt to confuse minority groups for political purposes. All American citizens are entitled to full, impartial enforcement of Federal laws relating to their civil rights.

We believe that it is the primary responsibility of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions, and this power, reserved to the states, is essential to the maintenance of our Federal Republic. However, we believe that the Federal Government should take supplemental action within its constitutional jurisdiction to oppose discrimination against race, religion or national origin.

We will prove our good faith by:

Appointing qualified persons, without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the Government.

Federal action toward the elimination of lynching.

Federal action toward the elimination of poll taxes as a prerequisite to voting.

Appropriate action to end segregation in the District of Columbia.

Enacting Federal legislation to further just and equitable treatment in the area of discriminatory employment practices. Federal action should not duplicate state efforts to end such practices; should not set up another huge bureaucracy.

We pledge not to infringe by censorship or gag-order the right of a free people to know what their Government is doing.

Equal Rights
We recommend to Congress the submission of a Constitutional Amendment providing equal rights for men and women.

We favor legislation assuring equal pay for equal work regardless of sex."

Under Eisenhower, we had major investment in infrastructure and the middle class flourished.
Today's Right doesn't support either.

Like the 1.8 billion dollars given to Baltimore under obama.....yeah...that was money well spent....did they use it to buy matches and gasoline......?

so how did Obama get that money away from the House Republicans ???

bet he held then at gun point after he took their family hostage ...
1956 GOP Platform:
We have strengthened the Food and Drug Administration

Provide assistance to improve the economic conditions of areas faced with persistent and substantial unemployment

Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period.
Mass Destruction of Capital as a Liberal Economic Panacea National Review Online
Also recall that there was only a tiny anount of federal social spending at the time.
An article about Liberals on National Review? Must be unbiased.
Did you read the article? No?
Funny how you judge from ignorance and then complain about bias.
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.

To be fair the RP had its own divisions going on at the time -- the above and the McCarthy hot air being part of the Red Scare daze mentioned earlier (which also deliberately tried to corrupt the meaning of the term Liberal). But Eisenhower disdained that sort of thing, happily describing the Wisconsin Senator's grandstanding as "McCarthywasism" (from McCarthyism)

You mean where McCarthy accurately pointed out the communists actually in government...that McCarthy...?
There's one under your bed right now. He's in cahoots with the ISIS terrorist in your closet.

Watch out!
Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is this true?
Are today's liberals in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform?
Slick bemoaned after HillaryCare went down to defeat that "Great, we'll govern like Eisenhower Republicans." Worked out pretty good too. Maddow's a talking head, but probably the candidate that can get the middle will be the next potus.

The middle is made of people that generally want well paved roads, like the public sector if it does a good public service and wants to see America be a first world country. Slash, cut and burn is a bad policy to convince them that the republicans are the right party to lead.

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